42 research outputs found

    Implementing Multiculturalism in Indonesian Higher Education: An Epistemological Analysis

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    The study of the implementation of multiculturalism in higher education implies an investigation of the ideologies adopted and the strategies applied in promoting equality. In analyzing ideologies and strategies for realizing multiculturalism in higher education institutions in Indonesia, this study explores them through an epistemological analysis focusing on sources and methods of knowledge. This qualitative study that collected data through interviews, document analysis, and observations found that the sources of knowledge used at non-religious universities were reason, experience, and intuition, while religious universities used apocalyptic texts, reason, experience, and intuition. In terms of methods of knowledge, the two types of universities equally applied the scientific method but with different characteristics. Nonreligious universities that offered a variety of study programs used a wider variety of disciplines. Religious institutions that generally developed religious disciplines such as Islam with a limited number of general study programs tended to apply scientific methods related to religious discourse in particular. The use of apocalyptic texts and the application of theological methods were found only in religious institutions

    Analisis Pengembangan Seni dan Budaya dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Islam dan seni di ibaratkan sepeti sayur dan garam, sayur tampa garam Hambar rasanya, begitu pula dengan islam dan seni, islam tampa seni dan seni tampa islam tidak akan menemukan kesempurnaan .Catatan sejarah islam adalah agama yang yang sangatlah muda di terima ajaranya oleh setiap orang yang ada di belahan dunia. Hal demikian karena islam tidak menolak atau menentang kultur budaya yang ada selama budaya demikian tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran yang terdapat dalam Al Quran dan sunah. Islam menuntun manusia mengenal Allah Swt dan ciptaan Allah dengan keindaha

    Managing Multiculturalism in Islamic Higher Education: A Case Study at UIN Sunan Kalijaga

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    Multiculturalism has been a behaviour practiced in higher education in the effort to face and adapt to globalization. To identify how extent does a higher education institution manage multiculturalism, then ideologies adopted in promoting equality among different groups and strategies applied in paying more attention to underrepresented are identified. The study aims at investigating how multiculturalism has been managed at UIN Sunan Kalijaga by highlighting these two aspects. This is a qualitative study using case study methods. Descriptive analysis was used to seek comprehensive multiculturalism-related knowledge at the university. This research concludes that in promoting equality among different groups, the university adopts Islam, Pancasila, and humanism as its ideologies. As for the strategies applied in paying more attention to underrepresented, they are emphasizing professionalism and proportionality in leadership; realizing the university’s strategic position by opening centres for studies on multiculturalism including by pioneering the establishment of a centre for disabilities and redefining the religious texts dealing with marginal groups; and redesigning curriculum by incorporating the values of multiculturalism in lectures and making multiculturalism a course subject

    Study Application of Student Center Learning Method in Fiqh Munakahat Learning

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    The sophistication of technology that is now developing and the interaction of teenagers who can't be controlled today with the sophistication of technology certainly make parents' hearts become restless because, on the other hand, they have to learn online. Learning awareness which sometimes needs to be improved with online learning models makes lecturers have to look for the right method to be applied in online learning. Student Center Learning is one of the methods that can be applied in the online learning process because the SCL method makes students active in learning. The research method in writing this article uses a qualitative method with primary data in the form of a questionnaire which has obtained respondents from 78 students in the Munakahat Fiqh course with the achievement of students' understanding of the Munakahat Fiqh course getting a very effective score (A) ranging from 85-100 as many as 11 students, effective (B) ranged from 70 to 84 as many as 57 students, and less effective (C) ranged from 55 to 69 as many as 10 students

    Blended Learning Based on Heutagogy as a Determinant of Student Engagement in Islamic Education

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    Abstract: Blended Learning Based on Heutagogy as a Determinant of Student Engagement in Islamic Education. Objective: Blended learning by prioritizing a heutagogical approach in Islamic Education needs to be analyzed to determine the potential for successful student engagement. Methods: Therefore, this study classifies, regresses, and predicts the determinants of the interaction of 128 students in a literacy project using three indicator variables; discussions, presentations, and publications. Findings: This study found an f value of 85.79 +/- 5.83 (micro average: 86.27) with positive class completeness at an accuracy of 80.71% in classification analysis with a decision tree, f value 80.33% with an accuracy of 72.86%, and classification error of 27.14% in predictive analysis with NaĂŻve Bayes, and the significance of t count 4.713 t table 1.97912 in regression analysis with SPSS. Conclusion: This study concludes; that (1) discussion determines mastery in heutagogy learning, (2) discussion activities have a positive effect on understanding in heutagogy learning, and (3) discussion determines engagement in completing assignments.Keywords: blended learning, heutagogical, Islamic education, student engagement.Abstrak: Blended Learning Berbasis Heutagogi sebagai Determinan Keterlibatan Siswa dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam. Tujuan: Blended learning dengan mengutamakan pendekatan heutagogis dalam Pendidikan Islam perlu dianalisis untuk mengetahui potensi keberhasilan keterlibatan siswa. Metode: Penelitian ini mengklasifikasikan, meregresi, dan memprediksi determinan interaksi 128 siswa dalam proyek literasi dengan menggunakan tiga variabel indikator; diskusi, presentasi, dan publikasi. Temuan: Penelitian ini menemukan nilai f 85,79 +/- 5,83 (mikro rata-rata: 86,27) dengan ketuntasan kelas positif pada akurasi 80,71% pada analisis klasifikasi dengan pohon keputusan, nilai f 80,33% dengan akurasi 72,86%, dan kesalahan klasifikasi 27,14% pada analisis prediksi dengan NaĂŻve Bayes, dan signifikansi t hitung 4,713 t tabel 1,97912 pada analisis regresi dengan SPSS. Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan; (1) diskusi menentukan ketuntasan pembelajaran heutagogi, (2) diskusi berpengaruh positif terhadap pemahaman dalam heutagogi, dan (3) diskusi menentukan keterlibatan siswa untuk menyelesaikan tugas.Kata kunci: heutagogi, keterlibatan siswa, pembelajaran campuran, Pendidikan Agama Islam.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v12.i1.20223

    Developing Religious Moderation in Indonesian Islamic Schools Through the Implementation of the Values of Islām Wasaáč­iyyah

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    Purpose – This study aims at identifying the importance of religious moderation through understanding and practicing the values of Islām wasaáč­iyyah in the learning process in Indonesian madrasah. Design/methods/approach – Using a historical approach, this qualitative study investigates the practices of the values of Islām wasaáč­iyyah by medieval Muslim figures ​​and explores indicators of success in learning based on those values ​​in madrasah. Data were collected through document analysis. Findings – The authors found that of the seven values selected—tolerance, egalitarian, dynamic and innovative, reform, taking the path middle, balance, and prioritizing the priority—the figures practiced them simultaneously. The indicators of success in learning are students, teachers, and parents have an awareness of the importance of the values ​​of wasaáč­iyyah; students become the center of pedagogy reflecting those values; students and teachers act independently in implementing those values; students and teachers are involved in collaboration in developing those values; and there is transformation to the better one due to the inculcation of those values. Research implications/limitations – Because the study applies a historical approach, it uses only documents as its data source. Future studies can use interviews and observations so that the results are more trustworthy. Originality/value – The findings of the study provide an overview of the extent to which the values of Islām wasaáč­iyyah have been practiced in Islamic schools in Indonesia.             &nbsp

    Revolusi ilmiah Thomas Kuhn dan relevansinya dengan pendidikan Islam

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    This research aims to analyze Thomas Kuhn's concept of scientific revolution and explore its relevance to Islamic education. Kuhn, an American philosopher renowned for his work “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” posited that scientific development occurs not through evolutionary processes but via paradigm shifts or scientific revolutions. He emphasized that scientific knowledge doesn't accumulate cumulatively; instead, there is a drastic shift in perspectives and methods when an old paradigm is replaced by a new one. Kuhn also underscored the importance of understanding the socio-cultural context in scientific development. His concept has significantly impacted our understanding of the dynamics of scientific progress and knowledge advancement. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the logical causality between the concept of scientific revolution and its implications for Islamic education. Through a literature review utilizing a descriptive-analytical approach, the findings suggest that Kuhn’s ideas can be linked to Islamic education through three avenues: the sacralization of knowledge, the scientific presentation of religious teachings, and a shift in the orientation of Islamic education.   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis konsep revolusi ilmiah Thomas Kuhn dan menemukan relevansinya dengan pendidikan Islam. Kuhn, adalah filsuf Amerika yang dikenal karena konsep revolusi ilmiah dalam karyanya “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” Menurutnya, perkembangan sains tidak berlangsung secara evolusioner, tetapi melalui perubahan paradigma atau revolusi ilmiah. Ia menekankan, ilmu pengetahuan tidak tumbuh secara kumulatif, tetapi terjadi pergeseran drastis dalam cara pandang dan metode ketika paradigma lama digantikan oleh paradigma yang baru. Kuhn juga menyoroti pentingnya pemahaman sosial budaya dalam perkembangan sains. Konsepnya telah memberikan dampak besar terhadap pemahaman tentang dinamika perkembangan ilmiah dan prosedur membaca kemajuan pengetahuan. Karenanya, penting melihat bagaimana kausalitas logis antara konsep revolusi ilmiah dalam kaitannya dengan pendidikan Islam. Melalui penelitian kepustakaan dengan Teknik penyajiannya bersifat deskriptif-analitis, hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa gagasan Kuhn dapat dihubungkan dengan pendidikan Islam melalui tiga acara, yaitu: sakralisasi ilmu pengetahuan, penyajian ajaran agama secara ilmiah, dan perubahan orientasi dalam pendidikan Islam

    The Concept of Personality of Islamic Religious Education Teachers based on Kuntowijoyo’s Prophetic Social Science

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    Teachers’ competence has been discussed by some Islamic figures as the main indicator in order to formulate the concept of teachers’ personality for teachers in general. However, the indicators that are spesifically for Islamic education teachers have not been discussed yet, so it is important to deepen and specify the study to formulate criteria of the concept of teachers’ personality that mainly focus on Islamic education teachers based on Islamic view. Based on those reasons, the writers are interested in conducting research in the area of the concept of teachers’ personality based on the Kuntowijoyo’s prophetic social science which contains transcendence, humanzation and liberation values. The prophetic social science by kuntowijoyo is formulated based on the surah Ali Imron verse 110. In this research, the writers will focus on the teachers of Islamic religious education (PAI).  By using the concept, the research is expected to formulate the indicators for the concept of teachers’ personality which is intended specifically for Islamic religious education teachers. This research uses library research methodology with psychological-pedagogical approach. The main source of the research is the book by Kuntowijoyo with some secondary data sources.  The results of the study show that: (1) the concept of teacher’s personality, in the perspective of Islamic education, must refer to the noble morals as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad SAW based on the values of Islamic teachings. (2) the concept of Islamic education teacher’s personality based on Kuntowijoyo’s prophetic social science must include three prophetic values (transcendence, humanist and liberating). So, in order to acquiring the concept of teachers’ personality, it is important for the Islamic education teachers to be transcendence, liberating and humanist as well as emulating the values of Prophet Muhammad. In relation to the current context, this concept can be used as a solution in response to the challenges of Islamic religious education teachers that come from the aspect of the teacher's personality. So, it is hoped that the indicators which is based on kuntowijoyo’s prophetic social science can be used as the formulation for all teachers to upgrade their personality competence, especially for Islamic religious education teachers.Konsep karakterisitik guru yang telah dirumuskan oleh beberapa tokoh Islam masih berupa pembahsan kompetensi guru secara umum. Namun demikian, hal tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam merumuskan konsep kepribadian guru pendidikan agama Islam yang memang belum dilakukan pengkajian secara spesifik dan mendalam. Hal ini mengundang ketertarikan penulis untuk melakukan kajian terkait konsep kepribadian guru pendidikan agama Islam dengan berbasiskan ilmu sosial profetik Kuntowijoyo yang memuat nilai transendensi, humanisasi dan liberasi dimana dalam merumuskan konsepnya didasarkan pada al-Qur’an, yaitu surat Ali-Imran ayat 110. Sehingga diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu rumusan solusi dalam menjawab tantangan guru pendidikan agama Islam berkaitan dengan aspek kepribadian guru itu sendiri. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan psikologis-pedagogis. Digunakan sumber data primer berupa buku karya Kuntowijoyo yang memuat tentang Ilmu Sosial Profetik dan didukung dengan sumber data sekunder lainnya. Adapun kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) konsep kepribadian guru perspektif pendidikan agama Islam merupakan kemampuan yang harus dimiliki guru dengan mengacu pada akhlak mulia sebagaimana yang diteladankan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW berdasarkan nilai-nilai ajaran Islam. (2) kepribadian guru pendidikan agama Islam berbasis ilmu sosial profetik perspektif kuntowijoyo merupakan kemampuan personal yang harus dimiliki guru berbasiskan ketiga nilai profetik yaitu transendensi, liberasi dan humanisasi. Berkaitan dengan konteks saat ini, konsep tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai rumusan solusi dalam menjawab tantangan guru pendidikan agama Islam yang berasal dari aspek kepribadian guru itu sendiri. Sehingga diharapkan dapat ditemukan indikator-indikator dalam perumusan kompetensi kepribadian guru terutama guru pendidikan agama Islam ke arah yang semakin baik lagi

    Implementation of the Integration-Interconnection of Introduction to Islamic Studies at the Sociology Study Program of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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    This paper discusses the application of interconnection integration in Introduction to Islamic Studies in the Department of Sociology at the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study is to find out how an educator / lecturer in dealing with students who do not have basic Islamic religion at the previous level of education. In addition to applying in learning, interconnection integration is also applied in lecture material. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. Research data obtained from observations, journals, books, and opinions related to the integration of interconnections and Islamic studies. The result of the research is that educators always recommend students to include concrete examples in each material according to the specified approach. In each of the given material themes, an approach is always used, which integrates science and religion. After learning is complete, students are also given the task of writing a resume of at least two paragraphs which contains the core of the discussion in each meeting. Integration of interconnections is important to always be developed in any type of science, in order to produce updates in the future


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    SMP Negeri 3 Kasihan has a Character Education Strengthening (PPK) program. The program supports processes in the industrial revolution 4.0 era in the advancement of Junior schools and graduates with more skills. The paper is part of a survey report with descriptive analysis methods at SMP Negeri 3 Kasihan and data collection techniques on observation, interviews, and documentation. The discussion of the paper leads to the principal's program as the planning actor for KDP. The programs achieve PPK targets by developing personality in weekly activities in the scouting movement, introducing technology to subjects by developing distance teaching classes (online classes) with various methods such as Blended Learning. In these two activities, there were several very crucial obstacles in monitoring students with cases of the Covid 19 pandemic. However, PPK activities also did not automatically low problem in Pandemic Covid 19 by supporting online classes. The class is running well with any problem on an epidemic enough to worry the world