553 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the work was to determine the critical points and to investigate the kinetics of the decomposition of supercooled austenite with the continuous cooling of low-alloy steels for wheels with chromium, nickel and microalloyed with vanadium and molybdenum, for the purposeful development of heat treatment regimes that would increase their durability

    Hibernating bat species of Belarus: results of the work of the Minsk bat contact centre

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    Bat contact centres are organizations that exist in a number of countries and are engaged in popularization work, informational support for people facing bats, as well as rehabilitation and temporary maintenance of animals threatened with death during hibernation period. The data obtained during the activity of Minsk bat-contact centre during winter periods of 2007–2016 are presented in the article. In total, 108 hibernating specimens and 5 colonies of 6 species (V. murinus, N. noctula, E. nilssonii, E. serotinus, P. auritus, and P. kuhlii) were registered for 18 localities of Belarus. The dominant among the registered hibernating bats is V. murinus. At the same time, the expansion of the wintering range is shown for V. murinus, N. noctula, and P. kuhlii. The dynamics of the species registrations during the period of the activity of the Centre, as well as during the period of hibernation, are presented. The results of the Centre’s work show the high efficiency of such organizations for the monitoring of fauna and accumulation of scientific information.Контакт-центри по кажанам — товариства, які існують у низці країн і займаються популяризацією та інформуванням людей, які зіштовхнулися з рукокрилими, а також реабілітацією та зимовим утримуванням тварин, що знаходяться під загрозою загибелі впродовж гібернаційного періоду. У статті наведено дані, отримані Мінським контакт-центром щодо рукокрилим впродовж 2007–2017 рр. Всього відмічено 108 зимуючих особин та 5 колоній кажанів 6 видів (V. murinus, N. noctula, E. nilssonii, E. serotinus, P. auritus, P. kuhlii) з 18 населених пунктів Білорусії. Домінуючим у структурі зимуючих видів є лилик двоколірний. В той же час відмічено розширення зимівельного ареалу для трьох видів — V. murinus, N. noctula та P. kuhlii. Наведено як багаторічну, так і сезонну динаміку реєстрації тварин. Результати роботи Центру демонструють високу ефективність подібних центрів у моніторингу фауни і накопиченню наукової інформації

    Peculiarities of spectra of induced emission of polymethine dye solutions at low temperatures

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    Results from studying the induced emission spectra with monochromatic excitation (superluminescent regime) within a temperature range of 300 K - 5.2 K are presented. The significant feature of such operations is the appearance of quasi-lines whose minimum width is realized at 4.2 K. The frequency distribution of the quasi-lines unambiguously characterizes the dye investigated. When interpreting these results, the idea of an inhomogeneous broadening of the polymethine dye spectra in the solution being studied experimentally was used for the first time. The quasi-lines observed are interpreted as a manifestation of the electron vibration structure of singlet states of a complex molecule

    The role of human resources on the economy: a study of the Balkan eu member states

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    In this paper we analyze the impact of the quality of human capital on the main economic indicators of South-Eastern Europe countries [SEE] at the NUTS 2 level. The subjects of this research are the human capital indicators of regional competitiveness. The quality of human capital depends largely on the age structure of the population and the quality of education. Those regions, which have the highest percentage of the working-age population and highly educated people, are able to achieve higher productivity and gain a competitive advantage over other regions. As main indicators of the quality of human capital we identified: population; persons aged 25-64 with tertiary education attainment; students in tertiary education and participation of adults aged 25-64 in education and training and human resources in science and technology. As main economic indicators, we identified: regional gross domestic product; employment and income of households. The aim of this paper is to determine whether there is a correlation between the indicators of the quality of human capital and economic indicators. As a main methodology we have used the correlation coefficient which shows interdependence of the analyzed indicators. As part of our analysis, we consider only EU member states that belong to the SEE countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. We conclude that in all countries there is a high multiple correlation coefficient between the indicators human resources in science and technology, number of students and employment.This paper is the result of the project No. 47007 III funded by the Ministry for Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia

    Diagnostic of contradictions between institutional practices of social engineering in the Sverdlovsk region and intersectoral cooperation participant’s expectations

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    В рамках статьи представлены результаты экспертного опроса представителей органов государственной власти (грантодателей), некоммерческих организаций и непосредственных потребителей социальных услуг. Выявлены противоречия между институциональной практикой социального проектирования в Свердловской области и ожиданиями участников межсекторного взаимодействия.The article presents the results of the expert survey of public authorities (funders), nonprofit organizations, and consumers of social services. The article gives an attempt to find contradictions between the institutional practice of social engineering in the Sverdlovsk region and cross-sector collaboration participant’s expectations.Работа выполнена за счет средств субсидии, выделенной общественной молодежной организации «Свердловская областная организация Российского союза молодежи» из Свердловского областного бюджета (Договор № Н 803.210.001/13)

    Influence of summer temperatures on basic economic and tourism indicators of the middle mediterranean

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    The Middle Mediterranean is characterized by long, hot, and dry summers, significant historical and cultural values, and the warm Mediterranean sea, making it attractive for coastal tourism. Given these characteristics, the goal of our paper is to analyze the influence of summer temperatures in the region of the Middle Mediterranean on the values of underlying economic and tourism indicators. The method of simple linear correlation and regression was used. Based on the results of testing, we came to the conclusion that the temperatures in the summer months have no significant influence on selected economic and tourism indicators. Also, we conclude that social factors have the greatest influence on these indicators. The coefficients of variation are calculated in the observed period to analyze the variability of the tested values. It could not be identified a statistically significant relationship of indicators with summer temperatures