206 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Tindakan Euthanasia dalam Perspektif Interkonektif

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    The purpose of this study is to examine and determine the application of the law to the act of euthanasia in the perspective of the interconnectedness of Islamic law and Indonesian positive law. The research method used in this study is a normative juridical approach. This approach is intended to be a type of dogmatic research (doctrinal) and a form of prescriptive research concerning laws. Furthermore, the research specifications are descriptive-analytical, namely by describing the problems raised and providing analysis of the problems to be able to provide answers to these problems. The thesis statement of this research is that euthanasia in principle in all legal perspectives in Indonesia is an act that is prohibited, in the Criminal Code, namely passive euthanasia and active euthanasia. So that euthanasia is an act that cannot be implemented or has not been legalized because it is contrary to the Criminal Code, although the application of this article is felt to be very difficult in terms of proving it. In Islamic law, euthanasia is prohibited because life and death are the absolute right of Allah SWT and humans to always be ordered to maintain their lives with their endeavors when healthy or sick. Euthanasia, or killing without suffering until now has not been accepted in the values and norms that developed in society because it is not following the ethics adopted by the Indonesian people

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Konsumen dalam Sengketa dengan Pelaku Usaha Pengembang Perumahan

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    The purpose of this study is to find out and examine why the form of legal protection for consumers in disputes with housing developers is still not optimal. The approach method used is normative juridical. This approach is intended to be a type of dogmatic research and a form of descriptive research concerning laws. Furthermore, the specification of this research is descriptive-analytical, namely by providing an overview of the problems raised and providing an analysis of the problem to be able to provide answers to these problems. Methods of data collection using library research that is testing the document materials and library materials used in this study. The data were analyzed qualitatively normative, namely conducting research by interpreting and constructing statements contained in statutory regulations. The thesis statement is that the Consumer Protection Act in the implementation of the protection of consumer rights has not been fully realized, mainly related to behavior to fight for rights, such as advocacy rights and the right to obtain compensation. The obstacles to implementation are related to factors that are not known in detail about the rights and obligations of the consumers. So housing consumer protection in the Consumer Protection Act had not played a role as expected when it was enacted, namely providing legal protection for consumer rights. This can be seen from the many violations related to buying and selling houses, where the parties who are greatly disadvantaged here are the housing consumers. Government control is still weak on business actors in the housing industry or developers, only limited to licensing alone, while regarding the interaction or direct relationship between developers and consumers, the government does not intervene

    Pengaruh Personal Background, Pengetahuan Dewan Tentang Anggaran, dan Political Culture terhadap Peran DPRD dalam Pengawasan Keuangan Daerah

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    This research aim to examine the influence of personal background, council budget knowledge, and political culture towards the role of DPRD on region financial control. This research is motivated by the fact that individual background will effect to individual behaviour on political activity. The data in this research consist of primary data that taken from questionaries distributed directly to respondents. The collected are from 144 members of DPRD at Karesidenan Cirebon. Hypothesis of this research are examine by using independent t test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and multiple regression. The result of this research in general shows that personal bacground and political culture have no significant influence towards the role of DPRD on region financial control. But, the council budget knowledge has significant influence towards the role of DPRD on region financial report

    Credit Constraints, Risk Sharing, and Household Welfare: The Case of Indonesia

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    This thesis studies household welfare and financial markets and in particular empirically examines access to finance, human capital, saving and risk sharing group formation using Indonesian households as a case study. Inefficient financial markets in developing countries lead to inefficient resource allocation, economic inequality, and high transaction costs. Households who are marginalised from financial systems find themselves unable to access financial services and smooth their consumption. The first thing to consider is how credit constraint exists and how to identify it. Credit constraints may arise from market mechanisms: demand for loans and loan supply. In order to assess credit constraints, I use Direct Elicitation Methodology (DEM) and then examine the gathered information and other household characteristics using multinomial logit model. Using Access to Finance (A2F) survey, I find that Indonesian households are likely to experience supply-side rather than demand-side constraints. I also find that financial literacy plays vital role in accessing services from formal financial institution. Moreover by elaborating several types of constraints, the welfare loss is estimated: the constrained households due to risk-related reasons experience loss in terms of annual income between Rp. 16 millions and Rp. 19 millions. In the second empirical study, I investigate the impacts of earnings risk on schooling and saving. I borrow Basu and Ghosh's model (2001) to develop a theoretical framework of two-period model, which depicts the relationship between earnings risk, schooling and saving. Using the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) data set, the decision to enter schooling is motivated by earnings risk which is measured by occupational earnings risk and earnings range or the variability between maximum and minimum earnings level across the IFLS wave. This study finds that education decrease variability over future income. Given the results that the pure risk effect is more dominant than utility smoothing effect, it can be said that to some extent saving is inadequate to anticipate the declining of household income due to earnings risk. The results also show that earnings range is close to Basu and Ghosh’s predictions. Another issue related to financial markets is the barrier to insurance for households, which also limits their capability to manage life risk. As a result, alternative risk coping mechanisms emerge to provide these households with different ways of securing insurance arrangements and in particular as risk sharing groups. In this third empirical research, I investigate the risk sharing group formation where the group is characterised by barriers to insurance. I use several tests to examine full risk sharing hypothesis, borrowing-saving hypothesis, limited commitment, moral hazard, and hidden income. Using the IFLS data set, this study provides evidence of the failure of the full risk sharing hypothesis, which is mainly due to limited commitment and moral hazard problem. Furthermore, I show that the endogenous group formation emerges within IFLS households


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    Program wajib belajar pendidikan dasar 9 tahun yang dicanangkan sejak 2 mei 1994 merupakan usaha pemerintah untuk ,meningkatkan kualitas serta mempermudah akses pendidikan pendidikan di Indonesia. Program wajib belajar 9 tahun ini tercapai dengan menciptakan program Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) pada tahun 2005. Seiring berjalannya waktu, mulai tahun 2009 pemerintah telah melakukan perubahan tujuan, pendekatan, dan orientasi program BOS. Program BOS bukan hanya berperan untuk mempertahankan jumlah peserta didik saja, namun harus berkontribusi dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan dasar. Selain itu kenaikan jumlah Dana BOS yang signifikan mulai tahun 2009 diharapkan akan menjadikan BOS sebagai pilar utama mewujudkan pendidikan dasar tanpa di pungut biaya. Dana BOSDA DIKDAS harus dikelola secara transparan, efisien, dan efektif, serta dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Dari setiap sekolah negeri maupun swasta yang mendapat dana BOS harus mempunyai rincian anggaran yang akan digunakan untuk membangun sekolah dan untuk melengkapi semua kekurangan sekolah. Setiap sekolah mempunyai pengeluaran dana dari BOS yang berbeda-beda di setiap sekolahnya, dari dana BOS apakah sudah sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan oleh sekolah sekolah tersebut. Kegiatan PPL ini mengarahkan mahasiswa kepada dunia kerja yang nyata. Mengaplikasikan ilmu dan pengetahuan yang didapat selama kuliah ke dalam dunia kerja. Gambaran mengenai dinamika dunia kerja telah didapat oleh mahasiswa setelah melaksanakan PPL ini. PPL yang dilaksanakan ini selain memberikan pengalaman kerja, juga memberikan pengalaman pelaksanaan penelitian. Penelitian yang dilakukan di Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga DIY membuat mahasiswa lebih mengerti keadaaan yang terjadi di lembaga pendidikan, mulai dari adminitrasi, program atau kegiatan yang dilakukan guna meningtkan mutu pendidik yang kesemuanya itu merupakan kebijakan dari pemerintah yang diawali dengan proses penelitian. Penelitian “Penggunaan Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah Daerah Pendidikan Dasar (BOSDA DIKDAS) di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Dan Swasta di Kota Yogyakarta Tahun 2015”.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses penyaluran dana bantuan operasional daerah dan juga seberapa besarnya dana bantuan tersebut dan digunakan untuk apa saja dana tersebut di setiap sekolah yang mendapatkan dana BOS tersebut. Akhir dari proses penelitian ini juga menyadarkan mahasiswa bahwa setiap program yang dilaksanakan membutuhkan rekomendasi kedepan untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik


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    Abstract : The purpose of this research is to know improving the ability of resolving mathematics words problem through Problem Based Learning method. The study uses classroom action research method carry out three cycles. The techniques of data collecting are observation, test, interview and document. Data analilysis uses interactive model which consist of four components those are data collection, data reduction, data representation and drawing conclusion. Based on the research result, it can be concluded that there is a significant improvement of the ability of resolving mathematics problem story. It can be seen on the improvement of students’ average score. Thus, we can conclusion that Mathematics learning by using Problem Based Learning method can improvment the ability of resolving Mathematics words problem. Abstrak : Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penyelesaian soal cerita dalam Matematika melalui metode Problem Based Learning. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas terdiri dari tiga siklus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, tes, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model interaktif yang terdiri dari empat komponen analisis yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan, bahwa melalui metode Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan kemampuan penyelesaian soal cerita dalam Matematika. Hal ini dapat telihat dengan adanya peningkatan rata-rata kelas. Dengan demikian dapat diajukan suatu kesimpulan bahwa pembelajaran Matematika dengan metode Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan kemampuan penyelesaian soal cerita dalam Matematika. Kata kunci : Soal Cerita, Metode Problem Based Learnin

    Static vs Time-Varying Beta of Fama-French Five Factors Model in Indonesia and Thailand

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    This paper empirically investigates the various approaches to model time-varying systematic risk in Indonesia and Thailand by using time-series data from 2009 to 2017. Indonesia and Thailand were used as examples because of their growing economics since the turn of 20th century. As recent empirical studies have been conducted on stock markets in developed countries, there is an increasing need for testing in emerging markets, which have grown and become increasingly popular with international investors, such as Indonesia and Thailand. This study examines dynamic beta models using GARCH (1,1), EGARCH, TARCH, Schwert-Seguin, and the Kalman-Filter group to empirically find the most optimal time-varying beta model. This study uses the Fama-French Five Factors asset pricing model to include other factors that might influences value of systematic risk for each portfolio in both countries. This model can capture five factors that can affect returns, namely market factors (CAPM), size, book to market equity, profitability, and investment. By incorporating volatility and state space estimation, this study compares all tested models based on information criteria (AIC, SIC, and HIC). The results of this research proves that GARCH (1,1) in Indonesia and TARCH in Thailand outperforms other models in capturing the systematic risk. This study will be useful for future economic studies in Indonesia, Thailand and their neighboring countries

    Analisis Efektivitas Pengelolaan Tanah Wakaf pada Lembaga Wakaf: Studi Kasus pada Majelis Wakaf dan Kehartabendaan Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Bantul

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    Latar Belakang:Di Indonesia, perkembangan wakaf masih kurang mengarah pada pemberdayaan ekonomi umat dan pembangunan infrastuktur negara, wakaf cenderung terbatas hanya untuk kepentingan kegiatan ibadah, pendidikan, dan pemakaman semata, sehingga kurang mengarah pada pengelolaan wakaf produktif. Meskipun begitu perkembangan jumlah tanah wakaf di Indonesia terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun.Tujuan:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas pendayagunaan harta wakaf pada lembaga wakaf Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Kabupaten Bantul.Metode Penelitian:Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini diantaranya adalah pengurus Majelis Wakaf dan Kehartabendaan PDM Kabupaten Bantul, Nadzir, Wakif dan Pakar. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara dan analisis dokumen.Hasil Penelitian:Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendayagunaan harta wakaf oleh Majelis Wakaf dan Kehartabendaan PDM Kabupaten Bantul secara garis besar dapat dikatakan efektif. Hal ini didukung dari hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa dari total luas tanah wakaf seluas 229.503 m2 yang dikelola, sebesar 98,3% atau 226.512 m2 sudah diberdayakan untuk kepentingan masyarakat. Sisa tanah yang belum diberdayakan adalah 2.991 m2 atau 1,7% dari total tanah wakaf yang dikelola.Keterbatasan Penelitian:Penelitian ini terbatas untuk pengurus Majelis Wakaf dan Kehartabendaan PDM Bantul saja, maka masih perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut di Kabupaten yang lainnya untuk melihat gambaran lebih jelasnya.Keaslian/Novetly Penelitian:Penelitian terkait wakaf masih terus berkembang dan penelitian ini memberikan diskusi baru terkait praktik wakaf di Indonesia
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