3,650 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Oleh Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) Di Desa Lintong Nihuta Kecamatan Tampahan Kabupaten Toba

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    The research method used is descriptive qualitative in order to describe the actual phenomenon of events in the field. Data collection techniques use interviews, observations, and documentation related to the study. The results showed that the implementation of community empowerment that was carried out experienced several obstacles in terms of infrastructure due to limited funds owned and the lack of participating communities because they were still thinking primitively.  Therefore, the researcher conducted an evaluation with William N Dunn's evaluation theory which included effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, leveling, responsiveness and accuracy as benchmarks in this study.  Researchers found that the biggest obstacle lies in the source of funds which is still very minimal and then continued by HR problems. The next step is for researchers to provide some inputs such as collaborating with third parties to cover up funding problems, and to provide training to the community in managing business units as a step to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit

    An Analysis of Illocutioanry Acts of the Main Character of Transformers Movie “Dark of the Moon”

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    The objectives of this research were to find out the five types of illocutionary acts, namely: Directive, Commisives, Expressive, Assertive, Declarative and the dominant one used in Transformers”Dark of the Moon”. This research was conducted by using quantitative descriptive design. It took 735 utterances taken from the subtitle of Transformers “Dark of the Moon” which were released in June 29, 2011. The result of analyzing found five types of process were used in Transformers “Dark of the Moon”, they were: Directive, Commisive, Expressive, Assertive and Declarative. There were 735 illocutionary acts in 735 utterances. The findings of data analysis showed that the total numbers of process from the five types of illocutionary acts were: Directive is 361 (47,94%) utterances. The total number of Commisive is 39 (5,17%) utterances. The total number of Expressive is 58 (7,70%) utterances. The total number of Assertives is 294 (39,04%). And the total number of Declaratives is 1 (0,13%). It means that Directive is the most dominant type of Illocutionary Acts used in Transformers “Dark of the Moon” movie

    The Changing of Characterization of the Main Character in David Nicholls' One Day

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    This study deals with The Changing of Characterization of The Main Characters in David Nicholls' One Day. The objectives of this study are to find out the changing of characterization and the reasons that cause the changing in the novel. This study is limited to analyze Dexter Mayhew as the main character. This study applied descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken from David Nicholls' novel One Day. The findings indicate that Dexter has round and negative side as his nature; Arrogant, Ambitious, Hedonistic and Selfish. The character finally ended to the positive characterization; being responsible and mature. The reason causing the changing of characterization of the main character is that facing a major outside challenge, developing a close relationship with someone very diffrent from himself such as Sylvie, Jasmine and Emma, and facing his own inner demons and prejudices


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    ABSTRACT Along with the rapid development of the times, human needs that are always increasing, especially increasingly advanced technology encourages every change that is much more modern. A need that is indispensable for an organization, company, agency, and so on is like a website. Where the website becomes a necessity both in business activities but also needed in every sales promotion and helps in work within an organization or company. PT. PCI is one of the companies that develops in the field of technology, where the company still inputs work component data manually so that the data input is less accurate. With the help of artificial intelligence can provide solutions in inputting data Entering component data and providing innovation using website-based technology can provide learning for every employee to be able to increase knowledge about technology, changes in a website-based method with manual input are very different, data that was originally input manually but can be made manually automatic. AGILE is known as a form of data development, the development works collaboratively, structured and organized so that the development is able to provide ease of work. With this research carried out in order to introduce how to input data properly and correctly. Artificial intelligence used on this website that produces input component data properly and correctly for use by employees in the work process, the use of artificial intelligence is expected to be an alternative media, so that it becomes more interesting in inputting data.   Keywords: PT.PCI; Artificial Intelligence; Website; Agilel; Data componen

    The Changing of Characterization of the Main Character in David Nicholls\u27 One Day

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    This study deals with The Changing of Characterization of The Main Characters in David Nicholls\u27 One Day. The objectives of this study are to find out the changing of characterization and the reasons that cause the changing in the novel. This study is limited to analyze Dexter Mayhew as the main character. This study applied descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken from David Nicholls\u27 novel One Day. The findings indicate that Dexter has round and negative side as his nature; Arrogant, Ambitious, Hedonistic and Selfish. The character finally ended to the positive characterization; being responsible and mature. The reason causing the changing of characterization of the main character is that facing a major outside challenge, developing a close relationship with someone very diffrent from himself such as Sylvie, Jasmine and Emma, and facing his own inner demons and prejudices

    Observation on the Use of Yellow Colouring Matters in Some Food Products Sold in Jakarta

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    Beberapa macam makanan terolah berwarna kuning yang dijual di Jakarta telah diperiksa mengenai bahan pewarna yang digunakan. Ditemukan bahwa tempe dan tahu mengandung bahan pewarna non-pangan metanil kuning. Dari 15 contoh bakmi segar yang diperiksa, 13 diantaranya di­warnai bahan pewarna tartrazin yang diizinkan, sedangkan yang 2 lagi diwarnai dengan'pewarna nonpangan metanil kuning. Dari 4 macam bakmi kering yang digungkus kantong plastik dan ber­label, ditemukan 2 macam yang mengandung metanil kuning, dan 2 macam lainnya berupa mie "instant" diwarnai bahan pewarna tartrazine yang diizinkan. Delapan dari 9 macam bahan pewarna yang dijual sebagai bahan pewarna pangan di Jakarta ternyata mengandung metanil kuning dan yang satu lagi mengandung bahan pewarna non-pangan auramin O


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    ABSTRAKJalan merupakan infrastruktur yang disediakan pemerintah untuk mempermudah mobilitas masyarakatdalam kegiatan sosial dan ekonomi. Dengan adanya jalan ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap peningkatanpertumbuhan ekonomi disuatu negara. Maka dari itu perlu adanya peningkatan kualitas jalan agar pengendarayang akan melewati jalan tersebut merasa aman dan nyaman, selain itu tingkat prekonomian juga akan semakinmeningkat. Ruas Jalan Gatot Subroto Kelurahan Sentang Kecamtan Kisaran Timur yaitu yang dimulai dari TuguSelamat Datang Kota Kisaran sampai dengan Simpang Pasar Mereng dengan panjang 1,5 Km mengalamikerusakan ringan dan sedang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis kerusakan padapermukaan jalan dan memberikan solusi perbaikan pada jalan tersebut. Metode analisa yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah metode PCI (Pavement Condition Index). Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan cara surveilangsung kelapangan dan mengukur luas kerusakan dan menentukan jenis kerusakan. Luas kerusakan yang terjadiadalah 337,313 m2. Jenis kerusakan yang ditemukan pada penelitian ini adalah retak kulit buaya, amblas,terkelupas, tambalan, berlubang, sungkur, retak memanjang, kegemukan, dan retak kotak-kotak. Berdasarkananalisa yang dilakukan kondisi jalan Gatot Subroto tergolong sangat baik (very good) dengan nilai PCI yaitu72,13. Maka alternatif perbaikan jalan yang sesuai dilakukan pada rusa jalan tersebut adalah penambahan lapisan(overlay).Kata Kunci : Kerusakan jalan, PCI (Pavement Condition Index)ABSTRACTRoads are infrastructure provided by the government to facilitate community mobility in social andeconomic activities. With this road is very influential on increasing economic growth in a country. Therefore,it is necessary to improve the quality of the road so that motorists who will pass the road feel safe andcomfortable, besides that the economic level will also increase. The Gatot Subroto Road Section of SentangSub-District of East Kisaran District, which starts from the Welcome City of Kisaran City to the MerengMarket Intersection with a length of 1.5 Km, suffered mild and moderate damage. The purpose of this studyis to determine the type of damage to the road surface and provide repair solutions on the road. Theanalytical method used in this study is the PCI (Pavement Condition Index) method. This research will beconducted by directly surveying the spaciousness and measuring the extent of damage and determining thetype of damage. The area of damage that occurred was 337,313 m2. The types of damage found in this studywere crocodile skin cracks, collapsed, peeling, fillings, holes, slumps, elongated cracks, obesity, and crackedboxes. Based on the analysis carried out the condition of the Gatot Subroto road is classified as very goodwith a PCI very good of 72,13. Then an alternative road repair that is appropriate for the deer is to add alayer (overlay).Keywords : Road damage, PCI (Pavement Condition Index

    Pengaruh Jumlah Inflasi dan Nilai Tukar terhadap Penyaluran Kredit UMKM Melalui Suku Bunga Dasar Kredit

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    In this study, a research was conducted to examine how the influence of the amount of inflation and the exchange rate on MSME lending through the Basic Loan Interest Rate. The data used in this study is secondary data obtained from data from Bank Indonesia and BPS RI. The research method is carried out using path analysis with the intervention variable being the basic loan interest rate. Data processing is done with the help of IBM SPSS. The results of this study indicate that inflation has a positive and not significant effect on the prime lending rate, whereas the exchange rate has an insignificant negative effect on the prime lending rate. Inflation and exchange rates have a positive and insignificant effect on total MSME loans, while the SBDK has a significant negative effect on total MSME loans. The prime lending rate does not mediate inflation and exchange rates in influencing MSME credit

    WED Empowerment For Productive Age Orphanage Through Making Training Empek-Empek

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    The purpose of this community service is to provide knowledge to the orphanage the importance of entrepreneurship, anything that can use as a business, how to make a product that will be manufacture and sold, as well as provide training and product marketing strategy generated. Educational entrepreneurship is a conscious effort to change a person's behavior. Educational activities are designed, organized, monitored, and evaluated to be able to achieve the goals set. Therefore, the implementation of education should give priority to dialogue and not as an object in this research conducted on orphans and orphans orphanage is located at Jl. Pajajaran Raya RT 003/005, Village Bencongan Beautiful, Housing III Karawaci. The method used in community service activities is to perform direct training and practice, in this training are given activities that include, presentation materials and practices make empek-empek culinary products presented by direct instructor skilled in the art. The implications of this community service activities are the need for product innovation and should think creatively to obtain products that are creative and innovative while remaining affordable and enjoyable
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