6,347 research outputs found

    Family Farming and Biodiesel: rural development in Central-Western Brazil

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    A produção de biodiesel no Brasil iniciou-se em 2005. O Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso do Biodiesel (PNPB) objetivou integrar agricultores familiares como fornecedores de matéria-prima para as indústrias de biodiesel, reduzindo assim a pobreza e promovendo o desenvolvimento rural. A integração de agricultores familiares foi revista devido a predominância da soja na cadeia de produção do biodiesel. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar os mecanismos institucionais desenvolvidos por agricultores familiares e agentes econômicos em Mato Grosso a partir de dois diferentes estudos que ocorreram entre 2011 e 2013. O contexto teórico da Nova Economia Institucional foi necessário para identificar os mecanismos contratuais e de mercado desenvolvidos – arrendamento de maquinário, adicional de preço, fontes de financiamento e os pacotes tecnológicos – para aumentar a renda familiar e contribuir para o sucesso do PNPB em Mato Grosso. A presença destes mecanismos em diferentes regiões indica a difusão do conhecimento na rede produtiva da soja


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    A maldição dos recursos naturais é uma alegoria que visa explicar a capacidade limitada do mercado e do governo em aproveitar a abundância de recursos naturais para aumentar a capacidade produtiva e a qualidade de vida da sociedade. Sendo a Amazônia uma extensa área com enorme montante de recursos naturais que historicamente basearam seu desenvolvimento econômico, tem-se como o objetivo deste trabalho estudar a relação entre o desenvolvimento socioeconômico na Amazônia e a extração de recursos naturais. A partir da ótica da Nova Economia Institucional (NEI), verificou-se que a abundância de recursos naturais limitou o desenvolvimento socioeconômico amazônico por orientar a formação de instituições que não promoveram a utilização racional de tais recursos. Entretanto, foi possível perceber que tal regra não foi válida para toda a Amazônia e nem para todos os setores produtivos. Alternativas de autogestão ou de setores altamente modernizados como a soja buscam desconstruir este paradigma

    Agricultural production and GHG emissions in the Brazilian Amazon

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    This study aimed to analyze the impact of agricultural production in the Brazilian Amazon on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This impact was measured using the Johansen cointegration test and the estimation of a vector error correction model (VECM) to explore short and long-run relationships between the equivalent of CO2 emissions, agricultural production, cattle heads, deforestation, and agricultural value added to GDP. The results indicated no evidence of long-run equilibrium in equivalent CO2 emissions for agriculture in the Amazon. However, in the short run, agricultural production, deforestation, and agricultural value added to GDP impacted GHG emissions. Extensive production expanded the Amazon’s agricultural frontier and increased GHG emissions, while investments in sustainable practices in rural areas and compliance with environmental institutions contributed to reducing the impact of agriculture on GHG emissions

    Avaliação dos efeitos de curto e longo prazo nas exportações da cacauicultura brasileira

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    Embora grande parte da produção cacaueira brasileira seja voltada para o mer-cado interno, é o comércio internacional que permite a maior agregação de valor ao produto e elevação de renda na cadeia produtiva. Este estudo teve como obje-tivo analisar os efeitos de curto e longo prazo do preço e da produção de cacau sobre as exportações brasileiras do produto. Com dados entre 1994 e 2022, foi testada a existência de cointegração pelo método de Johansen entre as variáveis exportação, preço e produção de cacau, para então estimar um modelo de vetor de correção de erros (Vector Error Correction Model – VECM). Os resultados confirmaram a existência de ao menos um vetor de cointegração. Notou-se que o preço, a produção e a própria exportação do ano anterior impactam positivamen-te a exportação contemporânea. Choques e desvios no mercado tendem a ser corrigidos no longo prazo a uma taxa de 29,1% ao ano. Considerando o tempo necessário de ajuste, mudanças no mercado externo podem influenciar a dispo-nibilidade interna, portanto a valorização da cadeia produtiva e a melhoria dos sistemas de produção são importantes para o setor produtivo cacaueiro

    Electron Emission Channeling for lattice location of radioactive isotopes in single crystals: Improvements from a Timepix3 quad detector and new PyFDD data analysis software

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    Electron Emission Channeling (EC) is a powerful technique for the investigation of the lattice location of radioactive isotopes implanted into single crystals. After implantation the isotopes occupy certain lattice locations in the crystal, which can in some cases be altered by annealing. Upon decay, the emission of a charged particle, typically a beta, may result in a channeling trajectory when its starting lattice location is aligned with major symmetry axes or planes of the crystal. By measuring the emission anisotropy in the direction of these axes for distinct annealing temperatures, the lattice location of the isotope can be determined with great precision and insightful information can be obtained on how annealing affects the occupied sites. This work reports on the installation of a Timepix3 quad detector and Katherine Gen2 readout in an experimental setup located at ISOLDE at CERN. The large increase in the number of pixels of the Timepix3, in comparison to previously used pad detectors, required more sophisticated tools for data treatment and fitting of channeling patterns. From this need, the PyFDD software was born. Its latest update features an intuitive graphical interface, with tools for noise masking, pattern visualization, simulations browsing, chi-square or maximum likelihood based fits and gamma background correction.Comment: Submitted to the proceedings of the Channeling 2023 conferenc


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    Applications and the internet have helped to overcome space and time problems. Through computers and smartphones we have access to countless goods and services without leaving home, which saves time, expenses with transportation, among other stressful situations such as waiting lines and congestion. At the same time, both the physical structure and the job market have been transformed with the advancement of technology. Banks are an example of associations that are migrating to digital platforms, leaving aside physical spaces and dispensing with labor. On the other hand, credit unions are opening new branches and hiring workers, in a clear strategy opposite to competitors, this is the object of analysis of this work that investigates the dynamics of formal jobs between credit unions between 2006 and 2018.Las aplicaciones e Internet han ayudado a superar los problemas de espacio y tiempo. A través de computadoras y teléfonos inteligentes, tenemos acceso a numerosos bienes y servicios sin salir de casa, lo que ahorra tiempo, costos de transporte y otras situaciones estresantes como esperas en filas y atascos. Al mismo tiempo, tanto la estructura física como el mercado laboral han cambiado con el avance de la tecnología. Los bancos son un ejemplo de organizaciones que están migrando a plataformas digitales, dejando a un lado los espacios físicos y liberando parte del trabajo. Por otro lado, las uniones de crédito están abriendo nuevas sucursales y contratando trabajadores, en una clara estrategia opuesta a la competencia. Este es el objeto de análisis de este trabajo, que investiga la dinámica del empleo formal entre las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito entre 2006 y 2018.Os aplicativos e a internet têm auxiliado na superação de problemas de espaço e tempo. Por meio de computadores e smartphones temos acesso a inúmeros bens e serviços sem sair de casa, o que poupa tempo, gastos com transporte entre outras situações desgastantes como esperas em filas e congestionamentos. Concomitantemente, tanto a estrutura física, quanto o mercado de trabalho têm se transformado com o avançar da tecnologia. Os bancos são um exemplo de organizações que estão migrando para plataformas digitais, deixando de lado os espaços físicos e dispensando parte da mão-de-obra. Por outro lado, as cooperativas crédito estão abrindo novas agências e contratando trabalhadores, numa clara estratégia oposta aos concorrentes. Esse é o objeto de análise desse trabalho, que investiga a dinâmica de empregos formais entre as cooperativas de crédito entre 2006 e 2018.   &nbsp

    Effects of an extremely dry winter on net ecosystem carbon exchange and tree phenology at cork oak woodland

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    In seasonally dry climates, such as the Mediterranean, lack of rainfall in the usually wet winter may originate severe droughts which are a main cause of inter-annual variation in carbon sequestration. Leaf phenology variability may alter the seasonal pattern of photosynthetic uptake, which in turn is determined by leaf gas exchange limitations. The current study is based on the monitoring of an extremely dry winter in an evergreen cork oak woodland under the Mediterranean climate of central Portugal. Results are focused on net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), phenology and tree growth measurements during two contrasting years: 2011, a wet year with a typical summer drought pattern and 2012, with an extremely unusual dry winter (only 10mmof total rainfall) that exacerbated the following summer drought effects. Main aims of this study were to assess the effects of an extreme dry winter in (1) annual and seasonal net ecosystem CO2 exchange, and in (2) cork oak phenology. The dry year 2012 was marked by a 45% lower carbon sequestration (−214 vs. −388gCm−2 year−1) and a 63% lower annual tree diameter growth but only a 9% lower leaf area index compared to the wet year 2011. A significant reduction of 15% in yearly carbon sequestration was associated with leaf phenological events of canopy renewal in the early spring. In contrast to male flower production, fruit setting was severely depressed by water stress with a 54% decrease during the dry year. Our results suggest that leaf growth and leaf area maintenance are resilient ecophysiological processes under winter drought and are a priority carbon sink for photoassimilates in contrast to tree diameter growth. Thus, carbon sequestration reductions under low water availabilities in cork oak woodland should be ascribed to stomatal regulation or photosynthetic limitations and to a lesser extent to leaf area reductionsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive relaxed selection on spermatogenesis genes coincident with the evolution of polygyny in gorillas

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    Gorillas have a polygynous social system in which the highest-ranking male has almost exclusive access to females and sires most of the offspring in the troop. Such behavior results in a dramatic reduction of sperm competition, which is ultimately associated with numerous traits that cause low efficacy of gorilla spermatogenesis. However, the molecular basis behind the remarkable erosion of the gorilla male reproductive system remains unknown. Here, we explored the genetic consequences of the polygynous social system in gorillas by testing for altered selection intensity across 13,310 orthologous protein-coding genes from 261 Eutherian mammals. We identified 578 genes with relaxed purifying selection in the gorilla lineage, compared with only 96 that were positively selected. Genes under relaxed purifying selection in gorillas have accumulated numerous deleterious amino acid substitutions, their expression is biased towards male germ cells, and are enriched in functions related to meiosis and sperm biology. We tested the function of gorilla relaxed genes previously not implicated in sperm biology using the Drosophila model system and identified 41 novel spermatogenesis genes required for normal fertility. Furthermore, by exploring exome/genome sequencing data of infertile men with severe spermatogenic impairment, we found that the human orthologs of the gorilla relaxed genes are enriched for loss-of-function variants in infertile men. These data provide compelling evidence that reduced sperm competition in gorillas is associated with relaxed purifying selection on genes related to male reproductive function. The accumulation of deleterious mutations in these genes likely provides the mechanistic basis behind the low efficacy of gorilla spermatogenesis and uncovers new candidate genes for human male infertility.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Descortiçamento do sobreiro: um stress para a árvore ?

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