79 research outputs found

    The intellectual information system of medical aid control in the scope of Russian medical insurance

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    The article presents the developed intellectual information system, oriented for healthcare providers. The system solves a problem of medical aid quality control in the Russian medical insurance sphere. The main components are ISO13606, fuzzy logic and a case-based reasoning concept. The system provides medical insurance payments forecasting by the analysis of medical records and generates two evaluations based on medical standards and a set of precedents. The result of the system implementation allowed up to a 10% increase in insurance payments for the healthcare provider

    The intellectual information system of medical aid control in the scope of Russian medical insurance

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    The article presents the developed intellectual information system, oriented for healthcare providers. The system solves a problem of medical aid quality control in the Russian medical insurance sphere. The main components are ISO13606, fuzzy logic and a case-based reasoning concept. The system provides medical insurance payments forecasting by the analysis of medical records and generates two evaluations based on medical standards and a set of precedents. The result of the system implementation allowed up to a 10% increase in insurance payments for the healthcare provider

    The algorithm of forecasting of the oil well intervention effect

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    The paper reviews stages of oil well intervention effect forecasting. The proposed algorithm based on regression equation solution automates the process of oil well intervention effect forecasting. An assessment of the hydraulic fracturing effect was provided as a validation of the algorithm. According to assessments results, the suggested regression algorithm allows a 1.87-time decrease of an estimation error according to the error of central tendency

    X-ray emission and dynamics from large diameter superbubbles: The case of N 70 superbubble

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    The morphology, dynamics and thermal X-ray emission of the superbubble N70 is studied by means of 3D hydrodynamical simulations, carried out with the {\sc{yguaz\'u-a}} code. We have considered different scenarios: the superbubble being the product of a single supernova remnant, of the stellar winds from an OB association, or the result of the joint action of stellar winds and a supernova event. Our results show that, in spite that all scenarios produce bubbles with the observed physical size, only those where the bubble is driven by stellar winds and a SN event are successful to explain the general morphology, dynamics and the X-ray luminosity of N70. Our models predict temperatures in excess of 108K10^8 \mathrm{K} at the interior of the superbubble, however the density is too low and the emission in thermal X-ray above 2keV2 \mathrm{keV} is too faint to be detected.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, ApJ accepte

    Discovery of a double ring in the dwarf galaxy Mrk409

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    We report the discovery of a double ring of emission-line regions around the nucleus of the Blue Compact Dwarf (BCD) galaxy Mrk409 as seen by deep, ground-based Halpha images. Echelle spectroscopy obtained at Magellan-I with MIKE shows the presence of ionized gas flowing out of the galaxy from a very massive (>7E6 Msun) nuclear starburst with projected expansion velocities of \~50 km/s. Different scenarios for the formation of these rings are discussed. While the innermost, nuclear ring is most probably formed by the interaction of a starburst-driven shock with the surrounding interstellar medium, the origin of the outer ring is less clear.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Detailed Kinematic Study of the Ionized and Neutral Gas in the Complex of Star Formation in the Galaxy IC 1613

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    We carried out detailed kinematic studies of the complex of multiple HI and HII shells that represent the only region of ongoing star formation in the dwarf irregular galaxy IC 1613. We investigated the ionized-gas kinematics by using Fabry--Perot H-alpha observations with the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope and the neutral-gas kinematics by using VLA 21-cm radio observations. We identified three extended (300-350 pc) neutral shells with which the brightest HII shells in the complex of star formation are associated. The neutral-gas kinematics in the complex has been studied for the first time and the H~I shells were found to expand at a velocity of 15--18 km/s. We constructed velocity ellipses for all HII shells in the complex and refined (increased) the expansion velocities of most of them. The nature of the interacting ionized and neutral shells is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 9 EPS-figure

    The Sensitivity of HAWC to High-Mass Dark Matter Annihilations

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    The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory is a wide field-of-view detector sensitive to gamma rays of 100 GeV to a few hundred TeV. Located in central Mexico at 19 degrees North latitude and 4100 m above sea level, HAWC will observe gamma rays and cosmic rays with an array of water Cherenkov detectors. The full HAWC array is scheduled to be operational in Spring 2015. In this paper, we study the HAWC sensitivity to the gamma-ray signatures of high-mass (multi- TeV) dark matter annihilation. The HAWC observatory will be sensitive to diverse searches for dark matter annihilation, including annihilation from extended dark matter sources, the diffuse gamma-ray emission from dark matter annihilation, and gamma-ray emission from non-luminous dark matter subhalos. Here we consider the HAWC sensitivity to a subset of these sources, including dwarf galaxies, the M31 galaxy, the Virgo cluster, and the Galactic center. We simulate the HAWC response to gamma rays from these sources in several well-motivated dark matter annihilation channels. If no gamma-ray excess is observed, we show the limits HAWC can place on the dark matter cross-section from these sources. In particular, in the case of dark matter annihilation into gauge bosons, HAWC will be able to detect a narrow range of dark matter masses to cross-sections below thermal. HAWC should also be sensitive to non-thermal cross-sections for masses up to nearly 1000 TeV. The constraints placed by HAWC on the dark matter cross-section from known sources should be competitive with current limits in the mass range where HAWC has similar sensitivity. HAWC can additionally explore higher dark matter masses than are currently constrained.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, version to be published in PR

    New insights to the photometric structure of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies from deep Near-Infrared studies: II. The sample of northern BCDs

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    This paper is part of a series of publications which present a systematic study of Blue Compact Dwarf (BCD) Galaxies in the Near Infrared (NIR). Compared to the visible light, NIR data allow a better separation of the starburst emission from the light distribution of the old stellar low-surface brightness (LSB) host galaxy. We analyze deep NIR broad band images of a sample of 11 BCDs, observed with the Calar Alto 3.6m telescope. This work enlarges the samples presented in preceding papers of this study (Noeske et al. 2003, Cairos et al. 2003) by BCDs of the most common morphological type, displaying a regular elliptical LSB host galaxy. The data presented here allow the detection and quantitative study of the extended stellar LSB host galaxy in all sample BCDs. The NIR surface brightness profiles (SBPs) of the LSB host galaxies agree at large galactocentric radii with those from optical studies, showing also an exponential intensity decrease and compatible scale lengths. Similar to Noeske et al. (2003), we find centrally flattening exponential (type V) SBPs of the host galaxy for several BCDs. Such SBPs remain mostly undetected in optical bands, due to the comparatively stronger starburst emission at these wavelengths. We apply a modified exponential distribution to decompose and quantitatively analyze SBPs of LSB hosts with a type V intensity distribution. We present the results of the surface photometry and the decomposition of SBPs, and discuss individual objects with respect to morphological details of their star-forming regions.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics; postscript file with full resolution images available at http://www.ucolick.org/~kai/PUB/noeske_nirbcds_2.ps.g