25 research outputs found

    Porcine theca cells produce immunoreactive β-endorphin and change steroidogenesis in response to opioid agonist

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    In earlier in vitro experiments opioids affected steroidogenesis in porcine luteal and granulosa cells. The present studies were undertaken to examine the effects of FK 33-824 (opioid agonist) alone or in combination with LH, PRL or naloxone (NAL, opioid antagonist) on steroidogenesis in cultured porcine theca cells. Moreover, we have tested β-endorphin-like immunoreactivity (β-END-LI) concentrations in culture media under control conditions and following treatments of theca cells with LH, PRL, progesterone (P4), oestradiol (E2) or testosterone (T). FK 33-824 and NAL significantly increased P4 release by theca cells and inhibited stimulatory effect of LH on this steroid output. PRL-induced P4 secretion from the cells was blunted only by FK 33-824. Secretion of androstenedione (A4) and T was essentially elevated in the presence of FK 33-824 and this potentiation of both androgen release was completely abolished by PRL. NAL blocked stimulatory effect of the opioid agonist only in case of T. Secretion of oestradiol and oestrone was completely free from the influence of both the opioid agonist and antagonist. Pig theca cells were able to produce β-END-LI but none of tested hormones (LH, PRL, P4, E2 and T alone or in combination) significantly affected this production. In conclusion, these data indicate that porcine theca cells may produce β-END-LI and change their steroidogenesis in response to opioid peptides

    Glaucoma patient care in a home environment - case study

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    Wstęp: Aktualnie większość problemów zdrowotnych dotyczy osób starszych. Należy więc się zastanowić jak zapewnić tej grupie pacjentów optymalną opiekę zdrowotną oraz jak wspierać rodziny opiekujące się chorymi w środowisku domowym by radzili sobie z opieką. Jaskra to szereg jednostek chorobowych, które zbyt późno wykryte prowadzą do trwałych zmian z polu widzenia. Prowadzi to do częściowej a nawet całkowitej utraty wzroku. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest ocena potrzeb pielęgnacyjnych oraz zaplanowanie planu opieki nad pacjentem, w wieku podeszłym z jaskrą, w środowisku domowym. Materiał, metody: metoda badawcza - studium przypadku. Techniki badawcze to: analiza dokumentacji medycznej pacjentki, wywiad pielęgniarski, własne obserwacje chorego. Jako narzędzia wykorzystano: kwestionariusz wywiadu. Wyniki: Główne problemy pielęgnacyjne pacjentki dotyczą: pomocy w zaspokojeniu deficytów w zakresie poruszania się, spożywania posiłków, zachowania higieny, zapobieganie powstaniu nowych i wyeliminowanie obecnej odleżyny, zapobieganie zaparciom, pomoc w ewakuacji wydzieliny z drzewa oskrzelowego, minimalizowanie lęku. Aktualnie mało osób ma warunki by opiekować się osobą chorą w warunkach domowych. Opiekunowie mieli początkowo problemy w pielęgnacji chorej, ale dzięki pomocy pielęgniarki nauczyli sobie z nimi radzić. Wnioski: Jaskra u omawianej pacjentki spowodowała deficyt wzroku powodujący u niej lęk z powodu problemów z komunikacją. Opiekunowie osób starszych najczęściej mają problem z brakiem dostatecznej ilości czasu, przez co często rezygnują z wykonywanego zawodu, zaniedbują swoje zdrowie. U osób starszych największymi problemami są: odleżyny, problemy z połykaniem, obniżony apetyt, zaburzenia psychiczne.Introduction: Nowadays most of the health issues are related to the elder people. It is thereof/re important to consider how to provide this group of patients optimal health care and how to support families who care for the sick in the home environment. Glaucoma is a series of illnesses, which detected too late lead to permanent changes in field of vision. It leads to partial or even total permanent loss of sight. Aim of the thesis: Aim of the thesis is to evaluate nursing needs and to design a patient care plan. It must be specially designed for elder person with Glaucoma leaving in home environment. Staff and methods: Research method – case study. Research techniques are: analysis of the patient’s medical records, nursing history, nurses observations. Tools: interview questionnaire. Results: Main problems of the patient care include help in meeting deficits of: mobility , food intake, hygiene, prevention of new onset and elimination of the bed sores, prevention of constipation, help in evacuation of bronchial secretion, minimizing anxiety. Currently, not big part of society have the conditions to care for a sick person at home. The caregivers initially had problems in nursing the patient, but with the help of the nurse they learned to cope with them. Conclusions: The glaucoma in the discussed patient caused a visual deficit which caused her anxiety due to communication problems. Elderly caregivers most often have a problem with insufficient time, often resigning from their profession, neglecting their health. In the elderly, the main problems are: bedsores, problems with swallowing, decreased appetite, mental disorders

    Difficult situations for nursing students during practical classes in the clinical ward

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    Wstęp: Zajęcia praktyczne to duży stres dla studentów pielęgniarstwa. Podczas zajęć często pierwszy raz wykonują różne procedury, mają styczność z cierpieniem osób chorych, muszą odnaleźć się w nowej roli oraz środowisku. Trudno więc uniknąć w tak nowych doświadczeniach trudności. Ważne jest zatem posiadanie skutecznych sposobów radzenia sobie z nimi. Cel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena sytuacji sprawiających największą trudność studentom pielęgniarstwa pierwszego stopnia podczas zajęć praktycznych oraz sposobów radzenia sobie z nimi.Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono wśród 307 studentów kierunku pielęgniarstwo pierwszego stopnia UJ CM Wydziału Nauk o Zdrowiu, którzy uczestniczyli już w zajęciach praktycznych w oddziale klinicznym. Jako narzędzia badawcze wykorzystano: autorski kwestionariusz; Skalę Odczuwanego Stresu (PSS-10) autorstwa S. Cohen, T. i .in. w adaptacji Z. Juczyńskiego, N. Oglińskiej-Bulik; Inwentarz do pomiaru radzenia sobie ze stresem (Mini COPE) autorstwa Carver S. C; Skalę oceny wparcia nauczyciela oraz satysfakcji z pobytu na zajęciach praktycznych (CLEI-19) autorstwa: Salamonson Y., i.in.Wyniki: Sytuacjami sprawiającymi największą trudność badanym w kontakcie z pacjentem były: ciężki stan pacjenta i obcowanie z jego cierpieniem. Spośród czynności pielęgnacyjnych najtrudniejsze było wykonywanie higieny miejsc intymnych. W czynnościach zabiegowych główny problem sprawiało: małe doświadczenie w wykonywanych zabiegach, korzystanie z dotąd nieznanego sprzętu oraz braki w zaopatrzeniu szpitalnym. Jako główną przyczynę nieradzenia sobie z sytuacją trudną ponad połowa badanych wskazała brak doświadczenia. W sytuacjach trudnych studenci II roku, częściej od studentów I i III roku korzystali z aktywnych strategii radzenia sobie ze stresem. Niski poziom stresu odczuwali częściej studenci I roku. Wysoki poziom stresu odczuwało nieco ponad 60% studentów każdego rocznika. Najwyższy poziom wsparcia od nauczyciela otrzymały osoby odczuwające stres na poziomie przeciętnym lub wysokim. Zadowolenie z pobytu na oddziale było najwyższe u osób odczuwających niski poziom stresu, a najniższe u osób z wysokim poziomem stresu.Wnioski: Badania wykazały, że sytuacje trudne i stres towarzyszą studentom i mają wpływ na ich zadowolenie i wiedzę wyniesioną z zajęć praktycznych. Większość studentów potrafiła sobie radzić z sytuacjami trudnymi, strategiami aktywnymi, ale niestety część osób wspomagała się środkami psychoaktywnymi. Należałoby więc badać nadal ten temat, wdrożyć edukację dotyczącą strategii aktywnych radzenia sobie ze stresem wśród studentów.Introduction: Practical classes are a big stress for nursing students. During classes, they often perform various procedures for the first time. They come into contact with the suffering of sick people. They must find themselves in a new role and environment. It is difficult to avoid difficulties in such new experiences, so it is important to have effective ways of dealing with them.The Aim of the research: The aim of the research was to assess the situations which are the most difficult for first-degree nursing students during practical classes and how to deal with them.Material and methods: The research was carried among 307 first-degree nursing students of the Jagiellonian University Medical College of the Faculty of Health Sciences who have already participated in practical classes in the clinical department. The following tools were used as research tools: an original questionnaire; Stress Scale (PSS-10) by S. Cohen, T. and others in the adaptation of Z. Juczyński, N. Oglińska-Bulik; Inventory for measuring coping with stress (Mini-COPE) by Carver S. C; Psychometric testing of the abbreviated Clinical Learning Environment Inventory (CLEI-19) by: Salamonson Y., i.a.Results: The situations which caused the greatest difficulty to the participants of the research in contact with the patients were: severe condition of the patient and contact with his suffering. Of the nursing activities, the most difficult was hygiene of intimate places. The main problem in surgical procedures was: little experience in performed procedures, use of previously unknown equipment and deficiencies in hospital supplies. As the main reason for not coping with the difficult situation, more than half of the respondents indicated lack of experience. In difficult situations, 2nd year students, more often than 1st and 3rd year students, used active coping strategies. Low-year students more often experienced low stress. A little over 60% of students of each year suffered high stress levels. The highest level of support from the teacher was given to people experiencing stress at an average or high level. Satisfaction with the stay in the ward was the highest for people experiencing low stress levels, and the lowest for people with high stress levels.Conclusions: Studies have shown that difficult situations and stress accompany students, and have an impact on their satisfaction and knowledge gained from practical classes. Most students were able to cope with difficult situations, active strategies, but unfortunately some people were supported by psychoactive substances. Therefore, this topic should be researched and education on active coping strategies among students should be implemented

    Ontogeny of the long form of leptin receptor gene expression in the porcine ovarian follicles

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    Leptin is a polypeptide hormone produced predominantly in adipocytes. It has been found to be implicated in the regulation of satiety and energy homeostasis. A role for leptin in reproduction was later suggested by findings that this hormone may be involved in the regulation of the hypothalamic- pituitary-gonadal axis via endocrine, paracrine and/or autocrine pathways. The objective of the study was to investigate the ontogeny of the long isoform of leptin receptor (OB-Rb) gene in porcine ovarian follicles. The expression of OB-Rb gene was detected in porcine primordial, primary, secondary and antral follicles by in situ hybridization. In summary, our data suggest that leptin might have a direct effect on porcine follicles and plays an important role in the follicular development

    In vitro effect of leptin on anterior pituitary cells LH secretory activity during early pregnancy in pig

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    Leptin modulates reproductive activity but its potential influence on LH secretion from anterior pituitary (AP) cells during implantation period in pigs (days 14-16 of pregnancy) remained unexplored. This study focused on determination whether leptin affects basal and GnRH-induced LH secretion and intracellular accumulation and whether leptin receptor (OB-Rb) mRNA is expressed in the AP gland during implantation in pigs. Four individual AP glands were developed into separate primary cultures. 2x10⁵ cells/ml were preincubated (72 h) and next, for 3.5 h, experimentally treated with GnRH (100 ng/ml), leptin (10⁻¹¹, 10⁻⁹, 10⁻⁷, 10⁻⁶ M) alone, or given in respective combinations with GnRH. In the AP gland, OB-Rb mRNA expression was determined by real-time PCR method. Leptin activated LH secretion and its concentration-dependent effect was observed as stimulation shown in a full range tested (culture 1) and exhibited only at 10⁻⁶ M (culture 2). A pooled data analysis revealed that basal LH secretion increased at 10⁻⁹, 10⁻⁷ and 10⁻⁶ M, but GnRH-induced LH release decreased at 10⁻⁶ M. Leptin down-regulated GnRH-induced LH secretion in all cultures, but only culture 3 exhibited sensitivity for all concentrations tested. Basal LH accumulation was activated in culture 1 (at 10⁻¹¹ M) and inhibited in culture 4 (at 10⁻⁹ M). In the presence of GnRH leptin up-regulated LH accumulation with individual culture leptin- ensitivity (culture 1-3), while down-regulated LH accumulation in culture 4. Obtained data indicate that OB- b mRNA is expressed in the AP gland and leptin alone and in combination with GnRH specifically modulates LH activity during early pregnancy in pigs

    The physiological role of β\beta-endorphin in porcine ovarian follicles

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    β\beta-Endorphin-like immunoreactivity (β\beta-END-LI) was measured by radioimmunoassay in porcine ovarian follicular fluid (FF) from small, medium and large follicles throughout the oestrous cycle. The concentration of β\beta-END-LI in FF from small follicles collected on days 1-5 of the cycle was at least tenfold higher than in the fluid from any other follicles independently from their size and the period of the cycle. The level of β\beta-END-LI in small follicles on days 6-10 was drastically decreased. Subsequently, on days 11-16 its concentration was enhanced and reduced again in preovulatory period of the cycle. Concentrations of β\beta-END-LI in FF from medium follicles were relatively equal throughout the cycle (days 6-21). No significant differences in β\beta-END-LI levels were found between small, medium and large follicles from days 17-21. However, β\beta-END-LI concentrations in medium follicles on days 11-13 and 14-16 were statistically lower than those in small follicles. Moreover, the effects of FSH, prolactin (PRL), progesterone (P4_4), testosterone (T) and 17 β\beta-oestradiol (E2_2) on β\beta-END-LI release by granulosa cells (GCs) from large follicles and, on the other hand, the effects of the opioid agonist FK 33-824 alone or in combination with FSH, PRL or naloxone (NAL) on follicular steroidogenesis were studied. FSH drastically increased β\beta-END-LI output in a dose-dependent fashion. This stimulatory effect of the gonadotrophin was inhibited by the highest dose of P4_4 (105^{-5} M). The effect of PRL and the steroids added to the cultures on β\beta-END-LI release was negligible. FSH- or PRL-induced P4_4 secretion by GCs was essentially abolished by both FK 33-824 and NAL. However, androstenedione (A4_4) and testosterone output by the cells was greatly potentiated by FK 33-824. In the presence of NAL, FSH or PRL, A4_4 release stimulated by FK 33-824 was suppressed to the basal level. Secretion of E2_2 was completely free from the influence of FK 33-824 or NAL; only oestrone (E1_1) output was modulated by them in cultures where FSH or PRL was present. In conclusion, FSH appears to be the key regulator of β\beta-END-LI secretion by porcine granulosa cells. Moreover, steroidogenesis in pig granulosa cells is modulated by opioid peptides acting both alone and by way of interaction with FSH or PRL.Le rôle physiologique de la β\beta-endorphine dans les follicules ovariens de truie. Le niveau de β\beta-endorphine immunoréactive (β\beta-END-LI) a été mesuré avec la méthode radioimmunologique dans le liquide folliculaire provenant des petits, des grands et des moyens follicules de truie au cours de son cycle oestral. La concentration de β\beta-END-LI dans le liquide folliculaire des petits follicules prélevés durant les 1er à 5e jours du cycle a été au moins 10 fois plus élevée en comparaison avec le liquide des autres follicules, indépendamment de leur taille ou de la phase du cycle. Le niveau de β\beta-END-LI dans les petits follicules entre le 6e et le 10e jour a baissé d'une manière drastique. Ensuite, entre le 11e et le 16e jour, sa concentration a été élevée et de nouveau réduite durant le préoestrus dans le cycle. Les concentrations de β\beta-END-LI dans le liquide folliculaire des follicules moyens ont été relativement égales durant les différents moments du cycle (6e-21e jour). Il n'y a pas eu de différences significatives du niveau de β\beta-END-LI des petits, moyens ou grands follicules entre le 17e et le 21e jour. Néanmoins, les concentrations de β\beta-END-LI dans les follicules moyens entre le 11e et le 13e et entre le 14e et le 16e jour ont été statistiquement plus basses en comparaison avec les petits follicules. En outre, l'influence de FSH, de prolactine (PRL), de progestérone (P4_4), de testostérone (T) et de 17 β\beta-oestradiol (E2_2) sur la libération du β\beta-END-LI par les cellules de granulosa (GCs) provenant des grands follicules a été étudiée ainsi que l'effet de l'agoniste des opioïdes FK 33-824 seul ou en combinaison avec FSH, PRL ou nalaxone (NAL) sur la stérydogenèse folliculaire. FSH, suivant la dose, augmente d'une façon drastique la sécrétion de β\beta-END-LI. Cet effet stimulateur de la gonadotrophine a été inhibé par P4_4 en dose très élevée (105^{-5} M). L'influence de PRL et des stéroïdes ajoutés aux cultures sur la sécrétion de β\beta END-LI a été négligeable. La sécrétion de P4_4 induite par FSH ou PRL a été essentiellement réduite aussi bien sur l'influence de FK 33-824 que sur celle de NAL. Néanmoins, la sécrétion d'androstendione (A4_4) et de testostérone par les cellules de granulosa a été stimulée d'une façon significative par FK 33-824. En présence de NAL, FSH ou de PRL la libération de A4_4 stimulée par FK 33-824 a été réduite au niveau de base. La sécrétion de E2_2 a été complètement indépendante de l'effet de FK 33-824 ou celui de NAL ; uniquement la sécrétion d'oestrone a été modulée par les deux facteurs sur les cultures auxquelles FSH ou PRL ont été ajoutés. En résumant, FSH semble être le facteur clé de la régulation de la sécrétion de β\beta-END-LI par les cellules de granulosa chez la truie. En outre, la stéroïdogenèse dans les cellules de granulosa de truie est modulée par les peptides opioïdes agissant seuls ou bien en interaction avec FSH ou PRL

    The effects of GnRH and adrenergic agents on PRL and ß-endorphin secretion by porcine pituitary cells in vitro

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    The direct effects of a- and ß-adrenergic agents on PRL and ß-endorphin (ß-END) secretion in vitro by porcine pituitary cells have been investigated. Pituitary glands were obtained from mature gilts, which were ovariectomised (OVX) one month before slaughter. Ovariectomised gilts, assigned to four groups, were primed with: (1) vehicle (OVX); (2) and (3) oestradiol benzoate (EB; 2.5 mg/100 kg b.w.) at 30-36 h (OVX+EB I) and 60-66 h (OVX+EB II) before slaughter, respectively; and (4) progesterone (P4; 120 mg/100 kg b.w.) for 5 consecutive days before slaughter(OVX+P4). Isolated anterior pituitary cells were submitted to 3.5 h incubation in the presence of GnRH, a- and ß-adrenergic agonists [phenylephrine (PHEN) and isoproterenol (ISOP), respectively], or a- and ß-adrenergic blockers [phentolamine (PHENT) and propranolol (PROP), respectively]. The culture media were assayed for PRL (exp. I) and ß-endorphin-like immunoreactivity (ß-END-LI) (experiment II). In experiment I, GnRH did not influence PRL release by pituitary cells in all experimental groups. Some of tested doses of adrenergic agonists, PHEN and ISOP, increased PRL release from pituitary cells of OVX gilts, but not from those of OVX+EB I animals. In the OVX+EB II group, PHEN alone, but ISOP with PROP, potentiated PRL secretion by the cells. In OVX+P4 animals, PHEN alone or in combination with PHENT and also ISOP alone or with PROP enhanced PRL output from the cells. In experiment II, addition of GnRH increased ß-END-LI release from pituitary cells only in the OVX+EB II group. PHEN and PHENT potentiated ß-END-LI secretion by pituitary cells in OVX+EB II and OVX+P4 groups, while ISOP and PROP increased ß-END-LI secretion by the cells of OVX and OVX+EB II animals. In turn, in the OVX+EB I group, effect of PHENT and PROP on PRL secretion by pituitary cells was inhibitory. In conclusion, our results suggest that adrenergic agents can modulate PRL and ß-END secretion by porcine pituitary cells in a manner dependent on the hormonal status of gilts