20 research outputs found


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    Arabica coffee leaves (coffea Arabica L.) are known to contain flavonoids which have antioxidant activity. This study aims to find out whether arabica coffee leaf extract can be formulated in the form of anti-meat pell-off gel mask preparations. The gel dosage formula is made by comparing the concentration of arabica coffee leaf ethanol extract with formulas 1%, 3% and 5% . The gel that is formed is tested for physical properties and stability. viscosity value of viscosity of 7500-27050cps, spread power of 5-.7.5 cm. Pell-off mask preparation for homogeneous produced arabica coffee leaf ethanol extract, PH 5.1-6.1 stable in 4 weeks storage, non-irritating to the skin and long drying 22-30 minutes, Arabica coffee leaf ethanol pell-off gel mask provides better anti-aging effectiveness for 4 weeks compared to blank. The F3 pell-off gel mask (5%) provides a better anti-aging effect than other formulas

    The Experience Economy and Marketing Approach in Rural Tourism that Creates Memorable Experience (A Study in Cikolelet Tourism Village)

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    The approach and use of the experience economy has transformed a tourist village with new added value. The presence of ecotourism-based tourism villages and examines the use of community-based tourism models in the development of tourism villages. Through the CBT model, the development of tourist villages has an impact on reducing unemployment, being able to maintain local wisdom and encouraging village independence. The research objective is to examine the use of the experience economy and the use of the CBT model in the development of the Cikolelet tourism village. The research method uses qualitative research methods. Informants in the study were the head of the tourism village Pokdarwis and member of Pokdarwis of the Cikolelet tourism village who understood tourism villages. Data collection techniques were carried out through observations, interviews, and direct documentation of the research object. The results of the study can be concluded that The experience economy concept can be applied to Cikolelet rural tourism to enhance the tourist experience and create a unique and memorable destination. The experience economy is based on the idea that people are increasingly seeking experiences over material goods, and that businesses can create value by designing and delivering unique and memorable experiences.&nbsp

    The Functions of Discourse Markers in Fairy Tale of Thumbelina by Hans Christian Andersen

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the use of discourse markers in written fairy tale. In order to achieve the aim of this research, the following objective is set to analyze the percentage and the functions of discourse markers in the fairy tale of Thumbelina. The approach to this research is qualitative as well as discourse analysis method was chosen for the analysis. After analyzing the data, the research found that total word count of the fairy tale of Thumbelina was 4,335, which was taken as the basis for calculating the frequency of each DM. Within 4,335 words 41 different DMs were identified, but the number of occurrences of each DM was quite different. Total number of all DMs occurrences was 415 which composed 10.44 % of the total word count. Taking into consideration functions of DMs, there were found 358 occurrences of DMs fulfilling textual functions and 57 occurrences of DMs in interpersonal functions. Based on the result, the percentage of occurrences of discourse markers are more frequent in the textual discourse markers (86, 3%) than interpersonal discourse markers (13, 7%)


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    Zipping and zapping is better known as TV channel transfers that viewers can record, pause and repeat TV broadcasts. It can be stated that zipping and zapping can cause ads to be no longer effective and efficient as a means of promotion and communication of products. Therefore, to create good communication, advertising can be used and product placement is one of the advertising choices. Product placement is one of the most advanced advertising industries. Product placement makes the audience's attention indirectly focus on the brand or product that is placed on television shows or films, and companies that use product placement can avoid zipping and electric shocks. Based on the previous explanation, this research was conducted to determine whether product placement had a positive effect on brand awareness and intention to buy Indonesian people. This research was conducted with quantitative research methods through an online questionnaire. This study applied a purposive sampling method and was aimed at respondents who had watched Indonesian Idol 2018. The study consisted of 154 respondents. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show that there are two supported hypotheses and one hypothesis that is not supported. This study concludes that there is a positive influence of product placement and brand awareness, there is no positive influence of product placement and purchase intention, and there is a positive influence of brand awareness and purchase intention


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    Exclusive breastfeeding refers to the practice of providing breast milk solely to infants aged 0-6 months without introducing any additional solid foods or liquids such as formula, fruit juice, honey, or tea. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of administering green bean juice (Vigna Radiate) on enhancing postpartum breast milk production among mothers receiving care at the Yeni Clinic in the Tinggi Raja District, Asahan Regency, in the year 2022. This research follows a quantitative approach and employs a quasi-experimental design known as the "slum experiment," involving both pre-test and One Group post-test designs. Data analysis involved the application of a paired t-test on a sample of 10 postpartum mothers facing challenges in providing exclusive breastfeeding, and the study was conducted in June 2022. The findings of the study indicated that prior to the introduction of green bean extract, the majority of mothers (90%) experienced low breast milk production, with only one mother (10%) achieving sufficient breast milk production. Following the reintroduction of green bean extract, two mothers (20%) observed an increase in breast milk production, while eight other mothers (80%) achieved adequate breast milk production. Data analysis results revealed a p-value of 0.000, which is less than 0.005, indicating a significant influence of administering green bean juice (Vigna Radiate) on breast milk production among postpartum mothers at the Yeni Clinic, Tinggi Raja District, Asahan Regency, in 2022

    Implementasi Metode Kriptografi Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) untuk Proteksi Pesan Audio

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    This study is to solve the problem Cryptographic techniques used to protect and maintain the confidentiality of audio messages by changing audio messages into audio messages that cannot be played by doing the encryption process and can be played back after the audio message is decrypted. To protect audio messages, it is used in the process of encrypting and decrypting audio messages using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) method. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) uses symmetric key block passwords with varying key sizes of 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) method used is 128 bit key size and there are 10 rounds in the process of encryption and decryption. Audio messages that have been encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) method cannot be played by parties who do not know the key to encrypt and decrypt the audio message. Audio messages are protected and protected from irresponsible parties who want to damage or just listen to the audio message


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    Peran ibu dalam keluarga memegang berbagai peranan penting dan sangat sentral, oleh sebab itu sudah sepatutnya ibu-ibu rumah tangga perlu diberdayakan baik dari pengetahuan maupun keterampilannya untuk turut meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangga sederhana bagi ibu-ibu PKK Desa Sipahutar dan memberikan pelatihan kewirausahaan melalui pembuatan makanan olahan pisang sebagai modal keterampilan untuk memulai industri rumah tangga. Metode yang digunakan adalah: 1) Ceramah dan diskusi; 2) Praktik pelatihan pembuatan produk makanan olahan pisang, antara lain pisang krispy, pisang kribo, keripik pisang, bolu pisang dan stik pisang. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu: 1) Ibu-ibu PKK lebih mengetahui dan memahami dasar-dasar pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangga; 2) Ibu-ibu PKK memahami proses pembuatan aneka kreasi makanan olahan pisang diharapkan mampu menjadikan modal keterampilan dalam memulai industri rumah tangga

    Experienced economic approach in tourism product development in The Keranggan Tourism Village, South Tangerang

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    The experience economy approach shows that consumers are not only offered a product as a commodity but as an experience. Experience in a destination will distinguish one place from another. The purpose of this research is to examine the four categories of experiences owned by the Keranggan Tourism Village and to provide a product development strategy based on that experience. The four categories are aesthetic experience, entertainment, education, and getting out of the routine. Kampung Keranggan has been developed since 2012 and already has several tourist attractions that are visited by tourists. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was done by interviewing the Tourism Awareness Group and field observations. The findings of this study are that Kampung Keranggan already has aspects in realizing the experience, but the packaging still needs to be developed. Among them, the educational experience for tourists is given the experience of food processing production, from harvesting cassava, peeling, steaming, and mashing to forming opaque chips. The results of this experience study will be included in the tourism product development strategy


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    Salah satu pendapatan yang tertinggi bagi hotel adalah dari hasil penjualan kamar kepada tamu. Oleh karena itu bagaimana menata kamar dengan baik menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Dalam penataan kamar, merapikan tempat tidur dan membuat seni melipat handuk akan menjadi daya tarik utama  di kamar hotel dan hal yang sangat penting untuk dipelajari dan diketahui. Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini dilakukan berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan dari Ibu-Ibu PKK (Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga)  di Curug Wetan dalam merapikan tempat tidur dan melipat handuk di rumah masing-masing agar terlihat menarik. Pelatihan ini berupaya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan para Ibu-Ibu PKK dan dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen dari Fakultas Pariwisata Prodi Pengelolaan Perhotelan. Pola ajar dilakukan dengan workshop pembuatan towel art dan making bed bagi ibu-ibu PKK di desa curug wetan. Tim Pengbadian kepada Masyarakat akan memberikan pelatihan kepada ibu-ibu PKK di  Desa  Curug  Wetan  dengan  kurang  lebih 20 peserta. Tim  Pengabdian  kepada Masyarakat  sangat  mengharapkan  kelancaran  rencana-rencana  yang  akan  dikembangkan  oleh pihak  desa  Curug  Wetan  di  kemudian  hari  demi  kemajuan  desa  tersebut. Untuk mengukur keberhasilan kegiatan ini, akan dilakukan metode pre-test dan post-test. Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan ini menunjukkan upaya yang baik dalam menyusun acara yang terstruktur, menyediakan materi yang relevan, dan melibatkan peserta secara aktif. Evaluasi positif ini dapat dijadikan dasar untuk memperbaiki kualitas pada masa mendatang

    Implementasi Metode Kriptografi Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) untuk Proteksi Pesan Audio

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    This study is to solve the problem Cryptographic techniques used to protect and maintain the confidentiality of audio messages by changing audio messages into audio messages that cannot be played by doing the encryption process and can be played back after the audio message is decrypted. To protect audio messages, it is used in the process of encrypting and decrypting audio messages using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) method. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) uses symmetric key block passwords with varying key sizes of 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) method used is 128 bit key size and there are 10 rounds in the process of encryption and decryption. Audio messages that have been encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) method cannot be played by parties who do not know the key to encrypt and decrypt the audio message. Audio messages are protected and protected from irresponsible parties who want to damage or just listen to the audio message