31 research outputs found

    A identidade lésbica como experiência credível de existência dentro do Coletivo LGBT Lutas e Cores de Caruaru/PE

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    Our problematization intends to investigate the experiences of the lesbian women of the LGBT Collective Fights and Colors in the face of lesbophobia and sexism? To accomplish this collection, we have as a general objective to know the experiences of lesbian women of the LGBT Collective Fights and Colors in the face of lesbophobia and sexism and as specific objectives we seek to systematize the lesbian women’s experiences of the LGBT Collective Fights and Colors in coping with lesbophobia and to systematize the lesbian experiences of the LGBT Collective Fights and Colors in the face of sexism. These researchers were theoretically based on the themes of Gender, Sexuality and Sexual Diversity, together with the poststructuralist perspectives. Our analyzes point out that it is in the face of lesbophobia and sexism that the lesbian activists of the LGBT Collective Fights and Colors find their strengths and their spaces of voice and instead to act as protagonists. The coping strategies and the search for the promotion and valorization of lesbian identities are fabricated as practical answers to naturalized prejudice and freely accepted by societyNossa problematização pretende investigar quais as experiências das mulheres lésbicas do Coletivo LGBT Lutas e Cores no enfrentamento da lesbofobia e do sexismo? Para realizamos essa coleta, elencamos como objetivo geral conhecer quais as experiências das mulheres lésbicas do Coletivo LGBT Lutas e Cores no enfrentamento da lesbofobia e do sexismo e como objetivos específicos procuramos sistematizar as experiências das mulheres lésbicas do Coletivo LGBT Lutas e Cores no enfrentamento da lesbofobia e sistematizar as experiências das mulheres lésbicas do Coletivo LGBT Lutas e Cores no enfrentamento do sexismo. Embasaram teoricamente essa investigação pesquisadores das temáticas de Gênero, Sexualidade e Diversidade Sexual, juntamente com as perspectivas pós-estruturalista

    Multi-trait multi-environment models for selecting high-performance and stable eucalyptus clones

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    Multi-trait multi-environment (MTME) models were fitted to eucalyptus breeding trials data to assess residual variance structure, genetic stability and adaptability. To do so, 215 eucalyptus clones were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with 30 replicates and one plant per plot in four environments. At 36 months of age, tree diameter at breast height (DBH) and pilodyn penetration (PP) were measured. Two MTME models were fitted, for which residuals were considered homoscedastic and heteroscedastic, with the best MTME model selected using Bayesian information criterion. The harmonic mean of the relative performance of the genotypic values (HMRPGV) was used to determine stability and adaptability. Of the two models, the heteroscedastic MTME model had better fit and provided greater accuracy. In addition, genotype-by-environment interaction was complex, and there was low genetic correlation between DBH and PP. Rank correlation between the clones selected by the MTME models was high for DBH but low for PP. The HMRPGV facilitated clone selection through simultaneous evaluation of stability, adaptability, and productivity. Thus, our results suggest that heteroscedastic MTME model / HMRPGV can be efficiently applied in the genetic evaluation and selection of eucalyptus clones

    Nutrient accumulation in the shoots of physic nut grown in two edaphoclimatic conditions

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    The possibility of using physic nut oil as an alternative energy source indicates that it is necessary to carry out studies concerning the absorption and accumulation of nutrients in the distinct phases of development of the crop for the appropriate management of fertilizer application. Given this information, this study aimed to evaluate the accumulation of nutrients in the shoots of physic nut plants, as well as to identify critical nutrient uptake by this crop. The experiments were set up independently in two different locations, from May 2010 to March 2013, and using the same procedures. The locations were characterized as follows: dystrophic Red Latosol in the municipality of Curvelo, MG; typical Quartzarenic Neosol in the municipality of Diamantina, MG. The experiments were conducted in a randomized block design with three replicates, the treatments being the evaluation times of the physic nut plants in both experiments. The collection times were every 30 days from planting of the seedlings in the field for a period of 1036 days, corresponding to 36 evaluations. After collection, the samples were prepared and submitted to chemical analysis of the nutrient content of the plant material. The contents were reported as nutrient content of the leaves, stems and fruit of physic nut plants. According to the results, it can be concluded that nutrient accumulation was higher in the edaphoclimatic conditions of Curvelo compared to the conditions of Diamantina. The concentration of macronutrients was in the following order: K > Ca > N > P > S > Mg in Diamantina and N > Ca > K > P > Mg > S in Curvelo. Accumulation of micronutrients in the shoots at 1036 days after planting physic nut seedlings in the field was in the following order: Mn > B > Fe > Zn > Cu in Diamantina and Mn > Fe > B > Zn > Cu in Curvelo

    Ceratose seborreica em idosos de uma região de savana tropical

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    RESUMO Objetivo: verificar a prevalência de ceratose seborreica em idosos residentes em região de savana tropical. Método: estudo descritivo transversal, realizado em Palmas, Tocantins, no primeiro semestre de 2016, com idosos de ambos os sexos. Resultados: participaram do estudo 259 idosos, sendo identificada prevalência de 8,5% de ceratose seborreica, com maior ocorrência no sexo masculino, na faixa etária de 70 a 79 anos, e que se auto declararam negros. Quanto às características da pele dos idosos com ceratose seborreica, a maioria apresentava pele ressecada e com diminuição do turgor cutâneo. Considerações finais: dados relacionados aos fatores ressecamento da pele e diminuição do turgor alertam para a necessidade de maior atenção e cuidados preventivos especificamente voltados a pessoa idosa. Esse estudo, representa o início para compreensão sobre a prevalência de ceratose seborréica em idosos em área de savana tropical, e destaca a importância de realização de outros estudos acerca dos fatores intervenientes, ampliando a compreensão sobre o fenômeno. ABSTRACT Objective: verify the prevalence of seborrheic keratosis in elderly residents of a tropical savanna region. Method: this is a descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out in Palmas, Tocantins, in the first half of 2016, with elderly men and women. Results: a total of 259 elderly people participated in the study, that identified a prevalence of 8.5% of seborrheic keratosis, with the highest occurrence in males, aged 70 to 79 years, and who declared themselves black. As to the skin characteristics of the elderly with seborrheic keratosis, the majority had dry skin and decreased skin turgor. Conclusion: the data related to skin dryness and turgor reduction factors point to the need for greater attention and preventive care specifically to the elderly. This study represents the beginning of an understanding about the prevalence of seborrheic keratosis in the elderly in a tropical savanna area, and highlights the importance of other studies about the intervening factors, increasing the understanding about the phenomena


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    O manejo intensivo, a constante aplicação de defensivos químicos e o uso de fertilizantes são práticas agrícolas comuns, as quais aumentam a produtividade das lavouras, porém provocam grandes alterações nas características dos solos. Essas mudanças causam a sua degradação e tem comprometido o fornecimento dos serviços ecossistêmicos do solo. Os indicadores de qualidade do solo são ferramentas simples, econômicas e eficientes de diagnóstico da fertilidade das terras, os quais podem ser utilizados para aumentar a sustentabilidade no manejo de forma a garantir uma melhor produção, e consequentemente maior lucratividade das lavouras. Três tipos de indicadores são comumente empregados: os físicos, os químicos e os biológicos. Contudo, a escolha de indicadores confiáveis é uma das principais dificuldades para o diagnóstico da qualidade do solo. Isso porque condições ambientais específicas exigem indicadores específicos, de tal modo que há variação de indicadores de local para outro. Este trabalho apresenta e discute alguns dos indicadores comumente empregados para avaliar a qualidade de solos e mostra a importância de monitorar este recurso e implementar atividades que levem a prevenção, correção, mitigação e recuperação do solo, já que a ausência de manejo adequado acarreta sérias complicações para toda espécie de vida na terra.Intensive soil management, the constant application of chemical pesticides, and the use of fertilizers are common agricultural practices, which increase crop productivity; otherwise, they promote major changes in soil attributes. Those changes cause soil degradation and have damaged the supply of soil ecosystem services. In this sense, soil quality indicators are simple, economical, and efficient tools for diagnosing the fertility of the land, which can be used for greater environmental sustainability and to guarantee better production and, consequently, greater profitability of crops. Three types of indicators are commonly used in the evaluation of soil quality, they are the physical, chemical, and biological indicators. However, choosing reliable indicators is one of the main difficulties in diagnosing soil quality. This is because specific environmental conditions require specific indicators, in such a way that indicators vary from place to place. This work presents and discusses some of the indicators commonly used to assess soil quality and shows the importance of monitoring this resource and implementing activities that lead to prevention, correction, mitigation, and soil recovery, since the misuse of the soil entails serious complications. for all life on earth


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    The materials that we can use as grafting material can have different origins, which in turn conditions their different properties and behaviors. Depending on their ability to interact with the surrounding bone, they can be classified as bioinert or bioactive materials. Bioactive materials are capable of stimulating the formation of bone tissue, bonding directly to the bone, thus forming a strong and unique interface between bone and biomaterial. The graft material, on the other hand, must be biocompatible and resorbable to be integrated into the newly formed bone, which is structurally similar to bone, osteoconductive and, if possible, also osteoinductive and osteogenic. When we work on the bone regeneration process, we must also take its structure into account.Os materiais que podemos utilizar como material de enxerto podem ter origens diversas, o que por sua vez condiciona as suas diferentes propriedades e comportamentos. Dependendo da sua capacidade de interagir com o osso circundante, podem ser classificados como materiais bioinertes ou bioativos. Os materiais bioativos são capazes de estimular a formação de tecido ósseo, unindo-se diretamente ao osso, formando assim uma interface forte e única entre osso e biomaterial. O material de enxerto, por outro lado, deve ser biocompatível e reabsorvido para ser integrado ao osso neoformado, que é estruturalmente semelhante ao osso, osteocondutor e, se possível, também osteoindutor e osteogênico. Quando atuamos no processo de regeneração óssea devemos também levar em consideração a sua estrutura

    A list of land plants of Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Brazil, highlights the presence of sampling gaps within this protected area

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    Brazilian protected areas are essential for plant conservation in the Atlantic Forest domain, one of the 36 global biodiversity hotspots. A major challenge for improving conservation actions is to know the plant richness, protected by these areas. Online databases offer an accessible way to build plant species lists and to provide relevant information about biodiversity. A list of land plants of “Parque Nacional do Caparaó” (PNC) was previously built using online databases and published on the website "Catálogo de Plantas das Unidades de Conservação do Brasil." Here, we provide and discuss additional information about plant species richness, endemism and conservation in the PNC that could not be included in the List. We documented 1,791 species of land plants as occurring in PNC, of which 63 are cited as threatened (CR, EN or VU) by the Brazilian National Red List, seven as data deficient (DD) and five as priorities for conservation. Fifity-one species were possible new ocurrences for ES and MG states