13 research outputs found

    Conversas conspiratórias a favor da Pesquisa Educacional Baseada em Arte

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    This paper presents the Arts-Based Educational Research (ABER) and the relevance of this investigative approach to promote experiences, insights, and, as a consequence, knowledge. At the same time, historical frameworks and hegemonic modes of production of knowledge are questioned. The exposition of arguments on the relations among art, teaching and research also involves the use of image, which is not an attachment of the research. The aim of this text is to provoke reflections and fortifications about (which is why this is a conspiracy in favor of) what we want when we are using artistic approaches in teaching and research. For this, we consider important to present North American authors who provided conditions and systematized criteria for the establishment of arts-based research.Esse artigo apresenta a Pesquisa Educacional Baseada em Arte (PEBA) e a relevância desse enfoque investigativo para promoção de experiências, de insights e, como consequência, de conhecimento. Ao mesmo tempo, colocam-se em questão enquadramentos históricos e modos hegemônicos de produção de saberes. A exposição de argumentos sobre as relações entre arte, ensino e pesquisa envolve também o uso da imagem, que não é um anexo da pesquisa. O objetivo norteador desse texto é provocar reflexões e fortalecimentos (por isso é uma conspiração a favor) sobre o que queremos ao utilizarmos abordagens artísticas no ensino e na pesquisa. Para tanto, consideramos importante apresentar autores norte-americanos que propiciaram condições e sistematizaram critérios para a instauração de pesquisas baseadas em arte

    Arts-Based Research in the Social and Health Sciences: Pushing for Change with an Interdisciplinary Global Arts-Based Research Initiative

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    The impact of current trends in technology, digitalization and mass media on our global culture raises questions regarding the responsibility and ethics of research decisions in contemporary social and health sciences. Embedded in the dominant paradigms, these trends subtly affect our worldviews, our valuation of the human condition, and the nature of socio-political discourse. In such critical post normal times (SARDAR, 2009) radical imagination (HAIVEN & KHASNABISH, 2014) and epistemic activism, embracing non-dominant modes of knowledge production in the social and health sciences, becomes a necessity. Arts-based research (ABR) is resonant with the onto-epistemological perspectives and methodologies necessary to challenge and disrupt current unilateral and hegemonic paradigms underlying decaying societal and geo-political constructs. In this article, we advocate for the development of a global network of ABR scholars and stakeholders invoking a radical imaginative philosophy and arts-based research methodologies as an approach to social activism and epistemological change.Die Wichtigkeit aktueller Trends in Technologie, Digitalisierung und Massenmedien für die globale Kultur führt zu Fragen nach der Verantwortlichkeit und Ethik forscherischer Entscheidungen in den Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften. Eingebettet in die jeweils dominanten Paradigmen affizieren diese Trends subtil unsere Weltsicht, unsere Werte und den Charakter sozio-politischer Diskurse. In diesen kritischen post-normalen Zeiten (SARDAR 2009) werden radikale Imagination (HAIVEN & KHASNABISH 2014) und epistemischer Aktivismus, verbunden mit nicht-dominanten Weisen der Wissensproduktion, zu einer Notwendigkeit. Kunstbasierte Forschung (KBF) beinhaltet onto-epistemologische Perspektiven und Methodologien, die erforderlich sind, um die gegenwärtigen unilateralen und hegemonialen Paradigmen herauszufordern und zu stören, die den überkommenen gesellschaftlichen und geo-politischen Konstrukten unterliegen. In diesem Beitrag vertreten wir die Etablierung eines globalen Netzwerks von KBF-Wissenschaftler*innen und Stakeholdern und die Nutzung einer radikal-imaginativen Philosophie und von kunstbasierten Verfahren als Ausgangspunkte für sozialen Aktivismus und einen epistemologischen Wechsel

    Arts-based research in education : foundations for practice

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    This book explain about arts-based research in education to provide foundations for practice.xvi, 245 p.: ill.; 23 cm

    Arts-based research in education : foundations for practice

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    xvi, 254 p. ; 23 cm

    Class 2017: Following the theories of Barad, Bennett and Butler down to the rabbit hole

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    Dit boekje is een aandenken en meteen ook een hulde aan het creatieve werk dat opgeleverd werd in het kader van het vak Reflexiviteit. Wij vroegen van jullie geen epistels of gespin met duizenden woorden, maar krachtige bevattelijke beelden die getuigen van een diepgaand theoretisch inzicht. Jullie kunstzinnige uitstap in de theorie van Barad, Bennett en Butler is hierboven gebundeld als aandenken aan het eigen groepsproces en blikopener naar het werk van jullie collega’s. Jullie designs zijn tot stand gekomen vanuit een samenspel tussen inhoud (het wat) en vorm (het hoe), tussen theorie en methodologie. Het kunnen vervlechten van beiden zien we als een belangrijke stap in de uitbouw van een reflexieve houding; het kritisch benaderen van een theoretisch-methodologisch perspectief en dit selectief kunnen inzetten om meer grip te krijgen op de sociale werkelijkheid die ons met elkaar verbindt en ons functioneren aanstuurt. Het zich begeven op nog onontgonnen paden is het begin van een vaak ongemakkelijk proces van uit de eigen comfortzone stappen, soms zonder specifiek einddoel voor ogen maar wel met al onze zintuigen open. Deze bundel is de stille getuige van die verruiming van ons maatschappelijk en wetenschappelijk blikveld. Er komt voor jullie een einde aan het vak Reflexiviteit. Maar wie Barad, Bennett of Butler grondig gelezen heeft, staat vanaf heden op een andere (ja misschien wel meer reflexieve) manier in de wereld.status: publishe

    Photo, voice and the fragile balance between image and text in the representation of qualitative research findings

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    Arts-based methods in socially engaged research practice: a classification framework

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    Arts-based research has recently gained an enlarging popularity within qualitative inquiry. It is applied in various disciplines, including health, psychology, education and anthropology. Arts-based research uses artistic forms and expressions to explore, understand, represent and even challenge human experiences. It comes in many forms and enters into different stages of a research cycle. With this study we aim to create order in the messy field of artistically inspired methods of socially engaged research. We conducted a literature study and distinguished three major categories for classification: research about art, art as research, and art in research. We further identified five main forms of arts-based research: visual art, sound art, literary art, performing art and new media, with many projects combining different forms in one project. Relevant examples of socially engaged research are provided to illustrate how different artistic methods are used within the forms identified. Apart from inspiring people, we hope the classification framework will help colleagues who engage with arts-based socially engaged research to better position themselves and their projects in a field in full development.status: publishe

    Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung

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    The impact of current trends in technology, digitalization and mass media on our global culture raises questions regarding the responsibility and ethics of research decisions in contemporary social and health sciences. Embedded in the dominant paradigms, these trends subtly affect our worldviews, our valuation of the human condition, and the nature of socio-political discourse. In such critical post normal times (SARDAR, 2009) radical imagination (HAIVEN & KHASNABISH, 2014) and epistemic activism, embracing non-dominant modes of knowledge production in the social and health sciences, becomes a necessity. Arts-based research (ABR) is resonant with the onto-epistemological perspectives and methodologies necessary to challenge and disrupt current unilateral and hegemonic paradigms underlying decaying societal and geopolitical constructs. In this article, we advocate for the development of a global network of ABR scholars and stakeholders invoking a radical imaginative philosophy and arts-based research methodologies as an approach to social activism and epistemological change