5,448 research outputs found
Thermal Characteristics of Douglas-Fir Bark Fiber—25 C to 250 C
To determine if extractives control the thermal properties of Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] bark fiber at lower temperatures and limit its utility for reinforcing plastic, fiber and its extractives were subjected to differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analyses. In addition, the amount and composition of volatiles were measured as a function of temperature and fiber recovery process.Heating bark fiber to 250 C yielded water and carbon dioxide as the major volatiles, the amounts increasing disproportionately as the extractive content of the fiber increased. Because the extractives were thermally less stable than the fiber wall, recovering bark fiber of low extractive content by pressurized refining reduced volatilization more than fiber recovery by atmospheric refining or alkali extraction
Superconductivity and Cobalt Oxidation State in Metastable Na(x)CoO(2-delta)*yH2O (x ~ 1/3; y ~ 4x)
We report the synthesis and superconducting properties of a metastable form
of the known superconductor NaxCoO2*yH2O (x ~ 1/3, y ~ 4x). Instead of using
the conventional bromine-acetonitrile mixture for sodium deintercalation, we
use an aqueous bromine solution. Using this method, we oxidize the sample to a
point that the sodium cobaltate becomes unstable, leading to formation of other
products if not controlled. This compound has the same structure as the
reported superconductor, yet it exhibits a systematic variation of the
superconducting transition temperature (Tc) as a function of time. Immediately
after synthesis, this compound is not a superconductor, even though it contains
appropriate amounts of sodium and water. The samples become superconducting
with low Tc values after ~ 90 h. Tc continually increases until it reaches a
maximum value (4.5 K) after about 260 h. Then Tc drops drastically, becoming
non-superconducting approximately 100 h later. Corresponding time-dependent
neutron powder diffraction data shows that the changes in superconductivity
exhibited by the metastable cobaltate correspond to slow formation of oxygen
vacancies in the CoO2 layers. In effect, the formation of these defects
continually reduces the cobalt oxidation state causing the sample to evolve
through its superconducting life cycle. Thus, the dome-shaped superconducting
phase diagram is mapped as a function of cobalt oxidation state using a single
sample. The width of this dome based on the formal oxidation state of cobalt is
very narrow - approximately 0.1 valence units wide. Interestingly, the maximum
Tc in NaxCoO2*yH2O occurs when the cobalt oxidation state is near 3.5. Thus, we
speculate that the maximum Tc occurs near the charge ordered insulating state
that correlates with the average cobalt oxidation state of 3.5.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl
PHOENIX model chromospheres of mid- to late-type M dwarfs
We present semi-empirical model chromospheres computed with the atmosphere
code PHOENIX. The models are designed to fit the observed spectra of five mid-
to late-type M dwarfs. Next to hydrogen lines from the Balmer series we used
various metal lines, e. g. from Fe {\sc i}, for the comparison between data and
models. Our computations show that an NLTE treatment of C, N, O impacts on the
hydrogen line formation, while NLTE treatment of less abundant metals such as
nickel influences the lines of the considered species itself. For our coolest
models we investigated also the influence of dust on the chromospheres and
found that dust increases the emission line flux.
Moreover we present an (electronically published) emission line list for the
spectral range of 3100 to 3900 and 4700 to 6800 \AA for a set of 21 M dwarfs
and brown dwarfs. The line list includes the detection of the Na {\sc i} D
lines in emission for a L3 dwarf.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figure
Finite Thurston type orderings on dual braid monoids
For a finite Thurston type ordering < of the braid group B_{n}, we introduce
a new normal form of a dual positive braid which we call the C-normal form.
This normal form extends Fromentin's rotating normal form and the author's
C-normal form of positive braids. Using the C-normal form, we give a
combinatorial description of the restriction of the ordering < to the dual
braid monoids B_{n}^{+*}. We prove that the restriction to the dual positive
monoid (B_{n}^{+*},<) is a well-ordered set of order type
\omega^{\omega^{n-2}}.Comment: 28pages, 5 figure
NLTE Strontium and Barium in metal poor red giant stars
We present atmospheric models of red giant stars of various metallicities,
including extremely metal poor (XMP, [Fe/H]<-3.5) models, with many chemical
species, including, significantly, the first two ionization stages of Strontium
(Sr) and Barium (Ba), treated in Non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (NLTE)
with various degrees of realism. We conclude that 1) for all lines that are
useful Sr and Ba abundance diagnostics the magnitude and sense of the computed
NLTE effect on the predicted line strength is metallicity dependent, 2) the
indirect NLTE effect of overlap between Ba and Sr transitions and transitions
of other species that are also treated in NLTE non-negligibly enhances NLTE
abundance corrections for some lines, 3) the indirect NLTE effect of NLTE
opacity of other species on the equilibrium structure of the atmospheric model
is not significant, 4) the computed NLTE line strengths differ negligibly if
collisional b-b and b-f rates are an order of magnitude smaller or larger than
those calculated with standard analytic formulae, and 5) the effect of NLTE
upon the resonance line of Ba II at 4554.03 AA is independent of whether that
line is treated with hyperfine splitting. As a result, the derivation of
abundances of Ba and Sr for metal-poor red giant stars with LTE modeling that
are in the literature should be treated with caution.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in April 2006
Astrophysical Journa
Actions of the braid group, and new algebraic proofs of results of Dehornoy and Larue
This article surveys many standard results about the braid group with
emphasis on simplifying the usual algebraic proofs.
We use van der Waerden's trick to illuminate the Artin-Magnus proof of the
classic presentation of the algebraic mapping-class group of a punctured disc.
We give a simple, new proof of the Dehornoy-Larue braid-group trichotomy,
and, hence, recover the Dehornoy right-ordering of the braid group.
We then turn to the Birman-Hilden theorem concerning braid-group actions on
free products of cyclic groups, and the consequences derived by Perron-Vannier,
and the connections with the Wada representations. We recall the very simple
Crisp-Paris proof of the Birman-Hilden theorem that uses the Larue-Shpilrain
technique. Studying ends of free groups permits a deeper understanding of the
braid group; this gives us a generalization of the Birman-Hilden theorem.
Studying Jordan curves in the punctured disc permits a still deeper
understanding of the braid group; this gave Larue, in his PhD thesis,
correspondingly deeper results, and, in an appendix, we recall the essence of
Larue's thesis, giving simpler combinatorial proofs.Comment: 51`pages, 13 figure
Equilibration of isolated macroscopic quantum systems
We investigate the equilibration of an isolated macroscopic quantum system in
the sense that deviations from a steady state become unmeasurably small for the
overwhelming majority of times within any sufficiently large time interval. The
main requirements are that the initial state, possibly far from equilibrium,
exhibits a macroscopic population of at most one energy level and that
degeneracies of energy eigenvalues and of energy gaps (differences of energy
eigenvalues) are not of exceedingly large multiplicities. Our approach closely
follows and extends recent works by Short and Farrelly [2012 New J. Phys. 14
013063], in particular going beyond the realm of finite-dimensional systems and
large effective dimensions.Comment: 19 page
UV excess measures of accretion onto young very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs
Low-resolution spectra from 3000-9000 AA of young low-mass stars and brown
dwarfs were obtained with LRIS on Keck I. The excess UV and optical emission
arising in the Balmer and Paschen continua yields mass accretion rates ranging
from 2e-12 to 1e-8 Mo/yr. These results are compared with {\it HST}/STIS
spectra of roughly solar-mass accretors with accretion rates that range from
2e-10 to 5e-8 Mo/yr. The weak photospheric emission from M-dwarfs at <4000 A
leads to a higher contrast between the accretion and photospheric emission
relative to higher-mass counterparts. The mass accretion rates measured here
are systematically 4-7 times larger than those from H-alpha emission line
profiles, with a difference that is consistent with but unlikely to be
explained by the uncertainty in both methods. The accretion luminosity
correlates well with many line luminosities, including high Balmer and many He
I lines. Correlations of the accretion rate with H-alpha 10% width and line
fluxes show a large amount of scatter. Our results and previous accretion rate
measurements suggest that accretion rate is proportional to M^(1.87+/-0.26) for
accretors in the Taurus Molecular Cloud.Comment: 13 pages text, 15 tables, 14 figures. Accepted by Ap
Feasibility of the Target Aerobic Movement Test in Children and Adolescents with Spina Bifida
The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of the Target Aerobic Movement Test (TAMT)’ in a group of children and adolescents with spina bifida (n = 32). Thirty-two children (11 subjects-thoracic lesion, 21 subjects-lumbar lesion) volunteered for the study. Results indicated there were no significant differences in the proportion of subjects who passed Test 1 or Test 2 (p \u3e .05). Twenty-seven out of 28 eligible subjects (96%) on Test 1 and 25 of 27 eligible subjects (93%) on Test 2 met the criteria for successful completion of the TAMT. The TAMT appears to be a reliable and feasible test for measuring aerobic behavior in children and adolescents with spina bifida. Future research should focus on studying the feasibility of the TAMT with other populations with disabilities and to also determine if the test can become a more refined discriminator of aerobic behavior and aerobic capacity
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