309 research outputs found

    Developing the Polish Educational Needs Assessment Tool (Pol-ENAT) in rheumatoid arthritis and systemic sclerosis: a cross-cultural validation study using Rasch analysis

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    Objectives: To undertake cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the educational needs assessment tool (ENAT) for use with people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic sclerosis (Ssc) in Poland. Methods: The study involved two main phases: (i) cross-cultural adaptation of the ENAT from English into Polish and (ii) Cross-cultural validation of Pol-ENAT. The first phase followed an established process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures. The second phase involved completion of the Pol-ENAT by patients and subjecting the data to Rasch analysis to assess the construct validity, reliability and cross-cultural invariance. Results: An adequate conceptual equivalence was achieved following the adaptation process. The dataset for validation comprised a total of 278 patients, 237 (85.3%) of which were female. In each disease group (145, RA and 133, SSC), the 7 domains of the Pol-ENAT were found to fit the Rasch model, 2(df)=16.953(14), p=0.259 and 8.132(14), p=0.882 for RA and SSc respectively. Reliability (person separation index, PSI>0.85) was high. Cross-cultural differential item functioning (DIF) was detected in some subscales and DIF-adjusted conversion tables were calibrated to enable cross-cultural comparison of data between Poland and the UK. Conclusion: Pol-ENAT is a robust measure of educational needs for people with RA and SSc in Poland. The tool has been shown to have sufficient cross-cultural validity to enable data pooling and comparisons between Poland and the UK

    Jakość życia w przewlekłych chorobach reumatycznych – uwarunkowania społeczne, psychologiczne i medyczne oraz metody pomiaru

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    Badania jakości życia uwarunkowanej stanem zdro­wia (HRQoL, Health Related Quality of Life) są sze­roko stosowane w praktyce medycznej i badaniach klinicznych. Wykorzystując wystandaryzowane na­rzędzia badawcze, w ocenie uwzględnia się wiele czynników zależnych od choroby i niezależnych, takich jak aspekty zdrowia fizycznego, sprawności ruchowej, stanu psychicznego, sytuacji społecznej czy materialnej chorego. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie problematyki ja­kości życia, wychodząc od koncepcji wywodzą­cych się z nauk społecznych, po przedstawienie założeń teoretycznych HRQoL i dostępnych narzę­dzi pomiaru, ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na problematykę jakości życia w przewlekłych choro­bach reumatycznych. Metodą wykorzystaną w pracy jest przegląd i analiza piśmiennictwa poświęconego omawianej tematyce. Badania jakości życia w medycynie są wyrazem cało­ściowego podejścia do złożonych problemów chorego. Ukazują punkt widzenia pacjenta wyrażony w subiek­tywnej ocenie. Wskazują na ograniczenia w funkcjono­waniu spowodowane chorobą, umożliwiając identyfi­kację najważniejszych problemów chorego. Ustalenie priorytetów i preferencji pacjenta może wpływać na właściwe decyzje terapeutyczne

    Literatura i przyroda. Zmiana perspektywy?

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    Recenzja książki: Joanna Durczak, Rozmowy z Ziemią. Tradycja przyrodopisarska w literaturze amerykańskiej, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2010, 280 s

    Dyskusje o wpływie wojny na emancypację kobiet w prasie kobiecej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego

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    The text attempts to present how the Great War’s impact on emancipation processes and changes in the relationship between the genders were seen in the women’s press. An analysis was conducted of the series of articles by Cecylia Walewska entitled ‘The differentiation of the female type after the war’, published in the weekly Bluszcz in 1927; the series has been confronted with other voices appearing in the interwar press and with the realities of life at that time.Tekst zawiera próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak na łamach prasy kobiecej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego widziano wpływ Wielkiej Wojny na procesy emancypacyjne i zmianę relacji między płciami. Analizie poddano cykl artykułów Cecylii Walewskiej, pt. Zróżniczkowanie się typu kobiecego po wojnie, publikowanych na łamach „Bluszczu” w 1927 r. Skonfrontowano je z innymi głosami pojawiającymi się w prasie międzywojennej oraz z realiami ówczesnego życia

    L’application du régime spécial de détention en Italie confrontée aux exigences de l’article 3 de la Convention EDH

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    Dès son introduction, le régime spécial de détention prévu par l’article 41 bis de la loi pénitentiaire italienne de 1975 a été amplement critiqué et continue à être l’objet de débats. Ce régime, particulièrement rigide, limite les droits fondamentaux du détenu et participe de son isolement. Dans l’affaire Provenzano, la Cour EDH ne remet aucunement en cause ce régime mais condamne en revanche l’Italie pour avoir renouvelé son application de manière automatique sans appréciation concrète de l’état de santé du détenu. La Cour EDH s’aligne ainsi sur la jurisprudence de la Cour de cassation italienne pour considérer que, pour être conforme à l’interdiction des traitements cruels inhumains et dégradants prévue à l’article 3 de la Convention EDH, le décret de prorogation du régime spécial de détention doit prendre en compte l’état de santé actuel du détenu, en vérifiant notamment si sa dangerosité persiste au moment du renouvellement. Au terme d’une motivation concrète et précise, les juges de Strasbourg esquissent le point d’équilibre entre considérations d’ordre et de sécurité publics et respect de la dignité humaine

    Evolution or revolution? : transformations of family in the Polish lands in the first half of the twentieth century : selected aspects

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    The text focuses on select issues related to the transformation of the family in the first half of the twentieth century, such as: changes regarding marital choices and relationships between spouses, changes in the scope of parental roles and the processes of individualization and individual autonomy in the family. It tries to answer the questions about the dynamics of these processes in different social milieus and to indicate factors that accelerated and delayed them. The analysis of the sources and literature concerning family lives does not allow for an unambiguous assessment of the rapidity and range of changes taking place in families. Nevertheless, it exposes the diversity of models existing in family life and shows that it depends on such elements as social environment, gender, idiosyncratic features of the individual, to the same extent as it does on the rate of change

    Автоматизация работы автогрейдеров система «Профиль-30»

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    © 2018, The Author(s). In the process of the planned and systematic education of patients/families, it is extremely important to identify patients’ health problems as well as their needs and expectations. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between functional disability, health problems and perceived educational needs in people with systemic sclerosis (SSc). This was a cross-sectional analytic study conducted in six rheumatology centers in Poland. Functional disability was measured using HAQ-DI, and the magnitude of other health problems (pain, fatigue, intestinal problems, breathing problems, Raynaud’s phenomenon, finger ulcerations) was measured using 0–100mm visual analogue scales. The educational needs were measured using the Polish version of the Educational Needs Assessment Tool (Pol-ENAT). Spearman’s correlation coefficient (rs) was used to report associations. The sample comprised 140 patients, 125 (89.28%) were women. They had a mean (SD) age of 54 (14.23) and disease duration of 11 (10.27) years. The median (IQR) HAQ-DI was 1.12 (0.62–1.62) and mean ENAT score was 71.54 (SD 27.72). Patients needed to know more about the disease process, self-help measures and managing pain. All health problems had significant correlations with the overall educational needs, pain, functional disability and fatigue having the highest rs=0.359, p < 0.0001; rs=0.314, p < 0.001 and rs=0.270, p = 0.001, respectively. Health problems in people with SSc are associated with considerable educational needs; therefore, health professionals should take this into account when planning patient education. Group interventions should consider providing patient education related to disease process as a minimum

    Jakość życia pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym w wymiarze bio-psycho-społecznym zdrowia. Przegląd literatury

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    Arterial hypertension (AH) is the cause of a reduction in the quality of life (QoL), influencing not only its subjective dimension, related to the deterioration of well-being but also the objective dimension, making it impossible to fulfil the current social functions and reducing the individual’s ability to adapt or worsening the economic status due to the need to resign from work and social isolation. The study aims to present, based on a literature review, the QoL of patients with AH in the bio-psycho-social dimension of health. These 3 health components affect the course of the disease and at the same time determine the QoL of patients.Nadciśnienie tętnicze stanowi przyczynę obniżenia jakości życia, wywierając wpływ nie tylko na jej wymiar subiektywny, związany z pogorszeniem samopoczucia, ale również na wymiar obiektywny, uniemożliwiając pełnienie dotychczasowych funkcji społecznych i obniżając zdolność indywidualnego przystosowania się, czy też pogarszając status ekonomiczny z powodu konieczności rezygnacji z pracy zawodowej i izolacji społecznej. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie, na podstawie przeglądu literatury, jakości życia pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym w wymiarze bio-psycho-społecznym zdrowia. Powyższe trzy komponenty zdrowia wpływają na przebieg choroby, a jednocześnie warunkują jakość życia pacjentów

    Changes in the bronchial epithelia in patients with immotile cilia syndromes

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    Immotile cilia syndromes is a cause of recurrent infection of the airways and recurrent bronchopneumonias. Among the ciliary abnormalities are found changes in the structure of the microtubules, unco-ordinated ciliary movements caused by the absence of inner or outer or both dynein arms, and abnormalities of the kinetosomes and/or rete ridges. In patients with ciliary dyskinaesia bronchitis occurs early in life (during infancy) and usually has a recurrent tendency, so that bronchial biopsy is frequently undergone for diagnostic purposes. In this study we include 127 bronchial biopsies from patients (from 2 months to 49 years) unsuccessfully treated for recurrent respiratory tract infections. When performing regular diagnostic procedures on the light and electron microscopic level, we have looked for cilia abnormalities and also focused on changes within the mucosa and submucosa. The most common abnormality recorded was absence of the inner dynein arms, but in 40 cases neither of the dynein arms were present. Only a few patients had classical Kartagener&#8217;s syndrome. Special attention is drawn to biopsies from elderly patients, in whom long-standing infections were followed by extensive damage to the bronchial epithelium, including even a total absence of ciliated cells. In some cases enhanced regenerative processes and some foci of squamous metaplasia were found. In two cases even foci of low-grade dysplasia were diagnosed

    Assessment of education requirements for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, based on the Polish version of the Educational Needs Assessment Tool (Pol-ENAT), in the light of some health problems – A cross-sectional study

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    © 2016, Institute of Agricultural Medicine. All rights reserved. Introduction. Patients with chronic rheumatoid arthritis (RA) need advice in order to face the problems of everyday life, as well as suffering associated with the disease. Health professionals should attempt to raise the level of resourcefulness and independence of the patient. Objective. To assess the relationship between the deficit of knowledge about RA and the degree of pain, fatigue, morning stiffness, assessment of disease activity as well as functional efficiency. Materials and method. The study was conducted on 277 patients with RA in 7 rheumatologic centres in Poland. The method applied was the questionnaire Pol-ENAT (0–156); HAQ DI (0–3); analog scales (0–100). Results. Mean (SD) age was 53.28 (13.01) and disease duration 13.70 (10.63) years. The mean (SD) value was 54.93 (23.17) for pain, 52.97 (21.98) for fatigue, 48.28 (24.76) for morning stiffness (0–100 mm). HAQ DI was 1.40 (0.66), with an upward trend with duration of disease (