15 research outputs found

    Assessing the relationship of patient reported outcome measures with functional status in dysferlinopathy: A Rasch analysis approach

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    Dysferlinopathy is a muscular dystrophy with a highly variable functional disease progression in which the relationship of function to some patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) has not been previously reported. This analysis aims to identify the suitability of PROMs and their association with motor performance.Two-hundred and four patients with dysferlinopathy were identified in the Jain Foundation\u27s Clinical Outcome Study in Dysferlinopathy from 14 sites in 8 countries. All patients completed the following PROMs: Individualized Neuromuscular Quality of Life Questionnaire (INQoL), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and activity limitations for patients with upper and/or lower limb impairments (ACTIVLIMs). In addition, nonambulant patients completed the Egen Klassifikation Scale (EK). Assessments were conducted annually at baseline, years 1, 2, 3, and 4. Data were also collected on the North Star Assessment for Limb Girdle Type Muscular Dystrophies (NSAD) and Performance of Upper Limb (PUL) at these time points from year 2. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Rasch analysis was conducted on ACTIVLIM, EK, INQoL. For associations, graphs (NSAD with ACTIVLIM, IPAQ and INQoL and EK with PUL) were generated from generalized estimating equations (GEE). The ACTIVLIM appeared robust psychometrically and was strongly associated with the NSAD total score (Pseud

    Assessing Dysferlinopathy Patients Over Three Years With a New Motor Scale

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    The Jain COS Consortium.[Objective] Dysferlinopathy is a muscular dystrophy with a highly variable clinical presentation and currently unpredictable progression. This variability and unpredictability presents difficulties for prognostication and clinical trial design. The Jain Clinical Outcomes Study of Dysferlinopathy aims to establish the validity of the North Star Assessment for Limb Girdle Type Muscular Dystrophies (NSAD) scale and identify factors that influence the rate of disease progression using NSAD.[Methods] We collected a longitudinal series of functional assessments from 187 patients with dysferlinopathy over 3 years. Rasch analysis was used to develop the NSAD, a motor performance scale suitable for ambulant and nonambulant patients. Generalized estimating equations were used to evaluate the impact of patient factors on outcome trajectories.[Results] The NSAD detected significant change in clinical progression over 1 year. The steepest functional decline occurred during the first 10 years after symptom onset, with more rapid decline noted in patients who developed symptoms at a younger age (p = 0.04). The most rapidly deteriorating group over the study was patients 3 to 8 years post symptom onset at baseline.[Interpretation] The NSAD is the first validated limb girdle specific scale of motor performance, suitable for use in clinical practice and clinical trials. Longitudinal analysis showed it may be possible to identify patient factors associated with greater functional decline both across the disease course and in the short-term for clinical trial preparation. Through further work and validation in this cohort, we anticipate that a disease model incorporating functional performance will allow for more accurate prognosis for patients with dysferlinopathy. ANN NEUROL 2021;89:967–978The estimated US $4 million needed to fund this study was provided by the Jain Foundation. (www.jain-foundation.org) The Jain COS consortium would like to thank the study participants and their families for their invaluable contribution. The John Walton Centre Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre is part of the MRC Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases (Grant number MR/K000608/1).Peer reviewe

    Table_2_Assessing the Relationship of Patient Reported Outcome Measures With Functional Status in Dysferlinopathy: A Rasch Analysis Approach.docx

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    Appendix B. Coinvestigators - The Jain COS Consortium.Dysferlinopathy is a muscular dystrophy with a highly variable functional disease progression in which the relationship of function to some patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) has not been previously reported. This analysis aims to identify the suitability of PROMs and their association with motor performance.Two-hundred and four patients with dysferlinopathy were identified in the Jain Foundation's Clinical Outcome Study in Dysferlinopathy from 14 sites in 8 countries. All patients completed the following PROMs: Individualized Neuromuscular Quality of Life Questionnaire (INQoL), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and activity limitations for patients with upper and/or lower limb impairments (ACTIVLIMs). In addition, nonambulant patients completed the Egen Klassifikation Scale (EK). Assessments were conducted annually at baseline, years 1, 2, 3, and 4. Data were also collected on the North Star Assessment for Limb Girdle Type Muscular Dystrophies (NSAD) and Performance of Upper Limb (PUL) at these time points from year 2. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Rasch analysis was conducted on ACTIVLIM, EK, INQoL. For associations, graphs (NSAD with ACTIVLIM, IPAQ and INQoL and EK with PUL) were generated from generalized estimating equations (GEE). The ACTIVLIM appeared robust psychometrically and was strongly associated with the NSAD total score (Pseudo R2 0.68). The INQoL performed less well and was poorly associated with the NSAD total score (Pseudo R2 0.18). EK scores were strongly associated with PUL (Pseudo R2 0.69). IPAQ was poorly associated with NSAD scores (Pseudo R2 0.09). This study showed that several of the chosen PROMs demonstrated change over time and a good association with functional outcomes. An alternative quality of life measure and method of collecting data on physical activity may need to be selected for assessing dysferlinopathy.Peer reviewe

    Assessing dysferlinopathy patients over three years with a new motor scale

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    OBJECTIVE: Dysferlinopathy is a muscular dystrophy with a highly variable clinical presentation and currently unpredictable progression. This variability and unpredictability presents difficulties for prognostication and clinical trial design. The Jain Clinical Outcomes Study of Dysferlinopathy aims to establish the validity of the North Star Assessment for Limb Girdle Type Muscular Dystrophies (NSAD) scale and identify factors that influence the rate of disease progression using NSAD. METHODS: We collected a longitudinal series of functional assessments from 187 dysferlinopathy patients over three years. Rasch analysis was used to develop the NSAD, a motor performance scale suitable for ambulant and non-ambulant patients. Generalized estimating equations were used to evaluate the impact of patient factors on outcome trajectories. RESULTS: The NSAD detected significant change in clinical progression over 1 year. The steepest functional decline occurred during the first 10 years after symptom onset, with more rapid decline noted in patients who developed symptoms at a younger age (p = 0.04). The most rapidly deteriorating group over the study was patients 3-8 years post symptom onset at baseline. INTERPRETATION: The NSAD is the first validated limb girdle specific scale of motor performance, suitable for use in clinics practice and clinical trials. Longitudinal analysis showed it may be possible to identify patient factors associated with greater functional decline both across the disease course and in the short-term for clinical trial preparation. Through further work and validation in this cohort, we anticipate that a disease model incorporating functional performance will allow for more accurate prognosis for patients with dysferlinopathy

    The Minimal Clinical Important Difference (MCID) in Annual Rate of Change of Timed Function Tests in Boys with DMD.

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    BACKGROUND: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a rare x-linked recessive genetic disorder affecting 1 in every 5000-10000 [1, 2]. This disease leads to a variable but progressive sequential pattern of muscle weakness that eventually causes loss of important functional milestones such as the ability to walk. With promising drugs in development to ameliorate the effects of muscle weakness, these treatments must be associated with a clinically meaningful functional change. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this analysis is to determine both distribution, minimal detectable change (MDC), and anchor-based, minimal clinically important difference, (MCID) of 12 month change values in standardized time function tests (TFT) used to monitor disease progression in DMD. METHOD: This is a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from a multi-center prospective natural history study with the Cooperative International Neuromuscular Research Group (CINRG). This study calculated MDC and MCID values for 3 commonly used timed function tests typically used to monitor disease progression; supine to stand (STS), 10 meter walk/run (10MWT), and 4 stair climb (4SC). MDC used standard error of measurement (SEM) while MCID measurements used the Vignos scale as an anchor to determine clinical change in functional status. RESULTS: All 3 TFT were significantly important clinical endpoints to detect MDC and MCID changes. MDC and MCID 12 month changes were significant in 10MWT (-0.138, -0.212), Supine to Stand (-0.026, -0.023) and 4 stair climb (-0.034, -0.035) with an effect size greater or close to 0.2. CONCLUSION: The 3 TFT are clinically meaningful endpoints used to establish change in DMD. MCID values were higher than MDC values indicating that an anchor-based approach using Vignos as a clinically meaningful loss of lower extremity abilities is appropriate to assess change in boys with DMD

    Knee Strength and Ankle Range of Motion Impacts on Timed Function Tests in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: In the Era of Glucocorticoids

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    BACKGROUND: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a neuromuscular disorder that presents in childhood and is characterized by slowly progressive proximal weakness and lower extremity contractures that limit ambulatory ability [1, 2]. Contractures develop in the ankles, knees, and hips due to muscle imbalances, fibrotic changes, loss of strength, and static positioning [2, 5]. Currently, standards of care guidelines emphasize the importance of maintaining good musculoskeletal alignment through stretching, bracing, and glucocorticoid (GC) therapy to preserve strength and function. METHODS: This is a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data through the CINRG Duchenne Natural history study (DNHS). The objectives of this analysis are to understand the progression of ankle contractures for individuals with DMD and to investigate the relationship between progressive lower limb contractures, knee strength, and Timed Function Tests.A collection of TFTs including supine to stand (STS), 10 meter walk test (10MWT), and timed stair climbing (4SC) have been used to monitor disease progression and are predictive of loss of ambulation in these patients [4]. Multiple factors contribute to loss of ambulation, including progressive loss of strength and contracture development that leads to changing biomechanical demands for ambulation. A better understanding of the changes in strength and range of motion (ROM) that contribute to loss of function is important in a more individualized rehabilitation management plan. In this longitudinal study, we measured strength using quantitative muscle testing (QMT) with the CINRG Quantitative Measurement System (CQMS)), ROM was measuresed with a goniometer and TFTs were measured using a standard stopwatch and methodology. RESULTS: We enrolled 440 participants; mean baseline age was 8.9 (2.1, 28.0) years with 1321 observations used for analysis. GC use was stratified based on duration on drug with 18.7%at \u3c 6 months or naïve; 4.3%\u3c1 year; 58.0%1 \u3c 10 years; and 19.3%between 10-25 years of GC use. Ankle ROM was better for those on GC compared to GC naive but did not significantly influence long-term progression rates. QMT, ROM, age and GCs contribute to speed of TFTs. Knee extension (KE) strength and Dorsiflexion (DF) ROM are significant predictors of speed for all TFTs (p \u3c 0.001). Of the variables used in this analysis, KE strength is the primary predictor of walking speed, estimating that every pound increase in KE results in a 0.042 m/s improvement in 10MWT, and a smaller similar increase of 0.009 m/s with every degree of ankle DF ROM. CONCLUSION: GC use provides an improvement in strength and ROM but does not affect rate of change. Knee strength has a greater influence on speed of TFTs than DF ROM, although both are statistically significant predictors of speed. Results show that retaining knee strength [1, 2], along with joint flexibility, may be important factors in the ability to perform walking, climbing and supine to stand activities

    Assessment of disease progression in dysferlinopathy. A 1-year cohort study

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    Jain COS Consortium.[Objective] To assess the ability of functional measures to detect disease progression in dysferlinopathy over 6 months and 1 year.[Methods] One hundred ninety-three patients with dysferlinopathy were recruited to the Jain Foundation's International Clinical Outcome Study for Dysferlinopathy. Baseline, 6-month, and 1-year assessments included adapted North Star Ambulatory Assessment (a-NSAA), Motor Function Measure (MFM-20), timed function tests, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), Brooke scale, Jebsen test, manual muscle testing, and hand-held dynamometry. Patients also completed the ACTIVLIM questionnaire. Change in each measure over 6 months and 1 year was calculated and compared between disease severity (ambulant [mild, moderate, or severe based on a-NSAA score] or nonambulant [unable to complete a 10-meter walk]) and clinical diagnosis.[Results] The functional a-NSAA test was the most sensitive to deterioration for ambulant patients overall. The a-NSAA score was the most sensitive test in the mild and moderate groups, while the 6MWT was most sensitive in the severe group. The 10-meter walk test was the only test showing significant change across all ambulant severity groups. In nonambulant patients, the MFM domain 3, wrist flexion strength, and pinch grip were most sensitive. Progression rates did not differ by clinical diagnosis. Power calculations determined that 46 moderately affected patients are required to determine clinical effectiveness for a hypothetical 1-year clinical trial based on the a-NSAA as a clinical endpoint.[Conclusion] Certain functional outcome measures can detect changes over 6 months and 1 year in dysferlinopathy and potentially be useful in monitoring progression in clinical trials.[ClinicalTrials.gov identifier] NCT01676077.The estimated US $4 million needed to fund this study is being provided by the Jain Foundation. The John Walton Centre Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre is part of the MRC Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases (grant MR/K000608/1)

    Assessing the Relationship of Patient Reported Outcome Measures With Functional Status in Dysferlinopathy: A Rasch Analysis Approach

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    Dysferlinopathy is a muscular dystrophy with a highly variable functional disease progression in which the relationship of function to some patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) has not been previously reported. This analysis aims to identify the suitability of PROMs and their association with motor performance.Two-hundred and four patients with dysferlinopathy were identified in the Jain Foundation\u27s Clinical Outcome Study in Dysferlinopathy from 14 sites in 8 countries. All patients completed the following PROMs: Individualized Neuromuscular Quality of Life Questionnaire (INQoL), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and activity limitations for patients with upper and/or lower limb impairments (ACTIVLIMs). In addition, nonambulant patients completed the Egen Klassifikation Scale (EK). Assessments were conducted annually at baseline, years 1, 2, 3, and 4. Data were also collected on the North Star Assessment for Limb Girdle Type Muscular Dystrophies (NSAD) and Performance of Upper Limb (PUL) at these time points from year 2. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Rasch analysis was conducted on ACTIVLIM, EK, INQoL. For associations, graphs (NSAD with ACTIVLIM, IPAQ and INQoL and EK with PUL) were generated from generalized estimating equations (GEE). The ACTIVLIM appeared robust psychometrically and was strongly associated with the NSAD total score (Pseudo 0.68). The INQoL performed less well and was poorly associated with the NSAD total score (Pseudo 0.18). EK scores were strongly associated with PUL (Pseudo 0.69). IPAQ was poorly associated with NSAD scores (Pseudo 0.09). This study showed that several of the chosen PROMs demonstrated change over time and a good association with functional outcomes. An alternative quality of life measure and method of collecting data on physical activity may need to be selected for assessing dysferlinopathy