893 research outputs found

    Play in the Information Age

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    La publicació Santa Maria del Mont: la veu d’un col·lectiu i el reflex d’una època

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    La publicació mensual Santa Maria del Mont (1928-1934) va néixer amb uns objectius molt concrets centrats en la vida i projecció del santuari del Mont, en la difusió del seu llegat cultural i històric, en la defensa dels valorsmorals de la tradició i del catolicisme. Les seves pàgines, però, van reflectir també les inquietuds i els interessos ideològics dels seus fundadors i les creences i opinions d’un segment de la societat conservadora en uns anys caracteritzats per les fortes tensions socials i polítiques.Themonthly publication SantaMaria del Mont (1928-1934) was started with the central objectives focusing on the sanctuary's history and projection, on divulging its cultural and historical legacy, and on the defence of traditional and catholic moral values. Its pages, however, also reflected the curiosities and ideological interests of its founders and the believes and opinions of part of the conservative society during a period marked by strong social and political tensions


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    Playful Capitalism, or Play as an Instrument of Capital

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    This article applies Gray and Suri’s concept of Ghost Work and Ekbia and Nardi’s concept of Heteromation to the analysis of Quick, Draw!, a game-like product developed by Google. The article argues that digital capitalism uses play as an instrument to make exploitative labor practices feel more engaging, while camouflaging their being work

    Algunes molses noves o rares per a la brioflora catalana

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    Brioteca hispánica

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    Relación, según orden numérico, de las especies distribuidas en Brioteca Hispánica desde el año 1972 hasta 1984. Sigue la lista, según orden alfabético, de los 414 tazones que comprende, hasta ahora, la colección completa.A list in numerical order, of the species distributed as Brioteca Hispánica from 1972 to 1984 is given. It follows a list, in alphabetical order, of the 414 taxa wich contents the complete collection until now

    Cap on van els tipus? : Perspectives i condicionaments de l'interès

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    It is very difficult to answer the question of where interest rates are heading, because so many factors influence their evolution. Current levels are very low in a historical context, especially in the USA, so that further reductions seem unlikely. In Europe interest rates are conditioned by the requirements of the stability pact so the European Central Bank is unlikely to reduce them further
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