25 research outputs found

    Measuring the Reliability Analysis of University Students\u27 Utilization of Web-based Library and Information Services in Malaysian Academic Libraries

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    The purpose of this article is to examine a small sample of data looking at the extent to which the utilization of web-based library and information services has any relationship with library technology, the roles of academic libraries, and the library learning environment. In addition, a moderating variable is introduced, namely, information literacy skills, to investigate its influence on the correlation between library technology and library learning environment factors, and the utilization of web-based library and information services. The sample is designed to involve students at public Malaysian universities. Based on a review of the literature, a 47-item questionnaire was constructed. In order to ensure the validity, reliability, and normality of the data, the instrument was reviewed by a panel of subject-matter experts. A pilot study was also conducted and participated by 49 respondents. Statistical software was used to execute the data analysis. The analysis\u27s output demonstrates that the instrument is reliable and that there are no abnormalities in the data

    Concept of Integration between Social Media and Customer Relationship Management: Impact on business performance and growth

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    Companies that successfully integrate Social Media (SocMed) as a tool for their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) will create a synergy that will further enhance business performance and growth. Unfortunately, not many SMEs realize this potential and because of that Social Media adoption for CRM and other purposes among SMEs is still very low. This study aims to develop a research framework of Integration between Social Media utilizations and Customer Relationship Management practices on business performance and growth. The findings will help to formulate strategies on how to further enhance the use of SocMed and CRM to improve business performance and growth

    Library Therapeutic Landscape Support for Covid-19 Pandemic-related Student Well-Being in Academic Libraries

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    In response to increasing the prevalence and severity of mental health illnesses among university students, schools and universities have increased their well-being initiatives and programmes. Multiple campus entities, such as academic libraries, increasingly contribute to the well-being of students. Well-being influences academic outcomes; hence, libraries implement well-being efforts to enhance learning and student education in general. Library Therapeutic Landscape (LTL) is the concept of transforming libraries into environments conducive to healing. Therapeutic environments contribute to the health of students. The study explains LTL for social wellbeing. It analyses the gap and trend and provides suggestions for developing effective wellness initiatives. Finally, the article outlines LTL social well-being initiatives that improve students' well-being. Keywords: Library therapeutic landscape; social wellbeing; quality of life; students eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC  BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behavior Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioral Researchers on Asians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behavior Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

    The Relationship between School Resource Center Roles and Student Civilization in Digital Age

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    School Resource Centers (SRCs) are also known as School libraries serve as a catalyst that encourages students to read by providing high-quality information resources, both printed and non-printed. However, previous studies found that SRCs need to align their roles with 21st century learning, to cope with digital era and to help students to develop lifelong learning. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the relationship between the roles of SRCs and student civilization in the education setting. This research applied the quantitative approach with online survey distributed using Google Form to collect data from respondents. The overall mean shows that the respondents agreed on all variables measured with the SRCs environment had the highest mean value of 4.4033, followed by SRCs collections. Further analysis show that SRCs collection, SRCs program, technology, SRCs environment and their LMT assistance toward student civilization are significantly determine relationship with student civilization. It is hope that 21st century SRCs would aid Malaysia’s education reform and the development of civilization amongst students by reinventing the cultures of reading and knowledge practice in schools, encouraging students to take greater responsibility on their education, and preparing them for the information and digital age

    A Pilot Study on the Sustainability of the Engineers' Technical Knowledge Repository (KR) Establishment: a Malaysian Case

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    . Knowledge is an important resource in this current economic condition where organizations are competing in creating more innovation in order to maintain their business in the marketplace. Thus, it is important for an establishment to continue their capitalizing their knowledge asset as knowledge is vital to gain competitive advantage in this current epoch. With regards to that, an organization needs to plan and design the most appropriate approach which enable the organizational knowledge asset to be captured, stored and utilized its valuable benefits. Establishing a knowledge repository (KR) is one of the approaches organizations adapt in maintaining organizational knowledge asset and promoting knowledge reuse. The focal point of this research is on the sustainability of knowledge repository establishment in sharing, transferring, storing the technical knowledge of the key personnel from the Malaysian public sector. The study adopted the qualitative research approach as its aim is to look into the sustainability of KR in an in-depth manner which concerned with the societal facet of that particular system. Therefore, the paper discusses the outcomes from the pilot study on which elements that sustain the significant impact in contributing to the process of knowledge repository sustainability in an organization

    Influence of Digital Literacy on Learning Engagement among Secondary Students in Malaysia

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    Digital literacy is essential in 21st learning as technology has been embedded in the school curriculum. However, studies found that students still lack digital literacy skills in managing their education purposes, especially during Pandemic Covid 19. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the influence of digital literacy on student learning engagement. Survey questionnaires have been distributed among secondary school students in Malaysia. Findings show that students have good digital literacy, and factors such as socio-cultural is the highest score, followed by learning environment and individual factor. Keywords: Digital Literacy, Learning, Engagement, Student eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC  BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behavior Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioral Researchers on Asians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behavior Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

    A Pilot Study On The Sustainability Of The Engineers’ Technical Knowledge Repository (KR) Establishment: A Malaysian Case

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    Abstract. Knowledge is an important resource in this current economic condition where organizations are competing in creating more innovation in order to maintain their business in the marketplace. Thus, it is important for an establishment to continue their capitalizing their knowledge asset as knowledge is vital to gain competitive advantage in this current epoch. With regards to that, an organization needs to plan and design the most appropriate approach which enable the organizational knowledge asset to be captured, stored and utilized its valuable benefits. Establishing a knowledge repository (KR) is one of the approaches organizations adapt in maintaining organizational knowledge asset and promoting knowledge reuse. The focal point of this research is on the sustainability of knowledge repository establishment in sharing, transferring, storing the technical knowledge of the key personnel from the Malaysian public sector. The study adopted the qualitative research approach as its aim is to look into the sustainability of KR in an in-depth manner which concerned with the societal facet of that particular system. Therefore, the paper discusses the outcomes from the pilot study on which elements that sustain the significant impact in contributing to the process of knowledge repository sustainability in an organization.Keywords: Engineers, Knowledge Repository, Knowledge Management, Malaysia, Public Sector, Sustainability, Technical Knowledg

    Conceptual Framework for Health Literacy Instruction in Malaysian International School Libraries

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    The study is anticipated to assist school libraries in creating and managing an effective programme to promote health literacy throughout the community. School libraries can better promote health literacy and healthy living by participating in these programmes. The research will adopt a mixed-methods strategy, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques. Expanding school library services to incorporate health literacy promotes their vitality and well-being. Furthermore, by integrating significant works of literature, a framework may be developed to guide the research and act as a reference for a library for developing health-related activities or programmes

    Information Seeking Behaviour among Millennial Students in Higher Education

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    This paper investigates various information seeking behaviour demonstrated by millennial students in higher education. The impact of disruptive technology changes the students’ information seeking behaviour as millennial students nowadays depend on the Internet too much to locate the information for their academic purposes. Studies also found that millennial students have difficulty in learning and were marked by uncertainty because they are facing information overload, inability to obtain and evaluate the information. Identifying and recognising appropriate information seeking processes is crucial in determining the effectiveness of the information- seeking behaviour and the quality of the information gathered in order to support their learning process and experience. Therefore, this paper focuses on the behaviour applied by these students to fulfil demands of academic compliance especially in efforts to seek research-based information.About 328 students took part in this online survey. Findings of this research use quantitative descriptive analysis. From the findings, respondents claim that they are familiar with information seeking processes with mean value is 3.63, however 30.5% respondents claim they still lacking in information seeking skills. This research provides a valuable insight regarding the information seeking behaviour of millennial students and make a recommendation that role of modern libraries should facilitated this demand by ensuring that services such as online library resources are accessible and set-up for use by the millennial students

    Kepangeranan Banyumas Dluwang Manuscripts Collection: An Initial Assessment

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    Kepangeranan Banyumas is one of the old and noble family members from Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, who owned and kept the ancient Banyumas manuscripts in the physical form of dluwang paper. This is a preliminary study to provide an initial overview of the physical conditions of Kepangeranan Banyumas dluwang manuscripts. The results showed that the four manuscripts were in category three, or critical condition, and needed immediate conservation treatment