56 research outputs found
Akzeptanz von Nachhaltigkeitsinnovationen im Lebensmittelbereich â das Untersuchungsdesign
The acceptance study is part of ginkoo, an innovation group project for sustainable land use (FONA, BMBF). A central concern is the externalisation of environmental and social costs in food production systems due to increased efficiency and intensive agriculture. The ginkoo case study âNaturlandâ deals with ethic aspects in animal production, the valorisation of agrobiodiversity and new financial models. By using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods, the study will develop strategies and measures that should improve the acceptance of sustainability innovations by consumers. They will be tested, evaluated and validated directly by applying them to concrete innovation processes. The aggregate level addresses the conversion to transferable strategies and measures for similar innovation processes in the agri-food sector
Einstellungen zu ethischen Aspekten in der GeflĂŒgelhaltung
Nowadays, the killing of day-old chicks is a widely discussed issue in science, poultry keeping, politics, and public. There are practical and scientific efforts to investigate and test alternative solutions to avoid such killing. Most of the research deals with technical aspects of in-ovo sex determination and breeding of dual-purpose chickens. However, there is very little research on consumersÂŽ knowledge and preferences. This article aims to fill this research gap. In spring 2016, a quantitative survey (n=1000) with consumers from the German Federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg was - -known, about dual-purpose chickens as an alternative solution. After interviewers gave would appreciate further information. In conclusion, consumers would promote dualpurpose chicken initiatives if the issue was communicated comprehensibly
Regional Poverty and Population Response:A Comparison of Three Regions in the United States and Germany
In this paper, we examine poverty in three regions in the United States and Germany and discuss its causes and demographic consequences. The three regions are those with the highest rates of poverty in the two countries: the Mississippi Delta and Texas Borderland in the United States and the Northeastern Border Region in Germany. We show that standard models to explain poverty need to be placed in the historical legacies of the three regions in order to understand their current levels of poverty. While our results show many common factors for poverty in the three regions, they also point to important differences. Similarly, we identify differences among the regions in their demographic responses to poverty, in part reflecting their different historical legacies. Thus, one implication of the paper is the importance of place-based poverty-mitigation strategies for successful policy planning.In this paper, we examine poverty in three regions in the United States and Germany and discuss its causes and demographic consequences. The three regions are those with the highest rates of poverty in the two countries: the Mississippi Delta and Texas Borderland in the United States and the Northeastern Border Region in Germany. We show that standard models to explain poverty need to be placed in the historical legacies of the three regions in order to understand their current levels of poverty. While our results show many common factors for poverty in the three regions, they also point to important differences. Similarly, we identify differences among the regions in their demographic responses to poverty, in part reflecting their different historical legacies. Thus, one implication of the paper is the importance of place-based poverty-mitigation strategies for successful policy planning
Micro-level practices to adapt to climate change for African small-scale farmers:
This paper discusses micro-level practices for adapting to climate change that are available to small-scale farmers in Africa. The analysis is based on a review of 17 studies about practices that boost small-scale farmers' resilience or reduce their vulnerability to observed or expected changes in climate; it includes data from more than 16 countries in Africa, the Americas, Europe, and Asia. The review shows that African smallholders are already using a wide variety of creative practices to deal with climate risks; these can be further adjusted to the challenge of climate change by planned adaptation programs. We found 104 different practices relevant to climate change adaptation and organized them in five categories: farm management and technology; farm financial management; diversification on and beyond the farm; government interventions in infrastructure, health, and risk reduction; and knowledge management, networks, and governance. We conclude that adaptation policies should complement farmers' autonomous response to climate change through the development of new drought-resistant varieties and improved weather forecasts, the provision of financial services, improvement of rural transportation infrastructure, investments in public healthcare and public welfare programs, and policies that improve local governance and coordinate donor activities.Climate change, adaptation practices, content analysis, Small-scale farmers, climate risks, Farm management, diversification, risk reduction, government interventions, public welfare programs
Alternative = transformative? Investigating drivers of transformation in alternative food networks in Germany
In the hope for more sustainable agriculture and a stronger connection to their food, an increasing number of consumers participate in alternative food networks (AFNs) characterised by short food supply chains. However, it cannot be assumed that AFNs inherently transform the prevailing system and its respective practices around food. Thus, we apply a social innovation perspective to enable a comprehensive analysis of changed values, social practices and relations in AFNs. This article presents whether drivers of transformation occur in three different AFN models (Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), food coâoperatives (food coâops) and selfâharvest gardens) and how participants describe and perceive them in each model. Therefore, we conducted interviews with AFN producers and consumers, before applying qualitative content analysis. Interviewees describe a broad variety of transformed values, practices and relations: Especially CSA and food coâops bear transformative potential as their members report a strong reconnection of producers and consumers expressed through social interaction and communityâbuilding. Selfâharvest gardeners predominantly seek individual capacity building and to have access to their own garden. We conclude that AFN participation fosters incremental transformation towards more sustainable practices around food and a respective value system, which can be a part of a bigger movement aimed at food system transformation.Federal Ministry of Education and Research
http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002347Peer Reviewe
Micro-level Practices to Adapt to Climate Change for African Small-scale Farmers
This paper discusses micro-level practices for adapting to climate change that are available to small-scale farmers in Africa. The analysis is based on a review of 17 studies about practices that boost small-scale farmersÂż resilience or reduce their vulnerability to observed or expected changes in climate; it includes data from more than 16 countries in Africa, the Americas, Europe, and Asia. The review shows that African smallholders are already using a wide variety of creative practices to deal with climate risks; these can be further adjusted to the challenge of climate change by planned adaptation programs. We found 104 different practices relevant to climate change adaptation and organized them in five categories: farm management and technology; farm financial management; diversification on and beyond the farm; government interventions in infrastructure, health, and risk reduction; and knowledge management, networks, and governance. We conclude that adaptation policies should complement farmersÂż autonomous response to climate change through the development of new drought-resistant varieties and improved weather forecasts, the provision of financial services, improvement of rural transportation infrastructure, investments in public healthcare and public welfare programs, and policies that improve local governance and coordinate donor activities.JRC.DG.J.5-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom
VerÀnderungen der Lebenslagen von Dorfbewohnern im erwerbsfÀhigen Alter in den neuen BundeslÀndern
"Mit der Vereinigung der beiden deutschen Staaten am 3. Oktober 1990 wandelten sich die Lebens- und Handlungsbedingungen fĂŒr die Menschen aus der DDR radikal. Diese verĂ€nderten Lebensbedingungen betreffen sowohl alle Lebensbereiche als auch jeden Menschen in den neuen BundeslĂ€ndern. Dabei ist aber der Grad der persönlichen Betroffenheit unterschiedlich. Die Lebenslage des Einzelnen wird wesentlich durch seine Stellung im Erwerbssystem bestimmt. Einkommen, EinfluĂ, der Grad sozialer Sicherheit, individuelle AutonomierĂ€ume, Lebensbedingungen verschiedener Art und daraus resultierende soziale Differenzierungen in den Dörfern hĂ€ngen stark von der Stellung zum und im Erwerbsarbeitssystem ab (in Anlehnung an Bolte, 1990). Im folgenden wollen wir uns auf eine bestimmte sozialstrukturelle Gruppe, die Menschen im erwerbsfĂ€higen Alter (in unserem sample die 18- bis 64jĂ€hrigen), in vier ausgewĂ€hlten Dörfern der neuen BundeslĂ€nder konzentrieren. Schon diese Gruppe ist in sich nach verschiedenen sozial relevanten Kriterien sehr heterogen strukturiert. ZunĂ€chst sollen die VerĂ€nderungen in der Erwerbsbeteiligung und Erwerbsneigung diskutiert werden. Dabei wird besonders auf die nach 1989 sozialstrukturell neue Gruppe der VorruhestĂ€ndler eingegangen. Des weiteren wird herausgearbeitet, wie sich die Gruppe der ErwerbstĂ€tigen strukturiert, an welchen Kriterien sich Ausgrenzungen und Marginalisierungen am Arbeitsmarkt zeigen und welche Auswirkungen auf die individuellen Lebenslagen sowohl objektiv als auch in der Wahrnehmung damit verbunden sind. Bei dieser Betrachtungsweise sind die Fragen, wer erwerbstĂ€tig geblieben ist, wer arbeitslos wurde und wer arbeitslos geblieben ist, bedeutend. Neben allgemein bekannten Arbeitsmarktrisiken werden vor allem auch dorfspezifische Faktoren diskutiert." (Autorenreferat
A New Framework for Innovation-Based Regional Development
To foster sustainable regional development, many regions rely on innovations.
To safeguard the generation of innovations and their market introduction,
companies have increasingly used technology roadmapping and open innovation.
The project INNOrural (Innovations for sustainable rural development) expanded
these concepts by applying them to regions. This led to the rise of the
âRegional Open Innovation Roadmappingâ framework for innovation-based regional
development (ROIR). This framework was tested by conducting two innovation
roadmapping processes in the model region of MĂ€rkisch-Oderland (MOL), Germany:
the certification of regional wood fuel and the establishment of a competence
center for precision farming technology. Both innovation ideas were selected
during the roadmapping process by applying a sustainability assessment. After
12 months, two complete roadmaps were ready for implementation. Key principles
of ROIR were identified, including the use of a clear and replicable
sustainability assessment method, the involvement of all relevant stakeholder
groups in the early process and the cooperation between regional and subject
experts. Generally, the broader adaptation of ROIR for additional regions will
be useful. Nevertheless, the ROIR processes need to be evaluated in depth to
develop a better understanding and to provide evidence of the benefits and
limitations of this approach
Die landwirtschaftlichen Produktionspotentiale Polens: eine Bewertung aus dem Blickwinkel einer zukĂŒnftigen EU-Mitgliedschaft
Based on the analysis of the special features of the agricultural sector in Poland in comparison to the other transitional countries, the transformation processes and their influences on the regional structure are to be examined. If the decisive factors (natural potential, company sizes, environment and historical conditions) are given consideration, then a belt of 100 km in width to the West of Warsaw will be the future core zone of Polish agriculture. The structurally weak regions in the Eastern and South-eastern Voivodes will be problematic for the Polish agricultural concept, as here, in view of the coincidence of various negative factors, agriculture tends to be purely a substinence economy. Also, resulting from the lack of further regional development possibilities, the problems of depopulation and impoverishment of expansive rural regions must be feared. On the other hand, there is the real chance of the recognised core zone of the agricultural production achieving considerable exports to Western countries after Poland has joined the EU
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