
Simultaneous IUE, EXOSAT and optical observations of the unusual AM Her type variable H058+608


Simultaneous observations of the AM Her type variable H0538+608 made with IUE, EXOSAT, and a 1.3 m ground based telescope, and subsequent optical spectrophotometry at high and low resolution are discussed. The X-ray and optical data show clear evidence of a 3.30 + or - 0.03 hr period. Three SWP spectra were taken outside of eclipse and during overlapping phase intervals. The UV spectra contain strong emission lines characteristic of this class of objects and a flat continuum which appears to be deficient, given the brightness of source at optical and X-ray wavelengths. There is evidence for intensity variations in emission lines, particularly C IV. The X-ray light curves for H0538+608 reveal behavior which may be related to irregularities in its accretion flow

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