207 research outputs found

    Experimental data on compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity properties of sustainable mortar made with high content of GGBFS and CKD combinations

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    The development in the construction sector and population growth requires an increase in the consumption of construction materials, mainly concrete. Cement is the binder in concrete, so increasing cement production will increase the energy consumed, as well as in the emission of carbon dioxide. This harmful effect of the environment led to the search for alternative materials for cement, as the waste or by-products of other industries is a promising solution in this case. Among these common materials are ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and cement kiln dust (CKD). This dataset describes the compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity of mortar consisted of high content of GGBS and CKD combinations as a partial substitute for cement (up to 80%) at the ages of 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 56, 90 and 550 days. This dataset can help the researchers to understand the behaviour of GGBS and CKD in high replacement levels for cement during early (1 day) and later ages (550 days). According to this understanding, the authors believe that the data available here can be used to produce more environmentally friendly mortar or concrete mixtures by significantly reducing the amount of cement used by replacing it with waste or by-products of other industries

    The Potential Role of Soil Bacteria as an Indicator of Heavy Metal Pollution in Southern, Iraq

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    خلصت نتائج الدراسة الحالية الى ان الترب المدروسة من محطات في جنوب العراق ملوثة بالمعادن الثقيلة التالية ( الكادميوم و النحاس و الحديد و الزنك و الرصاص), حيث كان متوسط تركيز تلك المعادن اعلى من الحد المسموح به عالميا" وكما مبين في النتائج ادناه (3.394, 3.994, 39.993, 8844.979,150.372, and 103.347 µg/g) وعلى التوالي. يعتبر دراسة التركيز الكلي للمعادن الثقيلة مؤشر جيد لتحديد درجة التلوث الا انه لايمكن ان يعطي صورة واضحة حول تأثراته على الكائنات الحية . سجلت الدراسة الحالية تراكيز منخفضة من التركيز المتوافر للمعادن الثقيلة المدروسة مقارنة" بتركيزها الكلي ( ( 0.015, 0.787, 0.021, 0.515, and4.304 µg/ . عزلت أنواع مختلفة من البركتريا من ذات الترب المدروسة (Serratia marcescens, Sphingomonas paucimobilis, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus lentus) وبذلك يمكن ان يعتبر عزل هذه البكتريا من تلك الترب الملوثة كأحد المؤشرات الحيوية للتلوث بالمعادن الثقيلة والتي اثبت من خلال دراسة MIC  ( اقل تركيز قاتل للبكتريا)والذي بينت نتائجة قابلية عالية للبكترايا لتحمل تراكيز عالية من تلك المعادن الثقيلة       The present study was performed to spotlight the potential role of soil bacteria in the Al-Rumaila oil field as a bioindicator of heavy metals pollution. For this purpose, nine soil samples were collected from different sites, with 20cm depth, to assess the pollution status depending on the total and available concentrations of heavy metals.  The result indicates pollution of the studied soils with the following metals: Cd, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Pb. The mean of total concentration for all studied metals was higher than the allowed maximum limit based on the international limit:(3.394, 3.994, 39.993, 8844.979,150.372, and 103.347 µg/g), respectively. While measuring the total Metal concentration is important in determining the degree of pollution in the environment; it cannot be depended to determine their impact on the living organisms. In the present study the means of available concentration of studied metals were as follows: 0.015, 0.787, 0.021, 0.515, and4.304 µg/g. respectively, which were lower than their total concentration. Different types of bacterial genera (Serratia marcescens, Sphingomonas paucimobilis, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus lentus) were isolated from the same soil. And broadcasts through the results their presence in all studied soils. Therefore, the isolated bacteria play a significant role as an indicator of metal pollution in the soil, which was proved through the result of the Minimum inhibitor concentration (MIC), which indicated a high tolerance ability towered these metals

    Sustainable Neighborhood in Doha (State of Qatar): A Strategy for Achieving Urban Quality in Al-Hitmi

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    Over the past two decades, gulf cities have been rapidly growing, mainly after the discovery of oil. Large-scale urban projects have been constructed as a result of globalization, which has affected the built environment and the urban fabric of gulf cities. Doha, the capital city of the State of Qatar, has been substantially influenced by globalization. The city has experienced great transformation in its environment since the 1950s, after the discovery of oil. Therefore, Doha has faced the challenge of keeping pace with urban developments that have been increasing and taking over the existing heritage embedded in buildings and traditional neighborhoods. Al-Hitmi is one of the neighborhoods affected by urbanization and sprawling. This research study investigates Al-Hitmi neighborhood and its features, opportunities, constraints, and relationship with the surrounding areas, specifically Qatar National Museum and the Museum Metro Station. The research design is based on the review of the literature, site analysis of the selected case, and surrounding context in order to (1) find opportunities and challenges and (2) to propose a strategy for the urban regeneration of the neighborhood of Al- Hitmi

    Experimental Investigation of Rice Husk Particles as Filler in Hybrid Composites

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    يتم استخدام الألياف الطبيعية في مختلف التطبيقات الهندسية لخفض تكلفة الإنتاج وتطبيق التكنولوجيا الخضراء. يتناول هذا البحث دراسة استخدام فعال لقشور الرز كمادة حشو طبيعية في مركبات البوليمر. تم تحضير مركب بوليمر هجين عن طريق إدخال جزيئات صغيرة من قشور الرز ومسحوق نانو السيليكا المدخن في مواد متراكبة هجينه ذات اساس ايبوكسيدي. تم استخدام المركبات التي تحتوي على جزء وزنية (5٪، 10٪، 15٪ و 20٪) من قشور الرز المطحون. تم دراسة وتحليل التباين في بعض الخواص الفيزيائية والميكانيكية. وأظهرت النتائج أن خصائص الشد تزداد مع كمية الحشو الطبيعي المتمثل بدقائق قشور الرز، بالإضافة إلى تحسن طفيف في الصلادة. وأظهرت تجارب امتصاص الماء أن معامل الانتشار زاد مع زيادة قشور الرز، واقترح هذا البحث إمكانية إدخال قشور الرز  من المخلفات الزراعية كمادة حشو في المواد المتراكبة الهجينه ذات اساس ايبوكسيدي.Natural fiber is being used in various engineering applications to lower the production cost and to apply green technology. This research explores the effective utilization of rice husks (RH) as natural filler in polymer composites. A Hybrid polymer composite was prepared by inserting micro particles of rice husks and fumed silica Nano-powder in an epoxy matrix system. Composites containing different weight fraction of RH were used (5 %, 10%, 15% and 20 %).  The variation in some physical and mechanical properties were studied and analyzed. Results showed that tensile properties increase with the amount of the natural filler, plus a slight improvement in hardness tests. Water absorption experiments showed that the diffusion coefficient increased with RH loading. This investigation suggested the possibility of introducing rice husks fine powder obtained from waste agricultural residues as filler in polymer matrix composites

    Successful Resuscitation of an Extremely Low Birth Weight Premature Infant in Delma Island Community Hospital, United Arab Emirates

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    Because of their physical size and physiological immaturity, resuscitation of extremely very low birth weight premature infants is a big dilemma for neonatologists in any hospital. The resuscitation may present an additional challenge to the caregiver if it is undertaken in a remote community hospital with limited technical facilities and health personnel. We present the case of successful resuscitation of a 23-week- old premature infant, with a birth weight of 650 g, at Delma Island Community Hospital, United Arab Emirates. Despite the comparatively limited facilities for such a resuscitation, the rapid ethical decisions made when considering the resuscitation of such a borderline viable fetus, were key in avoiding long term neurological and pulmonary problems and contributed to the outcome of a healthy infant.

    How to link: Plasmid Curing and Lead Tolerance Ability of Pediococcus pentosaceus

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    Pediococcus pentosaceus has a high level of resistance to heavy metals, making it one of the biological alternatives for dealing with heavy metal contamination in the environment. The current study sought to identify the genetic factors responsible for this ability by curing the plasmid of these bacteria using various curing agents (Acridine orange and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate). The findings demonstrate that both curing agents had perfect curing ability. The bacteria were able to tolerate a wide range of Lead concentrations (50-2000 ppm). This capacity was reduced when the plasmid was removed, but it did not disappear, implying additional resistance genes on the chromosomes. The antibiotic susceptibility observations supported the significance of plasmid genes in lead resistance ability, the findings revealed differences in the pattern of antibiotic resistance between wild and cure plasmid bacteria, the wild one had different antibiotic MIC values for Nitrofurantoin and Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (<=16 and <=10 µg/ml) respectively), on the other hand for the same antibiotics, the MIC results for plasmid-cured bacteria were 64 and 80 g/ml. Based on the findings, we can conclude that plasmid genes play a significant role in Pediococcus pentosaceus to resist lead, and there is a strong correlation between antibiotic resistance and lead resistance

    The Idea of Death in William Carlos Williams: A Study in Selected Short Poems

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    William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) is a modern American poet, novelist, critic, painter and pediatrician, who  established his literary carrier with the advent of the twentieth century surveying various fields of life with a doctor's eye. He provides the English literature with prolific contributions that bear witness of his impressive ability and comprehensive realization of life as an artist.     Williams reflects numerous salient traits in his works especially in poetry, but his primary concern is the application of naïve good sense and native intelligence to devise the poetic structure that would formalize experiences without deforming them. He says: "let the beat of speech determine the measure; to rinse the language of ornament and encrustation to scrupulously selective but to allow for accident and impingement." 1                Williams, who had been a derivative poet up to at least the age of thirty, became within few years a "remarkably original one. The reason for his striking transformation has never been adequately discussed. It is generally assumed that the change was due to the progressive maturation of Williams' poetic skills."2 Williams affirms the function of art, and of poetry in particular, a new kind of precision, equivalent to scientific method but directed towards obejectivising experience. To do this the" writer according to Mike Weaver, had to become his own reader, a functioning perceiver observing himself in action."3 Williams stated in his letter to John C. Thirwall the new tradition that he had devised to write his poems and how he had become aware of a basic change that affects the way of writing them

    Influence of Using High Volume Fraction of Silica Fume on Mechanical and Durability Properties of Cement Mortar

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    The high pollution caused by CO2 emission and the high level of energy consumed during cement manufacturing led the researchers to look for alternative techniques to reduce these environmental effects. One of these techniques includes reducing the content of cement in the mix by replacing it with supplementary cementitious materials such as fly ash, slag, silica fume, and so on. Many previous studies dealt with the utilizing of the high volume of supplementary cementitious materials, such as fly ash and slag. However, limited studies investigated the impact of silica fume on mortar or concrete properties in percentages of more than 30%. Thus, to produce environmentally friendly concrete, this study was performed to investigate the effect of the high replacement level of cement with silica fume on the properties of cement mortar. Six replacement proportions of silica fume (0%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 70%) were used in this paper. This paper used the flow rate, compressive strength, water absorption, bulk density and volume of permeable voids tests to test the effect of silica fume on different mortar characteristics. The results indicated that the best mixture among all other mixes was found by 50% substitution of silica fume. At this percentage, an enhancement in compressive strength of nearly 83%, 74% and 75% at 7, 28 and 56 days, respectively and an improvement in water absorption resistance by 8% compared to the control mixture were achieved

    Future of clay-based construction materials – A review

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    Sustainability in the manufacture of different construction materials raises many important issues. Nowadays, there is increasing demand for such materials to be produced using environmentally friendly, low energy consuming production methods. This paper presents a review of the current research relating to the use of various production techniques for clay-based construction materials. The techniques which will be reviewed are: blending and stabilising, alkali activation (geopolymerisation) and the use of microwave heating as an innovative sintering, curing and drying method. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique will be discussed. Additionally, a comparison between the environmental and economic aspects of the studied production techniques along with some suggestions to improve the sustainability of different production techniques will be discussed