1,092 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Analysis of the Supply and Demand for Middle School Mathematics and Science Teachers in Virginia

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    Virginia Colleges and Universities have a major challenge to produce educated elementary and middle school students. The magnitude of this challenge can be measured by studying the number of current teachers in each grade in Virginia and the anticipated retirements and departures from the profession for other reasons. The new licensure requirements have their biggest impact for the preparation of middle school teachers since middle school teachers will no longer be able to receive general middle school certification

    Edmond Cahn and the Search for Empirical Justice

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    Customs Censorship

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    The American national government is engaged in a vast program of censorship which includes a wider range of materials than that usually controlled by local government authority. The attention of the courts and the press has been concentrated primarily upon state and local censorship, but federal activity is usually more significant. The federal government has used the postal and customs powers, derived from Article I, Sec. 8 of the Constitution, to regulate both the internal movement of undesirable material and its entry from abroad. The postal power has been treated elsewhere, but the customs power is at least as important because it can reach any material transported by any mode of communication as long as the point of origin is outside the United States. Not only is the customs power broader in scope, but its administration has been met with much less criticism and resistance than that of the Post Office

    Edmond Cahn and the Search for Empirical Justice

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    Federal Double Jeopardy Policy

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    The fifth amendment provision against double jeopardy is one of the basic protections afforded defendants by the United States Constitution. Its roots are found in early common law,\u27 and the policies which it represents have been gradually defined by federal courts to meet various situations of inequality in the position of a criminal defendant confronted by federal prosecuting attorneys. Presently the double jeopardy provision is not incorporated by the fourteenth amendment as a restriction upon state action, but this condition may not prevail much longer. Should double jeopardy become incorporated into the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment, states will be forced to consider the total body of federal double jeopardy policies. And even if incorporation is delayed, an overview of federal policy in the area is needed

    The symbolic model for algebra : functions and mechanisms

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    The symbolic mode of reasoning in algebra, as it emerged during the sixteenth century, can be considered as a form of model-based reasoning. In this paper we will discuss the functions and mechanisms of this model and show how the model relates to its arithmetical basis. We will argue that the symbolic model was made possible by the epistemic justification of the basic operations of algebra as practiced within the abbaco tradition. We will also show that this form of model-based reasoning facilitated the expansion of the number concept from Renaissance interpretations of number to the full notion of algebraic numbers

    Factors Affecting Levels of Airborne Bacteria in Dairy Farms: A Review

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    This review attempts to reflect the importance of different factors that affect the environmental quality of dairy farms and must, therefore, be taken into account when considering the importance of environmental microbiology as a tool in the improvement of the quality of milk and dairy products. The effect of a factor such as temperature is vital for the dairy farm environment, especially when the temperatures are extreme, because a proper choice of temperature range improves the quality of the air and, thus, animal welfare. Similarly, the appropriate level of relative humidity in the environment should be taken into consideration to avoid the proliferation of microorganisms on the farm. Air quality, well-designed livestock housing, proper hygienic practices on the farm, stocking density, and the materials used in the livestock houses are all important factors in the concentration of microorganisms in the environment, promoting better welfare for the animals. In addition, a ventilation system is required to prevent the pollution of the farm environment. It is demonstrated that proper ventilation reduces the microbial load of the environment of dairy farms, enhancing the quality of the air and, therefore, the wellbeing of the animals. All this information is very useful to establish certain standards on dairy farms to improve the quality of the environment and, thereby, achieve better quality milk and dairy products