191 research outputs found

    Strong Calcium Emission Indicates that the Ultraviolet-flashing SN Ia 2019yvq Was the Result of a Sub-Chandrasekar-mass Double-detonation Explosion

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    We present nebular spectra of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) SN 2019yvq, which had a bright flash of blue and ultraviolet light after exploding, followed by a rise similar to other SNe Ia. Although SN 2019yvq displayed several other rare characteristics, such as persistent high ejecta velocity near peak brightness, it was not especially peculiar, and if the early "excess" emission were not observed, it would likely be included in cosmological samples. The excess flux can be explained by several different physical models linked to the details of the progenitor system and explosion mechanism. Each has unique predictions for the optically thin emission at late times. In our nebular spectra, we detect strong [Ca ii] λλ7291, 7324 and Ca near-IR triplet emission, consistent with a double-detonation explosion. We do not detect H, He, or [O i] emission, predictions for some single-degenerate progenitor systems and violent white dwarf mergers. The amount of swept-up H or He is < 2.8 × 10⁻⁴ and 2.4 × 10⁻⁴ M_⊙, respectively. Aside from strong Ca emission, the SN 2019yvq nebular spectrum is similar to those of typical SNe Ia with the same light-curve shape. Comparing to double-detonation models, we find that the Ca emission is consistent with a model with a total progenitor mass of 1.15 M_⊙. However, we note that a lower progenitor mass better explains the early light-curve and peak luminosity. The unique properties of SN 2019yvq suggest that thick He-shell double detonations only account for 1.1_(-1.1)^(+2.1)% of the total "normal" SN Ia rate. The SN 2019yvq is one of the best examples yet that multiple progenitor channels appear necessary to reproduce the full diversity of "normal" SNe Ia

    Strong Calcium Emission Indicates that the Ultraviolet-flashing SN Ia 2019yvq Was the Result of a Sub-Chandrasekar-mass Double-detonation Explosion

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    We present nebular spectra of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) SN 2019yvq, which had a bright flash of blue and ultraviolet light after exploding, followed by a rise similar to other SNe Ia. Although SN 2019yvq displayed several other rare characteristics, such as persistent high ejecta velocity near peak brightness, it was not especially peculiar, and if the early "excess" emission were not observed, it would likely be included in cosmological samples. The excess flux can be explained by several different physical models linked to the details of the progenitor system and explosion mechanism. Each has unique predictions for the optically thin emission at late times. In our nebular spectra, we detect strong [Ca ii] λλ7291, 7324 and Ca near-IR triplet emission, consistent with a double-detonation explosion. We do not detect H, He, or [O i] emission, predictions for some single-degenerate progenitor systems and violent white dwarf mergers. The amount of swept-up H or He is < 2.8 × 10⁻⁴ and 2.4 × 10⁻⁴ M_⊙, respectively. Aside from strong Ca emission, the SN 2019yvq nebular spectrum is similar to those of typical SNe Ia with the same light-curve shape. Comparing to double-detonation models, we find that the Ca emission is consistent with a model with a total progenitor mass of 1.15 M_⊙. However, we note that a lower progenitor mass better explains the early light-curve and peak luminosity. The unique properties of SN 2019yvq suggest that thick He-shell double detonations only account for 1.1_(-1.1)^(+2.1)% of the total "normal" SN Ia rate. The SN 2019yvq is one of the best examples yet that multiple progenitor channels appear necessary to reproduce the full diversity of "normal" SNe Ia

    An Asymmetric Double-Degenerate Type Ia Supernova Explosion with a Surviving Companion Star

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    We present nebular spectroscopy of SN 2020hvf, a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) with an early bump in its light curve. SN 2020hvf shares many spectroscopic and photometric similarities to the carbon-rich high-luminosity "03fg-like" SNe Ia. At >>240 days after peak brightness, we detect unambiguous emission from [Ca II] λλ\lambda\lambda7291, 7324 which is never observed in normal-SNe Ia and only seen in peculiar subclasses. SN 2020hvf displays "saw-tooth" emission profiles near 7300 A that cannot be explained with single symmetric velocity components of [Fe II], [Ni II], and [Ca II], indicating an asymmetric explosion. The broad [Ca II] emission is best modeled by two velocity components offset by 1,220 km s1^{-1}, which could be caused by ejecta associated with each star in the progenitor system, separated by their orbital velocity. For the first time in a SN Ia, we identify narrow (FWHM=180±40{\rm FWHM} = 180\pm40 km s1^{-1}) [Ca II] emission, which we associate with a wind from a surviving, puffed-up companion star. Few published spectra have sufficient resolution and signal-to-noise ratio necessary to detect similar narrow [Ca II] emission, however, we have detected similar line profiles in other 03fg-like SNe Ia. The extremely narrow velocity width of [Ca II] has only otherwise been observed in SNe Iax at late times. Since this event likely had a double-degenerate "super-Chandrasekhar" mass progenitor system, we suggest that a single white dwarf (WD) was fully disrupted and a wind from a surviving companion WD is producing the observed narrow emission. It is unclear if this unique progenitor and explosion scenario can explain the diversity of 03fg-like SNe Ia, potentially indicating that multiple progenitor channels contribute to this subclass.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, Published in Ap

    A Neutron Star Binary Merger Model for GW170817/GRB170817a/SSS17a

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    The merging neutron star gravitational wave event GW170817 has been observed throughout the entire electromagnetic spectrum from radio waves to γ\gamma-rays. The resulting energetics, variability, and light curves are shown to be consistent with GW170817 originating from the merger of two neutron stars, in all likelihood followed by the prompt gravitational collapse of the massive remnant. The available γ\gamma-ray, X-ray and radio data provide a clear probe for the nature of the relativistic ejecta and the non-thermal processes occurring within, while the ultraviolet, optical and infrared emission are shown to probe material torn during the merger and subsequently heated by the decay of freshly synthesized rr-process material. The simplest hypothesis that the non-thermal emission is due to a low-luminosity short γ\gamma-ray burst (sGRB) seems to agree with the present data. While low luminosity sGRBs might be common, we show here that the collective prompt and multi-wavelength observations are also consistent with a typical, powerful sGRB seen off-axis. Detailed follow-up observations are thus essential before we can place stringent constraints on the nature of the relativistic ejecta in GW170817.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted to ApJ Letter

    Discovery of a Faint Companion to Alcor Using MMT/AO 5 μ\mum Imaging

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    We report the detection of a faint stellar companion to the famous nearby A5V star Alcor (80 UMa). The companion has M-band (λ\lambda = 4.8 μ\mum) magnitude 8.8 and projected separation 1".11 (28 AU) from Alcor. The companion is most likely a low-mass (\sim0.3 \msun) active star which is responsible for Alcor's X-ray emission detected by ROSAT (LX_{\rm X} \simeq 1028.3^{28.3} erg/s). Alcor is a nuclear member of the Ursa Major star cluster (UMa; d \simeq 25 pc, age \simeq 0.5 Gyr), and has been occasionally mentioned as a possible distant (709") companion of the stellar quadruple Mizar (ζ\zeta UMa). Comparing the revised Hipparcos proper motion for Alcor with the mean motion for other UMa nuclear members shows that Alcor has a peculiar velocity of 1.1 km/s, which is comparable to the predicted velocity amplitude induced by the newly-discovered companion (\sim1 km/s). Using a precise dynamical parallax for Mizar and the revised Hipparcos parallax for Alcor, we find that Mizar and Alcor are physically separated by 0.36 ±\pm 0.19 pc (74 ±\pm 39 kAU; minimum 18 kAU), and their velocity vectors are marginally consistent (χ2\chi^2 probability 6%). Given their close proximity and concordant motions we suggest that the Mizar quadruple and the Alcor binary be together considered the 2nd closest stellar sextuplet. The addition of Mizar-Alcor to the census of stellar multiples with six or more components effectively doubles the local density of such systems within the local volume (d << 40 pc).Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, AJ, in press; emulateapj short version at http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~emamajek/alcor.pd

    Electromagnetic Evidence that SSS17a is the Result of a Binary Neutron Star Merger

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    11 hours after the detection of gravitational wave source GW170817 by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory and Virgo Interferometers, an associated optical transient SSS17a was discovered in the galaxy NGC 4993. While the gravitational wave data indicate GW170817 is consistent with the merger of two compact objects, the electromagnetic observations provide independent constraints of the nature of that system. Here we synthesize all optical and near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy of SSS17a collected by the One-Meter Two-Hemisphere collaboration. We find that SSS17a is unlike other known transients. The source is best described by theoretical models of a kilonova consisting of radioactive elements produced by rapid neutron capture (the r-process). We find that SSS17a was the result of a binary neutron star merger, reinforcing the gravitational wave result.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Scienc

    Growth and mass wasting of volcanic centers in the northern South Sandwich arc, South Atlantic, revealed by new multibeam mapping

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    New multibeam (swath) bathymetric sonar data acquired using an EM120 system on the RRS James Clark Ross, supplemented by sub-bottom profiling, reveals the underwater morphology of a not, vert, similar 12,000 km2 area in the northern part of the mainly submarine South Sandwich volcanic arc. The new data extend between 55° 45′S and 57° 20′S and include Protector Shoal and the areas around Zavodovski, Visokoi and the Candlemas islands groups. Each of these areas is a discrete volcanic center. The entirely submarine Protector Shoal area, close to the northern limit of the arc, forms a 55 km long east–west-trending seamount chain that is at least partly of silicic composition. The seamounts are comparable to small subaerial stratovolcanoes in size, with volumes up to 83 km3, indicating that they are the product of multiple eruptions over extended periods. Zavodovski, Visokoi and the Candlemas island group are the summits of three 3–3.5 km high volcanic edifices. The bathymetric data show evidence for relationships between constructional volcanic features, including migrating volcanic centers, structurally controlled constructional ridges, satellite lava flows and domes, and mass wasting of the edifices. Mass wasting takes place mainly by strong erosion at sea level, and dispersal of this material along chutes, probably as turbidity currents and other mass flows that deposit in extensive sediment wave fields. Large scale mass wasting structures include movement of unconsolidated debris in slides, slumps and debris avalanches. Volcanism is migrating westward relative to the underlying plate and major volcanoes are asymmetrical, being steep with abundant recent volcanism on their western flanks, and gently sloping with extinct, eroded volcanic sequences to their east. This is consistent with the calculated rate of subduction erosion of the fore-arc

    Overview of the Role for Calreticulin in the Enhancement of Wound Healing through Multiple Biological Effects

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    Calreticulin (CRT), an intracellular chaperone protein crucial for the proper folding and transport of proteins through the endoplasmic reticulum, has more recent acclaim as a critical regulator of extracellular functions, particularly in mediating cellular migration and as a requirement for phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. Consistent with these functions, we show that the topical application of CRT has profound effects on the process of wound healing by causing a dose-dependent increase in epithelial migration and granulation tissue formation in both murine and porcine normal and impaired animal models of skin injury. These effects of CRT are substantiated, in vitro, as we show that CRT strongly induces cell migration/wound closure of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts, using a wound/scratch plate assay, and stimulates cellular proliferation of human keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and vascular endothelial cells, providing mechanistic insight into how CRT functions in repair. Similarly, in both animal models, the histology of the wounds show marked proliferation of basal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts, dense cellularity of the dermis with notably increased numbers of macrophages and well-organized collagen fibril deposition. Thus, CRT profoundly affects the wound healing process by recruiting cells essential for repair into the wound, stimulating cell growth, and increasing extracellular matrix production