93 research outputs found

    Evolución de la producción científica de historia de la enfermería en España entre1966 y 2013

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    Objetivos: Conocer la evolución y visibilidad internacional de la producción científica de historia de la enfermería en España en la segunda mitad del siglo XX hasta la actualidad. Conocer cuáles son las Universidades españolas que más producción científica tienen sobre la historia de la enfermería española durante el periodo de estudio. Comparar la producción científica sobre historia de la enfermería en países anglosajones y España. Método: Se realizó un estudio de corte cualitativo a través de una revisión integrativa. Se utilizó como recurso secundario: Sciverse Scopus. Base de datos que incluye otras bases. Se incluyeron aquellos documentos que versaran sobre historia de la enfermería. Resultados: La producción científica de historia de la enfermería en España no se muestra como uno de los campos de mayor interés para la investigación (10,80%). La Universidad de Alicante se muestra como la Universidad Española con más producción en historia de la enfermería. Existe una clara diferencia en la producción científica sobre historia de la enfermería entre países anglosajones y España. Conclusiones: España es el decimo país en producción científica de historia de la enfermería de un total de ciento cuatro incluidos en la base de datos. La producción científica española sobre historia de la enfermería sigue siendo modesta, comparada con los países anglosajones Existen sesgo sobre el estudio de la historia de la enfermería en una base de datos internacionales como es Sciverse Scopus. La no inclusión de revistas como Hiades (de dedicación exclusiva al estudio de la historia de enfermería) o la indexación parcial de bases de datos como Index (incluida sólo desde el año 2007) puede ser la caus

    Health-related quality of life and determinant factors in celiac disease. A population-based analysis of adult patients in Spain

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    Background: Celiac disease (CD) has a negative impact on the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of affected patients. Although HRQL and its determinants have been examined in Spanish CD patients specifically recruited in hospital settings, these aspects of CD have not been assessed among the general Spanish population. Methods: An observational, transversal study of a non-randomized, representative sample of adult celiac patients throughout all of Spain's Autonomous Regions. Subjects were recruited through celiac patient associations. A Spanish version of the self-administered Celiac Disease-Quality of Life (CD-QOL) questionnaire was used. Determinant factors of HRQL were assessed with the aid of multivariate analysis to control for confounding factors. Results: We analyzed the responses provided by 1,230 patients, 1,092 (89.2%) of whom were women. The overall mean value for the CD-QOL index was 56.3 ± 18.27 points. The dimension that obtained the most points was dysphoria, with 81.3 ± 19.56 points, followed by limitations with 52.3 ± 23.43 points; health problems, with 51.6 ± 26.08 points, and inadequate treatment, with 36.1 ± 21.18 points. Patient age and sex, along with time to diagnosis, and length of time on a gluten-free diet were all independent determinant factors of certain dimensions of HRQL: women aged 31 to 40 expressed poorer HRQL while time to diagnosis and length of time on a gluten-free diet were determinant factors for better HRQL scores. Conclusions: The HRQL of adult Spanish celiac subjects is moderate, improving with the length of time patients remain on a gluten-free diet

    Impact of using an evidence-based clinical guideline for the management of primary vesicoureteral reflux in children

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    Objective: To analyze changes in the therapeutic approach at a tertiary care hospital following the implementation of a clinical guideline for the treatment of primary vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in children. Population and methods: Retrospective study conducted in a cohort of patients with primary VUR (1989-2015) aged 0-15 years at a tertiary care hospital. The therapeutic approach before and after the development of the clinical guideline (2008) was compared. Results: A total of 297 patients (49.8% boys, 50.2% girls) were included; their mean age at the time of diagnosis was 21.71 months. VUR grading was: VUR I-III 45.1%, VUR IV-V 54, 9%; 124 were treated after the implementation of the clinical guideline (group 1), and 173, before (group 2). The mean follow-up period was 124.32 months. A conservative approach was the initial treatment in 70.3% of group 1 patients and 67.9% of group 2 patients. The number of surgeries remains constant (31.45% versus 31.79%), with an increase in the number of endoscopic surgeries (p< 0.005). The profile of patients has changed based on the application of the algorithm proposed by the guideline. Fewer surgeries were done in patients with VUR IV-V (82.32% versus 59.9%, p= 0.000) and there were fewer cases of kidney damage at diagnosis (49.4% versus 9.8%, p= 0.000). Conclusions: The implementation of the clinical guideline has favored an initially conservative approach in patients with severe grade VUR and nephropathy, for whom surgery was traditionally indicated initially. Using clinical guidelines favors a unanimous, evidence-based approach that reduces the performance of unnecessary invasive procedures

    Compost Quality and Sanitation on Industrial Scale Composting of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge

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    Municipal solid waste and sewage sludge are produced in large quantities that are often managed through industrial composting treatment. Because of their origin, composition, and complexity, ensuring adequate stabilization of the organic matter, and sanitation of fecal contaminants during composting is of the utmost significance, and difficult to achieve on an industrial scale. In this study, the operations of six industrial composting facilities that process municipal solid waste and sewage sludge were evaluated from the point of view of the sanitation achieved and the quality of the compost produced. In addition, the results were compared using the model of industrial compost from green waste. Differences between the plants were ascribable to operations other than composting systems. High phytotoxicity and fecal contamination above legislation thresholds were found in compost produced from municipal solid waste. In contrast, compost from sewage sludge were more stable and mature than those produced from green waste, and also had an adequate level of sanitation. The raw material and operational factors are of great relevance to obtain a stable, mature, and pathogen-free compost

    Enzymatic profiles associated with the evolution of the lignocellulosic fraction during industrial-scale composting of anthropogenic waste: Comparative analysis

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    In the new European Waste Law, composting is proposed as one of the best options to properly manage organic waste of anthropogenic origin. Currently, the massive generation of this type of waste, as well as its heterogeneity, makes difficult in many cases control this process of degradation on an industrial scale. In this work, 15 facilities were selected based on 5 types of organic waste: Urban Solid Waste, Vegetable Waste, Sewage Sludges, Agrifood Waste and “Alpeorujo”. The samples were collected in different thermal phases. The results revealed very different physicochemical and enzymatic profiles, as well as different degrees of humification depending on the process and the raw materials. However, parameters such as β-glucosidase, amylase, lignin/holocellulose ratio and humification rate showed similar trends in all cases. All of them could act as important indicators to evaluate the quality of a composting process, despite the heterogeneity of the starting materials

    Photovoice: An active learning tool with community nursing students

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    Objective: To assess nursing students’ experiences of using photovoice as a pedagogical approach to active learning in the community. Methods: A descriptive design with a cross-sectional mixed-method questionnaire was used with 108 students following an educational activity, in which their communities were photographed and the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable populations was reflected. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: Seventy eight percent of the students felt that photovoice was an interesting and useful tool for nurses, 89% affirmed it helped stimulate reflection on social and health inequities in times of pandemic, 82% described that it developed many emotions and feelings and 86% would like to disseminate their photographs directly to stakeholders, citizens, and politicians. Three themes were identified in the data: “stimulate critical reflection”, “develop emotional skills”, and “encourage action”. Conclusions: Photovoice is a successful active learning pedagogical approach that engages nursing students to develop critical awareness while connecting with their communities, with the real world. It fosters students' sensitivity and motivation and encourages them to take action. Teachers need to introduce new scaffolds for active learning, such as photovoice, to provide innovative academic support that nurtures and develops the next generation of nurses appropriately

    Uncovering new indicators to predict stability, maturity and biodiversity of compost on an industrial scale

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    Currently, the metagenomic study of the composting process has gained great importance since it has allowed the identification of the existence of microorganisms that, until now, had not been isolated during the process by traditional techniques. However, it is still complex to determine which bioindicators could reveal the degree of maturity and stability of a particular compost. Thereby, the main objective of this work was to demonstrate the possible correlation between traditional parameters of maturity and stability of compost, with other indicators of biodiversity in products highly heterogeneous from composting processes on an industrial scale. The results demonstrated the enormous influence of the raw materials in characterizing the products obtained. Even so, important relationships were established between the Chao1 and Shannon indexes, and certain parameters related to the maturity, stability and toxicity of the samples, such as nitrification index, humification rate, phenolic content, germination index or oxygen consumptio

    Industrial composting of low carbon/nitrogen ratio mixtures of agri-food waste and impact on compost quality

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    The agri-food waste (AW) require amendments for composting to adjust nutritional and physicochemical deficiencies. The theoretical mixtures formulation is difficult to reach on an industrial scale. The main objective of this work was to evaluate to what extent the composition of AW-based mixtures determines the quality of the final compost produced at the industrial scale. Raw materials having the same AW share characteristics, irrespectively of the amendments added, but their compost were different. All the materials were biological stable at the cooling phase, and mature enough at the end, although the degree of humification did not match with the absence of phytotoxicity. The final compost had sufficient quality even though the AW-based raw materials have a low C/N ratio (< 20) and other characteristics such as high electrical conductivity (13 mS·cm−1 ) and pH (< 8.5) that are unfavorable for composting. The management operations during industrial composting correct the deficiencies of raw materials

    Calidad de la canal de corderos (ternasco y lechal) de la raza autóctona andaluza churra lebrijana

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    En la raza Churra Lebrijana (catalogada como “de protección oficial”) se ha estudiado por primera vez el potencial productivo de corderos lechales frente a ternascos (el peso vivo de estos animales fue de 11,38 y 18,48 Kg respectivamente). Para ello se estudiaron en 8 corderos machos de cada tipo las características de sus canales en relación a parámetros de pH, color, rendimiento comercial, medidas zoometricas, engrasamiento y despiece. Del trabajo se deduce que los ternascos ofrecen unas mejores características cárnicas que los lechales (tipo que es el que más se comercializa actualmente) por lo que es interesante su comercialización en este tipo comercial.In Churra Lebrijana breed (catalogued as "of official protection") the productive potential of suckling lambs has studied for the first time front to light lamb (the alive weight of these animals was of 11.38 and 18.48 kg respectively). For it the characteristics of their carcasses in relation to parameters of pH studied in 8 male lambs of each type, color, commercial yield, zoometric measures, fattening and quartering. Of the work it is deduced that the light lambs offer better meat characteristics than the suckling lambs (type that are the one that is commercialized more at the moment) reason why its commercialization in this commercial type is interesting.INIA RZ03-01

    Assessment of Chemical Inhibitor Addition to Improve the Gas Production from Biowaste

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    The coexistence of sulphate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea in the reactors during the anaerobic digestion from sulphate-containing waste could favor the accumulation of sulfide on the biogas, and therefore reduce its quality. In this study, the effect of sulphate-reducing bacteria inhibitor (MoO−2 4 ) addition in a two phase system from sulphate-containing municipal solid waste to improve the quality of the biogas has been investigated. The results showed that although SRB and sulphide production decreased, the use of inhibitor was not effective to improve the anaerobic digestion in a two phase system from sulphate-containing waste, since a significant decrease on biogas and organic matter removal were observed. Before MoO−2 4 addition the average values of volatile solid were around 12 g/kg, after 5 days of inhibitor use, those values did exceed to 28 g/kg. Molybdate caused acidification in the reactor and it was according to decrease in the pH values. In relation to microbial consortia, the effect of inhibitor was a decrease in Bacteria (44%; 60% in sulphate-reducing bacteria) and Archaea (38%) population