114 research outputs found

    Mahatma Gandhi and the Prisoner’s Dilemma: Strategic Civil Disobedience and Great Britain’s Great Loss of Empire in India

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    This paper examines the relationship between statutory monopoly and collective action as a multi-person assurance game culminating in an end to British Empire in India. In a simple theoretical model, it is demonstrated whether or not a collective good enjoys (or is perceived to enjoy) pure jointness of production and why the evolutionary stable strategy of non-violence was supposed to work on the principle that the coordinated reaction of a ethnically differentiated religious crowd to a conflict between two parties (of colonizer and colonized) over confiscatory salt taxation would significantly affect its course. Following Mancur Olson (1965) and Dennis Chong (1991), a model of strategic civil disobedience is created which is used to demonstrate how collective action can be used to produce an all-or-nothing public good to achieve economic and political independence.confiscatory taxation; multi-person assurance game; strategic civil disobedience

    The students’ career choice and job preparedness strategies: A social environmental perspective

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    The study aimed to investigate the factors determining the students’ career choice and find out their job preparedness strategies. Moreover, the study sought to propose a theory which could explain the students’ career choice from a social environmental perspective. Primary data for this study were collected from 120 students selected from fourteen academic departments of the Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU) in Bangladesh based on snow-ball sampling. The study revealed that several factors involving students’ family preferences, teachers’ advice, job prestige, job security, remunerations, scope of promotion, scope of pension, scope of professional development, personal interests, academic majors, educational attainments and career development trainings have significant association with the students’ career decision-making. However, gender and social class did not have significant effects on the students’ career choice. The study proposed a career choice theory which indicates that the students’ career choice and career preferences are not determined by their personal interests alone; rather they are determined by the interplay of several social, cultural and economic forces. The study indicated that the majority of the respondents undertake self-study to pursue their preferred jobs. While career development trainings play an important role in developing the competencies of the students for jobs, a majority of the respondents do not have such trainings. As such, the study suggested that the students of the NSTU should undertake career development courses as a strategy for job preparedness. Finally, the study suggested that the NSTU should set up a career guidance and counseling cell to link their students with the current labor market

    Pembacaan Al-Qur’an surat Al-Hasyr ayat 21-24 sebagai wirid perlindungan rohani di UKM Pagar Nusa UIN Walisongo Semarang : studi living Qur’an

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    Penelitian yang menggunakan kajian Living Quran ini mngunggulkan pembahasan tentang pembacaan Q.S Al-Hasyr Ayat 21-24 sebagai wirid perlindungan rohani di UKM Pagar Nusa UIN Walisongo Semarang. Tradisi ini ini dilaksanakan setelah sholat subuh dan sholat magrhib. penulis memfokuskan penelitian ini pada sejarah tradisi pembacaan ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an sebagai wirid perlindungan rohani, kemudian bagaimana praktik tradisi ini serta bagaimana pemaknaan oleh anggota UKM Pagar Nusa UIN Walisongo Semarang. Dengan dasar permasalahan tesebut, penulis mengangkat tiga rumusan masalah. Pertama, bagaimana pandangan anggota UKM pada amalan wirid tersebut. Kedua, bagaimana praktik amalan wirid tersebut. dan yang ketiga, bagaimana makna maupun pengaruh pada anggota UKM Pagar Nusa yang mengamalkan wirid tersebut. Tujuan penelitian dalam skrpsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui jawaban dari rumusan masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian field research (penelitian lapangan), yang meupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dimana data-data yang didapatkan dari wawancara dan observasi. setelah data terkumpul penulis menganalisis data melalui tiga tahapan yaitu tahap reduksi, display, dan tahap verifikasi data. adapun metode yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sosiologi pengetahuan Karl Mannheim. Penulis menunjukkan hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1) tradisi pembacaan Q.S Al-Hasyr Ayat 21-24 sebagai wirid perlindungan rohani berasal dari Alm Hendro Syufa’at pada tahun 2019, beliau yang merupakan dewan khos Pagar Nusa Kota Semarang. dan beliau mengijazahkan amalan ini dengan tujuan untuk melindungi diri kita baik dari jasmani atau rohani. 2) tradisi pembacaan Al-Qur’an yang dilakukan setelah sholat maghrib dan subuh ini dengan membaca Q.S Al-Hasyr Ayat 21-24 yang dilakukan secara mandiri sekaligus secara rutin oleh anggota UKM Pagar Nusa UIN Walisongo Semarang yang sudah mendapatkan ijazah atau anggota tetap saja yang dapat mengamalkan praktik wirid perlindungan rohani ini, untuk mengamalkan praktik wirid ini perlu latihan pencak silat Pagar Nusa terlebih dahulu selama kurang lebih 2 tahun dan setelah itu di sahkan menjadi anggota tetap terlebih dahulu baru bisa mengamalkan praktik wirid ini. 3) tradisi ini dimaknai oleh anggota UKM Pagar Nusa UIN Walisongo sebagai muhasabah untuk diri sendiri, sebagai perlindungan dari serangan hal ghaib, sebagai bentuk latihan beristiqomah, sebagai simbol ke ta’dziman kepada Kyai, pasrah kepada Allah SWT dan lebih percaya diri, sebagai alat dzikir dengan tujuan berserah diri kepada Allah SWT, dan yang terahir berharap untuk mendapatkan ridho serta keberkahan dari Allah SWT

    The corporate instigation of community-based organizations: analysis of two oil and gas companies in India

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    There is increasing evidence to suggest that Corporate Community Involvement (CCI) has gone beyond philanthropy towards more innovative approaches in addressing complex social problems. One example is particularly evident in developing countries where corporations organize the local community in their operational areas into community-based organizations (CBOs), such as self-help groups, and enable them to tackle social problems by themselves. In this thesis, I explore this emerging CCI mode, termed Corporate Instigation of Community-Based Organizations (CICBO), by focusing on the contexts in which such engagement is conceptualized, the process through which it is put into practice and the outcomes of such engagement. I adopt an institutional perspective, grounded in the umbrella concept of institutional work that highlights the recursive relationship between institutional environment and organizational actions within which a new CCI mode emerges. An analytical framework is built around the constituent components of institutional work (e.g., enabling conditions, agency, actions and consequences) that allows for a process-oriented exploration of the emergence of a CCI mode as an organization-level institution. The framework is employed to examine three key aspects of CICBO: company motives to initiate the mode and the contextual factors that influence those motives, the micro-processes through which the mode emerges, and its outcomes at multiple levels. In doing so, my study presents an alternative theoretical perspective on CCI, one based on institutional work. At the same time, it also contributes to the bottom-up theorization of institutional work. This research is interpretive in nature. A case study method is utilised for in-depth investigation of the CICBO mode of two oil and gas companies in India, the Oil India Limited and the Cairn India Limited, applying multiple qualitative research techniques such as interviews, focus group discussions and document analysis. The empirical findings provide valuable insights on the antecedents, processes and consequences in the emergence of the CICBO mode in particular and broader CCI discourse in general. This situates my research among the few studies that contribute to the processual understanding of CCI. The study identifies a legitimacy crisis at the community level arising from incompatible institutional arrangements, recognition of future business threat or opportunity, and a company’s habitual orientation towards community engagement as the key drivers for CICBO. However, prevalence of such a contingent environment alone is not enough to manifest the CICBO mode. As an intelligent and reflexive actor, the company reflects on its past, assesses the present, projects itself into the future, and assigns different levels of importance to each of these factors. As observed in the study, CICBO emerges when securing future business interest is associated with ensuring long-term social legitimacy through effective solutions to critical social issues. This finding makes explicit the connection between strategic motives and subsequent framing of CICBO as the solution to achieve them. CICBO aims to create a community-level practice of CBO-oriented collective problem solving. It focuses on gradually building important community capital in a way that enables the community to maintain the practice without company support. This signifies a dual institutional creation work where the activities for creating community-level practice in the field occur under the umbrella of a temporary CCI practice that is created in parallel. The company’s intention to continue the support for a limited time only reflects its commitment to community empowerment, rather than inflicting further dependence. CICBO unfolds through iterative phases of conceptual (design) and operational (implementation) activities, where a stable template gradually emerges through repeated incorporation of ongoing learning. As such, the emergence of CICBO depicts high interactions among company, community and other social actors. In particular, the process highlights diverse roles of the local community as the initial adopters of the CBO-oriented practice, supporters in the promotional activities, part of the maintenance mechanisms, and most importantly eventual upholder of the practice. The findings identify the ability of CICBO to create shared values for the CCI actors and potential for community empowerment. More importantly, the success of CICBO is observed to inspire various social actors including other organizations and the wider community to engage in similar and complementary practices, resulting in widespread diffusion of CBO-oriented activities. The findings bring new insights for practitioners, policy makers and communities, particularly in developing countries, who seek to design and implement similar practices as effective and sustainable solutions for complex social issues

    Does Primary Education Hinder Child Development? A Study of Six Selected Primary Schools of Dhaka City in Bangladesh

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    The study was intended to explore the effects of primary education on the childhood of the students of Dhaka city. Primary data for this study were collected from 18 students of 6 schools of Dhaka city by using semi-structured interview schedules. The study reveals that several factors pertaining to primary education such as unwillingness to go to school, excessive burden of textbooks, pressure of homework, lack of opportunities to play, frequent number of examinations, parents’ unhealthy competition for good results have adverse effects on child development. The study puts forward that the adverse effects of primary schools including Government primary schools and kindergarten schools have caused adverse physical, psychological, cognitive and personality development among the students and disrupted their joyful and playful childhood and social learning. Unified primary education is a utopia in Bangladesh making disparities among the students of different categories of schools. Children are going to school with a heavy bag loaded with textbooks, notebooks and other needed things. Children are going through mental pressure about their results and good grades which are appreciated with chocolates and their bad results are depreciated with rebuke and punishment. The most important factor of students’ attraction to go to school is the opportunity to play with the friends. Free, joyous, playful and colorful childhood of the primary level students is disappearing in the urban areas of Dhaka due to excessive study pressure in the primary level. However, the study recommends that a unified primary education system should be ensured in Bangladesh as soon as possible which would help the social, emotional and cognitive development of the children protecting their colorful childhood

    Analisa Kelayakan Usaha Bank Sampah di Kabupaten Bandung

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    Sampah menjadi permasalahan pokok disetiap kota-kota besar semakin besar kota tersebut, semakin besar pula sampah yang dihasilkan. Kabupaten Bandung adalah masuk wilayah kota penyangga ibu kota Jawa Barat yaitu kota Bandung. Penduduk Kab.Bandung sejumlah 3.299.986 jiwa, jika setiap manusia menghasilkan sampah setiap harinya sebanyak 0,5 kg maka sampah yang dihasilkan 3.149 ton. Dengan penanganan manajemen sampah yang kurang baik, akan membuat dampak negatif. Salah satunya banjir.Bank sampah menjadi salah satu solusi dari buruknya manajemen bank sampah. Bank sampah pula membuka pandangan baru masyarakat terhadap sampah, dari sesuatu yang tak bernilai menjadi sesuatu yang bernilai. Dikarenakan bank sampah akan menerima sampah khususnya sampah organik dari masyarakat dan akan dikalkulasikan menjadi tabungan bagi masyarakat. Dalam hal ini bank sampah akan mengolahnya menjadi kompos dan akan menjualnya. Pupuk kompos atau pupuk organik sendiri memiliki banyak manfaat untuk memperbaiki unsur tanah sehingga saat ini semakin banyak yang menggunakan pupuk kompos. Oleh karena itu bank sampah menjadi solusi tidak hanya dalam penangan sampah tetapi juga turut andil dalam memperbaiki kualitas tanah.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa demand untuk pembeli kompos tiap tahunnya 81.834 ton dengan kapasitas produksi sebanyak 41.276 ton. Sedangkan pasar penabung sampah sebanyak 681.412 orang pada tahun 2013. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menurut parameter penilaian investasi selama 5 tahun, Bank Sampah di Kabupaten Bandung ini layak direalisasikan dengan nilai NPV Rp 49.378.902.190, IRR 34,3% dan PBP 2,81 tahun. Investasi paling sensitif terhadap variabel penurunan pendapatan. Kelayakan, Bank Sampah, Kab.Bandun

    Screening of Different Tomato Varieties in Saline Areas of Bangladesh

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    A field study was conducted to screen out a number of Bangladeshi Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) varieties for salinity tolerance. Three levels of salinity were 2.0-4.0 dS m-1, 4.1-8.0 dS m-1 and 8.1-12.0 dS m-1. Significant varietal and or salinity treatment effects were registered on plant height, leaf area, plant growth, yield, dry matter plant-1, Na+ and Claccumulation in tomato tissues. Variety BARI Tomato 14, BARI Hybrid Tomato 5 and BARI Tomato 2 consistently showed superior biological activity at moderate salinity (4.1-8.0 dS m-1), based on dry matter biomass production thus displaying relatively greater adaptation to salinity. Under saline condition, all plant parameters of tomato varieties were reduced compared to the control except number of fruits of BARI Tomato 14, BARI Hybrid Tomato 5 and BARI Tomato 2. Thus, BARI Tomato 14, BARI Hybrid Tomato 5 and BARI Tomato 2 can be regarded as a breeding material for development of new tomato varieties for tolerance to salinity in saline areas of Bangladesh. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v2i1.13989 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 2 (1): 13-18, June, 201

    Improved Extensive Shrimp Farming Uplifted Yield of Coastal Ghers in Southwest Bangladesh

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    Shrimp is known as the white gold of Bangladesh because it is the second highest foreign currency earning source and 97% of the produced shrimp being exported. The present study is the report on the assessment of culture status of extensive shrimp ghers and intervention for increasing production of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in traditional gher system. The study was conducted at three different ghers in the south-west coastal region of Khulna district where multiple stocking (six successive stocking) and multiple harvesting was practiced during new-moon and full-moon period. Very lower production were recorded in extensive ghers 364.61 kg/ha, 380.31 kg/ha and 278.4 kg/ha in gher-1, gher-2 and gher-3 respectively in 2014. Hence, some little interventions like increasing gher depth, liming and use of PCR tested post larvae (PL) were taken to uplift the production. Interestingly, after 180 days of rearing, the average weight of shrimp was increased and the recorded production was 497.52 kg/ha, 435.44 kg/ha and 480.99 kg/ha in gher-1, gher-2 and gher-3 respectively in 2015 which increased alike in 2016 (680 kg/ha, 512 kg/ha and 466 kg/ha respectively). A strong correlation were found between temperature and production (R2 = 0.7055) and moderate correlation were found between production and depth (R2 = 0.456) that ultimately plays significant role on average production of shrimp. So, our research findings suggests that, the production of shrimp (P. monodon) can be increased significantly by improving the management practices in extensive shrimp ghers

    Performance of Tomato (Lysopersicon Esculentum) Germplasms Grown in Bangladesh for Salinity Tolerance Mplasm

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    A solution culture experiment was conducted to screen out a number of Bangladeshi tomato germplasms for salinity tolerance by exposed to control, 8, 12 dS/m NaCl (salt stress). Salinity tolerance of tomato germplasms were evaluated with respect to salinity tolerance index, shoot and root dry matter production, shoot Na+, K+, Ca2+ accumulation and their respective ratios. A tolerance index was calculated for every single germplasm in root, stem and leaf dry weights and in the K/Na and Ca/Na parameters of these organs. Tomato germplasms responded differently to salt tolerance. Based on the salinity tolerance index caused by the NaCl treatment “BT14 (BARI Tomato 14)” and “BHT5 (BARI Hybrid Tomato 5)” were found to be most tolerant germplasms to salinity with highest salinity tolerance index, root-shoot dry matter production, accumulation of K and Ca and exclusion of Na. Thus, “BT14” and “BHT5” can be regarded as a breeding material for development of new tomato varieties for tolerance to salinity
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