193 research outputs found

    Sampling rate influences saccade detection in mobile eye tracking of a reading task

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    The purpose of this study was to compare saccade detection characteristics in two mobile eye trackers with different sampling rates in a natural task. Gaze data of 11 participants were recorded in one 60 Hz and one 120 Hz mobile eye tracker and compared directly to the saccades detected by a 1000 HZ stationary tracker while a reading task was performed. Saccades and fixations were detected using a velocity based algorithm and their properties analyzed. Results showed that there was no significant difference in the number of detected fixations but mean fixation durations differed between the 60 Hz mobile and the stationary eye tracker. The 120 Hz mobile eye tracker showed a significant increase in the detection rate of saccades and an improved estimation of the mean saccade duration, compared to the 60 Hz eye tracker. To conclude, for the detection and analysis of fast eye movements, such as saccades, it is better to use a 120 Hz mobile eye tracker

    Choroidal biomarkers: a repeatability and topographical comparison of choroidal thickness and choroidal bascularity index in healthy eyes

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    Purpose: Choroidal thickness (ChT) and choroidal vascularity index (CVI) represent two important metrics in health-, disease-, and myopia-related studies. Wide-field swept-source optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides improved and extended imaging and extraction of choroidal variables. This study characterizes the topography and repeatability of these parameters in healthy eyes.Methods: Swept-source OCT volume scans were obtained on 14 young adult patients on three separate days. ChT and CVI were automatically corrected for image magnification and extracted for different enface regions within an extended ETDRS grid of 10 mm diameter. Topographical distribution, correlation to ocular length, and intersession repeatability of both choroidal parameters were assessed.Results: CVI showed little fluctuation between subfields, unlike ChT, which demonstrated thinning toward the peripheral choroid (coefficients of variation 5.92 vs. 0.89). ChT showed a consistent negative correlation with axial length (ρ = −0.05 to −0.61), although this was only statistically significant in the inner superior subfield (P = 0.02). There was no consistent or significant relationship between CVI and axial length or between CVI and ChT. The repeatability of CVI measurements (3.90%–5.51%) was more consistent between scan regions than ChT measurements (10.37–20.33 ”m).Conclusions: CVI values were consistent across the central 10 mm of the retina, while ChT reduced with eccentricity. The repeatability of both parameters is similar to the effect size reported in many studies using the choroid as a biomarker, which should be considered in the interpretation of findings.Translational Relevance: This study provided normative as well as metrological information for the clinical interpretation of ChT and CVI in health and disease

    In the user's eyes we find trust: Using gaze data as a predictor or trust in an artifical intelligence

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    Trust is essential for our interactions with others but also with artificial intelligence (AI) based systems. To understand whether a user trusts an AI, researchers need reliable measurement tools. However, currently discussed markers mostly rely on expensive and invasive sensors, like electroencephalograms, which may cause discomfort. The analysis of gaze data has been suggested as a convenient tool for trust assessment. However, the relationship between trust and several aspects of the gaze behaviour is not yet fully understood. To provide more insights into this relationship, we propose a exploration study in virtual reality where participants have to perform a sorting task together with a simulated AI in a simulated robotic arm embedded in a gaming. We discuss the potential benefits of this approach and outline our study design in this submission.Comment: Workshop submission of a proposed research project at TRAIT 2023 (held at CHI2023 in Hamburg

    Horizontal target size perturbations during grasping movements are described by subsequent size perception and saccade amplitude

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    : Perception and action are essential in our day-to-day interactions with the environment. Despite the dual-stream theory of action and perception, it is now accepted that action and perception processes interact with each other. However, little is known about the impact of unpredicted changes of target size during grasping actions on perception. We assessed whether size perception and saccade amplitude were affected before and after grasping a target that changed its horizontal size during the action execution under the presence or absence of tactile feedback. We have tested twenty-one participants in 4 blocks of 30 trials. Blocks were divided into two experimental tactile feedback paradigms: tactile and non-tactile. Trials consisted of 3 sequential phases: pre-grasping size perception, grasping, and post-grasping size perception. During pre- and post-phases, participants executed a saccade towards a horizontal bar and performed a manual size estimation of the bar size. During grasping phase, participants were asked to execute a saccade towards the bar and to make a grasping action towards the screen. While grasping, 3 horizontal size perturbation conditions were applied: non-perturbation, shortening, and lengthening. 30% of the trials presented perturbation, meaning a symmetrically shortened or lengthened by 33% of the original size. Participants' hand and eye positions were assessed by a motion capture system and a mobile eye-tracker, respectively. After grasping, in both tactile and non-tactile feedback paradigms, size estimation was significantly reduced in lengthening (p = 0.002) and non-perturbation (p<0.001), whereas shortening did not induce significant adjustments (p = 0.86). After grasping, saccade amplitude became significantly longer in shortening (p<0.001) and significantly shorter in lengthening (p<0.001). Non-perturbation condition did not display adjustments (p = 0.95). Tactile feedback did not generate changes in the collected perceptual responses, but horizontal size perturbations did so, suggesting that all relevant target information used in the movement can be extracted from the post-action target perception

    Virtual reality (VR) as a testing bench for consumer optical solutions: A machine learning approach (GBR) to visual comfort under simulated progressive addition lenses (PALS) distortions

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    For decades, manufacturers have attempted to reduce or eliminate the optical aberrations that appear on the progressive addition lens' surfaces during manufacturing. Besides every effort made, some of these distortions are inevitable given how lenses are fabricated, where in fact, astigmatism appears on the surface and cannot be entirely removed or where non-uniform magnification becomes inherent to the power change across the lens. Some presbyopes may refer to certain discomfort when wearing these lenses for the first time, and a subset of them might never adapt. Developing, prototyping, testing and purveying those lenses into the market come at a cost, which is usually reflected in the retail price. This study aims to test the feasibility of virtual reality for testing customers' satisfaction with these lenses, even before getting them onto production. VR offers a controlled environment where different parameters affecting progressive lens comforts, such as distortions, image displacement or optical blurring, can be analysed separately. In this study, the focus was set on the distortions and image displacement, not taking blur into account. Behavioural changes (head and eye movements) were recorded using the built-in eye tracker. Participants were significantly more displeased in the presence of highly distorted lens simulations. In addition, a gradient boosting regressor was fitted to the data, so predictors of discomfort could be unveiled, and ratings could be predicted without performing additional measurements

    Model investigation on contribution of feedback in distortion induced motion adaptation

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    Motion information is processed in a neural circuit formed by synaptic organization of feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) connections between different cortical areas. However, the contribution of a recurrent FB information to adaptation process is not well explored. Here, a biologically plausible neural model that predicts motion adaptation aftereffect (MAE) induced by exposure to geometrically skewed natural image sequences is suggested. The model constitutes two stage recurrent motion processing within cortical areas V1 and MT [1]. It comprises FF excitatory, FB modulatory and lateral inhibitory connections, and a fast and a slow adaptive synapse in the FF and FB streams, respectively, to introduce plasticity. Simulation results of the model show the following main contributions of FB in distortion induced motion adaptation: FB disambiguates the main signal from a noisy natural stimulus input: results in adaptation to globally consistent salient information. A model with distinct adaptive mechanisms in FF and FB streams predicts MAE at different time scales of exposure to skewed natural stimuli more accurately than other model variants constituting single adaptive mechanism: Multiple adaptive mechanisms might be implemented via FB pathways. FB allows similar response tuning in model area V1 and MT during adaptation in line with physiological findings [2]. [1] Bayerl, P. and H. Neumann, Disambiguating visual motion through contextual feedback modulation. Neural computation, 2004. 16(10): p. 2041-2066. [2] Patterson, C.A., et al., Similar adaptation effects in primary visual cortex and area MT of the macaque monkey under matched stimulus conditions. Journal of neurophysiology, 2013. 111(6): p. 1203-1213

    The Role of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Cortical Interactions in Adaptation to Natural Scene Statistics

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    Adaptation is a mechanism by which cortical neurons adjust their responses according to recently viewed stimuli. Visual information is processed in a circuit formed by feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) synaptic connections of neurons in different cortical layers. Here, the functional role of FF-FB streams and their synaptic dynamics in adaptation to natural stimuli is assessed in psychophysics and neural model. We propose a cortical model which predicts psychophysically observed motion adaptation aftereffects (MAE) after exposure to geometrically distorted natural image sequences. The model comprises direction selective neurons in V1 and MT connected by recurrent FF and FB dynamic synapses. Psychophysically plausible model MAEs were obtained from synaptic changes within neurons tuned to salient direction signals of the broadband natural input. It is conceived that, motion disambiguation by FF-FB interactions is critical to encode this salient information. Moreover, only FF-FB dynamic synapses operating at distinct rates predicted psychophysical MAEs at different adaptation time-scales which could not be accounted for by single rate dynamic synapses in either of the streams. Recurrent FF-FB pathways thereby play a role during adaptation in a natural environment, specifically in inducing multilevel cortical plasticity to salient information and in mediating adaptation at different time-scales

    Ephrin-A5 Induces Collapse of Growth Cones by Activating Rho and Rho Kinase

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    The ephrins, ligands of Eph receptor tyrosine kinases, have been shown to act as repulsive guidance molecules and to induce collapse of neuronal growth cones. For the first time, we show that the ephrin-A5 collapse is mediated by activation of the small GTPase Rho and its downstream effector Rho kinase. In ephrin-A5–treated retinal ganglion cell cultures, Rho was activated and Rac was downregulated. Pretreatment of ganglion cell axons with C3-transferase, a specific inhibitor of the Rho GTPase, or with Y-27632, a specific inhibitor of the Rho kinase, strongly reduced the collapse rate of retinal growth cones. These results suggest that activation of Rho and its downstream effector Rho kinase are important elements of the ephrin-A5 signal transduction pathway
