65 research outputs found

    How should HIV resources be allocated? Lessons learnt from applying Optima HIV in 23 countries.

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    INTRODUCTION: With limited funds available, meeting global health targets requires countries to both mobilize and prioritize their health spending. Within this context, countries have recognized the importance of allocating funds for HIV as efficiently as possible to maximize impact. Over the past six years, the governments of 23 countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America have used the Optima HIV tool to estimate the optimal allocation of HIV resources. METHODS: Each study commenced with a request by the national government for technical assistance in conducting an HIV allocative efficiency study using Optima HIV. Each study team validated the required data, calibrated the Optima HIV epidemic model to produce HIV epidemic projections, agreed on cost functions for interventions, and used the model to calculate the optimal allocation of available funds to best address national strategic plan targets. From a review and analysis of these 23 country studies, we extract common themes around the optimal allocation of HIV funding in different epidemiological contexts. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The optimal distribution of HIV resources depends on the amount of funding available and the characteristics of each country's epidemic, response and targets. Universally, the modelling results indicated that scaling up treatment coverage is an efficient use of resources. There is scope for efficiency gains by targeting the HIV response towards the populations and geographical regions where HIV incidence is highest. Across a range of countries, the model results indicate that a more efficient allocation of HIV resources could reduce cumulative new HIV infections by an average of 18% over the years to 2020 and 25% over the years to 2030, along with an approximately 25% reduction in deaths for both timelines. However, in most countries this would still not be sufficient to meet the targets of the national strategic plan, with modelling results indicating that budget increases of up to 185% would be required. CONCLUSIONS: Greater epidemiological impact would be possible through better targeting of existing resources, but additional resources would still be required to meet targets. Allocative efficiency models have proven valuable in improving the HIV planning and budgeting process

    Mechanism of mucosal permeability enhancement of CriticalSorb® (Solutol® HS15) investigated In Vitro in cell cultures.

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    Purpose CriticalSorb™, with the principal component Solutol® HS15, is a novel mucosal drug delivery system demonstrated to improve the bioavailability of selected biotherapeutics. The intention of this study is to elucidate mechanism(s) responsible for the enhancement of trans-mucosal absorption of biological drugs by Solutol® HS15. Methods Micelle size and CMC of Solutol® HS15 were determined in biologically relevant media. Polarised airway Calu-3 cell layers were used to measure the permeability of a panel of biological drugs, and to assess changes in TEER, tight junction and F-actin morphology. The rate of cell endocytosis was measured in vitro in the presence of Solutol® HS15 using a membrane probe, FM 2–10. Results This work initially confirms surfactant-like behaviour of Solutol® HS15 in aqueous media, while subsequent experiments demonstrate that the effect of Solutol® HS15 on epithelial tight junctions is different from a ‘classical’ tight junction opening agent and illustrate the effect of Solutol® HS15 on the cell membrane (endocytosis rate) and F-actin cytoskeleton. Conclusion Solutol® HS15 is the principle component of CriticalSorb™ that has shown an enhancement in permeability of medium sized biological drugs across epithelia. This study suggests that its mechanism of action arises primarily from effects on the cell membrane and consequent impacts on the cell cytoskeleton in terms of actin organisation and tight junction opening

    Quality of life in patients treated with first-line antiretroviral therapy containing nevirapine or efavirenz in Uganda: A prospective non-randomized study

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    © 2015 Mwesigire et al. Background: The goal of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is to suppress viral replication, reduce morbidity and mortality, and improve quality of life (QoL). For resource-limited settings, the World Health Organization recommends a first-line regimen of two-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors and one non-nucleoside transcriptase inhibitor (nevirapine (NVP) or efavirenz (EFV)). There are few data comparing the QoL impact of NVP versus EFV. This study assessed the change in QoL and factors associated with QoL among HIV patients receiving ART regimens based on EFV or NVP. Methods: We enrolled 640 people with HIV eligible for ART who received regimens including either NVP or EFV. QoL was assessed at baseline, three months and six months using Physical Health Summary (PHS) and Mental Health Summary (MHS) scores and the Global Person Generated Index (GPGI). Data were analyzed using generalized estimating equations, with ART regimen as the primary exposure, to identify associations between patient and disease factors and QoL. Results: QoL increased on ART. The mean QoL scores did not differ significantly for regimens based on NVP versus EFV during follow-up for MHS and GPGI regardless of CD4 stratum and for PHS among patients with a CD4 count >250 cells/μL. The PHS-adjusted β coefficients for ART regimens based on EFV versus NVP by CD4 count strata were as follows: -1.61 (95 % CI -2.74, -0.49) for CD4 count 250 cells/μL. The corresponding MHS-adjusted β coefficients were as follows: -0.39 (-1.40, 0.62) for CD4∈250 cells/μL. The GPGI-adjusted odds ratios for EFV versus NVP were 0.51 (0.25, 1.04) for CD4 count ∈250 cells/μL. QoL improved among patients on EFV over the 6-month follow-up period (MHS p

    ANN multiscale model of anti-HIV Drugs activity vs AIDS prevalence in the US at county level based on information indices of molecular graphs and social networks

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    [Abstract] This work is aimed at describing the workflow for a methodology that combines chemoinformatics and pharmacoepidemiology methods and at reporting the first predictive model developed with this methodology. The new model is able to predict complex networks of AIDS prevalence in the US counties, taking into consideration the social determinants and activity/structure of anti-HIV drugs in preclinical assays. We trained different Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) using as input information indices of social networks and molecular graphs. We used a Shannon information index based on the Gini coefficient to quantify the effect of income inequality in the social network. We obtained the data on AIDS prevalence and the Gini coefficient from the AIDSVu database of Emory University. We also used the Balaban information indices to quantify changes in the chemical structure of anti-HIV drugs. We obtained the data on anti-HIV drug activity and structure (SMILE codes) from the ChEMBL database. Last, we used Box-Jenkins moving average operators to quantify information about the deviations of drugs with respect to data subsets of reference (targets, organisms, experimental parameters, protocols). The best model found was a Linear Neural Network (LNN) with values of Accuracy, Specificity, and Sensitivity above 0.76 and AUROC > 0.80 in training and external validation series. This model generates a complex network of AIDS prevalence in the US at county level with respect to the preclinical activity of anti-HIV drugs in preclinical assays. To train/validate the model and predict the complex network we needed to analyze 43,249 data points including values of AIDS prevalence in 2,310 counties in the US vs ChEMBL results for 21,582 unique drugs, 9 viral or human protein targets, 4,856 protocols, and 10 possible experimental measures.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes; AGL2011-30563-C03-0

    Evolving uses of oral reverse transcriptase inhibitors in the HIV-1 epidemic: From treatment to prevention

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    The HIV epidemic continues unabated, with no highly effective vaccine and no cure. Each new infection has significant economic, social and human costs and prevention efforts are now as great a priority as global antiretroviral therapy (ART) scale up. Reverse transcriptase inhibitors, the first licensed class of ART, have been at the forefront of treatment and prevention of mother to child transmission over the past two decades. Now, their use in adult prevention is being

    International Law and Uncertainty in Shared Freshwater Resources

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    Freshwater flowing above and below ground crosses international boundaries and becomes a resource shared between States. Cooperation between riparians neighbours facilitates the management of such resources and treaties provide the legal foundation for it. However, uncertainty is challenging traditional water resources management approaches and their legal frameworks. Being premised on stability and predictability can these frameworks adequately address uncertainty around transboundary waters? Water resources management has dealt with water variability for millennia. Today, in a complex international environment, it is subject to mounting uncertainty due to disrupted hydrological patterns and extreme weather events caused by climate change, an incomplete understanding of complex water systems as well as unpredictable stakeholder interactions. This uncertainty is threatening water security and consequently food, energy and environmental security. It is, therefore, crucial that the legal instruments underpinning riparian interactions are designed to deal with this vital issue. The research aim is to the ascertain the international legal background relevant to uncertainty in shared freshwater systems and develop an analytical approach to riparian treaty content and design to address those uncertainties. To this effect, different kinds of uncertainties relevant to shared waters are reviewed and characterized. Water cooperation, current and future water challenges and the management, present and future, of water resources are also investigated to contextualize the issues. The manner in which international law and international environmental and water law currently deal with uncertainty is also assessed. Further, relevant features and lessons are drawn from reviewing existing water treaties and approaches devised to address uncertainty in other disciplines to support the analytical approach being developed. In conclusion, the study endeavours to draw lessons from the approach developed to analyse water treaties and suggest improvements to the existing state of affairs in relation to the management and legal matters of shared water resources

    The Compass of Equity: Applying Equitable and Reasonable Utilisation to Uncertainty in International Freshwater Basins

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    Transboundary water cooperation challenges have been exacerbated by climate change that creates an additional layer of uncertainty. Its disruptive impacts on water availability and combination with other events that cannot easily be anticipated have given it new meaning, particularly in an international context. This raises the issue of how international water law addresses uncertainty affecting shared resources, particularly the role that its principle of equitable and reasonable utilisation could play as an overarching legal basis for uncertainty

    Uncertainty and Transboundary Water Cooperation: a ‘Meta Challenge

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