1,646 research outputs found

    Maternal outcome amongst all deliveries of nullipara in spontaneous labor at term ≥37 weeks at a tertiary health care center in south Gujarat, India

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    Background: Since last one decade there is rising concern over increasing rate of caesarean section in all over world, especially among nulliparous women. The national prevalence of CS in India has modestly increased over the past 25 years. According to data from the National Family Health Survey, the national CS rate in 1992-93 was 2.6% and rose to 17.2% in 2015-16. Study objective was to evaluate fetomaternal outcome of Nullipara >=37wks pregnancy in spontaneous labor. Methods: This prospective observational study was done at Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of New Civil Hospital Surat for 6 months period after official approval from Ethical Committee. Results: In my study 65% subjects had normal vaginal delivery, 34% subjects had cesarean section and 1% had operative vaginal delivery. In comparison between total no. Of ANC visit and postpartum/intrapartum complication p-value is 0.003 which is p <0.05, which is significant, which suggests that women with 4 or less total ANC visits have higher risk of developing postpartum/intrapartum complication than women with more than 4 total ANC visits. Conclusions: The primary caesarean section among nulliparous singleton pregnancy with spontaneous labor is an important contributor to overall caesarean section of the health institute. The main indication for caesarean section were fetal distress, cephalo-pelvic disproportion and meconium stained liquor in early phase of labor. There is need to develop standard clinical protocol for management of these conditions and to promote vaginal delivery in nulliparous singleton pregnancy with spontaneous labor in eligible

    A new algorithm for instantaneous speed and position estimation of surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motors

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    Session 5-5: Motor Drives II: paper 5-5-1This paper describes a patent-pending method that can be used to estimate the speed and position of surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motors (SMPMSM) with cylindrical rotor structure and sinusoidal back emf. The concept involves the use of the power inverter's switching actions and switching current to provide instantaneous real-time information for extracting the speed information. The theory and algorithm are included to explain the proposed concept, which has been verified by simulations on a SMPMSM drive under the control of a sensorless speed control scheme. © 2013 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Status of soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 in knee osteoarthritis among type 2-diabetic postmenopausal women

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    Background: Knee osteoarthritis is the most common form of joint disorder and a leading cause of pain and functional disability among elderly female population.  Type 2-diabetes is frequently reported comorbidity in elderly female patients with knee osteoarthritis. VCAM-1 is emerging as a strong and independent predictor for severe osteoarthritis. VCAM-1 is an inducible cell surface sialo glycoprotein and mediates heterotypic cellular aggregation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the role of soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 at the onset of knee osteoarthritis among type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women.Methods: The present study includes 100 type 2-diabetic female subjects of age above 50 years as cases and 100 normal healthy female age matched individuals as controls. Osteoarthritis of knee was ascertained using the American college of rheumatology classification criteria. Serum soluble VCAM-1 concentration was measured by ELISA method in all 200 subjects. Biochemical parameters-Fasting blood sugar and lipid profile were measured using Mind ray BS-400 and HbA1c was measured by turbidimetric immunoassay method. Statistical analysis was made by student independent sample t-test. Correlation was determined by using spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.Results: Serum level of soluble VCAM-1 was found statistically highly significant (p<0.001) in type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women having early stage of knee osteoarthritis as compared to control healthy subjects. The mean levels of fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, total cholesterol, TG, LDL-C and VLDL-C were also found significantly increased while HDL-C was found significantly decreased in cases as compared to controls.Conclusions: The increased level of soluble VCAM-1 in type 2 diabetic subjects shows active inflammation or cartilage damage. Therefore, it can be used as an early biomarker for osteoarthritis among type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women

    FourierSAT: A Fourier Expansion-Based Algebraic Framework for Solving Hybrid Boolean Constraints

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    The Boolean SATisfiability problem (SAT) is of central importance in computer science. Although SAT is known to be NP-complete, progress on the engineering side, especially that of Conflict-Driven Clause Learning (CDCL) and Local Search SAT solvers, has been remarkable. Yet, while SAT solvers aimed at solving industrial-scale benchmarks in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) have become quite mature, SAT solvers that are effective on other types of constraints, e.g., cardinality constraints and XORs, are less well studied; a general approach to handling non-CNF constraints is still lacking. In addition, previous work indicated that for specific classes of benchmarks, the running time of extant SAT solvers depends heavily on properties of the formula and details of encoding, instead of the scale of the benchmarks, which adds uncertainty to expectations of running time. To address the issues above, we design FourierSAT, an incomplete SAT solver based on Fourier analysis of Boolean functions, a technique to represent Boolean functions by multilinear polynomials. By such a reduction to continuous optimization, we propose an algebraic framework for solving systems consisting of different types of constraints. The idea is to leverage gradient information to guide the search process in the direction of local improvements. Empirical results demonstrate that FourierSAT is more robust than other solvers on certain classes of benchmarks.Comment: The paper was accepted by Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020). V2 (Feb 24): Typos correcte

    Role of the cluster structure of 7^7Li in the dynamics of fragment capture

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    Exclusive measurements of prompt γ\gamma-rays from the heavy-residues with various light charged particles in the 7^7Li + 198^{198}Pt system, at an energy near the Coulomb barrier (E/VbV_b \sim 1.6) are reported. Recent dynamic classical trajectory calculations, constrained by the measured fusion, α\alpha and tt capture cross-sections have been used to explain the excitation energy dependence of the residue cross-sections. These calculations distinctly illustrate a two step process, breakup followed by fusion in case of the capture of tt and α\alpha clusters; whereas for 6^{6}He + pp and 5^{5}He + dd configurations, massive transfer is inferred to be the dominant mechanism. The present work clearly demonstrates the role played by the cluster structures of 7^7Li in understanding the reaction dynamics at energies around the Coulomb barrier.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Letts.

    Open-Retrieval Conversational Question Answering

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    Conversational search is one of the ultimate goals of information retrieval. Recent research approaches conversational search by simplified settings of response ranking and conversational question answering, where an answer is either selected from a given candidate set or extracted from a given passage. These simplifications neglect the fundamental role of retrieval in conversational search. To address this limitation, we introduce an open-retrieval conversational question answering (ORConvQA) setting, where we learn to retrieve evidence from a large collection before extracting answers, as a further step towards building functional conversational search systems. We create a dataset, OR-QuAC, to facilitate research on ORConvQA. We build an end-to-end system for ORConvQA, featuring a retriever, a reranker, and a reader that are all based on Transformers. Our extensive experiments on OR-QuAC demonstrate that a learnable retriever is crucial for ORConvQA. We further show that our system can make a substantial improvement when we enable history modeling in all system components. Moreover, we show that the reranker component contributes to the model performance by providing a regularization effect. Finally, further in-depth analyses are performed to provide new insights into ORConvQA.Comment: Accepted to SIGIR'2

    Performance Evaluation of Reduced Rule Base Fuzzy Logic Controller for Indirect Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive

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    Abstract. This paper investigates the performance of a fuzzy logic speed controller with a reduced rule base for an indirect vector controlled induction motor drive. Generally in the control of complex systems where high performance is required, traditional controllers does not meet the required performance. In this paper a fuzzy logic controller is developed in such a way that it can provide high performance while using lesser rule. The drive is simulated successfully using Simulink/MATLAB. The performance of the drive has been examined under various rigorous working conditions. The Simulation results show that the proposed fuzzy logic controller (FLC) works satisfactorily making the drive more suitable for high performance applications

    Probing pre-formed alpha particles in the ground state of nuclei

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    In this Letter, we report on alpha particle emission through the nuclear break-up in the reaction 40Ca on a 40Ca target at 50A MeV. It is observed that, similarly to nucleons, alpha particles can be emitted to the continuum with very specific angular distribution during the reaction. The alpha particle properties can be understood as resulting from an alpha cluster in the daughter nucleus that is perturbed by the short range nuclear attraction of the collision partner and emitted. A time-dependent theory that describe the alpha particle wave-function evolution is able to reproduce qualitatively the observed angular distribution. This mechanism offers new possibilities to study alpha particle properties in the nuclear medium.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure