612 research outputs found

    Pierre Bourdieu in management and organization studies-A citation context analysis and discussion of contributions

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    The work of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has received increased attention in management and organization studies (MOS). However, the full potential of his work has so far rarely been exploited. This paper aims to pinpoint the contributions of Bourdieu's work to research in MOS. I conducted a citation context analysis of nine leading journals to investigate how citations to Bourdieu's work have developed over time, which contents from Bourdieu's work are cited and how comprehensively researchers have so far engaged with Bourdieu. Based on these findings, I discuss how Bourdieu's work may contribute to research in MOS, particularly to a micro-foundation of new institutional theory and to the reflection of academic practice in MOS

    Recruiting digital talent:The strategic role of recruitment in organisations’ digital transformation

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    Recruitment plays a central role during digital transformation because companies in many industries need to hire employees who possess IT-related knowledge, skills and abilities to digitalise their products, services and processes. However, extant research so far mainly has focussed on the use of digital technology in recruiting processes and its outcomes, whereas strategic aspects have received little attention. Based on 26 interviews with recruiters in 22 organisations, this study examines the interplay between recruitment and digital transformation beyond the use of digital technology in recruitment, focussing on more strategic aspects. The study examines recruitment’s role in organisations’ digital transformation. We found that the recruitment of digital talent as a new target group triggers change within the company, and does so in three ways: First, recruiters have realised the necessity to adapt their measures and processes to the new target group. Second, recruiters have developed a new self-understanding. Third, recruiters have recognised the need to support the organisation’s digital transformation by taking on a bridging function. Our study makes two contributions: First, we identified two new roles for recruitment during digital transformation: It acts as a ‘sensory organ’ that enhances the organisation’s absorptive capacity; and it takes on the role of a ‘mediator’ between external and internal groups. Second, this study builds on the human resources (HR) literature by analysing the strategic implications that digital transformation imposes on recruitment, highlighting recruitment’s part in renewing an organisation’s human resource base, which is crucial for its digital transformation

    The diffusion of e-participation in public administrations:A systematic literature review

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    Research on e-participation has grown significantly in the last years. This review focuses on public administrations, which are central actors in the solicitation and organization of e-participation and in the process of diffusion of more democratic decision-making in government contexts. However, research indicates that public administrations often struggle with technological and organizational changes, which suggests that e-participation initiatives may fail due to barriers within public administrations. Although researchers have paid considerable attention to the diffusion of e-participation in public administrations, research so far is multi-disciplinary and fragmented. The aim of this literature review is to structure and systematize the literature regarding phases of e-participation diffusion (adoption, implementation and institutionalization) and levels of analysis (micro, meso, and macro) to map the extant field of e-participation diffusion research and to provide a starting point for future research. The analysis shows that research has concentrated on the phases of adoption and implementation, and on the external context of public administrations (macro) and the organizational (meso) level. Overall, the review identifies major research gaps and offers avenues for future research

    Bibliothecae Quo Vadis? : Herausforderungen an die Bibliothek von morgen

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit setzt sich mit gegenwĂ€rtigen Technologietrends und Visionen fĂŒr die Bibliothek von morgen auseinander. Es sollen mögliche Wege aufgezeigt werden, eine Bibliothek als Institution eines sozialen Marktplatzes fĂŒr Kommunikation und Information zu erhalten. Damit sollen die realen Bibliotheken mit einem hybriden Anteil an digitalen Medien durch neue Technologien derart unterstĂŒtzt werden, dass sie auch im Zeitalter des Internets zukunftsfĂ€hig sind. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Herausforderungen sich die Bibliothek in der nahen bis mittelfristigen Zukunft stellen muss, um im virtuellen Zeitalter weiterhin als ein wichtiges Bindeglied in der Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft bestehen zu können. Die Arbeit bietet einen Überblick ĂŒber die relevanten zukĂŒnftigen Technologietrends und stellt den Versuch dar, neue Möglichkeiten fĂŒr den Einsatz von und den Umgang mit neuen Technologien in Bibliotheken zu finden. Technologien sollen dabei als UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr die effiziente und erfolgreiche DurchfĂŒhrung bibliothekarischer TĂ€tigkeiten und Dienstleistungen fungieren. Es wird ein Ausblick in die Zukunft bibliothekarischen Handelns gegeben, bei dem der Mensch im Mittelpunkt steht

    Langzeitverlauf nach Knie-TEP-Implantation mit septischen Komplikationen:Ergebnisse und Risikofaktoren hinsichtlich der Infektpersistenz nach zweizeitigem Wechsel

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    Bei 59 FĂ€llen mit mindestens einem zweizeitigen Knie-TEP-Wechsel wurden der klinische Verlauf, die gesundheitsbezogene LebensqualitĂ€t anhand des WOMAC Index und des SF-36 Health Survey sowie verschiedene Einflussfaktoren hinsichtlich des Sanierungserfolges untersucht. In 93,2 % der FĂ€lle konnte der Infekt erfolgreich saniert werden. Die körperliche LebensqualitĂ€t der Nachuntersuchungsgruppe, gemessen mit dem SF-36 Health Survey, ist gegenĂŒber der Normpopulation signifikant gemindert. Die FĂ€lle mit Arthrodese und Amputation weisen eine signifikant schlechtere körperliche FunktionsfĂ€higkeit auf als die FĂ€lle mit Revisionsprothese. Die psychische LebensqualitĂ€t bleibt unbeeinflusst. Signifikant hĂ€ufiger persistierte der Infekt bei Diabetes mellitus, Nikotinabusus, stattgehabtem Trauma im Bereich des Kniegelenkes, Adipositas und bei Gelenkfistel, insbesondere bei Kombination mehrerer Faktoren

    The cultural embeddedness of professional service purchasing-A comparative study of German and Swedish companies

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    Research on professional service purchasing generally takes a culturally universalistic approach, implicitly assuming the generalizability of research findings and normative models to different cultural contexts. However, research in related disciplines points to the influence of national culture on managers' decisions, thereby questioning the culturally universalistic approach. The purpose of this paper is to explore differences in professional service purchasing in different cultural contexts. Based on a survey of large organizations, we analyze how the purchasing process for a specific type of professional services - management consulting services - is organized in two cultural contexts (i.e. Germany and Sweden). The results indicate that organizations in Germany and Sweden differ in the way they approach key aspects of the purchasing process. These differences are discussed in relation to two central cultural dimensions - uncertainty avoidance and masculinity-femininity - in which Germany and Sweden take very different positions. It is proposed that uncertainty avoidance mainly influences the first steps in the purchasing process (specify, select and contract) whereas masculinity-femininity mainly influences the remaining steps (order, expedite and evaluate). The paper contributes to the purchasing and supply management literature by empirically illustrating differences in purchasing practices in different cultural contexts and developing theory-driven propositions for the influence of national culture on the professional service purchasing process

    The two sides of Tat

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    Cerebral vein thrombosis: clinical manifestation and diagnosis

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    BACKGROUND: Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is a disease with a wide spectrum of symptoms and severity. In this study we analysed the predictive value of clinical signs and symptoms and the contribution of D-dimer measurements for diagnosis. METHODS: We evaluated consecutive patients admitted with suspected CVT receiving non-invasive imaging. Symptoms and symptom combination as well as D-dimer levels were evaluated regarding their diagnostic value. RESULTS: 239 patients were included in this study, 170 (71%) were females. In 39 patients (16%) a CVT was found. For identifying a CVT patients underwent either a venous CT-angiography or MR-angiography or both. No combination of symptoms either alone or together with the D-dimer measurements had a sensitivity and positive predictive value as well as negative predictive value and specificity high enough to serve as red flag. D-dimer testing produced rates of 9% false positive and of 24% false negative results. For D-dimer values a Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC) and the area under the curve (AUC = 0.921; CI: 0.864 - 0.977) were calculated. An increase of sensitivity above 0.9 results in a relevant decrease in specificity; a sensitivity of 0.9 matches a specificity value of 0.9. This corresponds to a D-dimer cut-off level of 0.16 ÎŒg/ml. CONCLUSION: Imaging as performed by venous CT-angiography or MR-angiography has a 1 to 2 in 10 chance to detect CVT when typical symptoms are present. D-dimer measurements are of limited clinical value because of false positive and negative results

    Podcast about Crop Protection in Horticulture

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    Podcasts sind Audiodateien, meist im MP3-Format, die sich der Nutzer aus dem Internet herunterladen kann – vereinfacht ausgedrĂŒckt also „Radio zum Mitnehmen“. Insbesondere fĂŒr den Einsatz in der Lehre mit Querverbindungen zur Praxis und Beratung stellt der Podcast ein sinnvolles Medium dar. Zum Themengebiet des Pflanzenschutzes im Gartenbau bietet die Forschungsanstalt fĂŒr Gartenbau an der Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT) seit Juli 2008 einen wöchentlichen Podcast an (http://www.podcast.fagw.info), der nicht nur von der Zielgruppe der Studenten genutzt wird. Die bisher rund 80 verfĂŒgbaren BeitrĂ€ge werden jeden Monat etwa 3000mal angehört bzw. heruntergeladen. Erste Umfragen im universitĂ€ren Umfeld und an Technikerschulen haben gezeigt, dass die Nutzung von Podcasts im Unterricht befĂŒrwortet wird. Auch beim Blended-Learning, bei dem sich PrĂ€senz- und E-Learning-Phasen abwechseln, wird der Podcast in Zukunft ein wichtiges, integratives Medium sein.A Podcast is an audio-file (mostly in MP3 file format), which can be downloaded from the Internet – in a nutshell you can say “Radio to go”. Especially for the use in Teaching, Practice and Advice Podcasts are an usefull medium. The Weihenstephan Research Centre for Horticulture at the University of Applied Science Weihenstephan-Triesdorf offers since July of 2008 for the Topic of “Crop Protection in Horticulture” a weekly Podcast (http://www.podcast.fagw.info) that is not only used by students. Every month about 3000 lessons are heared or downloaded from the website of the 80 units available presently. The use of Podcast as an element of Teaching will be approved according to a survey at the University of Applied Science Weihenstephan-Triesdorf and some horticulture-schools. Podcasts will also be an important part in blended learning, where face-to-face lessons with computer-mediated content are combined
