526 research outputs found


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    В статье проанализированы барьеры, с которыми сталкиваются абитуриенты при поступлении в вуз на примере конкретного направления подготовки бакалавриата «Сервис». Исследование проводилось в рамках летних практик в приемной комиссии УрФУ в 2019 и 2021 гг. На основе проведенного анализа были разработаны рекомендации по улучшению работы приемной комиссии с абитуриентами.The article analyzes the barriers that applicants face when entering a university on the example of a specifi c bachelor’s degree program «Service». The study was conducted as part of summer practices at the UrFU Admissions Committee in 2019 and 2021. Based on the analysis, recommendations were developed to improve the work of the admissions committee with applicants

    Automated video surveillance system using neural networks for object recognition

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    The uniqueness of the developed automated system lies in the use of technologies based on neural networks, which allows the equipment to use the “Deep Learning” effect. Considering the unfavorable epidemiological situation, thermal equipment is integrated into the automated system which enables to carry out thermometric measuring when visiting the enterprise. The advantages of this system are such as the following: monitoring the integrity of the protected perimeter, organization of time tracking and organization of preventive measures (COVID)

    Trends in the Development of University Education in the Postmodern Period

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    The purpose of the research was to study the changes in the ranking of professional skills of students, which determine trends in university education in the postmodern era. The presented results of the experiment allowed to determine the level of perception of new professional skills by university students under the influence of the ideology of postmodernism. The general hypothesis of the study was that postmodern ideology influences the model of university education, contributes to the creation of the foundations for the formation of new professional skills of students. This study is part of a broader study that explores ways to improve the quality of university education based on the substantive professional priorities of students in the context of postmodernism. The results of the experiment allowed us to draw conclusions about the relationship between the quality of education and professional priorities of students, a properly organized system of university education in the postmodern period

    Проблемы экономического положения ИТ отрасли в Украине

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    У трьохсекторній моделі економіки із третинної сфери, сфери послуг, досить часто виділяють четвертинну - інформаційну. Це, насамперед, інформаційні технології, які пов'язані з плануванням і організацією виробництва. Вони застосовуються в освіті, науці, глобальному маркетингу, банківських та фінансових послугах. Їх роль важко переоцінити. В цій статті висвітлено окремі проблеми розвитку і становлення конкурентоспроможної ІТ галузі в Україні, розглянуто формування інвестиційного клімату та деякі аспекти державної політики, які потребують систематизованого підходу до реформації.In the three-sector economics model rather often the quaternary sector, informational, can be distinguished from the tertiary sector (services sector). These are, first of all, information technologies related to the planning and organization of production. They are applied in education, science, global marketing, banking and financial services. Their role cannot be overestimated. This article covers certain problems in development and formation of the competitive IT industry in Ukraine, investment climate organization and specific aspects of national policy, which need systematic approach for reformation.В трьохсекторной модели экономики из третичной сферы, сферы услуг, весьма часто выделяют четвертичную - информационную. Это, прежде всего, информационные технологии, связанные с планированием и организацией производства. Они применяются в образовании, науке, глобальном маркетинге, банковских и финансовых услугах. Их роль сложно переоценить. В этой статье освещены некоторые проблемы развития и становления конкурентоспособной ИТ отрасли в Украине, рассмотрено формирование инвестиционного климата, а также аспекты государственной политики, требующие систематизированного подхода к реформации

    Integrated Analysis of Dysregulated ncRNA and mRNA Expression Profiles in Humans Exposed to Carbon Nanotubes

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    Background As the application of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in consumer products continues to rise, studies have expanded to determine the associated risks of exposure on human and environmental health. In particular, several lines of evidence indicate that exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) could pose a carcinogenic risk similar to asbestos fibers. However, to date the potential markers of MWCNT exposure are not yet explored in humans. Methods In the present study, global mRNA and ncRNA expression profiles in the blood of exposed workers, having direct contact with MWCNT aerosol for at least 6 months (n = 8), were compared with expression profiles of non-exposed (n = 7) workers (e.g., professional and/or technical staff) from the same manufacturing facility. Results Significant changes in the ncRNA and mRNA expression profiles were observed between exposed and non-exposed worker groups. An integrative analysis of ncRNA-mRNA correlations was performed to identify target genes, functional relationships, and regulatory networks in MWCNT-exposed workers. The coordinated changes in ncRNA and mRNA expression profiles revealed a set of miRNAs and their target genes with roles in cell cycle regulation/progression/control, apoptosis and proliferation. Further, the identified pathways and signaling networks also revealed MWCNT potential to trigger pulmonary and cardiovascular effects as well as carcinogenic outcomes in humans, similar to those previously described in rodents exposed to MWCNTs. Conclusion This study is the first to investigate aberrant changes in mRNA and ncRNA expression profiles in the blood of humans exposed to MWCNT. The significant changes in several miRNAs and mRNAs expression as well as their regulatory networks are important for getting molecular insights into the MWCNT-induced toxicity and pathogenesis in humans. Further large-scale prospective studies are necessary to validate the potential applicability of such changes in mRNAs and miRNAs as prognostic markers of MWCNT exposures in humans

    Surgical treatment of postoperative sternal mediastinitis using titanium nickelide implant

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    Postoperative sternal dehiscence is a severe complication of cardiac surgery. The aim of the study was to evaluate the outcomes of different surgical treatment tactics in patients with postoperative sternal mediastinitis. A total of 41 patients with postoperative sternal mediastinitis were studied from 2010 to 2014. Patients comprised 29 men (70,7%) and 12 women (29,3%) aged 61,12 ± 8,62 years. The first stage of surgical intervention included: secondary surgical debridement; surgical debridement with metal osteosynthesis (MOS) by metal suture (configurations: 1-1-1-1-1-1; 1-Х-1-1-1-1; 1-8-8-8) and longitudinal MOS of the left middle third of the sternum + transverse MOS (configurations: Z-Z-Z and 1-1-88-1-1 among others); sternal resynthesis with mesh titanium nickelide implant according to originally designed method (patent of the Russian Federation N 2489097). The study demonstrated that routine sternoraphy is not recommended in patients who underwent operations involving median sternotomy or if the re-thoracotomy is required due to infection complication in the sternum and anterior mediastinum. Indeed, this method did not result in recovery in 72,22% of cases and even worsened sternal fragmentation. In case of the absence of severe sternal fragmentation and when elimination of acute inflammation was achieved (surgical debridement, correct antibiotic therapy, and bandaging), sternal resynthesis with mesh titanium nickelide implant was preferable. Combination of this method with surgical debridement of the sternum and anterior mediastinum was acceptable in patients with chronic sternal osteomyelitis and mediastinitis. The method of sternal resynthesis with mesh titanium nickelide implant achieved good immediate results and secure fixation of the sternal fragments with recovery of sternal continuity. This method should be indicatedfor treatment of patients without severe sternal fragmentation

    Aggressiveness of older preschool children

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    В статье представлены результаты исследования агрессивности детей дошкольного возраста.The article presents the results of a study of the aggressiveness of preschool children

    Redox phospholipidomics of enzymatically generated oxygenated phospholipids as specific signals of programmed cell death

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    High fidelity and effective adaptive changes of the cell and tissue metabolism to changing environments require strict coordination of numerous biological processes. Multicellular organisms developed sophisticated signaling systems of monitoring and responding to these different contexts. Among these systems, oxygenated lipids play a significant role realized via a variety of re-programming mechanisms. Some of them are enacted as a part of pro-survival pathways that eliminate harmful or unnecessary molecules or organelles by a variety of degradation/hydrolytic reactions or specialized autophageal processes. When these “partial” intracellular measures are insufficient, the programs of cells death are triggered with the aim to remove irreparably damaged members of the multicellular community. These regulated cell death mechanisms are believed to heavily rely on signaling by a highly diversified group of molecules, oxygenated phospholipids (PLox). Out of thousands of detectable individual PLox species, redox phospholipidomics deciphered several specific molecules that seem to be diagnostic of specialized death programs. Oxygenated cardiolipins (CLs) and phosphatidylethanolamines (PEs) have been identified as predictive biomarkers of apoptosis and ferroptosis, respectively. This has led to decoding of the enzymatic mechanisms of their formation involving mitochondrial oxidation of CLs by cytochrome c and endoplasmic reticulum-associated oxidation of PE by lipoxygenases. Understanding of the specific biochemical radical-mediated mechanisms of these oxidative reactions opens new avenues for the design and search of highly specific regulators of cell death programs. This review emphasizes the usefulness of such selective lipid peroxidation mechanisms in contrast to the concept of random poorly controlled free radical reactions as instruments of non-specific damage of cells and their membranes. Detailed analysis of two specific examples of phospholipid oxidative signaling in apoptosis and ferroptosis along with their molecular mechanisms and roles in reprogramming has been presented

    Fibrous nanocellulose, crystalline nanocellulose, carbon nanotubes, and crocidolite asbestos elicit disparate immune responses upon pharyngeal aspiration in mice

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    With the rapid development of synthetic alternatives to mineral fibers, their possible effects on the environment and human health have become recognized as important issues worldwide. This study investigated effects of four fibrous materials, i.e. nanofibrillar/nanocrystalline celluloses (NCF and CNC), single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and crocidolite asbestos (ASB), on pulmonary inflammation and immune responses found in the lungs, as well as the effects on spleen and peripheral blood immune cell subsets. BALB/c mice were given NCF, CNC, CNT, and ASB on Day 1 by oropharyngeal aspiration. At 14 days post-exposure, the animals were evaluated. Total cell number, mononuclear phagocytes, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, lymphocytes, and LDH levels were significantly increased in ASB and CNT-exposed mice. Expression of cytokines and chemokines in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was quite different in mice exposed to four particle types, as well as expression of antigen presentation-related surface proteins on BAL cells. The results revealed that pulmonary exposure to fibrous materials led to discrete local immune cell polarization patterns with a TH2-like response caused by ASB and TH1-like immune reaction to NCF, while CNT and CNC caused non-classical or non-uniform responses. These alterations in immune response following pulmonary exposure should be taken into account when testing the applicability of new nanosized materials with fibrous morphology