1,407 research outputs found

    Evidence of genetic isolation between two Mediterranean morphotypes of Parazoanthus axinellae

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    Coralligenous assemblages are among the most species-rich and vulnerable habitats of the Mediterranean Sea. Nevertheless, data on connectivity patterns on species inhabiting these habitats, crucial to define management and protection priorities, are largely lacking. Moreover, unreliable species-level taxonomy can confound ecological studies and mislead management strategies. In the northwestern Mediterranean two Parazoanthus axinellae morphotypes differing in size, color and preferred substrate are found in sympatry. In this study, we used COI and ITS sequence polymorphism to assess (1) the genetic divergence between the two morphotypes, (2) their connectivity patterns and (3) their phylogenetic position within the Parazoanthidae. Specimens of P. axinellae were sampled in 11 locations along the northwestern Mediterranean; in 6 locations, samples of the two morphotypes were collected in sympatry. Small genetic diversity and structure were found within morphotypes, while marked and consistent differentiation was detected between them. Moreover, the less widespread morphotype appeared to be closer to Pacific species as P. juanfernandezii and P. elongatus. Our findings confirmed the limited knowledge on Parazoanthus species complex, and how this gap can have important implication for the conservation strategies of this widespread and valuable genus in the Mediterranean Sea

    Patient- and parent-reported outcome measures of developmental adaptive abilities in visually impaired children: The Visual Impairment Developmental Autonomy (VIDA) scale

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    In the pediatric context, parents’ and patients’ engagement in the care process is strongly recommended and could be pursued using patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), which therefore become useful for planning and monitoring treatments. Nevertheless, few data are available from families of children with neurodevelopmental disorders such as visual impairment (VI). The Visual Impairment Developmental Autonomy (VIDA) project aims to develop and validate a patient- and parent-reported tool to measure the most relevant aspects concerning everyday adaptive abilities in children and adolescents with visual impairment: the VIDA scale. The present paper illustrates the Delphi process of item generation engaging parents and patients and presents a protocol for the validation of this new co-designed tool in an Italian visually impaired pediatric population. Twenty-three families and five adolescents provided a list of 192 items and assessed their relevance. Items were categorized in 5 areas of adaptive abilities (i.e., table manners, clothing, personal hygiene, orientation and mobility, and socio-affectivity) and into three age ranges based on the patient's age. The final 102-item Vida Scale will be administered to a minimum of 300 visually impaired children together with measures of quality of life and child adjustment to investigate its psychometric properties

    nonlinear model predictive control strategy for steam turbine rotor stress

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    Abstract The paper proposes a Nonlinear Model Predictive Control strategy for the control of steam turbines rotor thermal stresses, which exploits the approximation of the turbine rotor as an infinite cylinder subjected to external convection. The Nonlinear Model Predictive Control allows optimizing the control strategy in the long term, by significantly reducing the machine start-up time during the power up ramp. This study proposes two different control strategies: the former one is based on the control of the Heat Transfer Coefficient, correlated to the inlet valve stroke. The latter one is based on the control of Heat Transfer Coefficient and the boiler steam temperature reference. Both strategies achieve good results in shortening the start-up time. The overall approach is validated and currently under development on Programmable Logic Controller platforms to the aim of code optimization

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    Molecular dynamics calculations have been used to study structural relaxation and dynamical correlations near the glass transition in the system [Ca(N0 3 h]o.4 [KN0 3 ]o.6' As in a typical molten salt, the overall structure is determined by charge ordering. However, the radial distribution function for Ca 2 + ions is unusual in that even at high temperatures it shows a split first peak due to specific spatial correlations of the cations with the nitrate anions. Structural relaxation that accompanies cooling of the system has been characterized with the aid of the van Hove real-space correlation functions G s (r,t) for the constituent atoms (Ca, K, N, 0). The relaxation of the incoherent structure factor Fs (k,t), with a wave vector k near the peak of the static structure factor, has been investigated as a function of temperature. The results clearly reveal both the a and /3 relaxation processes; the former can be well represented by a master curve with a stretched exponential shape. An analysis of the susceptibility, which agrees qualitatively with neutron spin-echo data, suggests that the glass transition for the model occurs around 400 K. The relatively small discrepancy with the experimental transition temperature derived from neutron scattering data (366 K) is likely related to inadequacies in the model employed for the interionic interactions. The functions C1(t) and C 2 (t) , which describe the reorientational relaxation of the threefold symmetry axes of the nitrate ions, are shown to exhibit a scaling behavior analogous to that of the structure factor. In the region of the glass transition, where translational diffusion has essentially stopped, the nitrate ions continue to flip predominantly about their twofold axes

    The Use of Antimalarial Drugs against Viral Infection

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    In recent decades, drugs used to treat malaria infection have been shown to be beneficial for many other diseases, including viral infections. In particular, they have received special attention due to the lack of effective antiviral drugs against new emerging viruses (i.e., HIV, dengue virus, chikungunya virus, Ebola virus, etc.) or against classic infections due to drug-resistant viral strains (i.e., human cytomegalovirus). Here, we reviewed the in vitro/in vivo and clinical studies conducted to evaluate the antiviral activities of four classes of antimalarial drugs: Artemisinin derivatives, aryl-aminoalcohols, aminoquinolines, and antimicrobial drugs

    Estuarine Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux From Space: With Application to Chesapeake and Delaware Bays

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    This study uses a neural network model trained with in situ data, combined with satellite data and hydrodynamic model products, to compute the daily estuarine export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) at the mouths of Chesapeake Bay (CB) and Delaware Bay (DB) from 2007 to 2011. Both bays show large flux variability with highest fluxes in spring and lowest in fall as well as interannual flux variability (0.18 and 0.27 Tg C/year in 2008 and 2010 for CB; 0.04 and 0.09 Tg C/year in 2008 and 2011 for DB). Based on previous estimates of total organic carbon (TOCexp) exported by all Mid‐Atlantic Bight estuaries (1.2 Tg C/year), the DOC export (CB + DB) of 0.3 Tg C/year estimated here corresponds to 25% of the TOCexp. Spatial and temporal covariations of velocity and DOC concentration provide contributions to the flux, with larger spatial influence. Differences in the discharge of fresh water into the bays (74 billion m3/year for CB and 21 billion m3/year for DB) and their geomorphologies are major drivers of the differences in DOC fluxes for these two systems. Terrestrial DOC inputs are similar to the export of DOC at the bay mouths at annual and longer time scales but diverge significantly at shorter time scales (days to months). Future efforts will expand to the Mid‐Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine, and its major rivers and estuaries, in combination with coupled terrestrial‐estuarine‐ocean biogeochemical models that include effects of climate change, such as warming and CO2 increase