271 research outputs found

    Persistence of maternal antibodies to influenza A virus among captive mallards (\u3ci\u3eAnas platyrhynchos\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Wild waterfowl are maintenance hosts of most influenza A virus (IAV) subtypes and are often the subjects of IAV surveillance and transmission models. While maternal antibodies have been detected in yolks and in nestlings for a variety of wild bird species and pathogens, the persistence of maternal antibodies to IAVs in mallard ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos) has not been previously investigated. Nonetheless, this information is important for a full understanding of IAV transmission dynamics because ducklings protected by maternal antibodies may not be susceptible to infection. In this study, we examined the transfer of IAV-specific maternal antibodies to ducklings. Blood samples were collected approximately every five days from ducklings hatched from hens previously infected with an H6 strain of IAV. Serum samples were tested for antibodies to IAV by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The median persistence of maternal antibodies in ducklings was 12.5 days (range: 4-33 days) post-hatch. The majority of ducklings (71%) had detectable maternal antibodies from 4 to 17 days post-hatch, while a small subset of individuals (29%) had detectable maternal antibodies for up to 21-33 days post-hatch. Antibody concentrations in hens near the time of egg laying were correlated with maternal antibody concentrations in the initial blood sample collected from ducklings (0-4 days post-hatch). Knowledge of the duration of maternal antibodies in ducklings will aid in the interpretation of IAV serological surveillance results and in the modeling of IAV transmission dynamics in waterfowl

    Multifactor dimensionality reduction for graphics processing units enables genome-wide testing of epistasis in sporadic ALS

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    Motivation: Epistasis, the presence of gene–gene interactions, has been hypothesized to be at the root of many common human diseases, but current genome-wide association studies largely ignore its role. Multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) is a powerful model-free method for detecting epistatic relationships between genes, but computational costs have made its application to genome-wide data difficult. Graphics processing units (GPUs), the hardware responsible for rendering computer games, are powerful parallel processors. Using GPUs to run MDR on a genome-wide dataset allows for statistically rigorous testing of epistasis

    Direct reaction measurements with a 132Sn radioactive ion beam

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    The (d,p) neutron transfer and (d,d) elastic scattering reactions were measured in inverse kinematics using a radioactive ion beam of 132Sn at 630 MeV. The elastic scattering data were taken in a region where Rutherford scattering dominated the reaction, and nuclear effects account for less than 8% of the cross section. The magnitude of the nuclear effects was found to be independent of the optical potential used, allowing the transfer data to be normalized in a reliable manner. The neutron-transfer reaction populated a previously unmeasured state at 1363 keV, which is most likely the single-particle 3p1/2 state expected above the N=82 shell closure. The data were analyzed using finite range adiabatic wave calculations and the results compared with the previous analysis using the distorted wave Born approximation. Angular distributions for the ground and first excited states are consistent with the previous tentative spin and parity assignments. Spectroscopic factors extracted from the differential cross sections are similar to those found for the one neutron states beyond the benchmark doubly-magic nucleus 208Pb.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Statistical Fluctuations of Electromagnetic Transition Intensities in pf-Shell Nuclei

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    We study the fluctuation properties of E2 and M1 transition intensities among T=0,1 states of A = 60 nuclei in the framework of the interacting shell model, using a realistic effective interaction for pf-shell nuclei with a Ni56 as a core. It is found that the B(E2) distributions are well described by the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices (Porter-Thomas distribution) independently of the isobaric quantum number T_z. However, the statistics of the B(M1) transitions is sensitive to T_z: T_z=1 nuclei exhibit a Porter-Thomas distribution, while a significant deviation from the GOE statistics is observed for self-conjugate nuclei (T_z=0).Comment: 8 pages, latex, 3 figures (ps format

    Universal Predictions for Statistical Nuclear Correlations

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    We explore the behavior of collective nuclear excitations under a multi-parameter deformation of the Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian matrix elements have the form P(Hij)1/Hijexp(Hij/V)P(|H_{ij}|)\propto 1/\sqrt{|H_{ij}|}\exp(-|H_{ij}|/V), with a parametric correlation of the type logH(x)H(y)xy\log \langle H(x)H(y)\rangle\propto -|x-y|. The studies are done in both the regular and chaotic regimes of the Hamiltonian. Model independent predictions for a wide variety of correlation functions and distributions which depend on wavefunctions and energies are found from parametric random matrix theory and are compared to the nuclear excitations. We find that our universal predictions are observed in the nuclear states. Being a multi-parameter theory, we consider general paths in parameter space and find that universality can be effected by the topology of the parameter space. Specifically, Berry's phase can modify short distance correlations, breaking certain universal predictions.Comment: Latex file + 12 postscript figure

    From Regular to Chaotic States in Atomic Nuclei

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    An interesting aspect of nuclear dynamics is the co--existence, in atomic nuclei, of regular and chaotic states. In the first part of the present work, we review the state of the art of nuclear dynamics and use a schematic shell model to show how a very simple and schematic nucleon--nucleon interaction can produce an order\tochaos transition. The second part is devoted to a discussion of the wave function behaviour and decay of chaotic states using some simple models (to be published in Rivista Nuovo Cimento).Comment: 65 pages, LaTex (the figures are not included), Preprint DFPD/94/TH/26, University of Padov

    The magic nature of 132Sn explored through the single-particle states of 133Sn

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    Atomic nuclei have a shell structure where nuclei with 'magic numbers' of neutrons and protons are analogous to the noble gases in atomic physics. Only ten nuclei with the standard magic numbers of both neutrons and protons have so far been observed. The nuclear shell model is founded on the precept that neutrons and protons can move as independent particles in orbitals with discrete quantum numbers, subject to a mean field generated by all the other nucleons. Knowledge of the properties of single-particle states outside nuclear shell closures in exotic nuclei is important for a fundamental understanding of nuclear structure and nucleosynthesis (for example the r-process, which is responsible for the production of about half of the heavy elements). However, as a result of their short lifetimes, there is a paucity of knowledge about the nature of single-particle states outside exotic doubly magic nuclei. Here we measure the single-particle character of the levels in 133Sn that lie outside the double shell closure present at the short-lived nucleus 132Sn. We use an inverse kinematics technique that involves the transfer of a single nucleon to the nucleus. The purity of the measured single-particle states clearly illustrates the magic nature of 132Sn.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures and 4 table

    A unified framework for multi-locus association analysis of both common and rare variants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Common, complex diseases are hypothesized to result from a combination of common and rare genetic variants. We developed a unified framework for the joint association testing of both types of variants. Within the framework, we developed a union-intersection test suitable for genome-wide analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), candidate gene data, as well as medical sequencing data. The union-intersection test is a composite test of association of genotype frequencies and differential correlation among markers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrated by computer simulation that the false positive error rate was controlled at the expected level. We also demonstrated scenarios in which the multi-locus test was more powerful than traditional single marker analysis. To illustrate use of the union-intersection test with real data, we analyzed a publically available data set of 319,813 autosomal SNPs genotyped for 938 cases of Parkinson disease and 863 neurologically normal controls for which no genome-wide significant results were found by traditional single marker analysis. We also analyzed an independent follow-up sample of 183 cases and 248 controls for replication.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We identified a single risk haplotype with a directionally consistent effect in both samples in the gene <it>GAK</it>, which is involved in clathrin-mediated membrane trafficking. We also found suggestive evidence that directionally inconsistent marginal effects from single marker analysis appeared to result from risk being driven by different haplotypes in the two samples for the genes <it>SYN3 </it>and <it>NGLY1</it>, which are involved in neurotransmitter release and proteasomal degradation, respectively. These results illustrate the utility of our unified framework for genome-wide association analysis of common, complex diseases.</p