38 research outputs found

    On The Nature Of The Solvated Electron In Ice Ih.

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    The water-solvated excess electron (EE) is a key chemical agent whose hallmark signature, its asymmetric optical absorption spectrum, continues to be a topic of debate. While nearly all investigation has focused on the liquid-water solvent, the fact that the crystalline-water solvated EE shows a very similar visible absorption pattern has remained largely unexplored. Here, we present spin-polarized density-functional theory calculations subject to periodic boundary conditions of the interplay between an EE and a number of intrinsic lattice defects in ice Ih. Our results show that the optical absorption signatures in the presence of three unsaturated hydrogen bonds (HB) are very similar to those observed experimentally. Its low-energy side can be attributed to transitions between the EE ground state and a single localized excited level, in a picture that is different from that for the liquid solvent, where this portion has been associated with hydrogen-like s → p excitations. The blue tail, on the other hand, relates to transitions between the EE ground state and delocalized excited states, which is in line with the bound-to-continuum transition interpretations for the EE in liquid water. Finally, we find that, depending on the number of dangling HBs participating in the EE trap, its charge density may spontaneously break the spin degeneracy through exchange interactions with the surrounding electrons, displaying the many-electron quantum nature of the EE problem in ice Ih.184652-465

    Terotecnologia e termografia para monitorar condições operacionais e a vida útil de empilhadeiras em tempo real : Terotechnology and thermography to monitor operating conditions and forklift life in real time

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    A era digital tem catalisado os processos e protocolos que visam reduzir custos operacionais e logísticos por viabilizar o controle em tempo real de máquinas e veículos. Nesse sentido, a manutenção de veículos industriais como das empilhadeiras, busca-se extrair ao máximo a vida útil aumentando o tempo entre falhas. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho é divulgar o uso da terotecnologia no acompanhamento em tempo real das condições operacionais e vida útil de veículos industriais, as empilhadeiras. A terotecnologia tem suas premissas na manutenções preditiva e preventiva, afastando a ideia de correrias e interrupções durante operações, minimizando o emprego da manutenção corretiva não programada. A metodologia adotada conta com pesquisa bibliográfica na base Scopus e relato da aplicação da terotecnologia utilizando-se uma câmera termográfica da marca Fluke que é capaz de demonstrar um mapa de distribuição de cores, selecionando diferentes escalas de cores e as correlacionando com temperatura de trabalho. O resultado foi uma redução no tempo de verificação da empilhadeira e determinar um padrão de temperatura de trabalho, ou seja de 80 a 90 °C, após quatro horas de operação ininterruptas, a probabilidade entre ocorrências alta, baixa, inesperada e programada de manutenção corretiva. Conclui-se que é possível programar intervenções de manutenção e reduzir os riscos de uma manutenção corretiva não programada, o que é extremamente nociva para todo o sistema produtivo e atendimento aos prazos dos clientes

    High-resolution synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography as a tool to unveil the three-dimensional neuronal architecture of the brain

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    The assessment of neuronal number, spatial organization and connectivity is fundamental for a complete understanding of brain function. However, the evaluation of the three-dimensional (3D) brain cytoarchitecture at cellular resolution persists as a great challenge in the field of neuroscience. In this context, X-ray microtomography has shown to be a valuable non-destructive tool for imaging a broad range of samples, from dense materials to soft biological specimens, arisen as a new method for deciphering the cytoarchitecture and connectivity of the brain. In this work we present a method for imaging whole neurons in the brain, combining synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography with the Golgi-Cox mercury-based impregnation protocol. In contrast to optical 3D techniques, the approach shown here does neither require tissue slicing or clearing, and allows the investigation of several cells within a 3D region of the brain

    Simulated moving bed chromatography in the production of enantiomerically pure or enriched compounds in large scale

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    There is great interest nowadays in the use of preparative liquid chromatography as an effective tool for the production of enantiomerically pure, or enriched, compounds for the pharmaceutical industry. To make the chromatographic process economically attractive, attention is now focused on the choice of the chromatographic operating mode to minimize eluent consumption and to maximize productivity. Among the alternatives to the traditional batch chromatography, attention is now shifting towards simulated moving bed (SMB) technologies and a review covering the latest developments in this area seems timely. Several aspects of this important analytical technique are presented and details concerning the SMB technology for process optimization are outlined.10271037Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq


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    As doenças periodontais resultam de resposta inflamatória progressiva do hospedeiro ao acúmulo de placa bacteriana, incluindo os metabólitos no dente e nos tecidos gengivais. Assim, avaliou-se, clinicamente, o periodonto de cães da raça Pastor Alemão, levando-se em consideração presença de tártaro, sangramento à sondagem e mobilidade dentária em animais com sítios saudáveis e com doença periodontal. Para isso, utilizaram-se 29 cães,da raça Pastor Alemão, com idade variando de três a seis anos. Clinicamente, 27 (93,10%) cães apresentavam vários sítios com sintomatologia clínica de doença periodontal e somente dois apresentavam sítios saudáveis. Os dentes mais acometidos foram os molares, os pré-molares e os caninos,com sinais clínicos mais intensos nas superfícies dentárias e maior acúmulo de tártaro e placa bacteriana. Os resultados demonstraram a necessidade de se proceder a uma limpeza preventiva dos dentes, para proporcionar maior saúde para os cães.
 PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Periodonto, cães, dente

    2 nd Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease, 2015

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    Abstract Chagas disease is a neglected chronic condition with a high burden of morbidity and mortality. It has considerable psychological, social, and economic impacts. The disease represents a significant public health issue in Brazil, with different regional patterns. This document presents the evidence that resulted in the Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease. The objective was to review and standardize strategies for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of Chagas disease in the country, based on the available scientific evidence. The consensus is based on the articulation and strategic contribution of renowned Brazilian experts with knowledge and experience on various aspects of the disease. It is the result of a close collaboration between the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine and the Ministry of Health. It is hoped that this document will strengthen the development of integrated actions against Chagas disease in the country, focusing on epidemiology, management, comprehensive care (including families and communities), communication, information, education, and research

    Diretriz da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia sobre Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Pacientes com Cardiomiopatia da Doença de Chagas

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    This guideline aimed to update the concepts and formulate the standards of conduct and scientific evidence that support them, regarding the diagnosis and treatment of the Cardiomyopathy of Chagas disease, with special emphasis on the rationality base that supported it.  Chagas disease in the 21st century maintains an epidemiological pattern of endemicity in 21 Latin American countries. Researchers and managers from endemic and non-endemic countries point to the need to adopt comprehensive public health policies to effectively control the interhuman transmission of T. cruzi infection, and to obtain an optimized level of care for already infected individuals, focusing on diagnostic and therapeutic opportunistic opportunities.   Pathogenic and pathophysiological mechanisms of the Cardiomyopathy of Chagas disease were revisited after in-depth updating and the notion that necrosis and fibrosis are stimulated by tissue parasitic persistence and adverse immune reaction, as fundamental mechanisms, assisted by autonomic and microvascular disorders, was well established. Some of them have recently formed potential targets of therapies.  The natural history of the acute and chronic phases was reviewed, with enhancement for oral transmission, indeterminate form and chronic syndromes. Recent meta-analyses of observational studies have estimated the risk of evolution from acute and indeterminate forms and mortality after chronic cardiomyopathy. Therapeutic approaches applicable to individuals with Indeterminate form of Chagas disease were specifically addressed. All methods to detect structural and/or functional alterations with various cardiac imaging techniques were also reviewed, with recommendations for use in various clinical scenarios. Mortality risk stratification based on the Rassi score, with recent studies of its application, was complemented by methods that detect myocardial fibrosis.  The current methodology for etiological diagnosis and the consequent implications of trypanonomic treatment deserved a comprehensive and in-depth approach. Also the treatment of patients at risk or with heart failure, arrhythmias and thromboembolic events, based on pharmacological and complementary resources, received special attention. Additional chapters supported the conducts applicable to several special contexts, including t. cruzi/HIV co-infection, risk during surgeries, in pregnant women, in the reactivation of infection after heart transplantation, and others.     Finally, two chapters of great social significance, addressing the structuring of specialized services to care for individuals with the Cardiomyopathy of Chagas disease, and reviewing the concepts of severe heart disease and its medical-labor implications completed this guideline.Esta diretriz teve como objetivo principal atualizar os conceitos e formular as normas de conduta e evidências científicas que as suportam, quanto ao diagnóstico e tratamento da CDC, com especial ênfase na base de racionalidade que a embasou. A DC no século XXI mantém padrão epidemiológico de endemicidade em 21 países da América Latina. Investigadores e gestores de países endêmicos e não endêmicos indigitam a necessidade de se adotarem políticas abrangentes, de saúde pública, para controle eficaz da transmissão inter-humanos da infecção pelo T. cruzi, e obter-se nível otimizado de atendimento aos indivíduos já infectados, com foco em oportunização diagnóstica e terapêutica. Mecanismos patogênicos e fisiopatológicos da CDC foram revisitados após atualização aprofundada e ficou bem consolidada a noção de que necrose e fibrose sejam estimuladas pela persistência parasitária tissular e reação imune adversa, como mecanismos fundamentais, coadjuvados por distúrbios autonômicos e microvasculares. Alguns deles recentemente constituíram alvos potenciais de terapêuticas. A história natural das fases aguda e crônica foi revista, com realce para a transmissão oral, a forma indeterminada e as síndromes crônicas. Metanálises recentes de estudos observacionais estimaram o risco de evolução a partir das formas aguda e indeterminada e de mortalidade após instalação da cardiomiopatia crônica. Condutas terapêuticas aplicáveis aos indivíduos com a FIDC foram abordadas especificamente. Todos os métodos para detectar alterações estruturais e/ou funcionais com variadas técnicas de imageamento cardíaco também foram revisados, com recomendações de uso nos vários cenários clínicos. Estratificação de risco de mortalidade fundamentada no escore de Rassi, com estudos recentes de sua aplicação, foi complementada por métodos que detectam fibrose miocárdica. A metodologia atual para diagnóstico etiológico e as consequentes implicações do tratamento tripanossomicida mereceram enfoque abrangente e aprofundado. Também o tratamento de pacientes em risco ou com insuficiência cardíaca, arritmias e eventos tromboembólicos, baseado em recursos farmacológicos e complementares, recebeu especial atenção. Capítulos suplementares subsidiaram as condutas aplicáveis a diversos contextos especiais, entre eles o da co-infecção por T. cruzi/HIV, risco durante cirurgias, em grávidas, na reativação da infecção após transplante cardíacos, e outros.    Por fim, dois capítulos de grande significado social, abordando a estruturação de serviços especializados para atendimento aos indivíduos com a CDC, e revisando os conceitos de cardiopatia grave e suas implicações médico-trabalhistas completaram esta diretriz.&nbsp

    Cultura material, espaço doméstico e musealização

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