423 research outputs found

    Titan's atmosphere as observed by Cassini/VIMS solar occultations: CH4_4, CO and evidence for C2_2H6_6 absorption

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    We present an analysis of the VIMS solar occultations dataset, which allows us to extract vertically resolved information on the characteristics of Titan's atmosphere between 100-700 km with a characteristic vertical resolution of 10 km. After a series of data treatment procedures, 4 occultations out of 10 are retained. This sample covers different seasons and latitudes of Titan. The transmittances show clearly the evolution of the haze and detect the detached layer at 310 km in Sept. 2011 at mid-northern latitudes. Through the inversion of the transmission spectra with a line-by-line radiative transfer code we retrieve the vertical distribution of CH4_4 and CO mixing ratio. The two methane bands at 1.4 and 1.7 {\mu}m are always in good agreement and yield an average stratospheric abundance of 1.28±0.081.28\pm0.08%. This is significantly less than the value of 1.48% obtained by the GCMS/Huygens instrument. The analysis of the residual spectra after the inversion shows that there are additional absorptions which affect a great part of the VIMS wavelength range. We attribute many of these additional bands to gaseous ethane, whose near-infrared spectrum is not well modeled yet. Ethane contributes significantly to the strong absorption between 3.2-3.5 {\mu}m that was previously attributed only to C-H stretching bands from aerosols. Ethane bands may affect the surface windows too, especially at 2.7 {\mu}m. Other residual bands are generated by stretching modes of C-H, C-C and C-N bonds. In addition to the C-H stretch from aliphatic hydrocarbons at 3.4 {\mu}m, we detect a strong and narrow absorption at 3.28 {\mu}m which we tentatively attribute to the presence of PAHs in the stratosphere. C-C and C-N stretching bands are possibly present between 4.3-4.5 {\mu}m. Finally, we obtain the CO mixing ratio between 70-170 km. The average result of 46±1646\pm16 ppm is in good agreement with previous studies.Comment: 51 pages, 28 figure

    Detection of CO and HCN in Pluto's atmosphere with ALMA

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    Observations of the Pluto-Charon system, acquired with the ALMA interferometer on June 12-13, 2015, have yielded a detection of the CO(3-2) and HCN(4-3) rotational transitions from Pluto, providing a strong confirmation of the presence of CO, and the first observation of HCN, in Pluto's atmosphere. The CO and HCN lines probe Pluto's atmosphere up to ~450 km and ~900 km altitude, respectively. The CO detection yields (i) a much improved determination of the CO mole fraction, as 515+/-40 ppm for a 12 ubar surface pressure (ii) clear evidence for a well-marked temperature decrease (i.e., mesosphere) above the 30-50 km stratopause and a best-determined temperature of 70+/-2 K at 300 km, in agreement with recent inferences from New Horizons / Alice solar occultation data. The HCN line shape implies a high abundance of this species in the upper atmosphere, with a mole fraction >1.5x10-5 above 450 km and a value of 4x10-5 near 800 km. The large HCN abundance and the cold upper atmosphere imply supersaturation of HCN to a degree (7-8 orders of magnitude) hitherto unseen in planetary atmospheres, probably due to the slow kinetics of condensation at the low pressure and temperature conditions of Pluto's upper atmosphere. HCN is also present in the bottom ~100 km of the atmosphere, with a 10-8 - 10-7 mole fraction; this implies either HCN saturation or undersaturation there, depending on the precise stratopause temperature. The HCN column is (1.6+/-0.4)x10^14 cm-2, suggesting a surface-referred net production rate of ~2x10^7 cm-2s-1. Although HCN rotational line cooling affects Pluto's atmosphere heat budget, the amounts determined in this study are insufficient to explain the well-marked mesosphere and upper atmosphere's ~70 K temperature. We finally report an upper limit on the HC3N column density (< 2x10^13 cm-2) and on the HC15N / HC14N ratio (< 1/125).Comment: Revised version. Icarus, in press, Oct. 11, 2016. 57 pages, including 13 figures and 4 table

    Phase-Space Volume of Regions of Trapped Motion: Multiple Ring Components and Arcs

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    The phase--space volume of regions of regular or trapped motion, for bounded or scattering systems with two degrees of freedom respectively, displays universal properties. In particular, sudden reductions in the phase-space volume or gaps are observed at specific values of the parameter which tunes the dynamics; these locations are approximated by the stability resonances. The latter are defined by a resonant condition on the stability exponents of a central linearly stable periodic orbit. We show that, for more than two degrees of freedom, these resonances can be excited opening up gaps, which effectively separate and reduce the regions of trapped motion in phase space. Using the scattering approach to narrow rings and a billiard system as example, we demonstrate that this mechanism yields rings with two or more components. Arcs are also obtained, specifically when an additional (mean-motion) resonance condition is met. We obtain a complete representation of the phase-space volume occupied by the regions of trapped motion.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figure

    A stellar occultation by the transneptunian object (50000) Quaoar observed by CHEOPS

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    Context. Stellar occultation is a powerful technique that allows the determination of some physical parameters of the occulting object. The result depends on the photometric accuracy, the temporal resolution, and the number of chords obtained. Space telescopes can achieve high photometric accuracy as they are not affected by atmospheric scintillation. Aims. Using ESA’s CHEOPS space telescope, we observed a stellar occultation by the transneptunian object (50000) Quaoar. We compare the obtained chord with previous occultations by this object and determine its astrometry with sub-milliarcsecond precision. Also, we determine upper limits to the presence of a global methane atmosphere on the occulting body. Methods. We predicted and observed a stellar occultation by Quaoar using the CHEOPS space telescope. We measured the occultation light curve from this dataset and determined the dis- and reappearance of the star behind the occulting body. Furthermore, a ground-based telescope in Australia was used to constrain Quaoar’s limb. Combined with results from previous works, these measurements allowed us to obtain a precise position of Quaoar at the occultation time. Results. We present the results obtained from the first stellar occultation by a transneptunian object using a space telescope orbiting Earth; it was the occultation by Quaoar observed on 2020 June 11. We used the CHEOPS light curve to obtain a surface pressure upper limit of 85 nbar for the detection of a global methane atmosphere. Also, combining this observation with a ground-based observation, we fitted Quaoar’s limb to determine its astrometric position with an uncertainty below 1.0 mas. Conclusions. This observation is the first of its kind, and it shall be considered as a proof of concept of stellar occultation observations of transneptunian objects with space telescopes orbiting Earth. Moreover, it shows significant prospects for the James Webb Space Telescope

    Results of two multi-chord stellar occultations by dwarf planet (1) Ceres

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    We report the results of two multi-chord stellar occultations by the dwarf planet (1) Ceres that were observed from Brazil on 2010 August 17, and from the USA on 2013 October 25. Four positive detections were obtained for the 2010 occultation, and nine for the 2013 occultation. Elliptical models were adjusted to the observed chords to obtain Ceres' size and shape. Two limb fitting solutions were studied for each event. The first one is a nominal solution with an indeterminate polar aspect angle. The second one was constrained by the pole coordinates as given by Drummond et al. Assuming a Maclaurin spheroid, we determine an equatorial diameter of 972 ±\pm 6 km and an apparent oblateness of 0.08 ±\pm 0.03 as our best solution. These results are compared to all available size and shape determinations for Ceres made so far, and shall be confirmed by the NASA's Dawn space mission.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Sunlight refraction in the mesosphere of Venus during the transit on June 8th, 2004

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    Many observers in the past gave detailed descriptions of the telescopic aspect of Venus during its extremely rare transits across the Solar disk. In particular, at the ingress and egress, the portion of the planet's disk outside the Solar photosphere has been repeatedly perceived as outlined by a thin, bright arc ("aureole"). Those historical visual observations allowed inferring the existence of Venus' atmosphere, the bright arc being correctly ascribed to the refraction of light by the outer layers of a dense atmosphere. On June 8th, 2004, fast photometry based on electronic imaging devices allowed the first quantitative analysis of the phenomenon. Several observers used a variety of acquisition systems to image the event -- ranging from amateur-sized to professional telescopes and cameras -- thus collecting for the first time a large amount of quantitative information on this atmospheric phenomenon. In this paper, after reviewing some elements brought by the historical records, we give a detailed report of the ground based observations of the 2004 transit. Besides confirming the historical descriptions, we perform the first photometric analysis of the aureole using various acquisition systems. The spatially resolved data provide measurements of the aureole flux as a function of the planetocentric latitude along the limb. A new differential refraction model of solar disk through the upper atmosphere allows us to relate the variable photometry to the latitudinal dependency of scale-height with temperature in the South polar region, as well as the latitudinal variation of the cloud-top layer altitude. We compare our measurements to recent analysis of the Venus Express VIRTIS-M, VMC and SPICAV/SOIR thermal field and aerosol distribution. Our results can be used a starting point for new, more optimized experiments during the 2012 transit event.Comment: Icarus, in pres

    The 2017 May 20 stellar occultation by the elongated centaur (95626) 2002 GZ32

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    We predicted a stellar occultation of the bright star Gaia DR1 4332852996360346368 (UCAC4 385-75921) (mV = 14.0 mag) by the centaur 2002 GZ32 for 2017 May 20. Our latest shadow path prediction was favourable to a large region in Europe. Observations were arranged in a broad region inside the nominal shadow path. Series of images were obtained with 29 telescopes throughout Europe and from six of them (five in Spain and one in Greece) we detected the occultation. This is the fourth centaur, besides Chariklo, Chiron, and Bienor, for which a multichord stellar occultation is reported. By means of an elliptical fit to the occultation chords, we obtained the limb of 2002 GZ32 during the occultation, resulting in an ellipse with axes of 305 ± 17 km × 146 ± 8 km. From this limb, thanks to a rotational light curve obtained shortly after the occultation, we derived the geometric albedo of 2002 GZ32 (pV = 0.043 ± 0.007) and a 3D ellipsoidal shape with axes 366 km × 306 km × 120 km. This shape is not fully consistent with a homogeneous body in hydrostatic equilibrium for the known rotation period of 2002 GZ32. The size (albedo) obtained from the occultation is respectively smaller (greater) than that derived from the radiometric technique but compatible within error bars. No rings or debris around 2002 GZ32 were detected from the occultation, but narrow and thin rings cannot be discarded

    Study of the plutino object (208996) 2003 AZ84 from stellar occultations: size, shape and topographic features

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    We present results derived from four stellar occultations by the plutino object (208996) 2003~AZ84_{84}, detected at January 8, 2011 (single-chord event), February 3, 2012 (multi-chord), December 2, 2013 (single-chord) and November 15, 2014 (multi-chord). Our observations rule out an oblate spheroid solution for 2003~AZ84_{84}'s shape. Instead, assuming hydrostatic equilibrium, we find that a Jacobi triaxial solution with semi axes (470±20)×(383±10)×(245±8)(470 \pm 20) \times (383 \pm 10) \times (245 \pm 8)~km % axis ratios b/a=0.82±0.05b/a= 0.82 \pm 0.05 and c/a=0.52±0.02c/a= 0.52 \pm 0.02, can better account for all our occultation observations. Combining these dimensions with the rotation period of the body (6.75~h) and the amplitude of its rotation light curve, we derive a density ρ=0.87±0.01\rho=0.87 \pm 0.01~g~cm3^{-3} a geometric albedo pV=0.097±0.009p_V= 0.097 \pm 0.009. A grazing chord observed during the 2014 occultation reveals a topographic feature along 2003~AZ84_{84}'s limb, that can be interpreted as an abrupt chasm of width 23\sim 23~km and depth >8> 8~km or a smooth depression of width 80\sim 80~km and depth 13\sim 13~km (or an intermediate feature between those two extremes)

    Physical properties of the trans-Neptunian object (38628) Huya from a multi-chord stellar occultation

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    Context. As part of our international program aimed at obtaining accurate physical properties of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs), we predicted a stellar occultation by the TNO (38628) Huya of the star Gaia DR2 4352760586390566400 (mG = 11.5 mag) on March 18, 2019. After an extensive observational campaign geared at obtaining the astrometric data, we updated the prediction and found it favorable to central Europe. Therefore, we mobilized half a hundred of professional and amateur astronomers in this region and the occultation was finally detected by 21 telescopes located at 18 sites in Europe and Asia. This places the Huya event among the best ever observed stellar occultation by a TNO in terms of the number of chords. Aims: The aim of our work is to determine an accurate size, shape, and geometric albedo for the TNO (38628) Huya by using the observations obtained from a multi-chord stellar occultation. We also aim to provide constraints on the density and other internal properties of this TNO. Methods: The 21 positive detections of the occultation by Huya allowed us to obtain well-separated chords which permitted us to fit an ellipse for the limb of the body at the moment of the occultation (i.e., the instantaneous limb) with kilometric accuracy. Results: The projected semi-major and minor axes of the best ellipse fit obtained using the occultation data are (a', b') = (217.6 ± 3.5 km, 194.1 ± 6.1 km) with a position angle for the minor axis of P' = 55.2° ± 9.1. From this fit, the projected area-equivalent diameter is 411.0 ± 7.3 km. This diameter is compatible with the equivalent diameter for Huya obtained from radiometric techniques (D = 406 ± 16 km). From this instantaneous limb, we obtained the geometric albedo for Huya (pV = 0.079 ± 0.004) and we explored possible three-dimensional shapes and constraints to the mass density for this TNO. We did not detect the satellite of Huya through this occultation, but the presence of rings or debris around Huya was constrained using the occultation data. We also derived an upper limit for a putative Pluto-like global atmosphere of about psurf = 10 nbar