82 research outputs found

    Experimental model of chronic pancreatitis, a review - Does it really exist?

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    Experimental model of pancreatitis is mandatory for elucidating the pathobiology of the disease and also to see the response of a novel treatment. In addition, the need for an animal model of chronic pancreatitis is further strengthened by the relative inaccessibility and paucity of the human pancreatitis tissue. Whereas various models of acute pancreatitis and also of exocrine pancreatic tumor have been described, chronic pancr-eatitis has not been consistently reproduced in experimental animals. Many researchers attempted to establish an experimental model of chronic pancreatitis either by partially obstructing the drainage of pancreatic secretion in dogs and cats or by feeding alcohol to dogs and rats with and without temporary occlusion of the biliopancreatic duct or by surgically inducing ischaemia in the pancreas of the dogs. But, none of these models is identical with human disease. A consistently reproducible model of human chronic pancr-eatitis probably does not exist. In this expanding era of molecular biology which promises us to enhance greatly our understanding of this disease, a right experimental model of chronic pancreatitis is still in progress.疾患の実験モデルの作成は,その疾患の病因,病態の解明,さらに治療法の開発のために重要である。筆者らの一人は厚生省難治性膵疾患調査研究班の班員として,慢性膵炎の病態の解明や治療法の開発に関する研究を行っており,その研究の一環として,慢性膵炎の実験モデルの作成を現在行っている。そこで,これまで報告されている慢性膵炎の実験モデルについて概要を報告した。種々の動物や方法でヒト慢性膵炎に病因,病態,組織像が類似するモデルの作成が試みられてきたが,そのすべてが合致するような慢性膵炎モデルは確 立されてはいない。近年の分子生物学的研究の進歩は著しく,実験モデルへの応用が種々なされている現在,より簡便で再現性のある慢性膵炎モデルの作成が望まれるところである

    Heliocentric Distance Dependence of Zodiacal Light Observed by Hayabusa2#

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    Zodiacal light (ZL) is sunlight scattered by interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) at optical wavelengths. The spatial distribution of IDPs in the Solar System may hold an important key to understanding the evolution of the Solar System and material transportation within it. The number density of IDPs can be expressed as n(r)rαn(r) \sim r^{-\alpha}, and the exponent α1.3\alpha \sim 1.3 was obtained by previous observations from interplanetary space by Helios 1/2 and Pioneer 10/11 in the 1970s and 1980s. However, no direct measurements of α\alpha based on ZL observations from interplanetary space outside Earth's orbit have been performed since then. Here, we introduce initial results for the radial profile of the ZL at optical wavelengths observed over the range 0.76-1.06 au by ONC-T aboard the Hayabusa2# mission in 2021-2022. The ZL brightness we obtained is well reproduced by a model brightness, although there is a small excess of the observed ZL brightness over the model brightness at around 0.9 au. The radial power-law index we obtained is α=1.30±0.08\alpha = 1.30 \pm 0.08, which is consistent with previous results based on ZL observations. The dominant source of uncertainty arises from the uncertainty in estimating the diffuse Galactic light (DGL).Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication by Earth, Planets and Spac

    Collagen degradation and in the pathogenesis of dieseases

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    組織のコラーゲン沈着にはコラーゲン合成系と分解系の不均衡によって生ずる。従来,主としてコラーゲン合成系が注目されていたが,最近の研究の進歩により,コラーゲン分解系が重要な役割を演ずることが明らかになってきた。コラーゲンの分解系には細胞内と細胞外の二つの経路が存在する。それぞれcollagenolytic cathepsinおよびmatrix metalloproteinases( MMP)がコラーゲン分解能を有する重要な酵素である。その調節因子については細胞外の経路についての解明か進んでいる。MMPの遺伝子の発現にはサイトカインや成長因子が関与し,IL-1やTNF-αは強力な誘導因子である。一旦,遺伝子か発現すれば,MMPは合成され,細胞外に不活性型(latent form)で分泌される。不活性型のMMPが活性化する過程にはplasminogen activator inhibitorやtissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases(TIMP)などの阻害因子が存在し,MMP活性を調節する。TIMPの遺伝子の発現にもサイトカインや成長因子が関与する。MMPがTIMPを上回るような病態では組織破壊が,逆にTIMPがMMPを上回るような病態では綿維化が生ずる。コラーゲン分解能の障害が線維化の維持や不可逆性に関与することが推察される。Fibrosis is the result of net accumulation of collagen in the organ. This may occur as a consequence of alterations in the synthesis of collagen, their degradation, or both. Recent investigations revealed that a decrease in collagen degradation plays a crucial role in fibrogenesis. Two pathways exist in collagen degradation : extracellular and intracellular. Each pathway has an important enzyme; that is, matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and collagenolytic cathepsin, respectively. Collagenolytic activity is regulated at several levels. Expression of MMP and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP), which act as inhibitors of MMP, is regulated independently by a number of cytokines and growth factors. MMP, which is synthesized in the cell, is secreted in a latent form. Activation of the latent MMP is controlled by TIMP and plasminogen activator inhibitor. TIMP also inhibits activated MMP which can degrade connective tissue matrices including collagens. In the condition where TIMP is predominant over MMP, activity of collagen breakdown is reduced, and consequently collagen deposition occurrs

    Bias corrections of GOSAT SWIR XCO₂ and XCH₄ with TCCON data and their evaluation using aircraft measurement data

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    We describe a method for removing systematic biases of column-averaged dry air mole fractions of CO2 (XCO2) and CH4 (XCH4) derived from short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) spectra of the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT). We conduct correlation analyses between the GOSAT biases and simultaneously retrieved auxiliary parameters. We use these correlations to bias correct the GOSAT data, removing these spurious correlations. Data from the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) were used as reference values for this regression analysis. To evaluate the effectiveness of this correction method, the tnzuncorrected/corrected GOSAT data were compared to independent XCO2 and XCH4 data derived from aircraft measurements taken for the Comprehensive Observation Network for TRace gases by AIrLiner (CONTRAIL) project, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the US Department of Energy (DOE), the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the HIAPER Pole-to-Pole observations (HIPPO) program, and the GOSAT validation aircraft observation campaign over Japan. These comparisons demonstrate that the empirically derived bias correction improves the agreement between GOSAT XCO2/XCH4 and the aircraft data. Finally, we present spatial distributions and temporal variations of the derived GOSAT biases

    成人看護学実習における健康増進センター実習の学び(第2報) : 実習記録内容と評価表の分析より

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    成人看護学実習における健康増進センター実習での効果的な実習方法を検討することを目的に、学生の実習記録内容の分析結果(第1報)と評価項目の得点割合の照合から、目標の達成度の分析を行った。その結果、以下のことが明らかになった。(1)学生は、生活習慣病と健康教育について学習できている。(2)健康増進センター実習は、看護職者として取り組む健康の保持増進と健康障害の予防に関わる能力の育成につながる機会となっている。(3)「対象に応じた看護」の理解の一因となり、成人看護学実習の目標達成のためには有効である。(4)対象に応じた健康教育を考察できるまでには至っていない。今後の課題として、(1)学習の機会を有効に活用するために学内事前オリエンテーションの充実を図ること。(2)学生が経験したことを考察へと結び付けていけるように、カンファレンスでの教員の働きかけが必要なこと。(3)記述すべき内容の焦点を絞ることができ、思考段階を踏むことができるように実習記録用紙を変更する必要があること、などの実習方法について検討の必要性が示唆された。From studying (the first report) and the collation of the score ratio of an evaluation item that we got from analysis of training record contents of a student, we could analyzed the achievement degree of the aim for clarifying learning in health promotion center training in nursing science training, and for examining a more effective training method. As a result, the following became clear. A student can learn about lifestyle-related disease and health education. It is with the opportunity when health promotion center training is connected to upbringing of ability to be concerned with prevention of maintenance increase and an obstacle of health to wrestle with as a person in post nursing. In addition, it become a cause of understanding of "the nursing that accepted an object" and an effective accomplishment of nursing science training. However, we plan substantiality orientation in study to utilize the opportunity of learning as a future problem solver. Pressure by teachers in conference, training is necessary to be able to tie what a student experienced to consideration. We can a focus on the contents which we should describe and have to change our training record paper to be able to go through thought stage. Then ecessity of examination was suggested for these training methods

    成人看護学実習における健康増進センター実習の学び(第1報) : 実習記録内容の分析より

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    成人看護学実習における健康増進センター実習は、生活習慣病の予防と健康教育の理解を目標に実習を展開し2年目を迎える。そこで今回、学生がどのように健康教育を理解し、学びを得ることができたのか把握することを目的に、実習記録内容の分析を行った。その結果、以下のことが明らかになった。学生は、「対象の特徴」「看護師の役割」「健康教育の意義や方法」が理解できており、受診者の健康意識への働きかけや生活背景を意識した関わりの重要性を学んでいる。しかし、記録内容は対象に応じた健康教育の考察までには至っていない状況であった。今後の課題として、健康増進センター実習の取り組みに対する意識付けや記録用紙の設定内容の変更などを含めた実習方法の検討の必要性が示唆された。We developed training for a Health-Promotion-Center training program in adult nursing clinical training in the second year to aim at understanding prevention of lifestyle-related diseases and understanding health education. Then, also to evaluate the student\u27s understanding of sanitary procedures education, we analyzed the contents of practice records and as a result, the following became clear. "Characteristic of object", "role of a nurse"and "significance and the method of health education" could be understood by students and they learned the importance of the relationship between conscious pressure to health consciousness and the life background of the tested. However, the record contents were not reached by consideration of the health education. The necessity of examination of the training method was able to include a consciousness charge account for an action of Health-Promotion-Center, training program or a change of setting as a future problem was also suggested


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    健康増進センター実習における学生の学びを実習評価項目の視点での分析を行った。その結果、以下のことが明らかになった。1.各評価項目において学生は求められている学習内容を概ね学ぶことができており、健康増進センター実習目標を達成することができている。2.健康増進センター実習での学びは、成人看護学実習全体の実習目標の「対象理解」や「対象に応じた看護の役割の理解」の一要因となり意義がある。3.「検診結果の活用の理解不足」や「教育的関わりのあり方への思考の不足」などの見学実習の限界も明らかになり、効果的に学びが深まる実習方法の検討が示唆された。We analyzed student\u27s learning in the Health-Promotion-Center training program from the aspect of the training program evaluation item. As a result, the following obaervations were obtained. 1. The student can roughly learn the required content of the training program, and can achieve the Health-Promotion- Center training program target in each evaluation item. 2. Learning by the Health-Promotion-Center training program becomes a help for the understanding of "Characteristic of the objective" and " Role of suitable nursing for the objective " and there is the meaning. 3."Lack of understanding of the method of using medical examination result" and "Lack of understanding of an ideal way of the method of educational relation" were clarified, and the limit of the practice was also clarified. The examination of the training program that was able to deepen an effective learning method was suggested

    マシン フウシン スイトウ ムンプス ニ カンスル コウタイカ ケンサホウ ノ ダトウセイ ト カンセン ヨボウ タイサク : カンゴ ガクセイ ノ 3ネンカン ノ ジュウダン チョウサ カラ

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    予防接種により感染予防が可能な小児期感染症(麻疹、風疹、水痘、ムンプスの4疾患)について、看護学生に対する抗体価検査法の妥当性を得るために、個人の3年間の縦断調査結果を分析した。麻疹(HI法、陰性<8≦陽性)とムンプス(HI法、陰性<8≦陽性)の抗体測定法では、予防接種後の抗体陽転率が82.1%、45.2%であった。風疹(HI法、陰性<8≦陽性)、水痘(EIA法、陰性<2.0≦陽性)に関する現行の抗体測定法では、少数例であったが予防接種後は全員が陽転した。The purpose of this paper is to analyze the results of three&#8209;year longitudinal research on nursing students in order to examine the validity of antibody testing in respects to childhood infections (measles, rubella, chickenpox and mumps) which are preventable by means of vaccination. Measles (HI method, Negative<8≦Positive) and mumps (HI method, Negative<8≦Positive) respectively showed 82.1% and 45.2% a positive conversion ratio of antibody after vaccination. In a few cases, checked by using the current antibody testing, both rubella (HI method, Negative<8≦Positive) and chickenpox (EIA method, Negative<2.0≦Positive) resulted in 100% positive conversion ratio after vaccination