45 research outputs found
Corporate governance and performance: An analysis of Italian listed companies
In recent years, both corporate governance and performance
management have been subjected to considerable changes. In
this dynamic context, it is interesting to study the evolution of
the relationship between performance and governance. Does
governance still affect performance? The purpose of this paper
is to verify the presence and intensity (extent) of the
relationship between corporate governance and performance in
Italian listed companies by using both accounting and nonaccounting performance measures. The purpose of this paper is
to investigate the effects of prior firm performance on board
composition and governance structure of some companies
listed on the Italian stock exchange, analysing how a governance
approach influences the performance of sample companies. For
the research the methodology used is quantitative and we used
regression analysis on a sample of 23 Italian listed companies:
mechanical companies and public utilities to find that the
company's performance was positively related to the size of the
board. The empirical analysis conducted allowed us to verify the
hypothesis according to which the increase in Corporate
Governance Best Practices influences company performance.
However, the results we have received do not allow us to arrive
at completely unequivocal interpretations. The results showed
we have received do not allow us to arrive at completely
unequivocal interpretations; the main limit is the sample size
used in this study was relatively small
Indagini fitosanitarie in giovani impianti forestali in Puglia
Si riportano i risultati di un'indagine volta a rilevare l'incidenza delle avversita fitopatologiche di natura biotica ed abiotica negli imboschimenti realizzati in Puglia in attuazione del Reg. CEE 2080/92. Tra le patologie piu ricorrenti sono risultate l'antracnosi del Noce causata da Marssonina juglandis, il mal bianco delle Querce causato da Microsphaera alphitoides, i cancri rameali da Diplodia corticola e le necrosi fogliari causate da Blumeriella jaapii su Ciliegio. Per quanto concerne i danni da insetti, molto frequenti si sono rivelati quelli provocati dagli afidi, con conseguente sviluppo di fumaggini. Le operazioni colturali, talvolta non eseguite correttamente, hanno, infine, indotto ferite e lesioni corticali costituendo facili vie d'accesso a patogeni fungini. Si ritiene che l'impiego di piantine sane e di provenienza autoctona e l'attuazione di tecniche colturali razionali, soprattutto nei primi 4-5 anni dopo l'impianto, favoriscano l'attecchimento e il vigore vegetativo delle piante nonche la loro resistenza agli attacchi dei patogeni. Un costante monitoraggio degli impianti permetterebbe di limitare l'impatto sulle piante delle malattie piu pericolose e la diffusione incontrollata degli agenti patogeni
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 12
In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records, confirmations or exclusions for the bryophyte genera Acaulon, Campylopus, Entosthodon, Homomallium, Pseudohygrohypnum, and Thuidium, the fungal genera Entoloma, Cortinarius, Mycenella, Oxyporus, and Psathyrella and the lichen genera Anaptychia, Athallia, Baeomyces, Bagliettoa, Calicium, Nephroma, Pectenia, Phaeophyscia, Polyblastia, Protoparmeliopsis, Pyrenula, Ramalina, and Sanguineodiscus
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 11
In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi, and lichens of the Italian flora are presented.
It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Aneura, Aulacomnium, Dumortiera, Fossombronia, Hennediella, Hygrohypnella, Pohlia, Porella, Riccardia, Tortella, and Tortula, the fungal genera Cortinarius, Mycena, Naucoria, Trichoglossum, and Tubaria and the lichen genera
Agonimia, Blastenia, Chaenotheca, Cladonia, Endocarpon, Gyalecta, Lecanographa, Parmeliella, Porpidia, Stenhammarella, and Thelidium
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 7
In this contribution, new data concerning algae, bryophytes, fungi, and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the algae genus Chara, the bryophyte genera Cephalozia, Conardia, Conocephalum, Didymodon, Sphagnum, Tetraplodon, and Tortula, the fungal genera Endophyllum, Gymnosporangium, Microbotryum, Phragmidium, and Pluteus, and the lichen genera Candelariella, Cladonia, Flavoplaca, Lichenothelia, Peltigera, Placolecis, Rinodina, Scytinium, and Solenopsora
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 13
In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Bryum, Cryphaea, Didymodon, and Grimmia; the fungal genera Bryostigma, Cercidospora, Conocybe, Cortinarius, Endococcus, Inocybe, Psathyrella, and Sphaerellothecium; the lichen genera Agonimia, Anisomeridium, Bilimbia, Diplotomma, Gyalecta, Huneckia, Lecidella, Lempholemma, Myriolecis, Nephroma, Pannaria, Pycnothelia, Pyrrhospora, Rinodina, Stereocaulon, Thalloidima, Trapelia, Usnea, Variospora, and Verrucaria
ï»żNotulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 14
In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the algal genus Chara, for the bryophyte genera Bryum, Grimmia, Cephaloziella, Hypnum, Nogopterium, Physcomitrium, Polytrichastrum, Rhynchostegiella, Saelania, and Schistostega, the fungal genera Cortinarius, Lentinellus, Omphalina, and Xerophorus, and the lichen genera Acarospora, Agonimia, Candelariella, Cladonia, Graphis, Gyalolechia, Hypogymnia, Lichinella, Megalaria, Nephroma, Ochrolechia, Opegrapha, Peltigera, Placidium, Ramalina, Rhizoplaca, Ropalospora, Strangospora, Toniniopsis, Usnea, and Zahlbrucknerell
Associations between depressive symptoms and disease progression in older patients with chronic kidney disease: results of the EQUAL study
Background Depressive symptoms are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in patients with end-stage kidney disease; however, few small studies have examined this association in patients with earlier phases of chronic kidney disease (CKD). We studied associations between baseline depressive symptoms and clinical outcomes in older patients with advanced CKD and examined whether these associations differed depending on sex. Methods CKD patients (>= 65 years; estimated glomerular filtration rate <= 20 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) were included from a European multicentre prospective cohort between 2012 and 2019. Depressive symptoms were measured by the five-item Mental Health Inventory (cut-off <= 70; 0-100 scale). Cox proportional hazard analysis was used to study associations between depressive symptoms and time to dialysis initiation, all-cause mortality and these outcomes combined. A joint model was used to study the association between depressive symptoms and kidney function over time. Analyses were adjusted for potential baseline confounders. Results Overall kidney function decline in 1326 patients was -0.12 mL/min/1.73 m(2)/month. A total of 515 patients showed depressive symptoms. No significant association was found between depressive symptoms and kidney function over time (P = 0.08). Unlike women, men with depressive symptoms had an increased mortality rate compared with those without symptoms [adjusted hazard ratio 1.41 (95% confidence interval 1.03-1.93)]. Depressive symptoms were not significantly associated with a higher hazard of dialysis initiation, or with the combined outcome (i.e. dialysis initiation and all-cause mortality). Conclusions There was no significant association between depressive symptoms at baseline and decline in kidney function over time in older patients with advanced CKD. Depressive symptoms at baseline were associated with a higher mortality rate in men
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 17
In this contribution, new data concerning algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the algal genera Chara and Nitella, the bryophyte genera Brachythecium, Didymodon, Fissidens, Physcomitrium, and Riccia, the fungal genera Biatoropsis, Cantharellus, Coprinellus, Dacrymyces, Inosperma, Nigropuncta, Urocystis, and Xanthoriicola, and the lichen genera Arthonia, Bellemerea, Circinaria, Lecania, Lecanora, Lecidella, Mycobilimbia, Naetrocymbe, Parmelia, Peltigera, Porpidia, Scytinium, and Usnea