80 research outputs found

    Architecture and Entrepreneurship

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    Ivan Shumkov is a New York based entrepreneur, architect, educator and the Founder of Build Academy. Below is a snapshot of a bit of his journey and his work that may be of inspiration to others. "In this phase of my life, I’m a New York based entrepreneur, architect, educator and the Founder of Build Academy. Below is a snapshot of a bit of my journey and my work that hopefully can be of inspiration to others. Looking back at my journey, I try to connect the dots, see how I got here and where I’m heading. Architecture has the unique capacity to manifest new realities and raise people’s consciousness. It opens so many paths that can make a positive difference in the world if followed thoroughly with passion and perseverance. My life and work maintain a bridge between architecture, entrepreneurship, research, teaching, leadership and social activism. I demonstrate the non-traditional path of an architect and highlight the potential within the realm of architecture. The impact of my work can be seen from the social impact projects that I was involved with, to the thousands of people that he has educated and inspired through my teaching in universities and online. My work as entrepreneur went beyond into starting a global movement for resilient, sustainable, inclusive and conscious communities and cities. I am willing to collaborate with anyone who shares the same passion for discovering the world and making a positive difference into it."Peer Reviewe

    A Comparative Study of the Past Tense Aspects in Russian and Italian

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    Introduction. The problem of aspect categorisation in Italian, as well as in other Romance languages, is studied not so profoundly compared to what has been done in Russian linguistics. The Indo-European Presence – Aorist – Perfect in their aspectual meaning, which are the most independent forms, have turned to build the tense system both in Italian and Russian. The brightest aspectual meanings are expressed in the forms of the Past. The different perception of 'completeness' and 'incompleteness' aspects in these forms by the speakers of Italian and Russian is probably connected with the peculiarities of the tense formation on the deep level of the language system. So, additional grammar comments are needed. Methodology and sources. The main language unit is believed to be the semifinitive. Thereby we can facilitate the application of formal logical modelling to the description and explanation of syntactic phenomena. The material of the investigation is the surface structure of a predicate, which is formed, on the deep level, by a verbal semifinitive and a time specifier.Results and discussion. A scheme has been elaborated, demonstrating, how a verbal semifinitive becomes polarised by a time specifier. The whole range of aspectual variants, which may occur in a predicate due to the interaction of its constituents through their charges, has been shown. It is reasoned about a charge on participle II. The notion of polarisation is added to the notions of Indefinite or Perfect aspects to represent traditional grammar tenses more exact. This investigation allows to establish a correspondence of Italian and Russian tenses to different charge states of a semifinitive, touched by a specifier. It is rather admittable that the difference between incomplete and complete aspects in Russian is expressed by participles II, which are in complex semifinitives, and in Italian – by simple semifinitives.Conclusion. A comparative analysis of the verbal aspect category in Indo-European tenses, including the past ones, can be carried out, to our mind, both by stemming from the polarisation peculiarities of verbal semifinitives, and through investigation of literature translations, where correspondence is established on the level of language examples. In this case the genetic identity of Indo-European constructions has a chance to be represented as evidently as possible

    Female characters in the A. Platonov’s short stories of 1930-40s in the context of traditions of Russian classical literature

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    В статье прослеживается связь женских образов в рассказах А. Платонова 1930-40-х годов с традициями русской классики, а также очерчивается общее представление писателя о женском начале, выраженное в этих рассказах. Опираясь на философию пола и любви Н. Бердяева, автор предполагает, что все женщины в рассказах А. Платонова тяготеют либо к родовому началу, либо к личному. Подробно рассматриваются такие образы, как Фро, Анна Гавриловна («Старый механик») и Люба Кузнецова («Река Потудань»). Демонстрируются связи рассказов Платонова с творчеством А. Чехова, Л. Толстого и Ф. Достоевского.The article reveals the connection between female characters in the A. Platonov’s short stories of 1930-40s and traditions of Russian classical literature and describes general Platonov’s views to femininity. Basing on N. Berdyaev's philosophy of sex and love, the author suggests that women in Platonov’s short stories relates to generic or to personal origin. The characters like Fro, Anna Gavrilovna (“Stary Mekhanik”) and Lyuba Kuznetsova (“River Potudan’”) are considered in detail. The links of Platonov’s short stories with A. Chekhov, L. Tolstoy and F. Dostoevsky are shown

    Минимизация погрешности экспериментального определения переходных характеристик линейных аналоговых устройств с сосредоточенными параметрами

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    Розроблений та досліджений метод мінімізації похибки вимірювання перехідних характеристик лінійних аналогових пристроїв із зосередженими параметрами, обумовленої неідеальністю за формою реально сформованих ступінчастих випробувальних сигналів у наносекундному діапазоні тривалості. Мінімізація здійснюється шляхом корекції випробувальних сигналів за формою або врахуванні при вимірюваннях моделі неідеальності реально сформованих сигналів по системі “точкових” параметрів, які є зручними для безпосереднього експериментального визначення та введення по ним корекції.The determining error of finding transitional characteristics by the response of the direct method in the nanosecond range (for testing signals with edges 1-10 ns) is the error which is caused by the imperfection of real testing signal (TS) form. Imperfection is defined as the deviation of the real stepped TS from the ideal signal (a unit function). The method of the minimization of error of experimental determination of transitional characteristics, which is caused by the imperfection of real stepped TS form, is suggested and analyzed. Subject to this proviso, the estimate of the TS’ imperfection is proposed as the realization by the experimental determinated "point" parameters. For example such parameters may be the coordinates of the point of the spike maximum at the TS top, the settling time of the transitional process at the TS top with a specified error. The main points of the methods. With a prior information about that, the minimization of measuring error of nominal model' transitional characteristics is realized by the identification of the relation between real TS’ "point" parameters during forming of TS. Subject to this proviso, the spike at the TS’ top compensates the playback error of transitional characteristic (as the response) through the finite acceleration time. The method is considered as an example of imperfection stepped TS typical forms in the nanosecond range, which have a finite acceleration time, the spike and the oscillations at the top. The estimates of the effectiveness of minimizing the error compared to the error in determining the transitional characteristic, when the TS front is growing exponentially without the spike at the top, are obtained. The error can be minimized by experimental estimate of values real TS’ "point" parameters and introducing the correction to the calculation parameters result of the analytical model of the transitional characteristic. The method allows to measure the transitional characteristics based on their direct estimate by the response using real generated TS, which can be skewed in the nanosecond range, and to simplify the control.Разработан и исследован метод минимизации погрешности определения переходных характеристик линейных аналоговых устройств с сосредоточенными параметрами, обусловленной неидеальностью по форме реально сформированных ступенчатых испытательных сигналов в наносекундному диапазоне длительностей. Минимизация осуществляется путем коррекции испытательных сигналов по форме по системе “точечных” параметров, которые удобны для непосредственного экспериментального определения и введения по ним коррекции

    Fourier analysis of the traffic flow intensity

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    The relevance of this work is determined by the need to find modern ways to process the information about traffic flows for regulating and controlling the movement of transport and pedestrians, to reduce congestion, road accidents, etc. The object of study is a part of road with heavy two-way traffic, equipped with a software and hardware complex that allows to measure the characteristics of the transport flow. The subject of the study is the daily intensity of the cars flow during the week, from Monday to Sunday. The purpose of this study is to analyze the amplitudes, frequencies, and periods of harmonic functions obtained by decomposing the time series of road traffic intensities to identify the main patterns of traffic flow formation. As a theoretical and methodological approach, the decomposition of the function of the traffic flow intensity in the Fourier series with respect to harmonic functions is used. The approach developed by the authors using the fast Fourier transform procedure made it possible to determine the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the time series under consideration, which is a scientific novelty of the analysis. It is proposed to use the «period-amplitude» characteristics as physically more meaningful instead of the «frequency-amplitude» dependencies traditionally used for the analysis. The processing of data obtained from software and hardware complexes allowed us to determine dependences of the car flow intensity on the road of the Perm city at different averaging intervals, to describe the features of the motor transport movement on the road under consideration. As a result of the study, the amplitude-frequency characteristics of time series are obtained. It is shown that the individual harmonics of the Fourier series expansion of the traffic flow intensity, which exhibits the properties of a random function, duplicate the periodicity of the global, local, and intermediate extremes of the original function and have similar periods. The practical significance consists in the use of the decomposition of the function of the traffic flow intensity in the Fourier series of harmonic functions for predicting traffic flows, controlling the operation of traffic lights, monitoring the operation of equipment, as well as in the reconstruction, design and construction of roads and road objects. The study will continue in the direction of obtaining, processing and determining the «period-amplitude» characteristics for time series of traffic flow intensity for other road networks

    The effect of rs776746 polymorphism in the <i>CYP3A5</i> gene on heart rate when using bisoprolol in patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Aim. The aim of this work was to study the occurrence of the rs776746 allelic variant of the CYP3A5 gene and its effect on heart rate (HR) when using bisoprolol in patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome (ACS).Materials and methods. The study included patients with ACS who were prescribed bisoprolol for clinical indications. All patients underwent molecular genetic testing. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy with bisoprolol, all patients underwent Holter electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoting on days 10, the following parameters were assessed: minimum, average, maximum heart rate and heart rate during an exercise test. The stress test was performed as a ladder test.Results. The study involved 97 patients (63,5±10,5 years), including 60 men and 37 women. The frequency of occurrence of the desired alleles of the CYP3A5 gene was: CYP3A5*3 - 93%, and CYP3A5*1 - 7%, which corresponds to its prevalence in the European population. 84 carriers of the CYP3A5*3*3 genotype (87%), 12 heterozygous carriers of the *1 allele (12%) and one patient with the *1*1 genotype (1%) were identified. In order to search for differences in the effects of bisoprolol depending on the genetically predetermined activity of CYP3A5, we divided the general group of patients into two subgroups: subgroup 1 (CYP3A5*3*3), represented by carriers of the genotype associated with the synthesis of the inactive form of CYP3A5, and subgroup 2 (CYP3A5*1*3 and CYP3A5*1*1), represented by carriers of at least one allele encoding the synthesis of a fully functional protein CYP3A5, coupled with an increased metabolic rate. Patients did not differ in clinical and demographic characteristics. By the time of daily ECG monitoring, both groups reached comparable heart rate values. In carriers of at least one CYP3A5*1 allele (n = 13), associated with an increased metabolic rate, the daily dose of bisoprolol on the 10th day of hospitalization was significantly higher (p &lt;0.05). The only carrier of the homozygous CYP3A5 *1*1 variant receives bisoprolol at a daily dose of 10 mg. Taking into account the close to significant differences in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in patients in the groups with the studied genetic variants, and the known eliminating role of the kidneys for bisoprolol, a linear regression model was built with the inclusion of factors that could affect the dose of bisoprolol: GFR, functional class of chronic heart failure, gender, age, number of simultaneously assigned CYP3A5 substrates. Of the parameters listed, only the CYP3A5 genotype significantly predicted the dose of bisoprolol (F=8.5; p&lt;0.005; R2=0.096).Conclusion. In this study, it was demonstrated for the first time that patients with different genetic variants of CYP3A5, in particular with respect to the rs776746 polymorphism, may differ in individual requirements for the dose of bisoprolol


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    The paper presents the results of the experimental study of temperature modes in different points of the spent fuel storage tank with various modes of the tank cooling. A device for simultaneous temperature measuring at point at various depth is developed

    Синтез экспоненциальных сплайнов на основе моделей линейных электрических цепей

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    Дано обґрунтування щодо застосування при визначенні параметрів лінійних електричних кіл і їх компонентів класу експоненціальних випробувальних сигналів (ВС) із метою отримання уніфікованого відгуку, форма якого є зручної до аналізу та контролю. Наведені основні визначення та методологія щодо синтезу експоненціальних сплайнів, що можуть бути безпосередньо сформовані у вигляді електричного сигналу у лінійних електричних колах.The grounds of application are given during measuring of parameters linear electric circuits and their components of class of exponential test signals in order to receive compatible response, the form which is comfortable for analysis and control. The main definitions and the synthesis of exponential splines methodology are given, which can be formulated as electric signal in linear electric circuits.Дано обоснование применения при измерениях параметров линейных электрических цепей и их компонентов класса экспоненциальных испытательных сигналов с целью получения унифицированного отклика, форма которого является удобной для анализа и контроля. Даны основные определения и методология синтеза экспоненциальных сплайнов, которые могут быть непосредственно сформированы в виде электрического сигнала в линейных электрических цепях