12 research outputs found

    Сравнительная оценка тканевой реакции на имплантацию обычных полипропиленовых сеток и с фиксированными на них аутофибробластами

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    One of the possible ways to solve the problem of improving the integration of polypropylene prostheses in the tissue of the patient in the treatment of hernias of the abdominal wall is the application, making and use of composite polypropylene mesh with a coating of own fibroblasts. In the experiment on the basis of morphometric analysis a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the use of covering of «heavyweight» and «lightweight» polypropylene meshes by autofibroblasts has been conducted. The use of composite mesh, consisting of the «heavyweight» or «lightweight» polypropylene mesh and autofibroblasts in all cases, allows to speak about the more pronounced proliferative process compared with the group, using only the polypropylene mesh. The ability to create a composite polypropylene mesh with fixed autofibroblasts on the basis of «lightweight» and «heavyweight» composite polypropylene meshes has been proved.Одним из возможных путей решения проблемы улучшения интеграции полипропиленовых протезов в ткани пациента при лечении грыж брюшной стенки является использование композитных полипропиленовых сеток с покрытием из собственных фибробластов. В эксперименте на основании морфометрического анализа проведена сравнительная оценка эффективности использования покрытия тяжелых и облегченных полипропиленовых сеток аутофибробластами. Использование композитной сетки, состоящей из «тяжелой» или «облегченной» полипропиленовой сетки и аутофибробластов, во всех случаях позволяет говорить о более выраженном пролиферативном процессе по сравнению с группой, использовавшей только полипропиленовую сетку. Доказана возможность создания композитной полипропиленовой сетки с фиксированными на ней аутофибробластами на основе «облегченных» и «тяжелых» композитных полипропиленовых сеток

    Morphofunctional peculiarities of the effects of electric coagulator on thyroid tissue

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    Morphological changes in the thyroid tissue after exposure to coagulators were studied. Application of a monopolar coagulator resulted in the formation of narrow marginal coagulation necrosis on day 3, with a fibrous capsule of different thickness, and marginal sclerosis of the glandular parenchyma; inflammatory changes in the connective tissue in the resection edge persisted for 14 days. Bipolar coagulator produced the most pronounced damaging effect leaving septae up to 10 mm long penetrating into the depth of the gland and causing stubborn persistent deep and marginal sclerosis of the gland. © Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2005

    Morphofunctional peculiarities of the effects of electric coagulator on thyroid tissue

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    Morphological changes in the thyroid tissue after exposure to coagulators were studied. Application of a monopolar coagulator resulted in the formation of narrow marginal coagulation necrosis on day 3, with a fibrous capsule of different thickness, and marginal sclerosis of the glandular parenchyma; inflammatory changes in the connective tissue in the resection edge persisted for 14 days. Bipolar coagulator produced the most pronounced damaging effect leaving septae up to 10 mm long penetrating into the depth of the gland and causing stubborn persistent deep and marginal sclerosis of the gland. © Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2005

    A Method for Performing a Gastrostomy Using a Polypropylene Mesh

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    Gastrostomy is one of the main palliative surgical methods for restoring enteral nutrition. The aim of the study was to develop a new method of gastrostomy that reduces the frequency of complications. The prototype for the described method is Depage-Janeway gastrostomy with use of the GIA stapler. The proposed method is characterized by the use of polypropylene mesh. This provides a tight attachment of the wall of the stomach to the anterior abdominal wall, which reduces the risk of complications

    Experimental Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Laparoscopic Method for Suturing a Perforated Ulcer of the Anterior Wall of the Stomach by Forming a “Covered Perforation” with a Fold-Duplicator

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    Improvement of existing methods and development of new techniques for performing videoendoscopic operations in emergency surgical pathology allows increasing the efficiency and safety of surgical interventions, which is especially important in emergency surgery. The aim of the study was to experimentally evaluate the effectiveness of the laparoscopic method of suturing a perforated ulcer of the anterior wall of the body of the stomach by forming a “covered perforation” with a fold-duplicator. The article presents the results of a comparative study of the course of recovery in laboratory animals after suturing a perforated ulcer of the anterior wall of the stomach by the traditional method of applying a double-row, interrupted suture and a new method based on forming a covered perforation by creating a fold-duplicator.(International Journal of Biomedicine. 2022;12(1):55-57.). © 2022, International Medical Research and Development Corporation. All rights reserved

    Arthroscopic transcapsular neurolysis of the axillary nerve (clinical case) [арТроскопический ТранскапсулЯрный невролиз подмышечного нерва (наБлЮдение из пракТики)]

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    The study objective – to present a clinical case of axillary nerve neurolysis performed through arthroscopic transcap‑ sular access. Clinical case. Patient Ch., 38 years old, received a fracture of the head of the left humerus as a result of a fall 5 months ago. Immediately after the injury, symptoms of axillary nerve damage appeared. Conservative therapy was carried out without positive dynamics. According to ultrasound and electroneuromyography, signs of compression of the axillary nerve were noted without violating its anatomical integrity. The pathological substrate was located in the neck of the humerus, in the “blind” zone of the nerve. The situation was complicated by the progression of the phenomena of ar‑ throsis of the joint with the formation of pain. Performed acroscopic transcapsular neurolysis of the axillary nerve with sanitation of the cavity of the shoulder joint. After 2 months, a visual increase in deltoid muscle volume and range of motion in the shoulder joint was noted. Conclusion. Arthroscopic transcapsular axillary neurolysis is, from our point of view, a promising minimally invasive intervention with the ability to perform simultaneous surgery by a multidisciplinary team. It is necessary to compare the results of the operation with arthroscopic and open access. © 2022 ABC-press Publishing Hous

    Morphological substantiation of laparoscopic suturing of stomach ulcer with formation of a covered perforation

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    Objective. Morphological substantiation of laparoscopic suturing of gastric ulcer with formation of a covered perforation. Material and methods. To analyze morphological tissue reaction in surgical area, we used 12 Chinchilla rabbits. All animals were divided into 2 groups by 6 animals. The main group enrolled rabbits undergoing suturing of perforated gastric ulcer with formation of a covered perforation by anterior stomach wall. In the control group, gastric perforation was sutured by conventional double-row suture. For histological analysis, 2 animals in each group were withdrawn from the experiment after 7, 14 and 21 days. We excised gastric wall within the area of perforation closure. Morphological data on healing process were compared between both groups. Results. Stomach deformation after 7 days was more severe in the main group compared to simple suturing. However, these dif- ferences were absent after 21 days. Morphological analysis revealed postoperative transmural necrosis after 7 days. Signs of early epithelialization were more obvious in the main group. After 21 postoperative days, we observed almost completely restored dif- ferentiation of stomach wall layers in both groups of animals. © 2022, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved


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    This publication contains the predictions of the scientific studies in pediatric patients. The forecast is developed by leading pediatricians of the country. It was based on the analysis of pediatrics developement and pediatric practice in the Russian Federation in recent decades