294 research outputs found

    Vector valued logarithmic residues and the extraction of elementary factors

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    An analysis is presented of the circumstances under which, by the extraction of elementary factors, an analytic Banach algebra valued function can be transformed into one taking invertible values only. Elementary factors are generalizations of the simple scalar expressions λ – α, the building blocks of scalar polynomials. In the Banach algebra situation they have the form e – p + (λ – α)p with p an idempotent. The analysis elucidates old results (such as on Fredholm operator valued functions) and yields new insights which are brought to bear on the study of vector-valued logarithmic residues. These are contour integrals of logarithmic derivatives of analytic Banach algebra valued functions. Examples illustrate the subject matter and show that new ground is covered. Also a long standing open problem is discussed from a fresh angle.analytic vector-valued function;annihilating family of idempotents;elementary factor;generalizations of analytic functions;idempotent;integer combination of idempotents;logarithmic residue;plain function;resolving family of traces;topological algebras

    Logarithmic residues, Rouché’s theorem, and spectral regularity: The C∗-algebra case

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    AbstractUsing families of irreducible Hilbert space representations as a tool, the theory of analytic Fredholm operator valued function is extended to a C∗-algebra setting. This includes a C∗-algebra version of Rouché’s Theorem known from complex function theory. Also, criteria for spectral regularity of C∗-algebras are developed. One of those, involving the (generalized) Calkin algebra, is applied to C∗-algebras generated by a non-unitary isometry

    Logarithmic residues of analytic Banach algebra valued functions possessing a simply meromorphic inverse

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    A logarithmic residue is a contour integral of a logarithmic derivative (left or right) of an analytic Banach algebra valued function. For functions possessing a meromorphic inverse with simple poles only, the logarithmic residues are identified as the sums of idempotents. With the help of this observation, the issue of left versus right logarithmic residues is investigated, both for connected and nonconnected underlying Cauchy domains. Examples are given to elucidate the subject matter.Logarithmic residues;Cauchy domains;analytic Banach algebra valued function;meromorphic inverse

    Logarithmic residues and sums of idempotents in the Banach algebra generated by the compact operators and the identity.

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    A logarithmic residue is a contour integral of the (left or right) logarithmic derivative of an analytic Banach algebra valued function. Logarithmic residues are intimately related to sums of idempotents. The present paper is concerned with logarithmic residues and sums of idempotents in the Banach algebra generated by the compact operators and the identity in the case when the underlying Banach space is infinite dimensional. The situation is more complex than encoutered in previous investigations. Logarithmic derivatives may have essential singularities and the geometric properties of the Banach space play a role. The set of sums of idempotens and the set of logarithmic residues have an intriguing topological structure.Banach algebra;Logarithmic residues;sums of idempotents

    Logarithmic residues in Banach algebras

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    Let f be an analytic Banach algebra valued function and suppose that the contour integral of the logarithmic derivative f′f-1 around a Cauchy domain D vanishes. Does it follow that f takes invertible values on all of D? For important classes of Banach algebras, the answer is positive. In general, however, it is negative. The counterexample showing this involves a (nontrivial) zero sum of logarithmic residues (that are in fact idempotents). The analysis of such zero sums leads to results about the convex cone generated by the logarithmic residues

    Logarithmic residues and sums of idempotents in the Banach algebra generated by the compact operators and the identity.

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    A logarithmic residue is a contour integral of the (left or right) logarithmic derivative of an analytic Banach algebra valued function. Logarithmic residues are intimately related to sums of idempotents. The present paper is concerned with logarithmic residues and sums of idempotents in the Banach algebra generated by the compact operators and the identity in the case when the underlying Banach space is infinite dimensional. The situation is more complex than encoutered in previous investigations. Logarithmic derivatives may have essential singularities and the geometric properties of the Banach space play a role. The set of sums of idempotens and the set of logarithmic residues have an intriguing topological structure

    Logarithmic residues of analytic Banach algebra valued functions possessing a simply meromorphic inverse

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    A logarithmic residue is a contour integral of a logarithmic derivative (left or right) of an analytic Banach algebra valued function. For functions possessing a meromorphic inverse with simple poles only, the logarithmic residues are identified as the sums of idempotents. With the help of this observation, the issue of left versus right logarithmic residues is investigated, both for connected and nonconnected underlying Cauchy domains. Examples are given to elucidate the subject matter

    Vector valued logarithmic residues and the extraction of elementary factors

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    An analysis is presented of the circumstances under which, by the extraction of elementary factors, an analytic Banach algebra valued function can be transformed into one taking invertible values only. Elementary factors are generalizations of the simple scalar expressions λ – α, the building blocks of scalar polynomials. In the Banach algebra situation they have the form e – p + (λ – α)p with p an idempotent. The analysis elucidates old results (such as on Fredholm operator valued functions) and yields new insights which are brought to bear on the study of vector-valued logarithmic residues. These are contour integrals of logarithmic derivatives of analytic Banach algebra valued functions. Examples illustrate the subject matter and show that new ground is covered. Also a long standing open problem is discussed from a fresh angle

    Zero sums of idempotents in Banach algebras

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    The problem treated in this paper is the following. Let p1,..., pkbe idempotents in a Banach algebra B, and assume p1+...+pk=0. Does it follow that pj=0, j=1,..., k? For important classes of Banach algebras the answer turns out to be positive; in general, however, it is negative. A counterexample is given involving five nonzero bounded projections on infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space. The number five is critical here: in Banach algebras nontrivial zero sums of four idempotents are impossible. In a purely algebraic context (no norm), the situation is different. There the critical number is four