9 research outputs found

    Case report: Identification of atypical mantle cell lymphoma with CCND3 rearrangement by next-generation sequencing

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    The t(11;14) (q13;q32) translocation resulting in overexpression of cyclin D1 is the major oncogenic mechanism in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). Most MCLs can be diagnosed based on morphological features, cyclin D1 expression, and IGH/CCND1 rearrangement. However, in some atypical cases where conventional FISH studies fail to detect IGH/CCND1 rearrangement or immunohistochemistry for cyclin D1 is negative, the diagnosis of the disease can be difficult. Hence, next-generation sequencing (NGS) may allow the identification of molecular alterations and assist in the diagnosis of atypical MCL. In this study, we reported a case of a patient diagnosed as asymptomatic MCL who presented with lymphadenopathy during the initial assessment. A lymph node biopsy was performed and the results revealed a high Ki67 index. However, initial diagnosis of aggressive MCL was difficult since the IGH/CCND1 rearrangement result was negative. Ultimately, by the aid of NGS we identified a rare CCND3 rearrangement in the patient, which lead to overexpression of cyclin D3, thereby facilitating the diagnosis of MCL

    The evolution of electronic configuration and magnetic characterization of Fe

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    To analyze the origin of the magnetic enhancement of Fe-Ni alloy, the electronic configurations and magnetic properties were investigated using density functional theory based on the first-principle. The supercell (5 × 1 × 1) of Fe, Fe9Ni1 and Fe8Ni2 were constructed. The defect formation energy, band structure, density of states and electron density difference were calculated. The results showed that Ni doping changed the electronic configuration of Fe atoms, resulting in the enhancement of spin polarization of Fe and the larger Bohr magnetic moment in Fe-Ni alloys (Fe9Ni1). The results showed that the charge transfer and the atomic spacing between Fe atoms and the dopant Ni atoms played an important role in determination of magnetic moment. The value of Fe supercell (5 × 1 × 1), Fe9Ni1 and Fe8Ni2 were 23.14, 23.34 and 22.61μB, respectively

    Genome Survey Sequencing of Dioscorea zingiberensis

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    Dioscorea zingiberensis (Dioscoreceae) is the main plant source of diosgenin (steroidal sapogenins), the precursor for the production of steroid hormones in the pharmaceutical industry. Despite its large economic value, genomic information of this Dioscorea genus is currently unavailable. Here, we present an initial survey of the D. zingiberensis genome performed by next-generation sequencing technology together with a genome size investigation inferred by flow cytometry. The whole genome survey of D. zingiberensis generated 31.48 Gb of sequence data with approximately 78.70Ä‚ coverage. The estimated genome size is 800 Mb, with a high level of heterozygosity based on K-mer analysis. These reads were assembled into 334,288 contigs with a N50 length of 1,079 bp, which were further assembled into 92,163 scaffolds with a total length of 173.46 Mb. A total of 4935 genes, 81 tRNAs, 69 rRNAs, and 661 miRNAs were predicted by the genome analysis, and 263,484 repeated sequences were obtains with 419,372 simple sequence repeats (SSRs). Among these SSRs, the mononucleotide repeat type was the most abundant (up to 54.60% of the total SSRs), followed by the dinucleotide (29.60%), trinucleotide (11.37%), tetranucleotide (3.53%), pentanucleotide (0.65%), and hexanucleotide (0.25%) nucleotide repeat types.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author