563 research outputs found

    Characteristics of electrohydrodynamic roll structures in laminar planar Couette flow

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    The behaviour of an incompressible dielectric liquid subjected to a laminar planar Couette flow with unipolar charge injection is investigated numerically in two dimensions. The computations show new morphological characteristics of roll structures that arise in this forced electro-convection problem. The charge and velocity magnitude distributions between the two parallel electrodes are discussed as a function of the top wall velocity and the EHD Rayleigh number, T for the case of strong charge injection. A wide enough parametric space is investigated such that the observed EHD roll structures progress through three regimes. These regimes are defined by the presence of a single or double-roll free convective structure as observed elsewhere (Vazquez et al 2008 J. Phys. D 41 175303), a sheared or stretched roll structure, and finally by a regime where the perpendicular velocity gradient is sufficient to prevent the generation of a roll. These three regimes have been delineated as a function of the wall to ionic drift velocity Uw/kE, and the T number. In the stretched regime, an increase in Uw/kE can reduce charge and momentum fluctuations whilst in parallel de-stratify charge in the region between the two electrodes. The stretched roll regime is also characterised by a substantial influence of Uw/kE on the steady development time, however in the traditional non-stretched roll structure regime, no influence of Uw/kE on the development time is noted

    Reducing of industrial atmospheric emissions using electrocyclone

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    The article is focused on capturing process-related dust at industrial enterprises (in chemical, metallurgical and energy industries). An electrocyclone can be recommended for the purification of gases emitted into the atmosphere from particulates, such as sodium percarbonate (efficiency 97.5%–99.9%), iron-vanadium concentrate (98.0% - 99.9%), fly ash (99.0%–99.9%). However, the fumes from copper-smelting furnaces cannot be purified with high efficiency (less than 50–60%) because of their properties. Using electrocyclone will reduce the amount of aerosol emissions, and in some cases, let the emission reach the values set by standards

    Compact Frequency Estimators in Adversarial Environments

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    Count-Min Sketch (CMS) and HeavyKeeper (HK) are two realizations of a compact frequency estimator (CFE). These are a class of probabilistic data structures that maintain a compact summary of (typically) high-volume streaming data, and provides approximately correct estimates of the number of times any particular element has appeared. CFEs are often the base structure in systems looking for the highest-frequency elements (i.e., top-KK elements, heavy hitters, elephant flows). Traditionally, probabilistic guarantees on the accuracy of frequency estimates are proved under the implicit assumption that stream elements do not depend upon the internal randomness of the structure. Said another way, they are proved in the presence of data streams that are created by non-adaptive adversaries. Yet in many practical use-cases, this assumption is not well-matched with reality; especially, in applications where malicious actors are incentivized to manipulate the data stream. We show that the CMS and HK structures can be forced to make significant estimation errors, by concrete attacks that exploit adaptivity. We analyze these attacks analytically and experimentally, with tight agreement between the two. Sadly, these negative results seem unavoidable for (at least) sketch-based CFEs with parameters that are reasonable in practice. On the positive side, we give a new CFE (Count-Keeper) that can be seen as a composition of the CMS and HK structures. Count-Keeper estimates are typically more accurate (by at least a factor of two) than CMS for ``honest streams; our attacks against CMS and HK are less effective (and more resource intensive) when used against Count-Keeper; and Count-Keeper has a native ability to flag estimates that are suspicious, which neither CMS or HK (or any other CFE, to our knowledge) admits

    The Development of a New Questionnaire to Measure the Burden of Immunoglobulin Treatment in Patients with Primary Immunodeficiencies: The IgBoT-35.

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    Purpose: To describe the development and psychometric testing of a new questionnaire to measure the burden of immunoglobulin treatment (Ig) from the perspective of patients with primary immunodeficiencies (PID). Patients and Methods: An online, cross-sectional survey was administered to PID patients across 10 countries (nine European and Canada) who were receiving either intravenous (IVIg) or subcutaneous (SCIg) immunoglobulin therapy. The range and distribution of the responses (ie, levels of missing data, floor and ceiling effects), exploratory factor analysis (using factor loadings of 0.4 or greater) and measures of internal consistency reliability (ie, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, inter-item and item-total correlations) were used to identify the domain and item pool. Results: In total, 472 patients completed the questionnaire, of which 395 were included in the analysis (32% underwent IVIg and 67% underwent SCIg). The final instrument contained 34 items across eight domains of treatment burden (time, organisation and planning, leisure and social, interpersonal relationships, employment and education, travel, consequences of treatment and emotional) and an additional Ig treatment burden global question at the end of the measure. All the scales achieved good internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha coefficient ranged from 0.70 to 0.85) and, with the exception of one item exceeded the minimum threshold of 0.35 for item-total correlations. Treatment burden was lower than anticipated across the different treatment routes and countries, although overall was more burdensome for patients undergoing IVIg compared to SCIg treatment. Conclusion: The IgBoT-35 appears to be a reliable, patient-generated questionnaire and may help to identify more individualised and preferred therapies for the PID patient when used in clinical practice. A new survey with a sample of US patients is currently being undertaken to further establish its validity and conceptual model. The overall Ig burden of treatment scores appeared to be low. PID patient preferences are important to guide treatment decisions and ensuring patients receive the right treatment at the right time

    In situ arsenic oxidation and sorption by a Fe-Mn binary oxide waste in soil

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    The ability of a Fe-Mn binary oxide waste to adsorb arsenic (As) in a historically contaminated soil was investigated. Initial laboratory sorption experiments indicated that arsenite [As(III)] was oxidized to arsenate [As(V)] by the Mn oxide component, with concurrent As(V) sorption to the Fe oxide. The binary oxide waste had As(III) and As(V) adsorption capacities of 70 mg g−1 and 32 mg g−1 respectively. X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure at the As K-edge confirmed that all binary oxide waste surface complexes were As(V) sorbed by mononuclear bidentate corner-sharing, with 2 Fe at ∼3.27 Ǻ. The ability of the waste to perform this coupled oxidation-sorption reaction in real soils was investigated with a 10% by weight addition of the waste to an industrially As contaminated soil. Electron probe microanalysis showed As accumulation onto the Fe oxide component of the binary oxide waste, which had no As innately. The bioaccessibility of As was also significantly reduced by 7.80% (p < 0.01) with binary oxide waste addition. The results indicate that Fe-Mn binary oxide wastes could provide a potential in situ remediation strategy for As and Pb immobilization in contaminated soils

    Management of pediatric radiation dose using Philips fluoroscopy systems DoseWise: perfect image, perfect sense

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    Although image quality (IQ) is the ultimate goal for accurate diagnosis and treatment, minimizing radiation dose is equally important. This is especially true when pediatric patients are examined, because their sensitivity to radiation-induced cancer is two to three times greater than that of adults. DoseWise is an ALARA-based philosophy within Philips Medical Systems that is active at every level of product design. It encompasses a set of techniques, programs and practices that ensures optimal IQ while protecting people in the X-ray environments. DoseWise methods include management of the X-ray beam, less radiation-on time and more dose information for the operator. Smart beam management provides automatic customization of the X-ray beam spectrum, shape, and pulse frequency. The Philips-patented grid-controlled fluoroscopy (GCF) provides grid switching of the X-ray beam in the X-ray tube instead of the traditional generator switching method. In the examination of pediatric patients, DoseWise technology has been scientifically documented to reduce radiation dose to <10% of the dose of traditional continuous fluoroscopy systems. The result is improved IQ at a significantly lower effective dose, which contributes to the safety of patients and staff

    Cohort study of Western Australia computed tomography utilisation patterns and their policy implications

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    Background: Computed tomography (CT) scanning is a relatively high radiation dose diagnostic imaging modality with increasing concerns about radiation exposure burden at the population level in scientific literature. This study examined the epidemiology of adult CT utilisation in Western Australia (WA) in both the public hospital and private practice settings, and the policy implications. Methods: Retrospective cohort design using aggregate adult CT data from WA public hospitals and Medical Benefits Schedule (MBS) (mid-2006 to mid-2012). CT scanning trends by sex, age, provider setting and anatomical areas were explored using crude CT scanning rates, age-standardised CT scanning rates and Poisson regression modelling. Results: From mid-2006 to mid-2012 the WA adult CT scanning rate was 129 scans per 1,000 person-years (PY). Females were consistently scanned at a higher rate than males. Patients over 65 years presented the highest scanning rates (over 300 scans per 1,000 PY). Private practice accounted for 73% of adult CT scans, comprising the majority in every anatomical area. In the private setting females predominately held higher age-standardised CT scanning rates than males. This trend reversed in the public hospital setting. Patients over 85 years in the public hospital setting were the most likely age group CT scanned in nine of ten anatomical areas. Patients in the private practice setting aged 85+ years were relatively less prominent across every anatomical area, and the least likely age group scanned in facial bones and multiple areas CT scans.Conclusion: In comparison to the public hospital setting, the MBS subsidised private sector tended to service females and relatively younger patients with a more diverse range of anatomical areas, constituting the majority of CT scans performed in WA. Patient risk and subsequent burden is greater for females, lower ages and some anatomical areas. In the context of a national health system, Australia has various avenues to monitor radiation exposure levels, improve physician training and modify funding mechanisms to ensure individual and population medical radiation exposure is as low as reasonably achievable


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    The Urals is an industrially developed region of the Russian Federation. More than 1, 500 enterprises representing the mining, metallurgical, energy and other industries are found in the Urals. This neighbourhood cannot but affect the environment [1]. The Urals is one of Russia’s leading regions in terms of environmental pollution (including air emissions) [2]. Electrocyclone is a combined dust collector that combines the centrifugal and electrostatic effects for aerosol cleaning [3]. The diagram of it is shown in Figure 1. An electrocyclone consists of a body 1, snails with an inlet 2, the central tube 3, a corona system 4, an exhaust pipe 5 and a hopper 6.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant # 19-53-55002)