188 research outputs found

    Musica di paesaggi sonori. Enunciazione, risignificazione, comunicazione

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    The paper – rapidly retracing some fundamental stages in the history of sound studies – questions the relationship between soundscape and music language and proposes a reflection on the resulting ontologies of sound. In the traditional conception of soundscape studies, musical language should contribute to a re-orchestration of environmental sound and should promote awareness and active listening of extra-musical sounds. However, every music composition or performance that draws on this kind of acoustic material, inevitably transforms its fruition. Immediacy is in fact impossible and each perception produces a new meaning. The article highlights the value of subjective perception and creative processes in the multidisciplinary discussion about soundscape

    Stated choice valuation of traffic related noise

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    This paper reports a novel application of the stated choice method to the valuation of road traffic noise. The innovative context used is that of choice between apartments with different levels of traffic noise, view, sunlight and cost with which respondents would be familiar. Stated choice models were developed on both perceived and objective measures of traffic noise, with the former statistically superior, and an extensive econometric analysis has been conducted to assess the nature and extent of householders’ heterogeneity of preferences for noise. This found that random taste variation is appreciable but also identified considerable systematic variation in valuations according to income level, household composition and exposure to noise. Self-selectivity is apparent, whereby those with higher marginal values of noise tend to live in quieter apartments. Sign and reference effects were apparent in the relationship between ratings and objective noise measures, presumably reflecting the non-linear nature of the latter. However, there was no strong support for sign, size or reference effects in the valuations of perceived noise levels

    Il suono per raccontare il luogo: un atlante sonoro delle Alpi Occidentali

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    La ricerca indaga il suono come strumento utile alla conoscenza e alla narrazione di un luogo geografico. Si colloca pertanto nell\u2019ambito degli studi sul paesaggio sonoro, concetto teorizzato negli anni Settanta da Raymond Murray Schafer e definito come \u201cl\u2019ambiente dei suoni\u201d. La ricerca e\u300 di tipo multidisciplinare e interroga il concetto di soundscape nella sua relazione con la geografia umana, con la semiotica e con la comunicazione territoriale. Il campo di indagine corrisponde qui al territorio delle Alpi Occidentali; la ricerca affronta quattro studi di caso distribuiti in tale area, nelle tre diverse nazioni che vi afferiscono. L\u2019obiettivo teorico e\u300 di pervenire alla definizione di strumenti e metodi utili alla costruzione di narrazioni multimediali basate sul paradigma acustico e capaci di cogliere e trasferire il senso del luogo attraverso il suono. Il risultato tangibile e\u300 un atlante sonoro delle Alpi Occidentali, un dispositivo interattivo utile all\u2019esplorazione di geografie invisibili.The present thesis investigates sound as a useful tool for the exploration and communication of geographical places. It inspects the concept of soundscape - theorized in the 1970s by Raymond Murray Schafer and defined as "the sonic environment\u201d - in its relationship with human geography, semiotics and multimedia storytelling. The experimentation is related to Western Alps and addresses four case studies distributed in this area. The aim of the research is to define tools and strategies for a geographical sound-based multimedia storytelling. The tangible result is a sound atlas of Western Alps: an interactive map that explores invisible geographies

    Inhumation privilĂ©giĂ©e ou opportuniste ? Le cas de l’individu inhumĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur du chƓur de la chapelle Saint-Laurent de la Capelette (Marseille, Bouches-du-RhĂŽne)

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    Les espaces intĂ©rieurs de la chapelle Saint-Laurent de la Capelette Ă  Marseille ont fait l’objet d’une fouille prĂ©ventive rĂ©alisĂ©e par l’Inrap entre novembre 2013 et mars 2014. La chapelle, Ă©difiĂ©e en 1654, correspondait dans son Ă©tat initial Ă  l’actuelle nef, avant d’ĂȘtre agrandie au cours du deuxiĂšme quart du XVIIIe siĂšcle avec l’ajout du chƓur. La fouille exhaustive du chƓur de la chapelle a livrĂ© le squelette d’un unique individu. Une monnaie retrouvĂ©e associĂ©e Ă  ce dernier et frappĂ©e en 1862 a permis de rattacher cette inhumation Ă  une pĂ©riode au cours de laquelle la chapelle n’était plus un Ă©difice consacrĂ©. Toutefois, le bĂątiment demeurait encore en Ă©lĂ©vation Ă  cette pĂ©riode. L’absence d’affectation du bĂątiment au moment de l’inhumation semble confĂ©rer Ă  cette derniĂšre un caractĂšre opportuniste, que l’on ait tirĂ© profit d’un espace qui, bien que plus consacrĂ©, demeurait toujours, en termes de reprĂ©sentation mentale, une chapelle accessible, ou que l’on ait profitĂ© de l’abandon de cet Ă©difice pour y enterrer clandestinement un individu avec ses vĂȘtements et objets personnels. Dans ce dernier cas, cette inhumation serait peut-ĂȘtre Ă  mettre en relation avec la mauvaise rĂ©putation du quartier de la Capelette en pleine mutation Ă  partir du milieu du XIXe siĂšcle et dans lequel les tensions sociales et la misĂšre faisaient partie du quotidien des habitants du quartier.The interior spaces of the Saint-Laurent de la Capelette chapel in Marseilles were preventively excavated by the Inrap between November 2013 and March 2014. In its initial state, the chapel, built in 1654, corresponded to the present nave before being enlarged with the addition of the choir. Exhaustive excavation of the chapel choir yielded the remains of a single individual. Thanks to a coin minted in 1862 that was found with this individual, we were able to link this burial to a period during which the chapel was no longer a consecrated building. However, the building was still standing at that time. This suggests an opportunistic interment, resulting either from taking advantage of a space that was certainly no longer consecrated but was still, in terms of mental representations, an accessible chapel, or from seizing the opportunity afforded by an unconsecrated but still standing building to bury an individual clandestinely along with their clothes and personal objects. In the latter case, this burial could perhaps be linked to the ill repute of the Capelette district, which has been undergoing major changes since the middle of the 19th century and where poverty and social tensions was part of the daily life of the district’s inhabitants

    Posterior analysis of random taste coefficients in air travel behaviour modelling

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    Increasing use is being made of random coefficients structures, such as mixed logit, in the analysis of air travel choice behaviour. These models have the advantage of being able to retrieve random variations in sensitivities across travellers. An important issue, however, arises in the computation of willingness to pay indicators, such as the valuation of travel time savings, on the basis of randomly distributed coefficients. Indeed, with the standard approach of using simulation of the ratios across random draws, major problems can be caused by outliers, leading to biased trade-offs, which in turn lead to major issues in policy analyses. Here, a different approach is explored, making use of individual-specific draws from the random distributions, conditioned on the observed sequence of choices for each respondent. An analysis making use of stated preference data for airport and airline choice confirms the advantages of the approach using conditional draws, producing much more realistic distributional patterns for a range of willingness to pay indicators

    Next-generation drug-eluting stents in coronary artery disease: focus on everolimus-eluting stent (Xience VÂź)

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    Percutaneous coronary revascularization has been a mainstay in the management of coronary artery disease since its introduction in the late 1970s. Bare-metal stents and, more recently, first-generation drug-eluting stents (DES), such as sirolimus-eluting (CypherÂź) and paclitaxel-eluting stents (TaxusÂź), have further improved results of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) by improving early results and reducing the risk of restenosis. There is currently debate on the safety of these first-generation DES, given the potential for late stent thrombosis, especially after discontinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy. There are well known caveats on the performance of their respective metallic stent platforms, delivery, and dilation systems, and polymer coatings. Second-generation DES, such as zotarolimus-eluting (EndeavorÂź) and everolimus-eluting stents (Xience VÂź), have recently become available in the USA and/or Europe. The Xience V stent holds the promise of superior anti-restenotic efficacy as well as long-term safety. In addition, this stent is based on the Multi-link platform and delivery system. Recently available data already suggest the superiority of the Xience V stent in comparison to the Taxus stent in terms of prevention of restenosis, without significant untoward events. Nonetheless, the number of patients studied and the follow-up duration are still too limited to enable definitive conclusions. Only indirect meta-analyses can be used to date to compare the Xience V with the Cypher. This systematic review tries to provide a concise and critical appraisal of the data in support of the Xience V everolimus-eluting stent

    Chapitre 4. Habiter, entre utilitas et amenitas

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    Les fouilles archĂ©ologiques marseillaises ont principalement portĂ© sur des quartiers d’habitat, qu’ils soient Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de la ville ou dans ses abords immĂ©diats. Si les vestiges en Ă©taient souvent mal conservĂ©s, la multiplication des points d’observation permet une premiĂšre approche de l’habitat marseillais au Moyen Âge et Ă  l’Époque moderne. 1. L’organisation spatiale des maisons mĂ©diĂ©vales (N. Scherrer, R. Thernot) Notre analyse de l’habitat urbain marseillais au Moyen Âge s’appuie esse..

    Chapitre 2. Évolution de la morphologie urbaine

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    La connaissance de la morphologie urbaine a pris un essor particulier avec les fouilles rĂ©alisĂ©es ces trente derniĂšres annĂ©es. La multiplication des « fenĂȘtres » ouvertes dans le sous-sol a permis de mieux comprendre la trame urbaine et le rĂ©seau viaire, depuis le Moyen Âge jusqu’à nos jours. 1. Le rĂ©seau viaire Le rĂ©seau viaire apparaĂźt comme l’élĂ©ment le plus important dans la structuration de la trame urbaine. Que ce soit pour la pĂ©riode mĂ©diĂ©vale ou pour les Temps Modernes, la fouille des..

    Chapitre 4. Bilan de l’apport de l’archĂ©ologie Ă  la connaissance de Marseille mĂ©diĂ©vale et moderne

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    Le bilan que nous dressons Ă  partir des donnĂ©es archĂ©ologiques couplĂ©es aux sources d’archives pour Marseille mĂ©diĂ©vale et moderne ne peut ĂȘtre qu’une Ă©bauche bien partielle, soumise Ă  l’actualitĂ© des nouvelles dĂ©couvertes. Il n’en demeure pas moins qu’il s’agit lĂ  d’une prĂ©sentation essentielle pour des pĂ©riodes trop longtemps dĂ©laissĂ©es au profit d’une AntiquitĂ© si prestigieuse et attractive (Morel-Deledalle 1993, p. 8-11). D’un point de vue plus personnel, cela constitue Ă©galement pour les..


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    Les fouilles archĂ©ologiques conduites dans le centre de Marseille depuis quelques dĂ©cennies ont transformĂ© notre connaissance de la ville. Longtemps focalisĂ©e sur la pĂ©riode grecque, premiĂšre ville de France oblige, l'attention des archĂ©ologues s'est portĂ©e Ă©galement sur des vestiges plus rĂ©cents Ă  partir du dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1990, alors que se multipliaient les opĂ©rations d'amĂ©nagement soit en limite de la ville antique et mĂ©diĂ©vale, soit au coeur mĂȘme de celle-ci. Ainsi, de la place Villeneuve-Bargemon Ă  la bibliothĂšque de l'Alcazar ou au tunnel de la Major, ce sont autant de lieux de dĂ©couvertes qui retracent l'histoire de Marseille depuis le dĂ©but du Moyen Age jusqu'Ă  la RĂ©volution française. AprĂšs dix ans de rĂ©flexion, alimentĂ©e par de nombreux articles, une exposition et des Ă©changes croisĂ©s sur Marseille mĂ©diĂ©vale et moderne, les auteurs de ce volume ont souhaitĂ© restituer l'histoire de ce port majeur de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e qu'est Marseille Ă  un public aussi bien spĂ©cialisĂ© que simplement dĂ©sireux de mieux connaĂźtre cette ville. Le lecteur pourra ainsi comprendre comment des vestiges archĂ©ologiques, soigneusement sortis de leur gangue de terre par des archĂ©ologues professionnels, attestent des heurs et malheurs d'une citĂ© qui croĂźt au rythme du dĂ©veloppement de l'activitĂ© portuaire. A cĂŽtĂ© des archĂ©ologues, la contribution des historiens et des archivistes Ă  cette redĂ©couverte de Marseille est importante. Elle tĂ©moigne de la nĂ©cessitĂ© de multiplier les regards sur des pĂ©riodes que l'on croit connaĂźtre parce que plus proches de nous. L'ancrage que donne la matĂ©rialitĂ© des vestiges permet de mieux comprendre les rĂ©fĂ©rences topographiques des textes d'archives Ă©crits Ă  une Ă©poque oĂč l'Ă©vidence des lieux pour leurs contemporains fait ressortir notre propre ignorance. Abondamment illustrĂ©, ce volume met en valeur Ă©galement le dĂ©veloppement d'une archĂ©ologie des Temps modernes Ă  cĂŽtĂ© de celle, dĂ©jĂ  acceptĂ©e, du Moyen Age. C'est le dĂ©veloppement de l'archĂ©ologie dite "de sauvetage" puis "prĂ©ventive" qui a incitĂ© Ă  traiter de façon Ă©gale tous les vestiges, quelle que soit leur pĂ©riode. Et lĂ  encore la confrontation avec les textes, en particulier dans le domaine de la construction, montre tout l'intĂ©rĂȘt de cette approche pour la connaissance de nos racines
