256 research outputs found

    Detecting oxidative stress biomarkers in neurodegenerative disease models and patients

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    Oxidative stress is prominent in many neurodegenerative diseases. Along with mitochondrial dysfunction and pathological protein aggregation, increased levels of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, together with impaired antioxidant defense mechanisms, are frequently observed in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The presence of oxidative stress markers in patients’ plasma and cerebrospinal fluid may aid early disease diagnoses, as well as provide clues regarding the efficacy of experimental disease-modifying therapies in clinical trials. In preclinical animal models, the detection and localization of oxidatively damaged lipids, proteins and nucleic acids helps to identify most vulnerable neuronal populations and brain areas, and elucidate the molecular pathways and the timeline of pathology progression. Here, we describe the protocol for the detection of oxidative stress markers using immunohistochemistry on formaldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections, applicable to the analysis of postmortem samples and tissues from animal models. In addition, we provide a simple method for the detection of malondialdehyde in tissue lysates and body fluids, which is useful for screening and the identification of tissues and structures in the nervous system which are most affected by oxidative stress. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Peer reviewe

    Trapping DNA–protein binding reactions with neutral osmolytes for the analysis by gel mobility shift and self-cleavage assays

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    We take advantage of our previous observation that neutral osmolytes can strongly slow down the rate of DNA–protein complex dissociation to develop a method that uses osmotic stress to ‘freeze’ mixtures of DNA–protein complexes and prevent further reaction enabling analysis of the products. We apply this approach to the gel mobility shift assay and use it to modify a self-cleavage assay that uses the nuclease activity of the restriction endonucleases to measure sensitively their specific binding to DNA. At sufficiently high concentrations of neutral osmolytes the cleavage reaction can be triggered at only those DNA fragments with initially bound enzyme. The self-cleavage assay allows measurement of binding equilibrium and kinetics directly in solution avoiding the intrinsic problems of gel mobility shift and filter binding assays while providing the same sensitivity level. Here we compare the self-cleavage and gel mobility shift assays applied to the DNA binding of EcoRI and BamHI restriction endonucleases. Initial results indicate that BamHI dissociation from its specific DNA sequence is strongly linked to water activity with the half-life time of the specific complex increasing ∼20-fold from 0 to 1 osmolal betaine

    Legal regulation of the digital economy in the context of modern Russian legislation

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    The article deals with the position of modern legislation in the sphere of digital economy in the Russian Federation and it’s efficiency. The main sources regulating the sphere of digital law are considered. The conformity from the legislation development to the real requirement of the digital economy has been evaluated. Статья посвящена современному правовому регулированию в сфере цифровой экономики РФ. Рассмотрены основные источники, регулирующие цифровое право. Дана оценка соответствия развития законодательства реальным потребностям цифровой экономики

    Risks and Threats of Using Open Banking in Russia and in the World

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    A study was conducted on the development of banking in the Russian Federation and in the countries of the world. It was determined that open banking in all countries of the world is at the stage of development. Based on literature, a comprehensive analysis of open banking functioning was conducted. Among the main problems the security risk, isolation and increased competition between banks were identified.Keywords: open banking, PSD2 standards, aggregation site, the latest financial technologies

    A novel, two-step synthesis of 4-pyridone-3-carboxamides from 2-cyano-4-pyrones

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    Reactions of 2-cyano-6-(trifluoromethyl)-4-pyrone, 2-cyano-4-pyrone, and 2-cyano-6-methyl-4-pyrone with aliphatic and aromatic amines in ethanol at -20 C for 2-21 days gave 5-amino-3-oxopent-4-enamides in 28-78% yields, which were cyclized with DMF-DMA in toluene under ambient conditions to afford 4-pyridone-3-carboxamides in 31-70% yields. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Morphological and genetic types of unconventional reservoir zones within basement of the Tatar arch

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    © SGEM2016.The structure of the Tatar arch (Eastern Russian Plate) includes several morphological and genetic types of unconventional reservoirs. The first type is presented by areal weathering crust (boundary between the sedimentary cover and the basement surface). It is characterized by the presence of weathering profile, zonal profile and diverse mineral composition of the clay component. Linear type is another morphological type of weathering crust. It has the local development in the territory of the Tatar arch and depends on fault tectonics of the basement. Peculiarity of the linear crust is in the absence of weathering profile and zoning. Destruction zone is another morphological and genetic type of unconventional reservoirs. In the body of the South-Tatar arch basement (below 3 km) specific zones – destructions zones (crushing and decompression) are established. They are metasomatic sub-horizontal geological and geodynamic formations. Destruction areas are divided into two types: compression and decompression. Their formation is associated with geodynamic stages of the basement development and the impact of late low-temperature processes. Zones have high capability of voids. The main processes are leaching, corrosion, exposure to low-temperature hydrothermal solutions to the metamorphic substrate. Allocated morphological and genetic types (weathering crust and destruction zones) with high reservoir characteristics can serve as unconventional reservoir zones at great depths of the Tatar arch

    Main features of architectural-decorative plastics of the historical facades of the end XIX – early of the XX century c. Kiev

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    1. Кальницький М., Малаков Д. Головні та міські архітектори Києва. 1799-1999. Теорія та історія архітектури і містобудування : зб. наук. пр. Київ, 1999. Вип. 4. С. 105-125. 2. Килессо С. К. Владислав Городецкий. Архитектура СССР. 1989. № 4. С. 96-103. 3. Кириченко Е. И. Русская архитектура 1830-1910 годов. Москва : Искусство, 1982. 400 с. 4. Малаков Д. В. Правила забудови старого Киева. Архітектурна спадщина України. Київ, 2002. С. 436-438. 5. Сердюк О. М. Стилістичне вирішення київського житлового інтер’єру другої половини XIX — початку XX століття. Праці Центру пам’ят- кознавства : зб. наук. пр. 2009. Вип. 16. С. 55-64. 6. Сідорова О. І. Семантика київських фасадів. Українська академія мистецтва. Дослідницькі та науково-методичні праці. 2009. № 16. С. 163-173. 7. Сідорова О. І. Художньо-структурні особливості архітектурних фасадів житлових будівель Києва кінця XIX — поч. XX ст. Українська академія мистецтва. Дослідницькі та науково-методичні праці. 2008. № 15. С. 184-193. 8. Скібіцька Т. В. Київський архітектурний модерн (1900-1910 pp.). Вступ. Стаття Г. Духовичного. Львів. Київ, 2011. 232 с. 9. Чепелик В. В. Український архітектурний модерн. Київ : КНУБА, 2000. 10. Ясиевич В. Е. Архитектура Украины на рубеже ХІХ-ХХ веков. Київ : Будівельник, 1988. 182 с. 11. Ясієвич В. Є. Модерн в архітектурі України (генезис та вплив на інші стильові напрямки). Українське мистецтво та архітектура кінця XIX — початку XX ст. Київ : Наукова думка, 2000. С. 183-198.Робота присвячена проблемі збереження архітектурно-декоративної пластики фасадів забудови кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. в м. Києві. Краса та самобутність міста Києва полягає не лише в унікальному живописному ландшафті, виразних силуетах та витонченій пластиці пам’яток архітектури, але й у оригінальних архітектурних та декоративних деталях фасадів рядової фонової забудови. Ці деталі є невід’ємною складовою міського середовища. Портали, двері, балкони, грати проїздів, піддашшя, декоративні гіпсові міжвіконні та підвіконні вставки, капітелі колон, об’ємна та барильєфна скульптура відрізняються особливою душевністю і доброю іронією. Вони несуть у собі унікальну інформацію історичного, міфологічного та езотеричного характеру. Під час ремонтів та реконструкції такі елементи часто втрачаються, що приводить до руйнації особливої київської атмосфери міського середовища. В архітектурних та декоративних деталях часто закодовані певні символічні послання – «мантри-обереги», із знищенням яких утворюються дірки у енергетичній тканині міста. Тому виявлення таких елементів та збереження їх є надзвичайно важливою задачею. В роботі запропоновано принципи класифікації та розроблено власне класифікацію елементів архітектурно-декоративної пластики фасадів, які найчастіше знищуються під час реконструкції та ремонту будівель, визначено зв'язок композиції архітектурно-декоративної пластики з композиційною структурою фасадів. Проведено композиційний, пропорційний та семантичний аналіз архітектурно-декоративної пластики фасадів забудови кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст.The work is devoted to the problem of preservation of architectural and decorative plastic facades of the late 19th - early 20th centuries in the city of Kiev. The beauty and originality of the city of Kiev lies not only in the unique picturesque landscape, expressive silhouettes and exquisite sculptures of the architectural monuments, but also in the original architectural and decorative details of the facades of the ordinary background building. These details are an integral part of the urban environment. Portals, doors, balconies, driveways, soles, decorative gypsum inter- window and window sills, column capitals, bas-relief sculpture have a special charm, good irony and carry unique properties of historical, mythological character. During repair and reconstruction, such elements are often lost, leading to the destruction of the special atmosphere of the urban environment. Architectural and decorative details often encode certain symbolic messages - "mantra- amulets", destruction of which leads to voids in the energy fabric of the city. Therefore, identifying such items and preserving them is an extremely important mission. Goal of this article is to find principles of classification of elements of architectural and decorative plastics of facades. That would help to preserve facades historical and artistic character which most often is lost during the reconstruction and repair of buildings

    Evaluation of selected soft winter wheat lines for main ear grain weight

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    Received: February 28th, 2021 ; Accepted: May 8th, 2021 ; Published: May 12th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] to assess the breeding samples of soft winter wheat by weight of grain from the main ear anddetermine the indicators of adaptability were conducted at the Bila Tserkva Research and Selection Station (BTRSS) in 2011–2013. The study revealed significant differences in breeding lines in the range of variability of grain mass from the main ear and identified small, medium and significantcoefficients of variation, which indicates their excellent response to environmental conditions. It was due to genotype, year conditions and their interaction. Line 42 KS had significantly higher than the standard grain weight of the main ear (0.14 g) and the lowest value of the coefficient of variation (8.7%). According to the indicators of adaptability(GAC, σ²(GxE)gi, σ²SACi, σSACi, etc.) the lines 42 KS, 24 KS and 44 KS were distinguished. There was asignificant correlation between the weight of grain from the ear and the weight of 1,000 grains (0.603–0.674) and the direct influence of the weight of grain from the main ear on the weight of grain from the plantand grain yield (0.805–0.942). Selected lines as a result of research (2015–2020) from these populations of soft winter wheat are competitively tested in the conditions of Bila Tserkva Research and Selection Station, forming high grain yields (7.39–8.12 t ha-1 ) and will be transferred to 2021 for the State variety test for inclusion in the Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine

    Leading material complexes of the crystalline basement of the tatar arch (East of the Russian plate) in the formation of weathering crust

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    © SGEM2016.Conducting of quantitative mineralogical analysis of metamorphic rocks penetrated by deep wells in the territory of the South-Tatar arch (East of the Russian Plate) provided an opportunity to examine and identify the leading formational types of rocks or metamorphic formations. According to the results of long-term mineralogical and petrographic research, followed by petrochemical analysis, the rocks have been grouped into two major formations. The first one – mafic-silicate formation is characterized by a predominance of mafic and mafic-silicic rock complexes. Ortho and clinopyroxene, amphibole and biotite are leading femic minerals. The second formation – high-alumina formation is characterized by a wide development of cordierite, sillimanite, garnet, biotite. The content of pyroxene, amphibole among the rocks of this formation is reduced dramatically. Leucocratic mineral component of these two formations is the same. However, the relation between minerals within the formation is different. Formation of buried weathering crust is located on the border of the sedimentary cover and the surface of crystalline basement. It was found that the material composition of the weathering crust is associated with mineralogical and petrographic features of leading metamorphic complexes. The mineral composition of weathered rocks, peculiarities of the development of finely dispersed and clay minerals in various areas of the crystalline basement are also variable and related to the original composition of the substrate in the studied territory