6 research outputs found


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    Dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini, teknologi informasi melaju dengan cepatnya. Adapun komputer yang merupakan peralatan yang diciptakan untuk mempermudah pekerjaan  manusia, saat mencapai kemajuan baik di dalam pembuatan hardware maupun software.Website merupakan suatu media informasi yang menawarkan berbagai kemudahan dalam menyajikan informasi. Kecepatan dan kenyamanan merupakan nilai fositif dengan adanya internet. Pondok Pesantren Islam Hidayatunnajah membutuhkan sekali adanya suatu sistem informasi yang menunjang dan memberikan pelayanan Informasi. Untuk itulah penulis mencoba membuat Skripsi mengenai sistem Penerimaan Santri Baru Berbasis Web Pada Pondok pesantren Islam Hidayatunnajah yang sampai saat ini belum terkomputerisasi. Dengan dibuatkannya sistem penerimaan santri baru secara online ini,diharapkan masyarakat yang akan masuk ke pondok pesantren islam hidayatunnajah tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam urusan pendaftaran khususnya masyarakat yang diluar kota bekasi, karena masyarakat bisa daftar secara online tanpa harus datang ke Pondok Pesantren Islam Hidayatunnaja

    Prototype of Drainage Water Level Monitoring System Using Internet of Things (IoT) Based Web

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    Information on water levels needs to be conveyed quickly. So, when the rainfall is high, the supervisory team that monitor the drainage water level needs to be alert move quickly to prevent losses. In addressing these problems, the author will provide a solution in Monitoring of the water level system in the drainage water reservoir so that the operator and maintenance team can find out if there is an over discharge in the drainage water reservoir when the rainfall is very high. By utilizing ultrasonic sensors to detect changes in drainage water level. The ultrasonic sensor used has better reliability than other proximity sensors. In addition, the use of the ultrasonic sensor capability on the prototype is only on the Centimeter scale, and with the help of a buzzer as a reminder indicator (alarm) to find out the water level approaching the sensor. Float switch is also used to determine the water level, namely low, medium and high.Penyampaian informasi mengenai ketinggian air perlu dilakukan dengan cepat. Sehingga ketika curah hujan tinggi, tim pengawas yang memonitor ketinggian air drainase perlu sigap dan bergerak cepat untuk mencegah kerugian. Dalam menyikapi permasalahan tersebut penulis akan memberikan solusi dalam Monitoring sistem level air di bak penampungan air drainase agar operator dan tim maintenance dapat mengetahui apabila adanya over debit pada bak penampungan air drainase saat curah air hujan sangat tinggi. Dengan memanfaatkan sensor ultrasonik untuk mendeteksi perubahan ketinggian air drainase. Sensor ultrasonik yang digunakan memiliki kehandalan lebih baik daripada sensor jarak yang lain. Selain itu dalam pemanfaatan kemampuan sensor ultrasonik pada prototype hanya dalam skala Centimeter, dan dengan bantuan buzzer sebagai indikator pengingat (Alarm) untuk mengetahui tinggi air yang mendekati sensor. Sensor float switch juga digunakan untuk menentukan level ketinggian air yakni low, medium dan high

    Penguatan Hukum Merek dalam Perjanjian Lisensi Guna Peningkatan Taraf Ekonomi Masyarakat di Indonesia

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    The issue of licensing agreements to improve the standard of living of people in Indonesia is very interesting to be studied in depth via intellectual discussions. Various problems should be taken as lessons for Indonesian people, for example: registration of the Toraja coffee trademark by the American businessmen, sambal uleg from Central Java and Gayo coffee by the Dutch and the song Sayang Sayange from Maluku and the legend of Garlic and Onion by Malaysia. The purpose of writing this article is to provide an explanation of the necessity to strengthen understanding of trademark law in the license agreement as an effort to improve the economic level of the Indonesian people. The problems focus on the government actions against the violations of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and as well as the roles of the government and society to improve the economic level of society through strengthening trademark law in license agreements. The research was conducted by using a normative legal research. The result of the research described in this article is that the economic level of the community can be increased by conducting a franchise business, providing opportunities for the franchisor to exploit economic rights in order to multiply and get the maximum profit at a low cost because it is borne by the franchisee.Keywords: Trademark, License Agreement, Economic Strat


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    Basically, in achieving success, you must have a character which must be able to have personality in carrying out every problem in all phases of life. Early age must be trained so that it has a dignity and also has a form of personality that has value for future provision. Success can be achieved and pursued by focusing on how each person tries to make progress in every process when doing something new within themselves. Success requires something which needs will in everyone and also every human being. Humans are equipped with curiosity so that they have other things in themselves with different values. Erenos High School needs it as a form and also part of the development of all students to achieve success in the future. The activities were carried out and also carried out with great enthusiasm which were carried out in the school hall. The activity received a good and also positive response and lots of feedback from the participants.Basically, in achieving success, you must have a character which must be able to have personality in carrying out every problem in all phases of life. Early age must be trained so that it has a dignity and also has a form of personality that has value for future provision. Success can be achieved and pursued by focusing on how each person tries to make progress in every process when doing something new within themselves. Success requires something which needs will in everyone and also every human being. Humans are equipped with curiosity so that they have other things in themselves with different values. Erenos High School needs it as a form and also part of the development of all students to achieve success in the future. The activities were carried out and also carried out with great enthusiasm which were carried out in the school hall. The activity received a good and also positive response and lots of feedback from the participants


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    Sistem instrumentasi atau sistem deteksi parameter fisis untuk pengendalian daya pada reaktor nuklir adalah detektor neutron, salah satu dari detektor neutron adalah detektor fission chamber (FC). Pada Kerja Praktik (KP) ini dilakukan studi khusus yaitu melakukan simulasi neutronik menggunakan MCNP terhadap dua buah model detektor yang telah dimodelkan. Tujuan simulasi ini adalah untuk mengetahui besar fluks neutron yang ada pada material kedua buah detektor tersebut sehingga dapat di lakukan perhitungan untuk mendapatkan besar arus keluaran dari masing-masing detektor menggunakan faktor konversi dari data sheet detektor. Diperoleh fluks neutron termal (0,025 eV) untuk detektor CFUE24 adalah sebesar 2,16987×10^11 n.cm^(-2) .s^(-1) sedangkan untuk neutron CFUL08 adalah sebesar 1,706×10^10 n.cm^(-2) .s^(-1), fluks neutron kasip (0,4 MeV) untuk detektor CFUE24 adalah sebesar 1,54638×10^11 n.cm^(-2) .s^(-1) sedangkan untuk neutron CFUL08 adalah sebesar 9,44604×10^9 n.cm^(-2) .s^(-1), fluks neutron cepat (2 Mev) untuk detektor CFUE24 adalah sebesar 2,80848×11 n.cm^(-2) .s^(-1) sedangkan untuk neutron CFUL08 adalah sebesar 3,02051×10^10 n.cm^(-2) .s^(-1), dan fluks neutron rata-rata Reaktor Kartini (0,21 eV) untuk detektor CFUE24 adalah sebesar 6,25941×10^11 n.cm^(-2) .s^(-1) sedangkan untuk neutron CFUL08 adalah sebesar 4,76208×10^10 n.cm^(-2) .s^(-1). Dapat diperoleh besar fluks neutron total dari penjumlahan fluks neutron untuk semua rentang energi neutron yang telah disimulasikan yaitu sebesar 1,27841×10^12 n.cm^(-2) .s^(-1) untuk detektor CFUE24 dan 1,27841×10^12 n.cm^(-2) untuk detektor CFUL08. Berdasarkan fluks neutron total yang telah diperoleh, didapatkan besar arus total yang dihasilkan oleh detektor CFUE24 adalah sebesar 1,27841×10^(-3) A dan besar arus total yang dihasilkan oleh detektor CFUL08 adalah sebesar 2,08646×10^(-2) A