374 research outputs found

    A Bosonic Model of Hole Pairs

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    We numerically investigate a bosonic representation for hole pairs on a two-leg t-J ladder where hard core bosons on a chain represent the hole pairs on the ladder. The interaction between hole pairs is obtained by fitting the density profile obtained with the effective model to the one obtained with the \tj model, taking into account the inner structure of the hole pair given by the hole-hole correlation function. For these interactions we calculate the Luttinger liquid parameter, which takes the universal value Kρ=1K_{\rho}=1 as half filling is approached, for values of the rung exchange JJ' between strong coupling and the isotropic case. The long distance behavior of the hole-hole correlation function is also investigated. Starting from large JJ', the correlation length first increases as expected, but diminishes significantly as JJ' is reduced and bound holes sit mainly on adjacent rungs. As the isotropic case is approached, the correlation length increases again. This effect is related to the different kind of bonds in the region between the two holes of a hole pair when they move apart.Comment: 11 page

    Los mosquitos del estado de Quintana Roo, México (Diptera: Culicidae).

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    A study on the distribution of the mosquitoes of Quintana Roo State of México was carried out by collecting immature and adult stages during September and October 2006. The collections were made from different locations in the three physiogeographical provinces of the state: Carso Yucateco, Carso, Lomeríos de Campeche, and Costa Baja de Quintana Roo. A total of 420 larvae, 294 pupae, and 726 adults representing 13 genera and 41 species were collected. Two genera, three subgenera, and 11 species are new to the mosquito fauna of Quintana Roo State. Collection and bionomical data are included for species collected during the study, and a checklist of species newly and previously recorded from the state is provided.Un estudio de la distribución de los mosquitos del estado de Quintana Roo, México fue realizado por medio de colectas de estados inmaduros y adultos durante Septiembre y Octubre del 2006. Las colectas fueron realizadas en diferentes localidades de las tres provincias fisiográficas del estado: Carso Yucateco, Carso, Lomeríos de Campeche y Costa Baja de Quintana Roo. Un total de 420 larvas, 294 pupas y 726 adultos fueron colectados representando 13 géneros y 41 especies. Dos géneros, tres subgéneros y 11 especies son nuevos registros estatales para Quintana Roo

    Environmental drivers of forest biodiversity in temperate mixed forests – A multi-taxon approach

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    Harmonization of timber production and forest conservation is a major challenge of modern silviculture. For the establishment of ecologically sustainable forest management, the management-related environmental drivers of multi-taxon biodiversity should be explored. Our study reveals those environmental variables related to tree species diversity and composition, stand structure, litter and soil conditions, microclimate, landscape, and land-use history that determine species richness and composition of 11 forest-dwelling organism groups. Herbs, woody regeneration, ground-floor and epiphytic bryophytes, epiphytic lichens, terricolous saprotrophic, ectomycorrhizal, and wood-inhabiting macrofungi, spiders, carabid beetles, and birds were sampled in West Hungarian mature mixed forests. The correlations among the diversities and compositions of different organism groups were also evaluated. Drivers of organism groups were principally related to stand structure, tree species diversity and composition, and microclimate, while litter, soil, landscape, and land-use historical variables were less influential. The complex roles of the shrub layer, deadwood, and the size of the trees in determining the diversity and composition of various taxa were revealed. Stands with more tree species sustained higher stand-level species richness of several taxa. Besides, stands with different dominant tree species harbored various species communities of organism groups. Therefore, landscape-scale diversity of dominant tree species may enhance the diversity of forest-dwelling communities at landscape level. The effects of the overstory layer on forest biodiversity manifested in many cases via microclimate conditions. Diversity of organism groups showed weaker relationship with the diversity of other taxa than with environmental variables. According to our results, the most influential drivers of forest biodiversity are under the direct control of the actual silvicultural management. Heterogeneous stand structure and tree species composition promote the different organism groups in various ways. Therefore, the long-term maintenance of the structural and compositional heterogeneity both at stand and landscape scale is an important aspect of ecologically sustainable forest management

    The Wisconsin Plasma Astrophysics Laboratory

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    The Wisconsin Plasma Astrophysics Laboratory (WiPAL) is a flexible user facility designed to study a range of astrophysically relevant plasma processes as well as novel geometries that mimic astrophysical systems. A multi-cusp magnetic bucket constructed from strong samarium cobalt permanent magnets now confines a 10 m3^3, fully ionized, magnetic-field free plasma in a spherical geometry. Plasma parameters of Te5 T_{e}\approx5 to 2020 eV and ne1011n_{e}\approx10^{11} to 5×10125\times10^{12} cm3^{-3} provide an ideal testbed for a range of astrophysical experiments including self-exciting dynamos, collisionless magnetic reconnection, jet stability, stellar winds, and more. This article describes the capabilities of WiPAL along with several experiments, in both operating and planning stages, that illustrate the range of possibilities for future users.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    MIMO Passive Control Systems Are Not Necessarily Robust

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    Via several cases of study it is shown that a passive multivariable linear control system, contrary to its single input single output counterpart, may not be robust. Moreover, it is shown that lack of robustness can be exposed via the multivariable structure function

    Using CombiCells, a platform for titration and combinatorial display of cell surface ligands, to study T-cell antigen sensitivity modulation by accessory receptors

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    Understanding how cellular decisions by receptor/ligand interactions at cell/cell interface has been challenging because it is difficult to independently vary the surface density of multiple ligands. Here, we exploit the SpyCatcher/SpyTag split-protein system for rapid combinatorial display of native ligands on cells (Combicells). We use this platform to assess T cell antigen sensitivity and the impact of T cell co-stimulation/co-inhibition receptors. The TCR displayed much greater sensitivity to pMHC than CARs and BiTES did to CD19. While TCR sensitivity was greatly enhanced by CD2 ligand, CAR sensitivity to CD19 was primarily but more modestly enhanced by LFA-1 ligand. Lastly, we show that the PD-1/ligand engagement inhibited T cell activation triggered solely by TCR/pMHC interactions, as well as the amplified activation induced by CD2 and CD28 co-stimulation. The ability to easily produce cells with different concentrations and combinations of ligands should accelerate the study of receptor/ligand interactions at cell/cell interfaces

    Al<sub>2</sub>Pt für die Sauerstoffentwicklungsreaktion bei der Wasserspaltung: eine Strategie zur Erzeugung von Multifunktionalität in der Elektrokatalyse

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    Die Herstellung von Wasserstoff durch Wasserelektrolyse ist nur möglich, wenn wirksame und stabile Katalysatoren für die Sauerstoffentwicklungsreaktion (Oxygen Evolution Reaction, OER) verfügbar sind. Intermetallische Verbindungen mit genau definierter Kristallstruktur und elektronischen Eigenschaften sowie besonderer chemischer Bindung werden als Vorstufe für neue Werkstoffe vorgeschlagen, die interessante katalytische Eigenschaften aufweisen. Al2Pt kristallisiert im Anti‐Fluorit‐Kristallstrukturtyp und zeigt eine stark polare chemische Bindung. Platin ist hierbei katalytisch aktiv und wird auch unter den Bedingungen der Sauerstoffentwicklungsreaktion vergleichsweise wenig aus der Katalysatoroberfläche herausgelöst. Im Folgenden wird die unerwartete Leistungsfähigkeit einer Oberflächen‐Nanokomposit‐Architektur beschrieben, die aus der selbstorganisierten Umwandlung der intermetallischen Vorstufe Al2Pt resultiert. Hierbei wird insbesondere das Langzeitverhalten der katalytischen Aktivität und Stabilität unter den Bedingungen der Sauerstoffentwicklungsreaktion untersucht

    nNOS regulates ciliated cell polarity, ciliary beat frequency, and directional flow in mouse trachea.

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    Clearance of the airway is dependent on directional mucus flow across the mucociliary epithelium, and deficient flow is implicated in a range of human disorders. Efficient flow relies on proper polarization of the multiciliated cells and sufficient ciliary beat frequency. We show that NO, produced by nNOS in the multiciliated cells of the mouse trachea, controls both the planar polarity and the ciliary beat frequency and is thereby necessary for the generation of the robust flow. The effect of nNOS on the polarity of ciliated cells relies on its interactions with the apical networks of actin and microtubules and involves RhoA activation. The action of nNOS on the beat frequency is mediated by guanylate cyclase; both NO donors and cGMP can augment fluid flow in the trachea and rescue the deficient flow in nNOS mutants. Our results link insufficient availability of NO in ciliated cells to defects in flow and ciliary activity and may thereby explain the low levels of exhaled NO in ciliopathies