484 research outputs found

    Dialogical as a methodological transdisciplinary principle in research in education

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    O presente trabalho apresenta a dialógica enquanto perspectiva de pesquisa transdiciplinar. O texto começa por referir o percurso seguido por Mikhail Bakthin, Paulo Freire, Edgar Morin e Basarab Nicolescu ao trabalharem a metodologia dialógica em suas obras. Além disso, discute a transdiciplinaridade compreendida em seu aspecto metodológico, como processo que ocorre em três etapas simultâneas: análise de diferentes níveis de realidade, a lógica do terceiro incluído e a complexidade. Buscou-se, através da pesquisa bibliográfica, levantar pontos teóricos sobre a dialogia e pesquisa transdisciplinas entre os autores supracitados. Na dialógica não se rejeita nenhuma flecha do conhecimento, o processo de conhecimento disciplinar, multidisciplinar, pluridisciplinar, interdisciplinar fazem parte da unidade na diversidade que compõe a transdiciplinaridade. Nesta perspectiva, Nicolescu (2000) diz que não há superação de um nível anterior de conhecimento, mas que os opostos coexistem e que, portanto, o princípio retroativo e de autorregulação ocorrem simultaneamente. Por isso, é um importante caminho metodológico para as ciências sociais.This paper presents the dialogue as of transdisciplinary research perspective. We start presenting the route followed by Mikhail Bakhtin, Paulo Freire, Edgar Morin and Basarab Nicolescu to work dialogical methodology in their works. Further, it discusses the transdisciplinarity understood in its methodological aspect, as a process that occurs in three simultaneous steps: analysis of different levels of reality, the logic of the included and complexity. We sought, through literature, raise theoretical points on the dialogism and research transdisciplinary between the above authors. In dialogic is not rejected any arrow of knowledge, the process of disciplinary knowledge, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary part of unity in diversity that makes up the transdisciplinarity. In this perspective, Nicolescu (2000) says there is no overcoming a previous level of knowledge, but that opposites coexist and that therefore the retroactive principle and self-regulatory occur simultaneously. So it is an important methodological approach to the social sciences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Synthesis of indium tin oxide nanoparticles by a nonhydrolytic sol-gel method

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    Indium tin oxide nanoparticles were synthesized in two different sizes by a nonhydrolytic sol-gel method. These powders were then transformed into ITO via an intermediate metastable state at between 300 and 600 ºC. The presence of characteristic O-In-O and O-Sn-O bands at 480 and 670 cm-1 confirmed the formation of ITO. The X-ray diffraction patterns indicated the preferential formation of metastable hexagonal phase ITO (corundum type) as opposed to cubic phase ITO when the reflux time was less than 3 h and the heat treatment temperature was below 600 ºC. Particle morphology and crystal size were examined by scanning electron microscopy

    Cultivation of Pleurotus mushrooms in substrates obtained by short composting and steam pasteurization

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    This paper presents results of two experiments for cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus pulmonarius and Pleurotus eryngii grown with different formulations of grass and straw mixtures derived from agro-industrial residues. Cultivation was prepared through a number of approaches, such as short composting/pasteurization and axenic culture. In the first experiment, P. pulmonarius was grown on two formulations of different grasses, with no significant differences observed for either productivity or biological efficiency, with values close to 20 and 60%, respectively. The second experiment revealed similar productivity and biological efficiency between P. pulmonarius and P. ostreatus for both forms of substrate treatment (short composting/pasteurization vs. axenic culture), with similar values to those observed in the first experiment. P. eryngii did not produce mushrooms in the composting treatment and showed lower productivity (17.5%) than the other two species (20.5 and 20.8%, respectively) when the substrates were autoclaved (axenic culture). The preparation for short composting and steam pasteurization was described in illustrative figures in order to provide expertise to small producers who wish to initiate economic and sustainable mushroom cultivation making use of regional lignocellulosic residues.Keywords: Steam pasteurization, lignocellulosic biomass, straw mixtures, mushroom

    Protease exógena em dietas para juvenis de tucunaré-paca (Cichla sp.)

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    This experiment analyzed the enzymatic activity of the exogenous protease in the fish digestive tract and, afterwards, it was also evaluated the growth performance of tucunaré paca (cichla sp.) juvenile by the addition of four exogenous protease levels to a control diet with 40% CP. To evaluate the best enzyme inclusion level, four pelleted diets were elaborated with the following exogenous protease levels (0.00, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15%), in a completely randomized design in a 4 x 4 factorial arrangement. The best results of average weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and weight specific growth rate were showed by the animals fed with diet containing 0.10% of exogenous protease The exogenous protease enzyme added to the diet affected the body characteristics of tucunaré paca juvenile. © 2008 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia

    Biologically-active compounds from Brazilian lichens and their affinity with ether

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    It can be obtained from lichens biologically-active extracts and pure substances, many of them of phenolic nature. They are usually obtained by using organic solvents, such as diethyl ether. In this paper the usefulness of ether for the obtainment of crude extracts and the subsequent purification of pure substances from Brazilian lichen is reviewed, as well as alternatives to their production through cells or thallus immobilization in bioreactors and their entrapment in inert matrix