9 research outputs found

    The 1997 Deregulation of Japan\u27s Holding Companies

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    In 1947, Japan enacted the Act Concerning Prohibition of Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade ( AMA ), known to some as the Economic Constitution of Japan because of its fundamental role in structuring Japan\u27s economy. Among the most profound legislative provisions the 1947 AMA introduced to Japanese economic law are an absolute prohibition on pure holding companies and strict regulations upon stockholding by certain other types of companies. The legislature established these provisions as part of a plan to de-concentrate excessive economic power then wielded in the Japanese economy by large integrated enterprise complexes known as the zaibatsu. Fifty years later, in 1997, Japan enacted the Act for Partial Amendment of the AMA which eliminated the absolute prohibition on pure holding companies and relaxed regulations on stockholding by other types of companies. This Article discusses the 1997 AMA revisions and explores their historic legal, political, and economic significance, all of which have been a topic of great notoriety in Japan but thus far have received little comment from legal scholars in other nations

    The 1997 Deregulation of Japan\u27s Holding Companies

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    In 1947, Japan enacted the Act Concerning Prohibition of Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade ( AMA ), known to some as the Economic Constitution of Japan because of its fundamental role in structuring Japan\u27s economy. Among the most profound legislative provisions the 1947 AMA introduced to Japanese economic law are an absolute prohibition on pure holding companies and strict regulations upon stockholding by certain other types of companies. The legislature established these provisions as part of a plan to de-concentrate excessive economic power then wielded in the Japanese economy by large integrated enterprise complexes known as the zaibatsu. Fifty years later, in 1997, Japan enacted the Act for Partial Amendment of the AMA which eliminated the absolute prohibition on pure holding companies and relaxed regulations on stockholding by other types of companies. This Article discusses the 1997 AMA revisions and explores their historic legal, political, and economic significance, all of which have been a topic of great notoriety in Japan but thus far have received little comment from legal scholars in other nations

    Die eindimensionale Wellengleichung mit Hysterese

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    In dieser Arbeit entwickeln und untersuchen wir ein numerisches Schema für die eindimensionale Wellengleichung mit Hysterese für unterschiedliche Arten von Randbedingungen. Diese Gleichung ist ein Modell für die Longitudinal- oder Torsionsschwingungen eines homogenen Stabes unter dem Einfluß einer uniaxialen äußeren Kraftdichte, wobei wir ein elastoplastisches Materialgesetz annehmen. Hysterese-Operatoren sind ratenunabhängige Volterra-Operatoren, die Zeitfunktionen in Zeitfunktionen abbilden. Mit ihnen lassen sich Gedächtniseffekte modellieren, wie sie zum Beispiel in der Elastoplastizität oder im Ferromagnetismus auftauchen. Zunächst führen wir Hysterese-Operatoren allgemein ein und analysieren dann eine spezielle Klasse von Hysterese-Operatoren, die Prandtl-Ishlinskii-Operatoren. Wir untersuchen ihre Gedächtnisstruktur und erklären, wie sich die Operatoren numerisch auswerten lassen. Dazu stellen wir zwei verschiedene Approximationsansätze vor. Wir führen aus, wie sich die approximierenden Operatoren implementieren lassen und leiten lineare und quadratische Fehlerabschätzungen her. Zur numerischen Lösung des gekoppelten Systems aus der Wellengleichung mit einem Hysterese-Operator führen wir ein implizites Differenzenschema mit Gedächtnis ein. Für eine Klasse von Hysterese-Operatoren zeigen wir die Existenz und Eindeutigkeit der Lösung des numerischen Schemas, beweisen mit Hilfe von Kompaktheitsschlüssen und einem Monotonieargument die Konvergenz des Verfahrens und leiten eine Fehlerabschätzung der Ordnung 1/2 her. Wir diskutieren, wie das vorgestellte Verfahren auf die Prandtl-Ishlinskii-Operatoren angewendet werden kann.In this thesis we develop and investigate a numerical scheme for the one-dimensional wave equation with hysteresis for different kinds of boundary conditions. This equation can be regarded as a model for the longitudinal or torsional oscillations of a homogeneous bar under the influence of an uniaxial external force density assuming an elastoplastic material law. Hysteresis operators are rate-independent Volterra operators mapping time functions to time functions. This kind of operator can be used to model memory effects as they appear in elastoplasticity or ferromagnetism, for example. We first give an introduction to the general concept of hysteresis operators before we analyze a special class of hysteresis operators called Prandtl-Ishlinskii operators. We investigate their memory structure and explain how the operators can be evaluated numerically. To that end we present two different kinds of approximation schemes. We point out how the approximating operators can be implemented and we derive linear and quadratic error estimates. For the numerical solution of the coupled system of the wave equation with a hysteresis operator we introduce an implicit difference scheme with memory. For a class of hysteresis operators we show the existence and uniqueness of the numerical solution. We prove the convergence of the scheme by compactness and monotonicity arguments. We derive an error estimate of order 1/2. We discuss the application of the method presented to Prandtl-Ishlinskii operators