234 research outputs found

    Low-cost smart solutions for daylight and electric lighting integration in historical buildings

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    Research have shown that the correct integration of daylight and electric lighting reduces the energy use in buildings, while improving visual comfort. Smart shading systems, especially those electrically controlled, play an important role to control solar radiation. Similarly, smart and dimmable/tunable lighting can help to adjust the artificial light to the real users' needs. This paper presents preliminary results of an ongoing living lab study investigating how artificial lighting systems can be integrated with shading systems, placing human comfort at the heart of the study and yet saving energy. A manually controlled, commercial and low-cost smart system integrating two motorized shading devices and six dimmable LED luminaires with a different selection of CCT were installed in a private office in a historical building. Indoor and outdoor lighting conditions and energy consumption associated to the lighting system are constantly monitored to assess how the people use shading and lighting upon varying the boundary conditions.. Preliminary results highlight that users prefer to maximise daylight on the work plane as well as they generally use both shading and electric lighting systems in response to boundary conditions that cause serious discomfort

    Energy performances assessment of extruded and 3d printed polymers integrated into building envelopes for a south Italian case study

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    Plastic materials are increasingly becoming used in the building envelope, despite a lack of investigation on their effects. In this work, an extruded Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene panel has been tested as a second-skin layer in a ventilated facade system using a full-scale facility. The experimental results show that it is possible to achieve performances very similar to conventional materials. A numerical model has then been developed and used to investigate the performances of plastic and composite polymer panels as second-skin layers. The experimental data has been used to verify the behavior of the numerical model, from a thermal point of view, showing good reliability, with a root mean square error lower than 0.40â—¦C. This model has then been applied in different refurbishment cases upon varying: The polymer and the manufacturing technology (extruded or 3D-printed panels). Eight refurbishment case studies have been carried out on a typical office building located in Napoli (Italy), by means of a dynamic simulation software. The simulation results show that the proposed actions allow the reduction of the thermal and cooling energy demand (up to 6.9% and 3.1%, respectively), as well as the non-renewable primary energy consumption (up to 2.6%), in comparison to the reference case study

    Development of an Electric-Driven Smart Window Model for Visual Comfort Assessment

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    Smart windows, especially those electric-driven, represent one of the most advanced technologies for controlling solar radiation. For a correct use, it is necessary to understand their real behaviour through in-situ measurements on full-scale application as well as calibrating and validating visual simulation models capable of predicting their performances. In this paper, the preliminary results of current research activities aimed at developing simulation models of electric-driven full-scale glazing are presented. The research activities started with the assessment of the visible solar transmittance as a function of light incident angle through in-situ measurements; different models, with related values, of the visible solar transmittance were considered. For each simulation model, the corresponding transmittance value was set in the RADIANCE ?trans? material model and the simulated illuminance values, for a defined acquisition point of a test-facility, were then compared with the experimental data. Finally, for each model, indoor luminance distributions were reported considering a typical office seating position. Preliminary results, based on the in-situ measurements approach, highlighted a sufficient accuracy for one of the models adopted; further analyses are needed in order to upgrade the simulation models available and assess the effective performances of these windows.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Simulation models of an electric-driven smart window: energy and visual performances

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     The ?in-situ? measurements acquired to characterize full-scale electric-driven glasses, able to dynamically switch from opaque to transparent state, were used to develop, calibrate and validate thermal and visual simulation models of these devices. The validated models were then used, in the simulation software TRNSYS, to assess the ability of these dynamic glasses to control the indoor conditions and reduce cooling load. The analysis was conducted for an office in a historical building, comparing the simulation results associated with the electric-driven glasses with those of the conventional double-glazing ones, from energy and visual points of view. Two different switching strategies were considered: i) Daylight strategy and ii) Thermal strategy. The use of electric-driven glasses allows from the thermal point of view to reduce about 12.5% of the cooling load, while from a visual point of view, to reach the highest values of Useful Daylight Illuminance, if controlled following the Daylight strategy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Passive Strategies for Building Retrofitting: Performances Analysis and Incentive Policies for the Iranian Scenario

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    A large amount of the Iranian energy demand is related to the building sector, mainly due to its obsolescence. In this paper, a second-skin system has been implemented as a retrofit action for an office building, evaluating the effect of a tensile material as second-skin in terms of primary energy saving, carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, and simple payback period. The analysis was carried out through numerical simulations across a whole year and for four Iranian cities (Tabriz, Teheran, Yazd, and Bandar Abbas) in four different climates (cold, temperate, hot-dry, and hot-wet), and with the building aligned at either north-south or east-west. Moreover, an economic analysis was carried out suggesting different incentive policies to promote building energy refurbishment. The simulation results highlighted a favorable orientation for buildings in Iran, suggesting a guideline for new constructions. Indeed, the best results were achieved for an east-west orientation of the building (up to a primary energy saving of 13.6% and reduction of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of 45.5 MgCO2,eq, in Yazd), with a decrease of the annual specific total (cooling and thermal) energy demand of 37.9 kWh/m2 /year. The simple payback period values were also lower in the east-west orientation than the north-south one

    Crohn's-like ileo-colitis in patients affected by glycogen storage disease Ib: Two years' follow-up of patients with a wide spectrum of gastrointestinal signs

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    Aim: To investigate the presence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and to evaluate the progression of bowel involvement after two years' follow-up in seven patients affected by glycogen storage disease type Ib (GSDIb). Methods: Seven patients (5F, 2M, aged 4.5-20.6 y) entered the study. Bowel involvement was evaluated by ileocolonoscopy and specific IBD serologic markers. To evaluate disease activity, Paediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index (PCDAI), terminal ileum wall thickness detected at ultrasonography (US), 99mTechnetium labelled autologous White Cell Scan (Tc-WCS) and barium meal with follow-through were investigated. Results: Ileocolonoscopy and histology examination revealed variable degrees of bowel involvement in all patients. The results of serologic markers were indicative of a Crohn's-like ileocolitis. US and Tc-WCS, could clearly define patients with severe inflammatory involvement, but failed to identify all patients with mild to moderate disease. For the most severely affected patients, anti-inflammatory agents and steroids were prescribed, whereas nutritional therapy with polymeric formula and antibiotics were assumed by two other patients and antibiotics only by one patient. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) was prescribed to all patients. Ileocolonoscopy and histology data improved in all patients. The assumption of G-CSF and/or gastric drip feeding (g.d.f.) was inversely associated with the PCDAI results (p < 0.05). Conclusion: IBD is common in patients affected by GSDIb independently of the severity of gastrointestinal signs and symptoms. Different therapeutic approaches can be used according to the severity of IBD. G-CSF treatment and g.d.f. can be protective factors for IBD

    Lighting conditions in home office and occupant's perception: Exploring drivers of satisfaction

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    This paper depicts lighting home office conditions within different countries and continents, emphasizing the user's satisfaction with the visual environment. The scope of this article is to investigate the drivers of participants' satisfaction with the lighting conditions at the home office. The study was developed by a team of international experts working together on Subtask A: User perspective and requirements, Task 61 IEA (International Energy Agency): Solutions for daylighting and electric lighting. An online survey was launched in December 2020 and closed on March 2021. The survey was implemented in the native languages of six participant countries (Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Italy, Poland, and Japan) using Google Forms, and its dissemination was via various social media platforms. Measures of association between variables and predictive tests were run to explore which investigated aspects drove participants' satisfaction with the lighting conditions at the home office. We found some differences in satisfaction due to participants' sex, occupation, and participants' continent of residence. Females were more satisfied with daylight than males. Associations between the perception of seven light descriptors and satisfaction showed differences between East Asians and the rest of the participants, which might be related to the high dependence of the formers on electric lighting even when daylight is available. Design features as southern facades, the distance from the working area to the window, type of internal sun shading were related to daylighting satisfaction. Moreover, satisfaction with the general light level and the electric light was higher for those participants who did not need to switch on the ceiling, floor, or desk lamp when daylight was available. We found that an external view composed of 3 layers and the sky's visibility afforded a higher satisfaction with the window view. Having an independent room for the home office appeared to be related to a higher willingness to continue in the home office. Likewise, higher satisfaction with the overall visual environment and window view appeared to increase the willingness to continue working from home. Bridging the gap amid cultural differences and daylighting and lighting satisfaction is needed, particularly, relational studies between design features –as a response of cultural, climatic, and local practices- and occupants' preferences and acceptability. Thus, our understanding of occupants' responses will be more comprehensive. Engaging further research and measures to improve the visual environment and overall indoor environmental quality in dwellings is now a necessary step

    Aggiornamenti e novitĂ  sulle conoscenze di Pancratium maritimum (Amaryllidaceae)

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    Pancratium maritimum L., bulbosa perenne degli ambienti dunali costieri, è un taxon relativamente recente se comparato con le specie del genere a gravitazione mediterranea. Gli studi noti su questa specie hanno analizzato vari aspetti della biologia (riproduttivi, biochimici, filogenetici, genetici, ecc.). Tuttavia, esistono ancora lacune scientifiche, tra cui l’assenza di studi su ampio areale di genetica di conservazione e sugli adattamenti eco-morfofisiologici alle condizioni di stress. Per ampliare le conoscenze su P. maritimum, la Fondazione Nando Peretti nel novembre 2012 ha finanziato un progetto triennale sulla conoscenza e la salvaguardia di questa specie (Progetto 2012-83). In questo contributo si presentano i risultati ottenuti per le diverse linee di ricerca finora affrontate, che vanno dalle analisi ad ampio areale dei popolamenti, usando un approccio sia genetico che GIS, alla caratterizzazione morfologica e eco-fisiologica di varie popolazioni
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