29 research outputs found

    Managing COVID-19 Challenges: Strategies to Keep students Engaged in Online Learning - A Case study of Kepler

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    This article is about strategies devised by Kepler in reaction to challenges brought in by the covid-19 outbreak since its occurrence in 2019. Kepler instructors have devised a number of tools and strategies in order to cope up with the challenges and keep students engaged as the institution, like many others, had shifted from blended to online (or remote) learning. The study analyzed the effectiveness of the tools and strategies used to keep students engaged in remote learning. We collected data from 169 out of 174 students who were in the program, and 18 out of 25 instructors who were teaching during the pandemic time. Online surveys were sent to both students and teachers to collect quantitative data. The students and teachers involved in this study gave their views about the usefulness of the tools and strategies used, and the report shows that the tools contributed to students\u27 engagement and helped them to curb the challenges they had faced. The study recommends the use of recording online tools such as vocaroo.com, speakpipe.com; self-paced quizzes, videos, podcasts, discussion boards, shared google docs,  and strategies like peer reviews, feedback, icebreakers, warm up prompts, higher order thinking questions, and class final reflections, as the respondents reported that they helped them stay engaged, which would not have been possible if the instructors used  the traditional lecture method and online group assignments only during the virtual teaching and learning. The findings in this paper will contribute to the improvement of online teaching and learning strategie

    Flow Dynamics in Cardiovascular Devices: A Comprehensive Review

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    This review explores flow dynamics in cardiovascular devices, focusing on fundamental fluid mechanics principles and normal blood flow patterns. It discusses the role of different structures in maintaining flow dynamics and the importance of stents, heart valves, artificial hearts, and ventricular assist devices in cardiovascular interventions. The review emphasizes the need for optimized designs and further research to enhance knowledge of flow dynamics in cardiovascular devices, advancing the field and improving patient care in cardiovascular interventions

    The Effect Of Water Application Timings On Agro-Morphological Traits Of Roma Tomato VF Cultivar Grown Under Plastic Bottle Drip Water Irrigation System In Nyagatare District, Rwanda

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    The present study was aimed to assess the effect of water application timings on agro-morphological traits of Roma Tomato Vf cultivar grown under plastic bottle drip water irrigation system in Nyagatare District, Rwanda. Four treatments were used for the experiment, replicated four (4) times and arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Each replication plot contains 4 experiment units and 64 experiment units for entire experiment field of 4 plots.  The results showed that for all treatments; the overall average mean plant height recorded was found to be 100.30±25.57 cm, 11±4.34 branches, 7±5.102 flowers and 48±10.462 fruits. The highest yield of 69.125 Kg/m2 and WUE of 1.040 Kg/m2/mm were recorded by T4 (Morning – Day – Evening) while the T3 (Evening) recorded the lowest yield of 65.03169.125 Kg/m2 and WUE of 0.979 Kg/m2/mm. It is therefore concluded that the use of plastic bottles under greenhouse structures in applying trickle irrigation and plastic bottles is efficiently and effectively productive and water saving for Roma tomato plant cultivation because of no water loss due to environmental factors including wind speed. It is recommended that the emitter placement around the plant (sparing between dripper and plant) should be varied to study its effects on root development, physiological plant and tomato yield components that will ultimately affect plant yield and water use efficienc

    Assessing the Impacts of After-sales Services on the Performance of Household Energy Systems

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    After-sales services play a vital role on the performance of the system and business development. This study sought to assess the impacts of after sales services on performance of households’ energy systems in Rwanda. The study was intended to find out what people currently believe in, the current situation and determine peoples’ perceptions towards after sales services. The research study relied on primary data collected using questionnaires and interview guides. Data gathered from the questionnaires were analysed quantitatively using statistical package for social sciences SPSS version computer software which generated both descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that after sales services are very important in mitigating possible break down of the households’ energy systems. Households that receive after sales services for their home energy systems experience less frequent break down of their systems compared to those that hardly receive. The research thus, recommends that firms should ensure that ASS is an integral part of product offering to be given the same value as installation process, to adopt a good pricing strategy and monitoring customers’ behaviour to the benefit of both sides

    The Effect Of Water Application Timings On Yield, Water Use Efficiency And Profitability Of Roma Tomato VF Cultivar Grown Under Plastic Bottle Drip Water Irrigation System In Nyagatare District, Rwanda

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    The present study was aimed to assess the effect of water application timings on yield, water use efficiency and profitability of Roma tomato Vf cultivar grown under plastic bottle drip water irrigation system. Four treatments were used for the experiment, replicated four (4) times and arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Each replication plot contains 4 experiment units and 64 experiment units for entire experiment field of 4 plots.  The results showed that the total benefit for the first year is 2,135,250.00 Rwf and the incremental benefit for the first year was -2,882,800.00 Rwf. The study findings showed that the net present value (NPV) was positive 51,821.63 at 30 per cent discount rate and has negative value at a discount rate of 31% with the NPV of (6,098.46), which indicates the financial soundness of the investment on Roma tomato production under greenhouse. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) was found higher than the cost of capital which was 30.89% hence the Roma tomato production project under greenhouse is worthwhile to undertake. The Benefit cost ratio of the tomato production under greenhouse subjected to plastic bottle irrigation system was 1.0 greater than 1.  So, it is concluded that tomato farming under greenhouse subjected to plastic bottle irrigation system is highly profitable, that is 1.01 times the investment. The profitability index calculated was 2.83.  The PI is greater than 1 which shows that the Roma tomato production under plastic bottle drip irrigation system is always a profitable project. Based on the findings achieved in this study, where we examined the cost and profitability of greenhouse cultivation under plastic bottle drip irrigation system, we conclude that greenhouse farming yielded better results in terms of economic indicators

    Perceived impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young adults with type 1 diabetes in Rwanda

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    Introduction: data on the impact of COVID-19 on people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in less resourced countries are limited. Our study was undertaken in Kigali, Rwanda, and aimed to investigate and describe the problems and challenges experienced by young adults with T1D resulting from the early phase of the pandemic. The study further aimed to understand the mechanisms being used to solve problems and overcome challenges, and perceived support needs. Methods: this was a cross-sectional study, with anonymous data (n=52) collected through use of questionnaire. Participants were registered, and attending or receiving diabetes-related healthcare through the Rwanda Diabetes Association clinic. Results: mean+standard deviation age and T1D duration were 24.0±2.1 and 7.4±3.4 years respectively, with sex distribution unequal (male n=22, 42.3%). Of 43 participants, the COVID-19 pandemic did not significantly affect participants´ access to diabetes management supplies and care. Eight (18.6%) participants experienced difficulties accessing blood glucose testing strips, 13 (30.2%) insulin, and three (7.0%) syringes and pen devices. Thirty-two (74.4%) experienced difficulty in attending standard diabetes healthcare reviews at the clinic setting. Some participants experienced hardship, through a decrease in personal or family income (n=42, 80.8%) and challenges in accessing food (n=34, 65.4%), with thirty (57.7%) participants having decreased meal frequency (p<0.001). Conclusion: our research illustrates the indirect effects of measures undertaken to curb the spread of COVID-19 on young adults with T1D in Rwanda. Study findings may help inform actions to mitigate negative impacts on T1D care in other crises

    Gender Identity Construction Through Traditional and Modern Lenses: Rwandan Narratives and MDGs Perspectives

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    While there is an on-going debate about what constitutes current policies and practices on gender equality between men and women in Rwanda, there is general agreement that Rwandan traditional beliefs and cultural norms have produced a patriarchy ideology and unequal power relations between women and men. Such traditional beliefs are not only observed in Rwanda, but in different parts of the world as well; and it is still problematic to assess a framework in which current gender policies are redesigned to allocate equitable power between women and men. This study focuses on the analysis and comparison of issues of gender identity and power relations as embedded in the Rwandan short narratives and in the Millennium Development Goals on gender equality. More specifically, this study investigates the design and redesign of the issues related to power relations and their effect on gender identity conception and assumption. Analysed from Marxist theories of power and Thompson’s modes perspectives, the findings suggest that Rwandan traditional narratives view men as more powerful than women and the society expects more from men in terms of responsibilities. As for the Millennium Development Goals, they focus on women empowerment only and thereby create a new imbalance between men and women. The paper recommends equality in terms of a maleness and femaleness ideology from policy to legislation and other domains

    Les poissons du bassin de la rivière Ulindi, à l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo : revue de la littérature

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    Cette revue de la littérature sur les poissons du bassin hydrographique de la rivière Ulindi à l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo a été réalisée dans le but d’avoir une idée sur l’état des connaissances actuelles de son ichtyofaune en vue de définir les orientations pour leurs études ultérieures dans cette région non encore prospectée en profondeur et dont la plupart des rivières se trouvent actuellement menacées par des activités anthropiques. Cette étude présente une vue globale des rivières du Bassin de la rivière Ulindi avec une liste systématique non exhaustive d’environ 31 espèces de poissons appartenant à 17 genres, 9 Familles et 4 ordres, basée sur la méta-analyse des différentes études taxonomiques de l’ichtyofaune du Bassin de la Rivière Ulindi, réalisées depuis l’époque coloniale du Congo-Belge jusqu’en 2019. Les résultats de cette étude constituent une aide-mémoire pour les services publics en charge de la gestion de l’environnement dans la gestion de la biodiversité ichtyologique de cet écosystème à intérêt socio-économique considérable dans la région, d’une part et une liste de contrôle aux scientifiques pour des études ultérieures.Mots clés : Ichtyofaune, Ulindi, République Démocratique du Congo, revue de la littérature, liste de contrôle.   English Title: Fishes from the Ulindi river basin, East of the Democratic Republic of Congo: review of the literatureThis review of the literature on fish in the Ulindi river basin in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo was carried out with the aim of gaining an idea of the state of current knowledge of its fish fauna in order to define guidelines for their further studies in this region not yet explored in depth and most of the rivers of which are currently threatened by anthropogenic activities. This study presents a global view of the rivers of the Ulindi river basin with a non-exhaustive systematic list of approximately 31 fish species belonging to 17 genera, 9 Families and 4 orders, based on the meta-analysis of the various taxonomic studies of the ichtyofauna of the Ulindi river basin, carried out since the colonial times of the Belgian Congo until 2019. The results of this study constitute a baseline for the public services in charge of environmental management in the management of the ichthyological biodiversity of this ecosystem with considerable socio-economic interest in the region, on the one hand and a checklist to scientists for further studies.Keywords: Ichtyofauna, Ulindi, Democratic Republic of Congo, literature review, checklist. &nbsp

    Reproduction de Bagrus bajad (Fabricius, 1775, Bagridae) du Lac Albert, Bassin du Nil, République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)

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    Le Bagrus bajad figure parmi les espèces des poissons très pêchées dans les cours d’eau tropicaux d’Afrique dont les informations sur la reproduction sont rares. Quelques paramètres de reproduction de Bagrus bajad du Sud-ouest du Lac Albert ont été étudiés durant cette recherche. Les échantillons ont été collectés entre décembre 2019 et décembre 2020 au moyen des éperviers, des palangres et des filets maillants de maille standard (20,2, 25,4 et 30,5 mm). Au total, 520 spécimens dont 283 femelles et 237 males ont été étudiés. Les informations sur le sex-ratio, le stade de maturité sexuelle, le rapport gonadosomatique, le rapport hepathosomatique, la fécondité et le facteur de condition ont été analysés. L’étude a révélé l’égalité entre les mâles et les femelle parmi les individus, même si les femelles étaient supérieurs aux mâles (1: 0,84; p-value<0.05). Tous les poissons étudiés ont présenté tous les stades de maturité sexuelle (I, II, III, IV, et V). Les matures (III, IV et V) ont une plus grande proportion (III, IV et V) par rapport aux immatures (I et II). Les mâles ont une taille de première maturité sexuelle de 43.5 cm contre 44 cm pour les femelles. Les valeurs mensuelles des indices gonadosomatiques et celles des stades gonadiques macroscopiques prouvent que B. bajad a trois périodes de fraie au cours de l’année : (i) Janvier-Avril ; (ii) Juin-Août et (iii) Octobre-Novembre alternées par une période d’un mois de repos en mai, septembre et décembre. La fécondité absolue est de 525 à 34440 ovocytes mais n’est pas significativement corrélées avec la longueur totale (R2=0,002) et le poids (R2=0,12). Les connaissances de la présente étude constituent une base fondamentale pour assurer la surveillance des risques d’épuisement du stock potentiel cette espèce et orienteront les décideurs à développer des politiques et stratégies efficaces garantissant l’exploitation et la conservation rationnelle de cette espèce.   Bagrus bayad is one of the highly fished fish species in tropical African rivers for which information on reproduction is scarce. Some reproduction parameters of B. bayad from the southwest of Lake Albert were studied. The samples were collected between December 2019 and December 2020 using cast nets, longlines, and standard mesh gillnets (20.2, 25.4, and 30.5 mm). A total of 520 specimens including 283 females and 237 males were examined. Information on sex ratio, stage of sexual maturity, gonadosomatic ratio, hepatosomatic ratio, fecundity, and condition factor was analyzed. The study revealed equality between males and females among individuals, although females were superior to males (1:0.84; p-value<0.05). All fish investigated showed all stages of sexual maturity (I, II, III, IV, and V). The mature (III, IV and V) have a greater proportion (III, IV and V) compared to the immature (I and II). Males have a size at first sexual maturity of 43.5 cm against 44 cm for females. The monthly values of gonadosomatic indices and those of macroscopic gonad stages show that B. bajad has three spawning periods a year: (i) January-April; (ii) June-August and (iii) October-November, alternated by a one-month rest period in May, September, and December. Absolute fecundity varies between 525 and 34440 oocytes but is not significantly correlated with total length (R2=0.002) and weight (R2=0.12). Knowledge from this study constitutes a fundamental basis for ensuring the monitoring of the risks of depletion of the potential stock of this species and will guide decision-makers in developing effective policies and strategies guaranteeing rational exploitation and conservation of this species