3,209 research outputs found

    Decision-making in the planning process and the contribution of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) : a case study based [on] comparative analysis of major sports events in Brazil and England

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    Tourist events, including major sports events and related infrastructure, comprise one of the fastest growing segments of the world tourism market. Despite the growth and popularity of tourist events, one specific aspect of them that has received limited attention from researchers is the subject of environmental impacts. For this reason, the present research investigates the decision-making in the planning process and the contribution of EIA in the context of major sports events and related infrastructure in Brazil and England. In order to achieve such an aim, the research process firstly involved the establishment of a theoretical framework which draws upon strands of theories related to the fields of EIA, decision-making and public participation in environmental assessment with the purpose of informing the data collection and data analysis. Secondly, the systems of planning and environmental impact assessment (EIA) in England and Brazil were examined. Thirdly, fieldwork was conducted in both countries, where semi-structured interviews and document analysis were applied in the context of the case studies: Rio 2007 Pan American Games and London 2012 Olympic Games. The results of the research have demonstrated that EIA and other environmental assessment tools still have a long way to go in terms of being fully considered planning and decision-making tools in the context of major sports events. In addition, the results from the case studies also show that decision-makers do not perceive the real potential of EIA and other assessment procedures either as planning and decision-making tools or as vehicles for social learning and sustainable development. Therefore the lessons learnt from the Rio 2007 Pan American Games and from other experiences elsewhere, such as from London 2012, are vital to improve the planning process and the environmental sustainability of the forthcoming major sports events held in Brazil (the Football World Cup in 2014 and the Rio Summer Olympic Games in 2016)

    Shakespeare’s Sonnets in Brazil: Striking a Balance Between Losses and Gains in the Translation Process

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    Traditional notions surrounding translation have for many centuries defined the translator’s idea of his own task as limited, mechanical, and devoid of any creativity, creativity being a characteristic of the author, not the translator. This issue is particularly at stake in the case of poetry translation, where the transporting of the combination of sound and meaning to another language becomes the one great challenge. In this article, an analysis is made of the way three Brazilian translators of Shakespeare’s Sonnets explain and deal with their own translation choices. These choices are often dictated by a negotiation process based on loss and compensation.Les idées reçues sur la traduction ont laissé entendre, pendant des siècles, que le traducteur considère son métier comme limité, mécanique et dépourvu de toute créativité, celle-ci étant un trait exclusif du génie de l’auteur et non du traducteur. Cette problématique est particulièrement présente dans le cas de la traduction poétique, où le transfert de la combinaison de son et de sens constitue le grand défi des traducteurs. Le présent article fait état d’une analyse visant à montrer comment trois traducteurs brésiliens des Sonnets de Shakespeare expliquent et négocient leurs choix de traduction. Ces choix sont souvent dictés par un processus de négociation qui a pour base la perte et la compensation

    Schizophrenia: listening to carer mothers

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    Objetivou-se investigar as repercussões desencadeadas na vida de mães cuidadoras ao longo do curso do transtorno esquizofrênico de seus filhos. Doze participantes responderam a uma entrevista semiestruturada e suas narrativas foram examinadas por meio da análise de conteúdo temática. Foram encontrados sete eixos temáticos, cada qual apontando momentos, problemáticas e correlatos emocionais específicos: estranhamento, o estigma da loucura, a chegada ao consultório médico, o diagnóstico, resistindo ao tratamento médico, mudanças na vida, aceitação ou resignação. Os resultados evidenciaram a natureza invasiva do transtorno mental na vida da mãe cuidadora, a especificidade das sobrecargas vivenciadas em cada período do curso da esquizofrenia e a dificuldade encontrada na elaboração psíquica da condição do filho, mesmo após muitos anos do diagnóstico.This paper aims to investigate the impact on the lives of carer mothers of a son or daughter with a schizophrenic disorder. Twelve participants were questioned in a semi-structured interview, and their stories were reviewed by means of an analysis of the thematic content. The data showed seven themes relating to different moments, each one with specific demands and emotional responses: alienation; the stigma of mental disorder; seeking psychiatric help; diagnosis; resisting medical treatment; life changes; acceptance or resignation. The findings showed the following: Living with a chronic mental disorder, for the participants of this study, was associated with a severe disruption in their lives; the burden of care was different at different moments of the course of the schizophrenia; the emotional acceptance of the son's or daughter's situation was very hard, even many years after diagnosis.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Perfil das parturientes e seus recém-nascidos atendidos em um hospital-escola do Noroeste do Estado do Paraná

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo trazar el perfil de parturientes y sus recién nacidos atendidos en un hospital escuela, a partir del Sistema de Informaciones sobre Nacidos Vivos - SINASC. Para lo cual, fue realizado un estudio descriptivo y exploratorio que identificó las características de todas las parturientes y sus recién nacidos atendidos en el Hospital Universitario de Maringá - HUM en el año de 2006. Se observó que 27,1% de las parturientes eran adolescentes, 68,4% no tenían compañero, 59,3% residían fuera de Maringá, 63,6% realizaron siete o más consultas de prenatal. La proporción de parto cesárea fue de 50,4%. Los recién nacidos, en su mayoría, presentaron una buena vitalidad al nacer, a pesar de que 25,5% eran prematuros y 23,6% de bajo peso al nacer. Con los resultados, fue posible trazar el perfil de las parturientas y de sus recién nacidos, atendidos en el HUM, y demostrar la posibilidad de utilizar el SINASC como uno de los instrumentos de evaluación de la salud en una unidad terciaria y proponer intervenciones capaces de prevenir la morbimortalidad materno-infantil.O estudo teve como objetivo traçar o perfil de parturientes e seus recém-nascidos atendidos em um hospital-escola, a partir do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos - SINASC. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo descritivo exploratório que identificou as características de todas parturientes e seus recém-nascidos atendidos no Hospital Universitário de Maringá - HUM no ano de 2006. Observou-se que 27,1% das parturientes eram adolescentes, 68,4% não tinham companheiro, 59,3% residiam fora de Maringá, 63,6% realizaram sete ou mais consultas de pré-natal. A proporção de parto cesárea foi de 50,4%. Os recém-nascidos, em sua maioria, apresentaram boa vitalidade ao nascer, embora 25,5% eram pré-termos e 23,6% baixo peso ao nascer. Com os resultados, foi possível traçar o perfil das parturientes e seus recém-nascidos atendidos no HUM, demonstrar a possibilidade de utilização do SINASC como um dos instrumentos de avaliação em saúde em unidade terciária e propor intervenções capazes de prevenir a morbimortalidade materno-infantil.The study had the purpose to outline the profile of parturients and their newborn babies receiving care in a school hospital, based on the Live Birth Information System - Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos - SINASC. For so, a descriptive, exploratory study was elaborated, identifying the characteristics of all the parturients and their newborns receiving care at Hospital Universitário de Maringá - HUM in 2006. It was observed that 27.1% of the parturients were adolescents, 68.4% had no partner, 59.3% lived outside Maringá, and 63.6% had seven or more pre-natal appointments. The ratio of cesarian sections was 50.4%. The newborns, mostly, had good vitality at birth, although 25.5% were preterms and 23.6% had low weight at birth. With the results, it was possible to outline the profile of the parturients and their newborns receiving care at the HUM, show the possibility of using the SINASC as an instrument of health evaluation in tertiary units and propose interventions capable of preventing maternal-child morbimortality

    Álbum de la familia y esquizofrenia: convivencia en retrato

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    A incidência da esquizofrenia em um membro da família freqüentemente gera sofrimento psíquico intenso e persistente em seus cuidadores. Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar o funcionamento psicodinâmico de mães cuidadoras de indivíduos com mais de cinco anos de diagnóstico de esquizofrenia. Para tanto, utilizou-se um procedimento intitulado Álbum de Família, no qual fotografias do arquivo familiar serviram como estímulo de apercepção temática. Foram investigadas três mães e os dados obtidos foram coletados e analisados na perspectiva metodológica qualitativa. Os resultados obtidos apontaram para raras fotografias do período pós-diagnóstico, escasso número de fotografias que incluíam o pai e significativa preocupação em enfatizar as características saudáveis da infância do filho acometido. As narrativas sugeriram vivência de culpa, sobrecarga emocional, fixação no passado e repressão dos afetos. Concluiu-se que, mesmo após longo tempo de convivência com o transtorno esquizofrênico do filho, muitas feridas permanecem, ainda que significadas de maneira particular para cada mãe, indicando a necessidade de atenção psicológica a essa população.A schizophrenia diagnosis in the family frequently leaves to a severe and persistent psychological suffering. Considering this issue, the purpose of the study was to investigate the psychodynamic functioning in caring mothers of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia for at least five years. The instrument used was entitled Family Album, based on family pictures and the free associations about them. Three mothers were investigated by this proceeding and data were collected and treated by qualitative methodological approach. Results showed rare pictures of post-diagnosis moments, few pictures showing the father and a significant worry in emphasize healthy childhood of schizophrenic son. Data indicated guilty, emotional burden of care and difficulty to accept the new condition of their son. Concluding, even thus a lot of years living with the son’s condition, many difficulties remain, although in different ways for each mother. Therefore, psychological attention to this population is required.La esquizofrenia de un miembro familiar genera un sufrimiento psíquico frecuentemente intenso y persistente en sus cuidadores. En este sentido, se pretendió investigar el funcionamiento psicodinámico de madres cuidadoras de individuos diagnosticados con esquizofrenia hace más de cinco años. Para tal fin, se utilizó un procedimiento intitulado Álbum de la Familia, en lo cual fotografías del archivo familiar sirvieron como estímulos de apercepción temática. Los datos referentes a las tres participantes fueron tratados bajo abordaje metodológica cualitativa. Los resultados obtenidos apuntaron para raras fotografías del período después del diagnosis, raro número de fotografías que incluían el padre y significativa preocupación en enfatizar las características saludables de la infancia del hijo acometido. Las narrativas sugirieron experiencia de culpa, sobrecarga emocional, fijación en el pasado y represión de los afectos. Se concluyó que, mismo después de largo tiempo de convivencia con el trastorno esquizofrénico, muchas heridas permanecen, a pesar de que de manera particular para cada madre, indicando la necesidad de atención psicológica junto a esa población

    Effective Topical and Oral Treatments for Skin Aging: Review

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    The utilization of both systemic and topical treatments in dermatology with the expectation that their combination will enhance attributed benefits and provide preventive dermatology has gained interest. In order to identify effective combined treatments for skin aging, a systematic review was conducted (clinical trials), which comprehensively searched the Capes Journal Portal of E-Journals. Out of the 4543 articles evaluated, only 24 were deemed eligible for final analysis. The findings were characterized as clinical studies that evaluated various combinations of treatments. It was concluded that the efficacy of collagen peptides, antioxidants, moisturizers, and lifestyle changes in mitigating skin aging resulted in improvements in the firmness, elasticity, hydration, and antioxidant protection of human skin

    The bidirectional relationship between obesity and periodontal disease – a narrative review

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    Periodontal diseases (PD) are multifactorial, chronic and infectious-inflammatory diseases that destroy periodontal attachment tissues and bacterial biofilms. Obesity is a chronic, multifactorial disease in which there is an excessive accumulation of body fat that harms the health and well-being of an individual. Periodontal diseases are important in the context of general health since they may be linked to several systemic diseases, such as obesity. This article aims to highlight the bidirectional relationship between obesity and periodontal disease. Materials and methods: The bibliographic review covered the PubMed, LILACS, and SciELO databases, and comprised studies and articles about the possible correlation between obesity and periodontal diseases between 2017 and 2021. In this context, periodontal diseases and obesity are similarly chronic, multifactorial, inflammatory and complex diseases which may interact with each other. The biological mechanisms responsible for the pathophysiology between periodontal diseases and obesity have not been fully understood. Their possible correlation is based on the production of hormones and cytokines via adipose tissue, altering the inflammatory response and interfering with the immune system. The data from this review demonstrate a lack of clinical studies assessing the role of periodontal diseases as a risk factor and as aggravation of obesity. Moreover, these data may support clinical research in this context

    A República em Santa Catarina: modernidade e exclusão (1889-1920)

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    Estressores pós-tratamento do câncer de mama: um enfoque qualitativo

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    With the increasing effectiveness of breast cancer treatment, the scientific interest in investigating the quality of life of survivors has increased. However, research addressing the post-treatment period is still scarce. The aim of this study was to identify the stressors present in the lives of women in the one to five years post-diagnosis period. The sample was composed of 16 women assisted at a specialized mastectomy rehabilitation service. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using content analysis. The results indicate conflicts with self-image and alteration in the feeling of autonomy, fear in relation to the evolution of the condition, feelings of guilt about the disorder generated in the family, experience of disturbing social situations and a desire to return to their professional occupation. These results reveal the existence of stressors in this phase and the importance of support offered by psychosocial rehabilitation services for this population.Con la creciente resolutividad del tratamiento del cáncer de mama, ha aumentado el interés científico por la investigación de la calidad de vida de las sobrevivientes. Sin embargo, todavía son escasas las investigaciones que abordan el período post-tratamiento. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo identificar los factores estresantes presentes en la vida de mujeres en el período de uno a cinco años post-diagnóstico. Fueron investigadas 16 mujeres atendidas en un servicio especializado en rehabilitación de mastectomizadas. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante entrevista semiestructurada y analizados por medio del análisis de contenido. Los resultados indicaron conflictos con la autoimagen, alteración en la sensación de autosuficiencia, miedo en relación a la evolución del cuadro, sentimiento de culpa por el trastorno generado en la familia, vivencia de situaciones sociales perturbadoras y, deseo de retornar a la ocupación profesional. Esos resultados refuerzan la comprobación de la existencia de factores estresantes en esta fase y la importancia del apoyo ofrecido por los servicios de rehabilitación psicosocial junto a esa población.Com a crescente resolutividade do tratamento do câncer de mama, tem aumentado o interesse científico pela investigação da qualidade de vida das sobreviventes. No entanto, ainda são escassas as pesquisas que abordam o período pós-tratamento. Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar os estressores presentes na vida de mulheres, no período de um a cinco anos pós-diagnóstico. Foram investigadas 16 mulheres, atendidas em um serviço especializado em reabilitação de mastectomizadas. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevista semiestruturada e analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicaram conflitos com a autoimagem e alteração na sensação de autossuficiência, medo em relação à evolução do quadro, sentimento de culpa pelo transtorno gerado na família, vivência de situações sociais perturbadoras e desejo de retornar à ocupação profissional. Esses resultados reforçam a existência de estressores nessa fase e a importância do apoio oferecido pelos serviços de reabilitação psicossocial, junto a essa população

    Analysing Symbolic Regression Benchmarks under a Meta-Learning Approach

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    The definition of a concise and effective testbed for Genetic Programming (GP) is a recurrent matter in the research community. This paper takes a new step in this direction, proposing a different approach to measure the quality of the symbolic regression benchmarks quantitatively. The proposed approach is based on meta-learning and uses a set of dataset meta-features---such as the number of examples or output skewness---to describe the datasets. Our idea is to correlate these meta-features with the errors obtained by a GP method. These meta-features define a space of benchmarks that should, ideally, have datasets (points) covering different regions of the space. An initial analysis of 63 datasets showed that current benchmarks are concentrated in a small region of this benchmark space. We also found out that number of instances and output skewness are the most relevant meta-features to GP output error. Both conclusions can help define which datasets should compose an effective testbed for symbolic regression methods.Comment: 8 pages, 3 Figures, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Kyoto, Japa