991 research outputs found

    Insulin-induced endothelial cell proliferation and viability in stretched murine skin and cell culture

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    We developed a novel in vivo model utilizing acute stretch to investigate endothelial cell (EC) proliferation as a marker of vascular growth in healing SKH1 mouse skin. We also used human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) as an in vitro model system to validate postulated tissue insulin-mediated signal transduction pathway(s) using paradigms that would prove lethal in the animal model.;Dorsal distally based flaps of skin were stretched for 3 min using linear (skin hook) plus hemispherical load cycling (inflated subcutaneous silicone catheter). Unstretched, wounded skin along the back and sternum served as postoperative controls. Laser Doppler flowmetry demonstrated a three-fold increase in flap perfusion at postoperative day 7. A stretch-induced six-fold increase in EC mitogenesis accompanied enhancements in blood flow and extracorporal wound healing over the sternum. Western blots revealed up-regulation/activation of insulin and mitogenic signaling intermediates in stretched skin. Activated insulin and insulin growth factor receptors (pIR/pIGFR), protein kinase B (Akt, pAkt), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (flk-1) were among the identified stretch-responsive intermediates. These results indicated the benefits of acute stretch are mediated through enhanced vascularity as evidenced by EC mitogenesis and up-regulation/activation of insulin and key angiogenic effectors in dorsal distally based skin flaps

    Productivity levels of some Iowa soils

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    This report presents crop yield estimates for corn, soybeans, oats, and hay on 290 selected soil types and phases. These yield estimates are believed attainable as a 5-year average with the technology available in 1971 and average weather conditions.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/specialreports/1063/thumbnail.jp

    What About Continuous Corn?

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    Interest in continuous corn in Iowa has been g rowing for several years. And increasing numbers of farmers have been trying it out on their own. Here\u27s a report on the results of our Iowa tests with continuous corn

    Improve Your Subsoil Moisture for Higher Yields

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    Moisture is becoming an increasingly important factor in crop production. ISU studies show farmers can save moisture for an upcoming corn crop by killing out a meadow crop early in the last year of a rotation

    Different Cropping Systems Require Different Amounts and Kinds of Fertilizers

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    With increasing concern about pollution, it is important that fertilizers not be used in excess. Results of a series of ISU studies provide guidelines for proper fertilizer rates

    Evolution of the Level lnterfluvial Divides on the Kansan Till Plain in Iowa and Missouri

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss and evaluate various alternative hypotheses concerning the evolution of the level interfluvial divides on the Kansan Till plain in southern Iowa and northern Missouri. About four-fifths of the plain is dissected (3), but the undissected remnants have an almost flat surface. In contrast to this the undissected portion of the much younger surfaces of the Mankato and Cary till plains have an undulating topography with numerous closed depressions and isolated low knolls

    Simultaneous IUE, EXOSAT and optical observations of the unusual AM Her type variable H058+608

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    Simultaneous observations of the AM Her type variable H0538+608 made with IUE, EXOSAT, and a 1.3 m ground based telescope, and subsequent optical spectrophotometry at high and low resolution are discussed. The X-ray and optical data show clear evidence of a 3.30 + or - 0.03 hr period. Three SWP spectra were taken outside of eclipse and during overlapping phase intervals. The UV spectra contain strong emission lines characteristic of this class of objects and a flat continuum which appears to be deficient, given the brightness of source at optical and X-ray wavelengths. There is evidence for intensity variations in emission lines, particularly C IV. The X-ray light curves for H0538+608 reveal behavior which may be related to irregularities in its accretion flow

    Soil and Crop Management Practices for Iowa - Part II: Corn and Soybeans

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    Soil and crop management practices for oats and meadow appeared in the January issue of Iowa Farm Science. This second section by the same authors deals with soil and crop management practices for corn and soybeans

    Soil and Crop Management Practices for Iowa - Part I: Oats and Meadows

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    We believe you now have a greater latitude and more alternatives in soil and crop management than was thought possible even 5 years ago. But to obtain highest yields, these management practices may be more exacting than was previously believed to be true