122 research outputs found

    The Use of Untreated Neuburg Siliceous Earth as Filler for High-Density Polyethylene

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    This paper reports the results of a study on twin-screw direct extrusion run at a screw speed of 120 rev/min to produce a composite pellet product which was used for an injection molding process and after that subjected to static tensile testing as well as hardness and specimen morphology examination. As filler, we used untreated Neuburg siliceous earth (NSE) marketed under trade names Silitin Z86 and Silitin V88 ranging from 10 to 60 wt% in a matrix made of high-density polyethylene (PE-HD) Hostalen GD 7255. The results demonstrate that Young‘s modulus and maximum tensile stress of the polyethylene composite with untreated Neuburg siliceous earth first decrease and then increase with increasing the filler’s content. The addition of Silitin Z86 causes an increase in tensile stress at break while the addition of Silitin V88 leads to its decrease. Strain at maximum tensile stress of the tested molded pieces first increases with increasing the filler’s content, but then starts to decrease. The tested composite molded pieces have lower strain at break as opposed to those without the filler. An increase in the filler’s content leads to an increase in hardness of the tested specimens. The results of specimen morphology demonstrate that the filler is unevenly distributed in the polymer and reveals a strong tendency to agglomerate

    Pregnant woman infected with SARS-COV-2 – diagnosis and treatment

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    Introduction: COVID-19 is an infection caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 virus. In pregnant women with COVID-19, compared to non-pregnant women, there is an increased risk of a severe course of the infection. Pregnant women are more often hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit and require mechanical ventilation. In the course of COVID-19 infection, pregnant women have a greater risk of miscarriage, premature birth or having a baby with low birth weight, compared to their healthy pregnancy peers. The aim of the study: To present, based on the available literature, the principles of management of a pregnant woman infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus. State of knowledge: The evidence of infection is the detection of the virus in the clinical specimen confirmed by PCR. Chest computer tomography can be useful in diagnosis, especially when the PCR test result is negative. Particular attention should be paid to pharmacological treatment, which should be both effective and safe for the fetus. Certain antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs as well as anticoagulants drugs are used in COVID-19 therapy. Oxygen and fluid therapy is also important. The condition of the fetus should be monitored regularly. It is recommended to measure the fetal heart rate, perform cardiotocography, pregnancy ultrasound and assess the volume of amniotic fluid. The decision about the time and method of delivery should be made individually on the basis of obstetric indications and the maternal-fetal condition. Summary: The therapy of a pregnant patient infected with SARS-CoV-2 should be adjusted individually depending on the woman's health condition. In therapeutic interventions, the welfare of both the mother and the fetus should be taken into account

    Stress level and ways of coping with stress in a group of patients with unstable coronary heart disease

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    Introduction. Cardiovascular diseases still remain at the forefront of society's most important health problem and are one of the leading causes of death.Purpose of research. The aim of this study is to assess the degree of coping with stress in a group of patients treated for unstable angina.Material and methods. The research was conducted on 01.09.2019 - 01.03.2020. The size of the study group was 100 people, 45% of whom were women, 55% were men. People with diagnosed unstable angina took part in the study. The following research tools were used in this work to gather the necessary information: • Self-study report - contains 12 questions in the area of sociodemographic information, current disease and available support. • Mini-COPE - Inventory for Measuring Coping With Stress. • PSS-10 - Perceived Stress Scale. The above research tools made it possible to collect information on the sociodemographic data of the respondents, the degree of coping with stress and the scale of perceived stress.Conclusions. Younger people more often than older people focused on actively coping with stress. People in relationships coped with stress to a greater extent than single people and focused on development. Patients who remain professionally active cope better with a stressful situation than those on disability or retirement. People after surgical procedures were more planning-oriented than those treated with pharmacological treatment. The support of family and friends has a positive effect on coping with stress in patients with unstable angina.

    The role of obstetricians and neonatologists in childcare in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused numerous changes to the healthcare system, including care for the newborns. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to create a clear set of recommendations used in the care of a newborn during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. State of knowledge: Despite the low risk of infection of the newborn in utero or during vaginal delivery, in rare cases there is a possibility of vertical transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Every newborn baby whose mother has been diagnosed with COVID-19 disease should be screened for infection. Suspected neonates should be isolated from healthy children and kept in quarantine until the test result is obtained. It is essential to constantly monitor your baby's health and be alert to any possible signs of infection. Medical personnel should ensure adequate protection when handling an infected newborn. A healthy infant whose mother is SARS-Cov-2 positive may be discharged home provided it is looked after by a healthy caregiver. Summary: New patterns of management in maternity and neonatal departments are associated with changes that may have a significant impact on the mother-child relationship. When making decisions aimed at reducing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection, it is necessary to seek solutions taking into account the needs of this particular group of patients

    COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant and lactating women

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic significantly changed the lifestyle of pregnant women. Pregnant women with COVID-19 are more likely to suffer from severe disease, as well as unfavorable pregnancy and childbirth. Currently, there is no causal treatment for this disease available, so attention should be paid to preventing infection with vaccines. Aim of the study: A review of the literature on the influence of COVID-19 vaccines on the course of pregnancy and summary of recommendations regarding the use of COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy and breastfeeding.  State of knwoledge: Three types of COVID-19 vaccines are most commonly used: mRNA vaccines, vector vaccines as well as subunit vaccines. In preclinical developmental and reproductive toxicity studies in animal models, there were no alarming safety signals, and observations of vaccinated pregnant women did not reveal any complications with respect to the course of pregnancy and development of the fetus. No cases of neonatal death have been reported in the first 28 days after birth. Most of the side effects following vaccination, such as injection site pain or tenderness, fatigue, fever or muscle pain, were moderate and resolved within 24 hours. The current research results confirm a positive immune response in pregnant women. Moreover, it is important that the presence of antibodies in the umbilical cord blood makes it possible to protect and reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection of the newborn. Summary: All pregnant women, irrespective of trimester, and breastfeeding mothers are advised to administer a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine within an appropriate period of time after the primary vaccination schedule

    Optimal lipid-lowering therapy in 25-years old patient with familial hypercholesterolemia after acute myocardial infarction

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    Zaburzenia gospodarki lipidowej są jednym z ważniejszych czynników predysponujących do wystąpienia choroby wieńcowej. Szczególną populację ze znacznie podwyższonymi wartościami cholesterolu stanowią pacjenci ze zdiagnozowaną hipercholesterolemią rodzinną (FH). Prezentowany przypadek 25-letniego pacjenta z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym to przykład manifestacji FH. Chory został przyjęty do kliniki po przebytym w Turcji zawale serca z uniesieniem odcinka ST ściany dolnej w celu dalszej diagnostyki i kontynuacji leczenia. W wykonanym lipidogramie stwierdzono podwyższone stężenie cholesterolu całkowitego i frakcji lipoprotein o małej gęstości. W wykonanej koronarografii uwidoczniono obraz wielonaczyniowej choroby wieńcowej. Po konsultacjach kardiochirurgicznych chorego zakwalifikowano do operacji pomostowania aortalno-wieńcowego i w trybie pilnym, bez użycia krążenia pozaustrojowego, wszczepiono pomosty tętnicze do tętnicy przedniej zstępującej i tętnicy brzeżnej pierwszej. Biorąc pod uwagę wywiad FH i fakt prowadzenia leczenia hipolipemizującego jeszcze przed incydentem ostrego zespołu wieńcowego wydaje się niezwykle istotne zaproponowanie choremu terapii zmierzającej do osiągnięcia zalecanego celu terapeutycznego wynikającego z istniejącego wysokiego ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego.Lipid disorders are one of the major risk factors of coronary artery disease. A special population with significantly elevated lipid values are patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). Presented 25-years old patient with acute coronary syndrome is a classical example of the clinical manifestation of FH. Patient was admitted to our clinic with a history of myocardial infarction with ST elevation during his visit in Turkey. Among the laboratory parameters we observed elevated values of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein. Coronary angiography showed multivessel coronary artery disease. During cardiosurgical consultation patient was qualified to urgent off-pump coronary artery bypass operation. Arterial bypasses were implanted to left anterior descending and obtuse marginal of left coronary artery. According to history of FH and the fact that lipid-lowering therapy has been implemented before the event of acute coronary syndrome, it seems to be very important to offer our patient therapy aimed to the recommended therapeutic target

    Assessment of the relationship between platelet reactivity, vascular risk factors and gender in cerebral ischaemia patients

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    Aim. Excessive activation and platelet aggregation play important roles in the aetiopathogenesis of cerebral ischaemia. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between platelet reactivity, gender and vascular risk factors in cerebral ischaemia patients.Clinical rationale for the study. The research is useful because we found high risk groups of inefficient aspirin treatment in cerebral ischaemia patients.Material and methods. The study involved 101 patients, including 69 patients with ischaemic stroke and 32 patients with transient ischaemic attack. The assessment of platelet reactivity was made within 24 hours of the disease onset using two aggregometric methods: impedance and optical.Results. Resistance to acetylsalicylic acid among people with cerebral ischaemia was estimated at 30.69% using impedance aggregometry and 9.2% using optical aggregometry. There were no differences in platelet reactivity or ASA resistance between the groups of patients with stroke and TIA in either method. In the whole group of patients (p = 0.04), and in the group of patients with stroke (p = 0.0143), higher reactivity of platelets was observed by impedance aggregometry in men than in women. In the whole group of patients (p = 0.0229), and in the subgroup with stroke (p = 0.0123), it was shown that aspirin resistance is significantly more common in the subgroup of men than in women. In patients suffering from nicotine addiction, significantly higher platelet reactivity was found in the whole group of patients (p = 0.004), as well as in the subgroup of patients with stroke (p = 0.0135).Conclusions. There are no differences between platelet reactivity and the incidence of aspirin resistance in patients with stroke and TIA. Male gender and smoking are associated with greater reactivity of platelets and more frequent occurrence of acetylsalicylic acid resistance in patients with cerebral ischaemia.Clinical implications. Dual antiplatelet therapy or clopidogrel treatment should be considered in smoking males with cerebral ischaemia due to the high risk of aspirin inefficiency