25 research outputs found

    The effective means of aquafitness in correction of mature women’s functional state

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    Purpose: the search of the effective means of aquafitness for the correction of the functional state of women in the age of 35-45. Materials and methods: 1) theoretical analysis and consolidation of data of the scientific and methodological literature; 2) estimation techniques of the morphofunctional state; 3) bioimpedance analysis; 4) pedagogical testing; 5) expert assessment; 6) questionnaire survey; 7) pedagogical experiment; 8) methods of the mathematical statistics. Results: the experiment was implemented from 2016 to 2019. 256 women, who were just starting to do aquafitness, took part in it. They were subdivided into two groups: control group (128 women) and experimental group (128 women). Examinees of the control group had 40-minute workout 3 times per week: twice a week – aqua aerobics and once – swimming. Examinees of the experimental group did aquafitness 3 times per week for 40 minutes according to our developed method of integrated use of aquafitness means. Unique water workout programs, nutritional recommendations and its control were developed for the experimental group. The aquafitness’ effective means were combined by us in 9 workout programs, which were distributed throughout training courses of the women in the age of 35-45. Conclusion: During the pedagogical experiment, the effectiveness of the author's method was established, which was expressed by more significant positive changes in the results in the experimental group compared to the control group in terms of functional status, fat and muscle components of the body

    Physical education of students with poor health

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    Purpose: improving the performance of students with weak health by the means of fitness based on unit, person-centred, and systematic approaches. Materials and methods: students with weak health took part in the research (n = 460, age 18.0 ± 0.82 years). The experiment lasted for 9 months. With students of the control group (N1, n = 230 in which 150 are girls and 80 are boys) traditional lessons were held in accordance with the current programme of physical education. For the experimental group (N2, n = 230 in which 150 are girls and 80 are boys) blocks (module) in athletic gymnastics, water fitness, and aerobics were created with detailed competence. Electronic educational resources with video sets of special exercises were made and put into practice taking into account the underlying medical condition. Each unit contains goals and ways of achieving them. Person-centred approach included measuring physiological parameters. The systematic approach consisted of the organising of process of physical education with systematic monitoring of the functional state of the body. Results: by monitoring physical fitness by exercise testing, it was found out that all research subjects had improved their results. However, students in group N2 had achieved much higher figures than students in group N1. The noticeable increase in static, strength and coordination endurance was noted. Conclusion: the research has proven the efficiency of improving the process of physical education for students with weak health based on unit, personally oriented and systematic approaches

    Development of methods of population’s physical training by using various types of fitness based on body composition`s accounting

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    Purpose: bioimpedance analysis of body composition for the different age groups of population in order to choose an individual program of physical exercise. Materials and methods: Research was done in Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia, Moscow) using body composition analyzer «InBody 720» and functional diagnostics «Esteck System Complex». Research takes into account physical indicators of 359 females and 460 males from 18 to 74 years old who do not practice any physical activities or do it occasionally.Results: The study identified substantial increase in fat component of women`s body in a period of 29-34 years old-39,6%, in 46-55 years old it is critically increasing up to 51,2%. Females start feeling muscle weakness in period of 35-45 years old. In males group dynamic of fat component is on an ordinary level and even lower in a young age (18-28)-10,3%, 29-34 years old-18%, 35-45 years old-21,1%, 56-74 years old-24,4%. Most of the participants have satisfactory functional condition-70-90 points (max. 100). However, a low reaction level on an ordinary physical exertion was identified, as well as a poor level of reserved capacities of cardio-vascular and respiratory systems. Conclusion: To plan a fitness program it is necessary to consider such characteristics as age, sex, individual index of body composition and functional condition, individual preferences in types of physical exercises, indexes of hearth rate and blood pressure. While planning fitness training, it is necessary to take into account proportion between fat component and muscular component («fitness-points»), balance of energy

    Importance of Post-Translational Modifications for Functionality of a Chloroplast-Localized Carbonic Anhydrase (CAH1) in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Background: The Arabidopsis CAH1 alpha-type carbonic anhydrase is one of the few plant proteins known to be targeted to the chloroplast through the secretory pathway. CAH1 is post-translationally modified at several residues by the attachment of N-glycans, resulting in a mature protein harbouring complex-type glycans. The reason of why trafficking through this non-canonical pathway is beneficial for certain chloroplast resident proteins is not yet known. Therefore, to elucidate the significance of glycosylation in trafficking and the effect of glycosylation on the stability and function of the protein, epitope-labelled wild type and mutated versions of CAH1 were expressed in plant cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: Transient expression of mutant CAH1 with disrupted glycosylation sites showed that the protein harbours four, or in certain cases five, N-glycans. While the wild type protein trafficked through the secretory pathway to the chloroplast, the non-glycosylated protein formed aggregates and associated with the ER chaperone BiP, indicating that glycosylation of CAH1 facilitates folding and ER-export. Using cysteine mutants we also assessed the role of disulphide bridge formation in the folding and stability of CAH1. We found that a disulphide bridge between cysteines at positions 27 and 191 in the mature protein was required for correct folding of the protein. Using a mass spectrometric approach we were able to measure the enzymatic activity of CAH1 protein. Under circumstances where protein N-glycosylation is blocked in vivo, the activity of CAH1 is completely inhibited. Conclusions/Significance: We show for the first time the importance of post-translational modifications such as N-glycosylation and intramolecular disulphide bridge formation in folding and trafficking of a protein from the secretory pathway to the chloroplast in higher plants. Requirements for these post-translational modifications for a fully functional native protein explain the need for an alternative route to the chloroplast.This work was supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Kempe Foundations and Carl Tryggers Foundation to GS, and grant numbers BIO2006-08946 and BIO2009-11340 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn (MICINN) to A

    Dynamics of the morphofunctional state of students with the expansion of fitness means in physical education classes

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    Purpose: to study the dynamics of the morphofunctional state of students during expanding fitness means in physical education classes. Materials and methods: students at the University of Economics (n = 820, age 18.0 ± 0.76 years) took part in the study. The experiment was lasting for 36 months. With students of group N1 (n = 386), traditional classes were conducted in accordance with the current physical education program. Development of physical education in group N2 (n = 434) was carried out by increasing the means of fitness and daily monitoring of physical activity with modern devices. Functional diagnostics was carried out on the hardware-diagnostic complex «Esteck System Complex». «Omega-M» hardware and software complex was used for studying biological rhythms. The evaluation of working capacity of the cardiovascular system was determined using the Ruffier test. Results: in group N2, authentic differences were determined in the adequacy of the regulation processes, the integral indicator of the sports shape, the level of physical activity (the number of steps per day). In group N1, authentic differences were determined only in the level of physical activity. At the same time, there was no significant improvement in the morphofunctional state in the groups. Conclusions: thanks to the expansion of fitness means, the provision of an individual-typological medical record and the stimulation of physical activity, it was managed to achieve a positive dynamic of the morphofunctional state of students of group N2

    Photosynthetic water oxidation : the function of two extrinsic proteins

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    The solar energy accumulated by photosynthesis over billions of years is the sole source of energy available on Earth. Photosystem II (PSII) uses the sunlight to split water, an energetically unfavorable reaction where electrons and protons are extracted from water and oxygen is released as a by-product. Understanding this process is crucial for the future development of clean, renewable and unlimited energy sources, which can use sunlight to split water and produce hydrogen and electricity. In order to do so we need to understand how this is solved in plants. I have been focusing on the role of two lumenal proteins associated with the thylakoid membrane PsbO and Cah3, in the water oxidation process. Convincing evidences have been presented supporting the hypothesis that bicarbonate acts as a proton acceptor in the water splitting process in PSII and the lumenal carbonic anhydrase, Cah3, supplies bicarbonate required for this function. The PsbO protein, an important constituent of the water-oxidizing complex, however, its function is still unknown. The PsbO protein undergoes a pH dependent conformational change that in turn influences its capacity to bind calcium and manganese, forming a catalytic Mn4Ca cluster in PSII. We propose that light-induced structural dynamics of the PsbO is of functional relevance for the regulation of proton release and for forming a proton sensing - proton transporting pathway. The cluster of conserved glutamic and aspartic acid residues in the PsbO protein acts as buffering antennae providing efficient acceptors of protons derived from substrate water molecules. Both proteins, Cah3 and PsbO have a conserved S-S bridge, required for proper folding and activity; therefore they are potential targets for red-ox regulation in lumen.Solenergi som omvandlats av fotosyntesen under miljarder av år är basen för nästan all energi på jorden. Fotosystem 2 använder solljuset till att oxidera vatten, ur energisynpunkt en ofördelaktig process, där elektroner och protoner extraheras från vattenmolekyler vilket ger upphov till syrgas som biprodukt. Förståelsen av denna process är viktig för att vi i framtiden skall kunna utveckla rena och förnyelsebara energislag i obegrensad mängd. Genom att efterlikna fotosyntesprocessen skulle vi i framtiden kunna utvecka artificiella system som använder solljuset till att sönderdela vatten för att producera vätgas eller elektrisitet. För att kunna göra det så måste vi kunna förstå hur dessa processer fungerar i växterna. Min forskning har fokuserat på att förstå funktionen hos två av de proteiner, PsbO och Cah3, som deltar i sönderdelningen av vatten. Jag har visat, för första gången, att ett lumen karboanhydras, Cah3, deltar i regleringen av den process där vatten spjälkas. Jag postulerar att Cah3 underlättar bort transporten av protoner från det vattenoxiderande komplexet genom att generera bikarbonat lokalt, som kan fungera som proton transportör. PsbO proteinet genomgår en pH beroende konformationsförändring vilket påverkar dess kapacitet and binda calcium och mangan som i sin tur formar ett katalytiskt Mn4Ca center i fotosystem 2. Jag föreslår att en ljusberoende strukturförändring av Psbo är av funktionell betydelse för regleringen av protonfrigörandet och formar ett proton-avkännande och proton-transporterande system. Ett kluster av konserverande glutamat- och aspartat-aminosyror i PsbO proteinet fungerar som ett buffrande nätverk för protoner som frigörs vid oxidering av vatten. Båda dessa proteiner innerhåller S-S bryggor ock kan därför vara red-ox reglerade i lumen

    Phosphorylation Controls the Localization and Activation of the Lumenal Carbonic Anhydrase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Background: Cah3 is the only carbonic anhydrase (CA) isoform located in the thylakoid lumen of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Previous studies demonstrated its association with the donor side of the photosystem II (PSII) where it is required for the optimal function of the water oxidizing complex. However this enzyme has also been frequently proposed to perform a critical function in inorganic carbon acquisition and CO2 fixation and all mutants lacking Cah3 exhibit very poor growth after transfer to low CO2 conditions. Results/Conclusions: In the present work we demonstrate that after transfer to low CO2, Cah3 is phosphorylated and that phosphorylation is correlated to changes in its localization and its increase in activity. When C. reinhardtii wild-type cells were acclimated to limiting CO2 conditions, the Cah3 activity increased about 5-6 fold. Under these conditions, there were no detectable changes in the level of the Cah3 polypeptide. The increase in activity was specifically inhibited in the presence of Staurosporine, a protein kinase inhibitor, suggesting that the Cah3 protein was post-translationally regulated via phosphorylation. Immunoprecipitation and in vitro dephosphorylation experiments confirm this hypothesis. In vivo phosphorylation analysis of thylakoid polypeptides indicates that there was a 3-fold increase in the phosphorylation signal of the Cah3 polypeptide within the first two hours after transfer to low CO2 conditions. The increase in the phosphorylation signal was correlated with changes in the intracellular localization of the Cah3 protein. Under high CO2 conditions, the Cah3 protein was only associated with the donor side of PSII in the stroma thylakoids. In contrast, in cells grown at limiting CO2 the protein was partly concentrated in the thylakoids crossing the pyrenoid, which did not contain PSII and were surrounded by Rubisco molecules. Significance: This is the first report of a CA being post-translationally regulated and describing phosphorylation events in the thylakoid lumen

    ChloroSpec: A new in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence spectrometer for simultaneous wavelength- and time-resolved detection

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    Chlorophyll fluorescence is a ubiquitous tool in basic and applied plant science research. Various standard commercial instruments are available for characterization of photosynthetic material like leaves or microalgae, most of which integrate the overall fluorescence signals above a certain cut-off wavelength. However, wavelength-resolved (fluorescence signals appearing at different wavelengths having different time dependent decay) signals contain vast information required to decompose complex signals and processes into their underlying components that can untangle the photo-physiological process of photosynthesis. Hence, to address this we describe an advanced chlorophyll fluorescence spectrometer - ChloroSpec - allowing three-dimensional simultaneous detection of fluorescence intensities at different wavelengths in a time-resolved manner. We demonstrate for a variety of typical examples that most of the generally used fluorescence parameters are strongly wavelength dependent. This indicates a pronounced heterogeneity and a highly dynamic nature of the thylakoid and the photosynthetic apparatus under actinic illumination. Furthermore, we provide examples of advanced global analysis procedures integrating this three-dimensional signal and relevant information extracted from them that relate to the physiological properties of the organism. This conveniently obtained broad range of data can make ChloroSpec a new standard tool in photosynthesis research

    ChloroSpec: A new in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence spectrometer for simultaneous wavelength- and time-resolved detection

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    Chlorophyll fluorescence is a ubiquitous tool in basic and applied plant science research. Various standard commercial instruments are available for characterization of photosynthetic material like leaves or microalgae, most of which integrate the overall fluorescence signals above a certain cut-off wavelength. However, wavelength-resolved (fluorescence signals appearing at different wavelengths having different time dependent decay) signals contain vast information required to decompose complex signals and processes into their underlying components that can untangle the photo-physiological process of photosynthesis. Hence, to address this we describe an advanced chlorophyll fluorescence spectrometer - ChloroSpec - allowing three-dimensional simultaneous detection of fluorescence intensities at different wavelengths in a time-resolved manner. We demonstrate for a variety of typical examples that most of the generally used fluorescence parameters are strongly wavelength dependent. This indicates a pronounced heterogeneity and a highly dynamic nature of the thylakoid and the photosynthetic apparatus under actinic illumination. Furthermore, we provide examples of advanced global analysis procedures integrating this three-dimensional signal and relevant information extracted from them that relate to the physiological properties of the organism. This conveniently obtained broad range of data can make ChloroSpec a new standard tool in photosynthesis research

    A photosystem II-associated carbonic anhydrase regulates the efficiency of photosynthetic oxygen evolution

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    We show for the first time that Cah3, a carbonic anhydrase associated with the photosystem II (PSII) donor side in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, regulates the water oxidation reaction. The mutant cia3, lacking Cah3 activity, has an impaired water splitting capacity, as shown for intact cells, thylakoids and PSII particles. To compensate this impairment, the mutant overproduces PSII reaction centres (1.6 times more than wild type). We present compelling evidence that the mutant has an average of two manganese atoms per PSII reaction centre. When bicarbonate is added to mutant thylakoids or PSII particles, the O(2) evolution rates exceed those of the wild type by up to 50%. The donor side of PSII in the mutant also exhibits a much higher sensitivity to overexcitation than that of the wild type. We therefore conclude that Cah3 activity is necessary to stabilize the manganese cluster and maintain the water-oxidizing complex in a functionally active state. The possibility that two manganese atoms are enough for water oxidation if bicarbonate ions are available is discussed